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1. 請說明鐘擺式航線之經營特性及其取代環球航線之原因。
1.Please explain the operating characteristics of the pendulum route and the reasons for
replacing the global route.
利用軸心港為轉運 中心構成棋盤式或軸驅狀網路,並可配合內陸運輸、集貨船等來充裕貨
源。 並降低單位運輸成本,及提高競爭力。
Use the axis port as the transshipment center to form a checkerboard or axis-driven network,
and cooperate with inland transportation and cargo ships to enrich the supply of goods. And
reduce unit transportation costs, and improve competitiveness.
在 1990 年代後期,航商為節省單位運送成本,建造眾多之 5,000TEU 至 6,000TEU,甚至
8,000TEU 之超巴拿馬極限型(Post-Panamax)貨櫃船加入營運,此種貨櫃船因無法通過巴拿馬
運河( Panama Canal),
In the late 1990s, in order to save unit transportation costs, shipping companies built a large
number of 5,000TEU to 6,000TEU, and even 8,000TEU Post-Panamax container ships to join the
operation, because such container ships cannot pass through the Panama Canal ( Panama
2. 請說明貨櫃運輸之特性及效益。

2.Please explain the characteristics and benefits of container transportation.


The characteristics of the container transportation system are summarized as follows:


(1) The operation is simplified and the transportation responsibility is single-minded.

貨櫃運輸簡化所有文件 及作業,且可簽發聯還載貨證券(Through Bill of Lading),使運送人責任專一


Container transportation simplifies all documents and operations, and can issue a through bill of lading,
so that the responsibility of the carrier is focused.


(2) Fast Shipping

化零星貨為整構,使裝船、卸船之速度提高,船舶在港內滯留時間大為減少。 故可提高船舶週轉

Turning sporadic cargo into an integrated structure increases the speed of loading and unloading and
greatly reduces the time the ship stays in the port. Therefore, it can increase the turnover rate of ships
and reduce operating costs


(3) Reduced chances of goods being damaged and locked up

Container transportation is to pack the goods into the container and seal them, so that the goods are
not exposed and the number of workers’ handling is reduced.


(4) Reduced packaging costs

貨櫃運輸之貨物包裝,不需如傳統運輸之特別加固,包裝材料及人工費 用節省,亦可間接減輕相關

The packaging of goods transported in containers does not require special reinforcement like traditional
transportation, saving packaging materials and labor costs, and indirectly reducing related costs.


(5) Savings on cargo insurance costs


After the containerization, the damage or short loss rate is reduced, the claims are reduced, and the
insurance premium can be saved


(6) The transportation control system is easy to control by computer


Due to the containerized transportation system, the control can be carried out in units of containers or
the container number can be used as a control index to query cargo dynamics and electronic document


(7) Standardization of specifications of containers and work tools:


(8) Easy to arrange multimodal transport and transshipment


(9) Capital-intensive industries

3. 依所裝貨物種類區分主要之貨櫃種類有機?

3.According to the type of goods loaded, distinguish the main types of containers? Organic?

a. 乾貨櫃(Dry Cargo Container)

b.笨重貨物貨櫃(Heavy Cargo Container)

c.冷凍貨櫃/冷藏貨櫃(Reefer Container)
d. 平板貨櫃(Flat Rack Container)/平台貨櫃(Flat Bed Container)

e.汽車貨櫃(Automobile Container)

f.全液體貨欄(Tank Container)

g.散裝貨櫃(Bulk Cargo Container)

h.牲查貨櫃(Animal Container)

4. 請列出與我國有關之主要定期貨櫃航線及其主要停靠港口。

4.Please list the main regular container shipping lines related to my country and their main ports of


1. Northeast Asia route. Including South Korea (Busan, Gwangyang and other ports) and Japan
(Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka-Kobe, Moji and Hakata and other ports).

2. 東南亞航線。包括:菲律賓(馬尼拉)、泰國(曼谷) 印尼(雅加達、泗水等港),新加坡·越南(胡志
明市及海防等港)、馬來西亞(Tanjung Pelepas 等港)

2. Southeast Asian routes. Including: Philippines (Manila), Thailand (Bangkok), Indonesia (Jakarta,
Surabaya and other ports), Singapore, Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City and Haiphong and other ports),
Malaysia (Tanjung Pelepas and other ports)


3. Hong Kong route, the source of goods on the Hong Kong route is mainly re-exported to the
southern China region of the mainland.

4.中國大陸航線。兩岸海運直航台灣開放 11 個港口(含 5 個小三通港口)大陸開放 63 個港口 但


4. Mainland China routes. 11 ports (including 5 small three-link ports) opened to Taiwan for cross-
strait direct shipping, and 63 ports opened to mainland China, but not every port has actual
performance of direct flights

5.南亞航線,包括:印度(孟買·馬德拉斯·加爾各答、科欽等港) 巴基斯坦(喀拉理港)、斯里蘭卡(可

5. South Asian routes, including: India (Mumbai, Madras, Calcutta, Cochin and other ports),
Pakistan (Kalali Port), Sri Lanka (Colombo Port), Bangladesh Port, etc.


6.Persian Gulf routes, including: Dammam Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Port Sudan, etc.

7. New Zealand-Australia route, including Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and other ports)
and New Zealand (Auckland, Wellington and other ports).

5. 世界三大洋航線為何?其主要港口有哪些?

5. are the world's three ocean routes? What are their main ports?

1. The alliance

HMM,YML,ONE,Hapag Lloyd

2. Ocean Alliance



Maersk,MSC,ZIM not

6. 何謂多式聯運,其主要效益為何?多式聯運與物流有何差異?

6.What is multimodal transport and what are its main benefits? What is the difference between
multimodal transport and logistics?

多式聯運(Multimodal Transport/Combined Transport)又稱複合運送將貨物由出發地經由二種以

上之運輸工具(如船舶及拖車或鐵路列車等)運送至目《的地,貨櫃運輸貨櫃及其運送機具 之標

Multimodal Transport (Multimodal Transport/Combined Transport), also known as composite

transport, transports goods from the departure point to the destination through more than two
means of transport (such as ships and trailers or railway trains, etc.), container transport containers
and their transport equipment The standardization (such as cranes, racks, etc.) makes it possible to
arrange multimodal transport in a low-cost and high-efficiency way

7. 海空聯運之可行性如何?請以高雄港及小港機場、新加坡、杜拜、西雅 圖、溫哥華及邁阿
7.What is the feasibility of sea-air combined transport? Please take Kaohsiung Port and Xiaogang
Airport, Singapore, Dubai, Seattle, Vancouver and Miami as examples to analyze.

8. 請說明北美陸橋運輸之種類及方式。

1.遠洋定期航運公司調整運價之時機及方式如何?並請說明調漲還價時應考 慮哪些因素?

1. What is the timing and method for the ocean-going regular shipping company to adjust the freight
rate? And please explain what factors should be considered when raising the price?
對於運價之訂定、調整,以及對成本控制,皆 應有適當之策略及詳細之執行計畫,並應透過績效評估,
不斷修正其訂價及 成本控制策略、執行計畫或方案。

Regular shipping companies should have appropriate strategies and detailed implementation plans for
the setting and adjustment of freight rates, as well as cost control, and should constantly revise their
pricing and cost control strategies through performance evaluation, Execute a plan or program.

2. 請列這貨櫃船隊之營運成本有那些,依固定,半變動,變動成本分類加以 叙述。

2. Please list the operating costs of this container fleet, and describe them according to the classification
of fixed, semi-variable and variable costs.

1.Fixed costs/running costs

Capital cost,Ship maintenance and operating costs(crew costs, maintenance and repair costs,stores and
equipment costs,administration costs,insurance costs,lubricating oil costs.

2. Semi-variable costs

Port expenses,canal toll,bunkers expenses,water expenses

3.Variable costs

Stevedoring expenses,container handling expenses,transshipment and inland haulage

expenses,commission and agency fee.

3. 運價穩定協定(或 Discussion Agreement) 對定期航運運價制定之影響有 不同?

3. The tariff stabilization agreement (or Discussion Agreement) has an impact on the formulation of
regular shipping tariffs Different?

4. 個別客戶之對艙位需求彈性與運價制定政策有何關係?

4. What is the relationship between the elasticity of individual customers’ demand for shipping space
and the freight rate formulation policy?

5. 如何從 Position (Cost) Market (Current Rate) & Niches (Absolute Advantage) 來看 Tramp Shipping &
Liner Shipping 市場之最適當運價。

5. How to see the most appropriate freight rate in Tramp Shipping & Liner Shipping market from
Position (Cost) Market (Current Rate) & Niches (Absolute Advantage).


6. Please explain what kind of strategy regular airlines should adopt to achieve the goal of increasing
revenue and reducing expenditure.
Freight all Kinds is a pricing system that combines different classes of shipments into a given

All in freight is a Freight rate includes all costs associated with a particular shipment, no surcharges apply

GRA general rate adjustment is basically an adjustment of freight rates across all or specific trade routes
during a specific time frame

Terminal Handling Charges are fees collected from terminal authorities at different ports for the services
they provide.

Deregulation is the removal of regulations or restrictions, especially in a particular industry.

Tariff a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is the independent federal agency responsible for regulating
the U.S. international ocean transportation system for the benefit of U.S.

Service contract is A business agreement between a contractor and customer covering the maintenance
and servicing of equipment over a specified period.

Time/volume rate

OSRA 1998 allowed alliance member shipping companies to follow suit, which allowed alliance member
shipping companies to order with shippers.

Inland Haulage Charges are the transportation costs incurred when moving freight from a seaport of
loading to an inland container freight station,

Surcharges an additional charge or payment

The currency adjustment factor (CAF) is a surcharge levied in addition to freight and customs charges on
imports from certain Asian countries

Bunker surcharge or BAF refers to the floating part of sea freight charges which represents additions due
to oil prices.

Canal toll a place on a canal where a fee was collected as boats carrying cargo passed.

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