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19 Best Lead Magnet

Examples To Help You

Convert Leads Like Crazy
[Updated For 2021]
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By Matt Ackerson — Get free updates on

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Remember those times of yore when

you were a happy kid playing with all
your fun toys in your bedroom
looking forward to going to school the
next day?

At school, you would wait hour after

hour, longing for that sweet sound to
ring—the bell! Because let’s face it,
the best part about school wasn’t
about being in a classroom—it was all
about the fun.

And when you were (!nally) free to

play in the playground, you would run
around looking for someone to play

Remember that special kid in your

classroom you would proudly call
your best friend or BFFAE (Best
Friends Forever And Ever… you

You would start playing with him

until… you saw a toy he had that you
wanted—and then needed.

Maybe it was the latest G.I. Joe that

you asked Santa for, but he forgot in
his sled. Or maybe it wasn’t a toy at
all. Maybe it was that delicious candy
bar that your mother would never,
ever let you have, no matter how
much you begged her…

And there it was! Right there—in the

hands of one of your favorite people
in the world.

So you asked your BFFAE if you could

have a piece of it. Because hey, that’s
what BFFAEs do, right? They share!

But instead of letting you in on a bit of

the joy, he would say, “No! It’s mine!”.

Then, he would start bribing you to

keep you interested in whatever he
had in his Ninja Turtles backpack.

The same thing happens with lead


Your website visitors come to your

site, see something they like but wait
for you to o"er them a taste of it…

If you don’t o"er anything to

prospects, they might never try your
products at all.

You must bribe them and o"er them a

taste of whatever they are interested
in so they can become your
customers (or your BFFAEs).

Now, let’s take a look at 19 high-

converting examples of lead magnets
from successful businesses. You can
use them for bribing your own
audience and start converting leads
like crazy.

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of time and “AutoGrow” your
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Digital Marketer
A swipe !le is a compilation of
templates and di"erent resources
that you might want to swipe and
refer back to it later. Landing page
copy, emails, blog posts, sales letters,

Digital Marketer is a digital marketing

membership website that o"ers a
variety of info products and a private
login area for paying members.

For a prospect to download their

swipe !le, they’re !rst sent to a
simple landing page where the swipe
!le resource is advertised. After
clicking the orange call-to-action
button, the visitor is immediately
shown a pop-up opt-in box asking
them for their name and email

After the visitor opts in, they are then

redirected to an upsell page, and the
link to download the !le is sent via

This lead magnet works because

Digital Marketer actually saw a 69.6%
conversion rate during 14 days of
sending a swipe !le-related email
campaign to their email list.

By the way, they also used paid ads to

drive those leads. Just in case you’re
thinking you’ll copy this example and
BOOM, get the same numbers right
away like magic.

Another reason why this lead magnet

works is people love examples of how
to do anything, especially if it removes
some of the guesswork from their
jobs. Having 72 proven headlines to
draw from when creating social media
posts—that’s a no-brainer. Even I
want to sign up for that swipe !le.


Wild Apricot
Wild Apricot is an online membership
management platform and web-
based software.

When prospects visit their site, they’ll

notice the prominent 30-day free
trial o"er to try their software.

After clicking the yellow button on the

homepage, prospects will be asked to
sign up and to put in their email
address along with their organization
name and type. After completing the
form, prospects get to enjoy a 30-day
free trial.

Associations, non-pro!ts, and clubs

use Wild Apricot to manage their
members. They also help avoid
unnecessary complexity like needing
Microsoft Excel or a mishmash of
third-party plug-ins to manage data.

This lead magnet works because

signing up for Wild Apricot is simple.
That simplicity is everywhere, from
the homepage design to the above-
the-fold o"er. And not requesting
credit card info gives prospects peace
of mind too.


Smart Marketer
Smart Marketer is an e-commerce
digital training program designed by
Ezra Firestone.

When a prospect shows they’re about

to exit Smart Marketer’s website by
moving their mouse up to the back or
exit button, they’re greeted by an exit-
intent pop-up. This box o"ers the
site’s visitors the exact system this
company used to catapult their
eCommerce brand to $70.5M in sales
in the last 4 years.

Prospects only have to enter their

email address to access the training.

This lead magnet works because the

training is packed full of valuable
lessons on how to scale to 8 !gures
with project management. It also
works because the exit-intent pop-up
is shown when the user is about to
leave your website. It displays a
widget encouraging the prospect not
to leave and to download the training

Some might think that exit-intent pop-

ups are annoying, but they actually
perform well. In fact, adding an exit
pop-up can “save” 10 to 15% of lost
visitors, according to Conversion

It’s essential to be cautious with this

strategy, as it can easily tarnish your
brand if done too aggressively.


List Goal

List Goal is a free software tool to get

more email subscribers on your email
list and to monitor email lists’

Their lead magnet o"er is a software

tool. This is a popular type of lead
magnet because everyone wants to
know what software and tools the
pros and experts use.

To use List Goal, you !rst need to sign

up. Then, plug in whichever email tool
you’re using and integrate it. List Goal
will then be installed via your Google
Chrome browser.

After installation, whenever you open

a new tab on Google Chrome, you’ll
see your goal, front and center. You
can then track your daily subscribers
that are joining your email list and
your overall progress towards your
overarching goal.

This lead magnet works because it’s

simple to use. Also, your list-building
goal remains at the forefront on a
day-to-day basis, and you can see a
direct cause-and-e"ect relationship
play out each day.

For example, maybe your new blog

article pushed tra#c or conversions.
With List Goal, you can see what
works and what doesn’t. In that
regard, it’s like having your !nger
right on the pulse of your email list’s



MarketingSherpa is a publisher that

focuses on reporting on inspirational
stories of customer-!rst marketing.
The !rm does research on marketing
trends, so marketers like you can use
that information to make better-
informed decisions.

The case study they o"er on their

website is a detailed real-life example
of one business that used 10 of their
strategies to improve their customer

To download the lead magnet, the

prospect needs to put in their email
address, their !rst and last name, and
the name of their company. They also
have to give permission to receive any
promotional materials.

This lead magnet works because the

audience wants to know exactly how
MarketingSherpa’s strategies help so
they can apply those strategies to
their own businesses.


This company specializes in
converting and monetizing website
tra#c, growing business’ email list,
getting more leads, and increasing
sales with a powerful conversion
optimization toolkit.

OptinMonster’s lead magnet o"er is

an ebook on reducing shopping cart
abandonment and growing
eCommerce revenue. It teaches
prospects 12 proven ways to get
more of their visitors to complete

According to HubSpot, ebooks are the

most popular form of lead magnet
and 27.7% of marketers use them
today. Also, they say that the average
ebook length is between 5k-10k

For OptinMonster, the o"er is

displayed as a pop-up when a
prospect is navigating throughout the

After they add their name and email

address, the download link is
immediately displayed in another

It’s a simple lead magnet, but

sometimes simplicity works.


The Printmaker System

The Printmaker System is a SaaS

company focused on helping
photographers tired of the shoot-and-
burn approach to switch to In-Person

They o"er a great tool—a sales

checklist for photographers who
want to go from making hundreds of
dollars in average sales to making
thousands with just a few clients.

This valuable resource tells you step-

by-step which actions you need to
take to switch to In-Person Sales and
ditch the shoot-and-burn style.

This company prominently displays

high-contrasting CTA buttons focused
on inviting the prospect to download
the checklist. And in exchange for the
list, they ask for their email address.

O"ering a PDF adds extra incentive

for your site’s visitors to give away
their contact information. There’s a
feeling of “ownership” whenever you
o"er something they can download.
People like to “own” these digital
assets because they can always refer
back to later.


MuleSoft helps companies connect
various SaaS tools and enterprise-
level apps together to create
automation and shared data bene!ts.

Site visitors can choose from a

collection of di"erent ebooks on a
dedicated landing page.

This ebook on how to make your

enterprise app ready gives readers
insights into key technology trends
impacting the enterprise. Plus, it also
o"ers tips on how to expand the
addressable market without
additional resources. SaaS executives
can learn more about how to position
their apps for the enterprise market
from a tech perspective.

However, the CTA button for

downloading the ebook is a bit hard
to read. If you’ve read some of the
313 case studies analyzed in the
Proven Sales Conversion Pack, you’d
know that a clear CTA button can
increase bookings by 13%.

After clicking on the almost invisible

button, visitors must !ll out the form
to opt-in and receive the free PDF
ebook via download.

The lead magnet o"er is extremely

speci!c as far as who the sales copy is
targeting—SaaS executives.

One problem, though, is that the opt-

in form requires a phone number.
And it’s unlikely anyone would want
to give up their phone number for a
free ebook.

On top of that, the number of form

!elds itself are a bit high too. One of
the 313 case studies analyzed in the
Proven Sales Conversion Pack shows
that utilizing a 3-!eld form can
increase ebook downloads by
120.39%. So in this lead magnet
example, conversions may have been
hurt signi!cantly by the 5 !elds on the

Even if you’re planning on selling to

someone who !lls out the form,
MuleSoft should give some
background information on who they
are and what value they provide


Bluewire Media

Bluewire Media specializes in helping

consultants and professional advisors
to grow their pipeline of quali!ed
leads and convert them into clients.

One example of a lead magnet this

company o"ers is a checklist on how
to create a lead magnet (how “meta”
is that?). The o"er for this product is
shown right on the navigation.

This is actually the most generous

website I’ve come across. Bluewire

o"ers 33 (yes, 33!) di"erent lead

magnets, including checklists,
templates, and ebooks.

That’s impressive!

When you click “33 Free Templates”

on the navigation, you can see how all
of their lead magnet options are
displayed on a dedicated products

This type of lead magnet is very useful

because checklists eliminate
guesswork, are very clear on what you
need to include to accomplish
something, and they’re free.


Minimalist Baker

Fitness and healthy living are

everywhere you look today. Especially
when it comes to social media.

If you are in the food and/or !tness

niche, recipes make great lead
magnets. They are easily digested
(pun intended) and highly actionable.
Any combination of recipes with meal
plans, as long as they o"er some kind
of health bene!t, are always
convenient for any audience.

Besides the fact that everyone wants

to be !t nowadays and look like
supermodels, health is a trend that
will never be out of style.

So no matter if you’re a chef, trainer,

yoga instructor, food blogger, or any
other kind of health and food
professional, you might want to
consider giving away a cookbook or
recipes as your lead magnet.

Minimalist Baker is a company that

o"ers simple recipes made with 10
ingredients or less and in 30 minutes
or less. For their lead magnet o"er,
they have an ebook with their top 10

This lead magnet works because

cookbooks and recipes o"er
tremendous value within 5 minutes
from opting in because the prospect
can start consuming (last pun, I
promise) the value of it right away.


Amy Porter!eld
Amy Porter!eld is a business
consultant and marketing expert. She
teaches business owners and
entrepreneurs the steps to take for
building a highly engaged email list,
creating online training courses, and
using online marketing strategies to
sell e"ortlessly.

Cheat sheets are great lead magnets

because they’re short, easy to create,
and don’t require you to be an expert
at something.

On this website, the cheat sheet o"er

is prominently advertised on the

After clicking the yellow call-to-action

button, the visitor is immediately
shown a pop-up opt-in to add their
name and email address. After the
prospect opts in, they’re redirected to
a thank you page, and the link for
downloading the cheat sheet is sent
via email.

This lead magnet works because

prospects are given two di"erent
choices they can download (a cheat
sheet and a guide). This means that
people are more likely to !nd a lead
magnet that aligns with their
interests, and therefore they’re more
likely to subscribe to the email list.


ExcelHelp is a professional Excel
programming !rm dedicated to
helping companies make the most of
their investment in Excel & Microsoft

The lead magnet they o"er is a free

consultation. It’s clearly displayed on
a few of their landing pages where
prospects can !ll out a form to get a
free call.

Prospects can learn about the

bene!ts of this company’s services
right on the landing page. And if
they’re interested in learning more
about how they can hire ExcelHelp or
they want pricing information, they
would have to !ll out the form.


Hardnut Advertising
Hardnut Advertising is a creative
branding agency that turns watered-
down websites and brands into
quality lead generation and sales-
driving machines. They help
businesses create clear branding and
messaging to increase market value,
generate new customers, improve
customer loyalty, and increase
employee satisfaction.

Many businesses o"er free

consultations as lead magnets, and
they work because a free call gives
businesses the perfect excuse to ask
for their prospects’ email.

Free consultations make a great

bottom of funnel o"er for businesses
that o"er a service.

In Hardnut Advertising’s service page,

look at how they prominently show
the CTA button in a high-contrasting
and electric color, inviting the
prospect to book a call.

After clicking, prospects are asked to

leave their !rst name, last name,
email address, phone, and their
answer to one business-related
question. Based on a case study from
the Proven Sales Conversion Pack,
simplifying a 3-step form garners 30%
lift in conversion, so it may be even
better to have a 2-step form.


Syed Balkhi
Over 9 million websites use Syed
Balkhi’s software. You know him,
right? The humble guy that makes 8-
!gures, founder of OptinMonster and

Well, on his personal blog, he focuses

on building businesses online and
o"ers insightful and relevant content
on how to grow their businesses.

For his lead magnet o"er, he

prominently advertises on his
homepage the exact toolkit he uses
to grow and manage his 8 !gure
online business plus a bonus—his
latest growth hacks.

A bene!t of using toolkits is that you

can become an a#liate for those
products. So this type of lead magnet
not only provides a handy resource to
your visitors, but it can also generate
revenue for your business.


Neil Patel
A quiz is a very entertaining type of
lead magnet, and that’s why it often
converts so well.

Neil Patel displays a full screen pop-

up advertising his quiz right after
prospects visit his website. He o"ers
customized advice that walks
prospects through how they can get
more tra#c to their website and how
they can rank higher on Google in less
than 30 days.

For this lead magnet, the prospect

needs to answer a series of questions.
And to get the results, the prospect
has to enter their name and email

This lead magnet works because it

only takes 3 minutes to go through it,
it adds value to prospects, and it
generates a signi!cant amount of
social engagement.


Kopywriting Kourse

Spreadsheets are basically a

programming tool right at your

Kopywriting Kourse o"ers training on

writing better copy for entrepreneurs
and business owners in the form of a
spreadsheet that can be used to
improve personal writing skills.

When prospects visit their homepage,

they have to scroll to the bottom of
the page to read their blog. There’s no
navigation elsewhere. The site is
focused on getting you to opt in.

When you do so, you’ll see the links to

access the spreadsheets.

Though, I think there could be a few

tweaks made to Kopywriting Kourse’s
website as a whole. The site would
bene!t from more speci!c copy that
de!nes their audience and a more
precise de!nition of the product.

In any case, it’s a unique lead magnet

that plenty of businesses can get
value out of emulating.



HubSpot is an inbound marketing

software company. They have many
products and even o"er training and
industry certi!cations.

A guide is a useful and very

convenient lead magnet. These lead
magnets usually take an in-depth look
at a topic and show readers exactly
how to reach a goal. For HubSpot, this
guide is about setting up an e"ective
lead management system.

Making a detailed guide isn’t di#cult,

either. It’s as simple as turning a high-
performing blog post into a PDF
download. For this, just look at your
web analytics to !nd high-tra#c blog
posts, and when you spot the perfect
post, add some additional insight to it
to add extra value.


Sally’s Baking Addiction

You might think cookbooks may not
be a good lead magnet idea because
there are tons of recipes available
online. But recipes can be for more
than just food.

So, no matter what industry you’re in,

you can deliver to your prospects a
recipe for any purpose (health,
parties, entertainment, etc.).

In Sally’s baking addiction’s website, a

pop-up is displayed after arriving on
the landing page for downloading 10
recipes for this fall.

These recipes convert because they

are bite-sized, easy to digest, and the
prospect can get value from it easily
and quickly.


Smart Business
A template can be any downloadable
asset that provides an outline, a draft,
a blueprint, or some sort of starting
point, so the user only !lls in the

Smart Business Revolution o"ers “the

magic email template” as their lead
magnet. This is a great asset because
it’s something that anyone, from small
business owners to successful
entrepreneurs can simply copy and
paste and customize the content.

This lead magnet example works

because the o"er is very clear and
stands out right after someone visits
their homepage. Also, there is no
navigation, so that actually makes the
decision of downloading the template
even easier.

Bribe your site’s visitors with a piece
of what they will buy from you when
they become your customers.

If you create a lead magnet on a topic

your target audience is interested in
and wants to learn about, you’ll have
a much higher chance of converting

Keep your lead magnet short and

sweet—longer and boring lead
magnets don’t always convert better.
If they are not easy to digest and take
too much time to consume, prospects
won’t be able to implement that
knowledge right away.

O"er them what they want—

something they can watch, read, or
use to accomplish their goal right
away, something that shows them
how to solve a problem or keep

And remember, you don’t need to be

an expert to create a lead magnet.
Just turn whatever you already have
into a high-converting resource so
you can convert leads like crazy.

Now, tell me something…

Which lead magnet examples do you

think will work better for your
business? If you’ve already begun
testing some ideas, which has been
the most e"ective?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep funnelin’, stay focused,

Filed Under: sales funnels

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