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1) Back day: flex between set.

2) dont stop at the rep if the weight is too light, Pick heavier weight right after
3) More partial
4) 20 min cardio

Chest and bi
incline db press 2x6 and 1x12 (2 heavy and 1 back off set)
Powergrip 30deg press 2x12
A1:cable fly 4x15 and 3x12
A2:cable press Amrap (partial)
A3:Inclined pushup (pose: most muscular after a set)
BB biceps curl 3x12
Hammer curl 3x10
reverse grip curl 3x15

Back and abs:

Pull up 3xAmrap (1 weighted, 2 back off set)
T3 row 3x12
Close grip latpulldown 3x12
neutral grip bb row 3x12
A2:long rope lat push down 7x15
A1:Machine row 7x15
Abs (keep rest between small set <15 secs)
A1:lying leg raise: 4xAmrap
A2:Lying flutter
A3:V raise

Shoulder and tri

DB seated press 1x6-8 1x12
DB front raise 1x 15
A1: rope facepull 2x15
A2: readelt fly (machine)
A1:DB lateral raise: 7x12
A2:resisted lateral raise(or drop set) 7x5
Tricep pushdown 3x8
Skull crusher 3x8
1 arm push down 3x12

Squat 2x6-8 1x10 (backoff)
A1:lying leg curl 7x12 (flex between set)
A2:leg extension
walking lunges 3x12
single leg curl 3x8
Hip abductor 3x12
calve raise 3x amrap ( weight or no weight )

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