Reflection Paper (P.E)

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Felicity Rose Ordillas

Reflection Paper

If I would compare my last fitness test to the recent fitness test it’s quite obvious
that there’s a huge difference. When I did my last fitness test I was physically fit
and I’m very active doing work outs and something that will make my body get a
health composition that’s why my overall performance has a good result. On the
other hand, looking into my recent fitness test the result of my performance are
quite down for a bit but not in a bad way. I have lost weight but it’s still considered
as normal. Last year I’m busy doing a lot of extra-curricular activities, attended a
lot of sports training(volleyball), practiced dances because we compete to a school
competition where we won, and competed to a pageant competition that requires a
lot of preparation but all those activities I did were all school-related.
Even though it deals with physical activity and mentally training I admit that it
drained me and I felt exhausted that’s why I lost weight and the result of my recent
fitness test were different compared to the last one. Dealing with physical activities
without enough rest, meditation, and not eating enough is not good for the body if
you’re aiming to be healthy and physically fit. Self-discipline is essential to your
health when dealing to such activities that requires physical and mental exertion.

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