FDA Raises Concerns About PFAS in Food: NSF Seeks To Improve Geographic Diversity in Funding

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FDA raises concerns

about PFAS in food
Some fluorination processes can lead to PFAS
leaching into food from polyethylene containers
The US Food and Drug Administration is manufacturing processes being used for
reminding manufacturers that only certain food containers,” Susan Mayne, director
processes are allowed for fluorinating of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and
polyethylene containers used to store Applied Nutrition, says in a statement. Environmental groups are urging the
food. The warning comes after reports “We are encouraging manufacturers and US Food and Drug Administration to
earlier this year of toxic per- and polyfluo- distributors to consult with us regarding reassess the safety of fluorinated
roalkyl substances (PFAS) migrating into the regulatory status of any manufacturing polyethylene containers for food use.
pesticides stored in fluorinated high-den- processes used to produce fluorinated
sity polyethylene containers. polyethylene containers for use in contact dangerous” than people believed nearly 4
In an Aug. 5 letter to industry, the FDA with food,” she says. decades ago, he says.
clarifies that fluorinated polyethylene con- Environmental groups want the FDA to In an Aug. 9 blog post, Neltner identi-
tainers used for food storage can only be investigate companies that make fluorinat- fies three manufacturers using processes
made using fluorine gas in the presence of ed plastic containers for storing food and to fluorinate polyethylene that are unau-
nitrogen to modify the surface of a molded cosmetics to ensure that their processes thorized for food containers. It is unclear
container. Fluorination in the presence of are authorized. They are also pushing the what those containers are used for, but
water, oxygen, or inert gases other than agency to reassess the safety of fluorinated one of the companies lists flavors and fra-
nitrogen is not allowed because such pro- polyethylene containers for such uses, grances as a potential market.
cesses can lead to the formation of toxic even if they comply with the law. Fluorination of polyethylene containers
perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids that can mi- The FDA approved the process of fluo- helps keep food and cosmetics, as well as
grate into food, the agency says. Fluorina- rinating polyethylene food containers in cleaning products, agricultural chemicals,
tion of polyethylene food containers during 1983. At the time, the agency determined petroleum-based fluids, and other liquids
the molding process is also prohibited. that the process made no significant quan- from spoiling by providing a barrier to
The FDA claims that it sent the let- tities of PFAS. But what was considered oxygen and moisture. With respect to
ter out of an abundance of caution, not significant then is different from what is food, these containers could be used to
because it is aware of any unauthorized considered significant now, says Tom Nelt- hold vegetable oils, flavoring agents, liquid
fluorinated polyethylene containers being ner, chemicals policy director at the advo- dairy products, or nearly any liquid “you
made to store food. “It is important to cacy group Environmental Defense Fund. are worried about going bad,” Neltner
note that there is no evidence of unlawful We now know that PFAS are “much more says.—BRITT ERICKSON


NSF seeks to improve geographic

diversity in funding
The US National Science Foundation has Virgin Islands—jurisdictions that have Cutucache, a biology professor at the Uni-
announced members of a committee to received less than 0.75% of the total NSF versity of Nebraska at Omaha; Marian G.
envision the future of the Established budget over the past 5 years. Goals of McCord, a biomedical engineer and senior
Program to Stimulate Competitive Re- the program include promoting research vice provost for research, economic en-
search (EPSCoR), the agency’s program to capability and economic development, as gagement, and outreach at the University
promote geographic diversity in research well as establishing professional develop- of New Hampshire; Prakash Nagarkatti,
funding. ment pathways. an immunologist and senior research
EPSCoR’s mission is to enhance The 19-member evaluation committee adviser to the president of the University

“research competitiveness of targeted will consider the effectiveness of current of South Carolina; and Scott A. Wicker,
jurisdictions (states, territories, common- EPSCoR efforts and whether and how the a chemistry professor at Kentucky State
wealth) by strengthening STEM capacity program could do better, the NSF says. University.
and capability,” the NSF says on its web- Members include Edwin Cruz-Rivera, a The NSF expects the committee
site. EPSCoR currently serves 25 states biological sciences professor at the Uni- to deliver its final report in spring
as well as Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US versity of the Virgin Islands; Christine 2022.—JYLLIAN KEMSLEY

AUGUST 16/23, 2021 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 23

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