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I am Tran Thi Bao Ngoc ( ID: 1604154 ) – a member of class ENG1102-Fall 2021 and a

Sophomore at Troy University. I am having a survey which is designed to describe the television
viewing habits of students in my class. The main purpose of this survey is to help our teacher
understand about the TV viewing habits of students and find some way to increase their
interest towards Vietnamese TV chanel. The purpose of survey is based on my personal opinion
– any information you provide is kept confidential.
Thanks for all your answers!
1. What is your gender? (Tick one)
¨ Male
¨ Female
¨ Other
2. Have you ever watch TV?
3. How long do you watch TV in a day ? ( Tick one )
¨ None
¨ 15 mins or less
¨ 16mins – 30 mins
¨ 31 mins – 1 hour
¨ More than 1 hour – 2 hours
¨ More than 2 hours – 3 hours
¨ More than 3 hours
4. What TV content genres do you prefer? ( tick more than one )
¨ News Progamming
¨ Comedy
¨ Drama
¨ Sports
¨ Documentaries
¨ Life program
¨ Music
¨ Cartoon
¨ Talk shows
¨ Others ( please secify)……..
5. What the medium you spend most time watching TV? ( tick more than one )
¨ Television
¨ Computer
¨ Laptop
¨ Smartphone
¨ Others ( please specify)….
6. What do you think is attractive about Vietnamese TV chanels?
¨ The content is very diverse
¨ Good image and sound quality
¨ Suitable for all ages
¨ The content is free from spelling and grammatical errors
¨ Others ( please specify)….
7. Do you have any suggestions to increase the viewer’s interest towards Vietnamese TV

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