2032 Neuropsycology Presentation

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Having access to reliable information on positive mental health and mental illness is crucial

because mental and emotional problems are common in youths hence need to be addressed just

like physical health problems are addressed. According to the world health organization (WHO,

2001), mental and behavioral disorders were estimated to account for 12 per cent of the global

burden of disease.

Gazzaniga and Heatherton (2006). Generally what we noted is that mental illness refers to a

range of cognitive, emotional and behavioural disorders that seem to interfere with the lives and

productivity of people. behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use (27%), Mood

disorders (12%)and other related cases (4%).like physical health problems are addressed.

Mental illness is second only to heart disease as the leading cause of disability worldwide

(Global Burden of Disease –World Health Organization, World Bank, Harvard University,

1990). Fear of stigma and the resulting discrimination. Psychologists provide an ideal

environment and natural opportunities to address issues of mental health and illness. Schools are

well positioned to be at the vanguard of public health strategies designed to prevent and detect

mental health disorders among young people. Educators can play an important role by delivering

accurate, comprehensive information and by challenging the stereotypes about mental illness

held by the general community. Is courages individuals and their families from getting the help

they need (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2012).

We try to identify and mobilize resources to meet patients’ needs and when we do, we

coordinate with other departments and the family and the community in the over all management

of the patients by collecting and providing information concerning patients needs and progress.

We also impart knowledge through teaching, enhancing skills in patients and encouraging

independence in clients’ life style while promoting quick recovery from illness.

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