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Ethics is the philosophical study of morality, which refers to beliefs

concerning right and wrong, good and bad, include judgments, values, rules,
principles, and theories. Ethics helps guide our actions, defines our values, and
gives us reasons for being the persons we are.
I think the reason for infanticide among the Eskimo people is that they
want to dispose unwanted children. They don't want to waste their food or
money on weak or disabled offspring, or even baby girl. They regard girls as
unproductive consumers who do no hunting and leave their homes as soon as
they become useful in other ways. Additionally, Eskimo families also kill their
infants because they are poor, don't have enough conditions to raise more kids
and cannot even take care for themselves.
So is 'Infanticide' unethical? I think the answer is 'yes'. Infants are people
too. They need 9 months 10 days to form the body, and they also have
awareness about the world themselves. The action of killing an infant is
equivalent to the action of killing a person. Therefore, it is immoral and

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