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Readiness Assessment
Class -10

General Instructions:
1. This test paper contains 6 pages.
· 2. Count and verify the number of pages as soon as you receive the test paper. Inform the
invigilator immediately in case of any issue with the test paper.
3. Maximum time allotted for the assessment is 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes).
4. An additional reading time of 15 minutes has been allotted for careful reading of the
questions. Don't write the answer to any question during the reading time.
5. Use only blue/black ball point pen to fill in entries or to write your answers.
6. Do all your rough work in your answer sheet.
7. Don't leave the examination room without the permission of the invigilator.

Paper Instructions:
8. The test paper contains 24 test items(questions).
9. Please read the test items carefully before answering. You will need to read some text
before responding to some of the test items.
10. An item can be a selected response task (SR1) or a constructed response task (CRn.
11. For an SRT, there can be one and only one correct answer.
12. For an SRT, write the correct option with serial number of the task/item in the answer
sheet." For example, in case you want to mark Bas correct answer for test item 25 then
write Q 25 (B) in your answer sheet.
13. For a CRT, write your response along with test item number.
14. Exercise internal choices, if any, judiciously. In case more than one question is
attempted, only the first response will be evaluated.

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Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Filmmaker Pankaj Johar's new film, 'Still Standing', is about his qu~driP_legtc father, Rajinde~~~
who has not only come to terms with his disability but is a source of mspiratton to many. The IS
a tribute by a son to his father, who is a man of immense courage.

"I knew that this is a story that the world needs to know", says Pankaj. "My father has turned a
personal disaster into an opportunity to serve society. This film is dedicated to his unbreakable
spirit." Rajinder Johar has learnt to accept his disability with stoic acceptance and good cheer.

Sabina is one of the many case studies presented in the film. She was four years old when she lost
both her legs in a train accident. Life became really tough for her. She went to Rajinder Johar, who
had set up an NGO- Family of Disabled (FOO), with the objective of helping people with disability
to lead a dignified, financially secure, and productive life. He helped her set up a small shop and later
gave her a tricycle. She used it to get to work and ferry her children from school.

The film also shows a talented painter, Seema, at work. She lost both her hands in an accident at a
very young age. She trained herself to do a lot of things with her feet, including painting. "When she
came to meet my father, she was looking for a platform to showcase her talent. My father helped her
but unfortunately, she has not been able to find buyers for her paintings", says Pankaj.

Rajinder Johar's family bore the brunt of his disability. Pankaj recalls that the family would never go .
on vacation and he was always embarrassed to bring his friends home. Today, Pankaj considers
himself to be lucky to have had the opportunity of watching his inspiring father at clost quarters.
"People have different celebrities as role models, I had one right at home," he says. It shows in his
loving portrayal of his father. 'Still Standing' is a moving film for the audience.

Ql. Johar's film is about his - - - -

A. sick child
B. poor friend
C. talented neighbour
D. disabled father
Q2. Based on your understanding of the passage, identify the statements that describe the main
theme of the film.
I) It is about community building.
II) It talks about the life of a painter.
lll) It is about the formation of NG Os
IV) It is about the unbreakable spirit of a man.
A. I & IV
8. I only
C. IV only
D. none of the above
Q3. Find the word from the passage which means the same as not showing or not feeling any
emotion, especially in a situation in which the expression of emotion is expected

A. immense
B. impaired
C. stoic
D. unbreakable_
Q4. How has Pankaj' s attitude towards his father changed?

QS. Why was the Family of Disabled (FOD) set up?

Read the passage given below and answer the questions.

All students think and \earn differently. Each child comes with a unique set of abilities and potential.
They respond to situations and circumstances in different ways. They reason, make judgements and
solve problems in their own unique ways. Therefore, we have to employ 'Differentiated Instruction' in

the classroom.
Instructions can be differentiated in terms of -
: • Content
Level-appropriate reading, audio, or video 'content' should be provided to the learners after dividing
them into homogeneous groups.

• Process
Learners should be provided with conflicting statements to form their own perspectives to support the
same. ('process') ·

• Product
Learners should be asked open-ended questions leading them to a discussion which helps them to arrive
at different answers ('product').

• Learning Environment
Homogenous groups of learners should be provided with differentiated 'learning environments' to
gather and assess the evidence.
Provide group tasks to the learners, where they get a chance to apply chunks and pieces of their previous
experience to solve new and unique problems. This helps them to achieve their learning potential.

Q6 . The passage is about -

A. Assessing evidence
B. Differentiated instruction
C. Critical thinking
D. Multi-mode Assessment
Q7 . Pprocess covers providing _____ statements and asking learners to fo rm their perspectives.
A. Similar
B. Conflicting
C. Contemporary
D. Creative
Terr,-Erd 2

Q8. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Learning is important for children.
B. All children are unique in how they learn.
C. All children need to achieve their potential.
D. Children with potential need to be encouraged.

Q9. Why do we need differentiated instruction in our classrooms?

QI 0. How should the learners be divided while providing content?


Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
The Leader

Patient and steady with all he must bear,

Ready to meet every challenge with care,
Easy in manner, yet solid as steel,
Strong in his faith, refreshingly real,
Isn't afraid to propose what is bold,
Doesn't conform to the usual mould,
Eyes that have foresight, for hindsight won't do,
Never backs down when he sees what is true,
Tells it all straight, and means it all too,
Bracing for war, but praying for peace,
Using his power so evil will cease;
So much a leader of worthy of trust,
Here stands a man who will do what he must.

QI I. The synonym of the word 'steady' as used in the poem is-

A. wise
B. stable
C. honest
D. funny

QI2. What is a leader's attitude towards war?

A. lazy yet wants to fight
B. brave yet doesn't pl~ .
C. careless yet wants to wm
D. Prepared yet wants peace

Q13 . Which quality of the leader does the phrase "Yet solid as steel ", refer to??
A. timid
B. valiant
C. careful
D. talented

Q I 4. Which line in the poem suggests that a leader does th ings di fferently and doesn' t fo llow the
norm ?

Ql 5. What does the poet mean by say ing that a leader has 'eyes that have fores ight'?
•r-rr,,-Erd .2


Read the extract given below from the chapter "The Hundred Dresses" and answer questions 16
and 17 in 40-50 words each.

"Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy. On the contrary,
she was very quiet and rarely said anything at all. And nobody had ever heard
her laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into a crooked sort of
smile. but that was all." ·

Ql6. Which place is being referred to in this paragraph?

Ql 7. Why did Wanda choose to sit where she did?

Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each.

Ql8. In the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo", why is the Tiger ignoring the visitors?

Ql 9: In the chapter "Footprints without Feet", what was the "curious episode" that took place in the

clergyman's study?

Q20. What is biodiversity?

Q21. Answer any ONE of the following questions in 150-200 words:

Compare and contrast between the two scientists - Griffin and Sonam Wangchuk.

Why did Wanda's father, Mr. Petronski, write a letter to Ms. Mason? What effect did it have on
the teachers, Peggy and Maddie?
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Q22. Attempt either a) orb). h 1 1 'ning about the poor and unhygienic
a) Write a letter to the Principal of your ~c oo comp a1 f Cl X-C Pluto Public School,
condition of students' toilets. You are Preet1/Preet, student o ass ,
Jaipur. (Word limit: 100-120 words).
i OR
b) You are VijuNiji. You are upset to see how cruelly striy animals, especially th~ stray do_gs,
are treated. Write a letter to the Chairperson of the State Animal Welfare Board drawing attention
to the inhuman behaviour of people. (Word limit: 100-120 words).
Q23. Attempt either a) orb).
a) Write a paragraph on the topic: 'Science: a Blessing or a Curse'. (Word limit: 150-200 words)


b) Write a paragraph on the topic:' Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones'. (Word limit:
150-200 words).

Q24. Attempt either a) orb).

a) You are Sukhvinder/Tisha from Uttam Nagar, DelhL Write .a letter to the editor of the Times of
India about the increasing problem of pollution in the city and suggest possible solutions. (150-
200 Words) · OR

b) You are Sanjana/Sanjay, a resident of97-A Malviya Nagar, Delhi. The park near your house has
been taken over by some local goons and illegal activities are going on in the park. As a result,
residents don't feel safe and are unable to use it. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily
expressing your concern over the issue. (Word limit: 150-200 words).

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