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The Miracles of Isa AS


 Nahmaduhu wa nusalli ala rasoolihil kareem. Amma ba’ad.

 Ta’awwuz and Tasmiyah:

 Wa qaala rasoolullahi (SAW):

‫إن الدين يسر‬

Body of Speech:

 Assalaam Wa’alaikum Rehmathul Lahi Wa Barakatu hu (brother and) sisters. Today I

will be speaking to you all about Isa AS. Now, his story is very popular, not just amongst

Muslims but even Christians. Although you all may know of his most known story that is
popular among everyone, do you know anything else about him? (ask audience what they

know; if someone points out his miracles you say correct! That is what we will be

speaking of today). From a previous halaqa, you may know that he is the son of Maryam

AS, and that he was born under a date palm tree, a place a couple miles away from

Jerusalem. But did you know, that the miracles Allah bestowed him with, begun just

moments after birth?!

a) When Maryam AS returned to her town, the people accused her of adultery, listening

to the commands of her Lord, she kept quiet and pointed at her child.

I. “How can we talk to one who is a child in a cradle?” They exclaimed.

II. "Verily! I am a slave of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a
Prophet; and He has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined me
prayer, and Zakat, as long as I live, and dutiful to my mother, and made me
not arrogant, or defiant. And Salam (peace) be upon me the day I was born,
and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!" Isa AS replied, shocking
the bunch.
o The miracles didn’t stop there, but continued throughout his life, because of this people

either followed him or they rejected his message calling it sorcery out of jealously.

o The Quran mentions four of the miracles displayed by Isa AS:

1. He revived the dead from the command of Allah

2. He gave sight to those who were born blind and cured lepor

3. He breathed into a bird molded from the earth and they came to life by the

command of Allah

4. He revealed what one had eaten or had stored in their homes

o Once, the disciples requested Isa AS to ask Allah SWT to send down a table spread

everyday for the so that they wont have to worry about making a living.
- The disciples of Isa AS were among the poor

- Isa AS said do not test Allah or

fear Allah, in which they replied that that was not their intention, rather they should

eat and that their hearts are satisfied, and that they should know if Isa AS has indeed

spoken he truth and they should’ve be witnesses of it.

- They claimed they would devote their time to spreading the word of Allah if the table

was sent down, so they wont have to work to make a living.

o Because of their insistence, Isa AS raised his hands to supplication to Allah, asking

Him to descend upon them His table spread from Heaven.

- Approving of the supplication, Allah revealed to Isa AS that he would send down the

table spread but if anyone disobeyed after this, He would punish him as he had never

punished anyone before.

- And indeed religion is easy. Allah asks his servants of a simple of task of never

straying from the oneness of Allah, yet many cannot comply with such simple


 The Quran does not specify if the table was sent down, but there are some

narrations that have different perspectives on this story.

1. The table spread was not sent down because after Allah SWT approved of it but

added conditions some felt as though because they are human, they may make a

minor mistake and be punished for it, so they withdrew their request.
2. It was sent down but there are difference in opinion on whether it was sent down

for one day or forty. Those who say that it was sent down for forty, say that there

were conditions attached that only the poor and destitute could eat from it and the

rich cannot partake in it, but only a few days later the conditions were violated. Or

that everyone can eat but cannot store the food for later, but the next day the

conditions were violated.

o As a result, the table spread was retracted and the violators were turned to apes and


o When the table spread arrived Isa AS prayed two rakats in Shukr/thanksgiving

o Thousand of people of ate from it, yet the food still remained.

 The lesson here is you must not make supplication asking for a miracle out of

normal practice because it may be difficult to show gratitude to your Lord for it.


1. Ultimately, Isa AS displayed many miracles in his life by the command of Allah. And even

though he was a Holy Prophet AS, he still never stopped showing gratitude to his Lord. As

people so below his rank we should also show our thanks to our Lord all the time, especially

when a dua of yours is granted. You should also not ask for something so grand if you can’t

return gratitude to your Lord.

2. May Allah accept our duas and always keep us grateful to him. Ameen.

3. Wa aakhiru da’waana an-ilhumdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen.

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