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A neveléstudomány válaszai a jövő kihívásaira

Molnár Gyöngyvér és Tóth Edit

Albert Ágnes, B. Németh Mária, Benedek András, Bocsi Veronika, Buda András,
Csapó Benő, Csíkos Csaba, Darvai Tibor, Fehérvári Anikó, Gál Zita, Gaul-Ács Ágnes,
Golnhofer Erzsébet, Halász Gábor, Józsa Krisztián, K. Nagy Emese, Kálmán Anikó,
Kárpáti Andrea, Kiss Renáta Mária, Kovács Katalin, Kozma Tamás, Molnár Edit Katalin,
Molnár Éva, Molnár György, Mrázik Julianna, Németh András, Novák Ágnes,
Pásztor Attila, Podráczky Judit, Pusztai Gabriella, Pusztai Gabriella, Rapos Nóra,
Szenczi Beáta, Szűts Zoltán, Tóth Edit, Zsolnai Anikó

ISBN: 978-963-306-896-0

Technikai és nyelvi szerkesztő

Börcsökné Soós Edit, Varga Andrea

Szegedi Tudományegyetem Neveléstudományi Intézet,
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Tudományos Bizottsága

Felelős kiadó
Molnár Gyöngyvér, a XXI. ONK elnöke

OKTATÁSELMÉLET....................................................................................................................... 7

Csima Melinda, Zentai Gabriella, Podráczky Judit, Nyitrai Ágnes, Józsa Krisztián:
A várandósság és a perinatális időszak egyes jellemzőinek összefüggése a
DIFER-készségekkel ........................................................................................................... 8

Fajt Balázs, Bánhegyi Mátyás, Vékási Adél, Cseppentő Krisztina: Nyelvtanárok és

idegen nyelven oktató szaktanárok nyelvvizsga-moratóriummal kapcsolatos
véleményei: egy kérdőíves felmérés eredményei ......................................................... 20

Haga Orsolya, Pintér Henriett: Pedagógusok véleménye a fonológiai tudatosságról,

a szülő-gyermek beszédfoglalkozásokról írásbeli kikérdezés alapján ......................... 30

Kis Orsolya, Steklács János, Jakab Katalin, Klivényi Péter: Enyhe és középsúlyos
afáziás személyek szóolvasási képességeinek vizsgálata szemkamerás
eszközzel ...........................................................................................................................41

Kiss Márton: Fejlesztőkísérlet matematikaórán egy meggyőződés felülírására .................... 54


Bredács Alice, Szakálos Sziringa: A szociális hátrányból származó stressz verbális és

nonverbális megnyilvánulásai az intézményben, valamint vizuális
megjelenése a tanulói rajzon mint vizsgálati eszközön................................................. 74

Hercz Mária, Zewude Girum Tareke, Ochieng Peter Okiri, Pozsonyi Ferenc: Family as
the starting point of education: A research on parents’ beliefs ................................... 89

Szél Erzsébet, Jámbori Szilvia: A szándékos önszabályozás, a mentalizáció és az

időperspektíva kapcsolata fiatal felnőttek esetében ................................................... 101

Széll Krisztián, Róbert Péter, D. Nagy Krisztina: Az iskolai jóllét meghatározó

tényezői ............................................................................................................................117

NEVELÉSTÖRTÉNET .................................................................................................................. 132

Pelesz Nelli, Nóbik Attila: Szakmásodás diákszemmel. Professzionalizmus és

pályaszocializáció a Magyar Tanítójelöltek Lapjában (1926–1938) .............................. 133
MÓDSZERTAN ÉS DIGITÁLIS TECHNOLÓGIÁK AZ OKTATÁSBAN .........................................148

Aknai Dóra Orsolya, Fehér Péter: Robotok alkalmazásának legújabb eredményei az

általános iskolában – Nemzetközi kitekintés ................................................................149

Bognár József: A testnevelőtanár-képzésre irányuló szabályozódokumentumok:

az egységesség kérdésköre az elvek és a tartalmak mentén.......................................164

Csontosné Buzás Zsuzsa, Maródi Ágnes, Csontos Tamás: Pedagógushallgatók

kutatásmódszertani ismereteinek vizsgálata................................................................ 181

Engler Ágnes, Antal István, Markos Valéria, Trásy Lilla, Pári András: Hátrányos
helyzetű tanulók otthoni tanulása a jelenléti és a távolléti oktatás idején.................. 192

Glied Helga, Nagy Zita Éva, Lázár László: Kibontakozást és tanulást segítő
szolgáltatások sajátos nevelési igényű fiataloknak a gödi orientációs évben ........... 208

Gordon Győri János, Fehérvári Anikó, Kiss Edina, Raátz Judit: Tanítási gyakorlat
tantermi jelenlét nélkül: tanárjelöltek tapasztalatai a Covid-lezárás idején ................222

Horváth László: Alkalmazkodási Mintázatok A Digitális Munkarendben.............................. 239

Kovács Zsuzsa, Hegyi-Halmos Nóra, Schiller Emese: Az elmélet-gyakorlat

integrációjának lehetőségei a munkaalapú tanulás keretei között .............................253
ONK 2021
pp. 89–100.



Hercz Mária
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education

Zewude Girum Tareke

University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doctoral School of Education

Ochieng Peter Okiri

University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doctoral School of Education

Pozsonyi Ferenc
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Doctoral School of Education

Preparing students for a successful life is one of the main goals of education; however, there are many
open issues in this area: for example, who, when, with what and how one should support children in
this process. In the multifactorial environment of children, family is in the first place, and the role of
positive parenting is beneficial in the early ages. Parental beliefs, attitudes are transferred to their
children, although most of the information is encoded. The present paper focuses on the pedagogical
aspects of parental thinking to reveal specific characteristics in their view on education. Our research
aimed to explore how parents’ mindset could support or retain the development of children’s social
entrepreneurial skills and whether they apply positive parenting. We examined the phenomena with
a modified version of the ENT-BP1 questionnaire (Angyal & Hercz, 2019) in the school year of 2020/2021.
N = 2,276 Hungarian parents completed N = 1,857 copies. Parents’ views were explored indirectly by
evaluating statements based on a positive psychological foundation on an intensity scale. The overall
reliability of the questionnaire was: Cronbach’s alpha = 0.81 for 96 items, and for the subscales:
Cronbach’s alpha = 0.754–0.854 with KMO = 0.707–0.744, and sig = 0.00. The statistical analysis was
performed with IBM SPSS 27. Results suggest that parents are aware of the key components of
positive parenting and their value; however, the apply only some of them in their everyday practice.
Keywords: social entrepreneurial education, family climate, mindset, parents’ thinking, positive

In an insecure world
The effects of the COVID-19-related restrictions on education, the warfare, the energy crisis in Europe,
and the possible outcomes of the global climate change urge the reconsideration of the primary goals
of education. The employee ideal characterized by OECD/DeSeCo (Rychen & Salganik, 2003) and
UNESCO (2017) in the first two decades of the 21st century could still be taken valid since self-
rejuvenation, out-of-the-box thinking, or lifelong learning are inevitable to be able to adapt to the

XXI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia (2021) – Tanulmánykötet

rapidly changing life circumstances. This proposes a different approach towards the necessary skills
and competencies for the near future.
The key competencies suggested to be developed in educational settings according to the
European Reference Framework are as follows: (1) communication in the mother tongue, (2)
communication in foreign language, (3) mathematical competence and basic competences in science
and technology, (4) digital competence, (5) learning to learn, (6) social and civic competences, (7)
sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and (8) cultural awareness and expression (Recommendation
2006/962/EC). Although these appear in Hungarian regulatory documents, competencies 1–4 are set
to be domineering due to their cognitive nature while the rest, specifically, the social competencies,
are less emphasized at schools (Zsolnai, 2011). Instead of the institutionalized way, the development
of these typically takes place in the family, therefore, it is relevant to map the possible background
factors, in our research, parental thinking.
Besides educating skilful and competent individuals, establishing their positive mindset is another
hot issue in contemporary research. The concept of mindsetting is embedded in the scope of positive
psychology recently emerging in Hungary (Oláh, 2022), and, with other interventions, positive mindset
is associated with the enhancement of resilience, a substance for coping and empowerment
(Frydenberg, 2017), and skills development (Dweck, 2010). Still, investigating the term, it is a hard act
to find a scientific definition since authors tend to use synonyms or vague expressions, or they deduce
with the help of other terms, for example, “nurturing ways to challenge pessimistic thoughts” (Bekhet
& Zauszniewski, 2013, p. 1079). Fodor and Molnár (2020) argue that contrary to the popularity of
positive psychology, practical implications are quite rare in Hungarian public education, moreover, no
research on parental mindset was found prior to this research.

The importance of positive parenting

The significance of clarifying parental views and attitudes has been confirmed by numerous studies on
parental thinking affirming that family is the first learning place for children (Józsa & Kis, 2019).
Although Bowlby’s theory of attachment (1969) states that parents serve as attachment figures, the
relationship between parents and their children is bidirectional suggesting mutual effects on each
other (Hodapp & Ly, 2005). The effectiveness of this interactivity could be measured by the
successfulness of the successors in the western culture, thus, a well-educated, cooperative, loyal and
psychologically matured citizen is the preferred output of the process (Maccoby, 1992). Of course,
there are universal expectations for parents, for example, general care giving, ensuring a safe place
and warmth, or guiding (Rasmussen, 2009).
For decades, it has been investigated and proven that an adequate family background is able to
promote cognitive and language development (Bee et al., 1982), school performance, and resilience
(Werner & Smith, 1982); however, the advent of positive psychology at the beginning of the 21st
century introduced the concept of positive parenting, which promoted children’s intrinsic regulation
and motivation instead of parent-oriented ones (Gray, 2007; Ryan & Deci, 2000). The idea of positive
parental attitude existed long ago, albeit its scope was restricted to the avoidance of physical
punishment in favour of positive reinforcement (Adler, 1958), and it took decades to be a signature of
democratization (Nelsen, 2006).
Since positive psychology aims to enhance subjective wellbeing and promote individuals to flourish
(Seligman & Csikszentmihályi, 2000), a direct adaptation to parenting is reasonable to be assumed.
One pillar of positive parenting and the cursor of strong families is the promotion of positive emotions
that are, in the order of importance, joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, fun, inspiration, awe,
and love (Frederickson, 2009). Another way for intervention is the recognition and selective
development of children’s character strengths (Seligman, 2002). Parents tend to have a strong vision
on the desired character strengths and values in order to ensure their children’s job satisfaction,
health, and happiness (Cameron et al., 2003).


The increment in the number of research underlines the significance of positive parenting. With
the advent of video recording in the 1980s, observation became a common research method, and
numerous models and interventional programmes occurred by the end of the 2000s (Juffer et al.,
2008). An important aspect of the trend was putting emphasis on children’s rights and viewpoints
(e.g., specific feelings and thinking of age-groups) and parents’ problem-solving techniques (Durrant,
2016), while cross-national research was initiated to investigate the correlation between parental
dimensions and different factors (e.g., Pastorelli et al., 2016).

Entrepreneurial education for the future

As we mentioned above, some key competencies are simpler to be connected to classic scientific
disciplines, for example, languages and mathematics, therefore, their occurrence in school syllabuses,
course outlines and textbooks is more defined. Hence, the so-called transversal competencies, like
entrepreneurial competence are not really discussed in regulatory documents internationally, even in
the early stage of school-based education.
Entrepreneurial education was included in the 1995 Hungarian National Core Curriculum referred
to as entrepreneurial behaviour, activity, and mindset, and the next, 2003 version of the document
used the term entrepreneurial ability and skill as one of the key competencies. An analysis of the 2012
version focusing on entrepreneurial education for primary school students detected that the National
Core Curriculum discusses the related knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes in details (see Table 1).
Interpreting the term entrepreneurial education in a broad way, it entails developing both personality
traits and competencies in order to educate sensitive, innovative, problem-solving citizens with out-
of-the-box thinking. Social entrepreneurship, a strongly related term, covers a set of peculiarities
which are needed to be able to utilize entrepreneurship in social settings.
A practical example of social entrepreneurial education was the EU-financed YouthStart and UKids
programmes between 2015 and 2020 with the participation of teacher-training universities and
elementary schools of six European countries, including Hungary. According to Lindner’s Trio model
(2019) entrepreneurial education is performed at three levels: core entrepreneurial education,
entrepreneurial culture, and entrepreneurial civic education. For the development of 8–11-year-old
learners, the framework of the programme offered 16 thematic projects with a challenge-based
learning strategy focusing on different competencies in line with the UN’s Agenda 2030. The
Hungarian realization of the programme intended to realize only the core entrepreneurial education;
the achievements were presented at an international conference (Hercz & Lindner, 2020).

Table 1
Different substances of entrepreneurial education (Angyal, 2019, p. 14)

Knowledge Abilities and Skills Attitudes

Fitting possibilities to personal Planning, managing, controlling Independence
professional and business and leading, task sharing,
activities communication Readiness for creation and
Recognition and interpretation of Judgement and initiation,
challenges creativity, risk-analysis and risk- Motivation and determination to
taking, problem-solving, analysis, achieve goals
Understanding economic systems reflection on experiences
and financial issues
Individual and group working
Financial and legal knowledge for
business life Ethical behaviour

XXI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia (2021) – Tanulmánykötet

Research Methodology

The objectives
Today’s learners are the future’s citizens. Their upbringing is supported by the family and the school
environment in different ways and depths; however, similar and bilateral efforts of the two agents are
preferred for promoting a harmonious education. This is the core idea of this research, which is a
continuation of two prior investigations into parental thinking: one discussed lifelong learning
education for UKids-participating children (Hercz et al., 2020), the other one looked at the
entrepreneurship-related views of parents of UKids-participating children (Hercz et al., 2019). These
investigations and the informal, end-project feedbacks led us to the conclusion that children were avid
participants of the challenges, nevertheless, their parents’ active involvement had the power of view-
shaping for both.
Based on the literature review and our previous research discussed above, in this research, our
intention was to investigate how parents characterize the ideal employee of the 21st century, what
they think of social entrepreneurial education and its support, and how they assess their family
environment in general. Due to an already-existing questionnaire and the possibility to reach a large
sample, we decided to follow a quantitative research design with the following hypotheses:
1. The characteristics of the 21st century employee ideal dominate parental views on ideals for
their children.
2. Parental views contain the well-known modernistic positive parenting approach.
3. Due to the positive parenting approach being present in the collective thinking for decades,
family climate and educational environment support the establishment of flow-personality in
As the research was performed during the run of the international project UKids (2017–2020), ethical
issues were considered and handled in accordance with the related regulatory documents of the
project. The execution of the programme and the joint research at ELTE Gyertyánffy István Primary
School Budapest, Hungary and other primary schools of the capital city and the countryside was
preceded by giving information to school leaders and parents verbally and in writing, and acquiring
their consent.

The instrument
The instrument, Entrepreneurial Beliefs of Parents Questionnaire (ENT-BP2), used in this research was
a slightly altered version of the Entrepreneurial Beliefs of Parents Questionnaire (ENT-BP1), which had
been developed to ask UKids-participating children’s parents in 2018. The basic concept of both
designs was to utilize the self-evaluation statements of the UKids Framework of References for
Entrepreneurship Competencies with a twist: the sentences were used to evaluate children by their
parents. The difference between the ENT-BP1 and the ENT-BP2 is a minor addition: the ENT-BP2
contains two extra items without modifying the overall characteristics of the questionnaire, only the
Cronbach’s alpha changed to 0.811. The item groups are as follows:
1. The properties of successful adults and successful children (31 items): successful adults, success
at school, failure at school;
2. Parental roles (8 items): counselling statements in a fictional peer-parent conversation;
3. Parental views in general (50 items): childcare, supporting ideas and creativity, supporting
communication, supporting self-management, democracy in the family, opportunities for
4. Own children, own parenting (13 items): assessing own children, assessing own parental roles,
rules in the family, non-adequate parenting;


5. Background factors (6 items): respondents’ sex, living place, education, wished education for
children, number of children in the family, way of responding (father or mother individually, or
The conceptualisation of the scales having relevance to our present research is introduced as follows:
1. The properties of successful adults and successful children. We introduced the scale with an
instruction: “The following personality traits have been collected. Please consider how typical
you think these traits are for a successful person in the 21st century, and evaluate the items
accordingly.” The personality traits listed have been acquired from the initial, stakeholder
analytic phase of the UKids project in which we had brainstorming discussions with parents
from a school class in six participating countries.
2. Parental roles. The counselling statements were derived from brainstorming sessions detailed
3. Parental views in general. Since positive family climate is a precondition of positive parenting,
to create this scale, we assumed that parental views could be interpreted with the help of
Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory (2001). The properties of the so-called flow-family were filtered
by performing document analysis on Csikszentmihalyi’s work (see Table 2).

Table 2
The happy child: Characteristics of the family supporting the optimal experience
(Csikszentmihalyi, 2001, pp. 134–135)

Criteria Content
which is reflected in clear and unambiguous requirements and expectations on
1 Consistency the one hand, and in adequate communication and feedback for the child on
the other hand
in this case the child feels that his or her parents are interested in his or her
2 Focusing on child
feelings and experiences

3 Democratic climate choices and decisions are also made for the child in the family

trust in the child, respect for his or her feelings and activities; if it is important
4 Sense of security to the child, it is considered important, they are allowed to immerse
themselves in it

Attitudes towards
5 creating and providing opportunities for more complex activities

Excluding the background factors, all items required answer on an intensity scale of five. We
deliberately asked respondents to give answers as they were “giving marks at school” since this
approach should be vaguely familiar.

The sample
As we mentioned above, our previous research invited only those parents whose children were taking
part in the Hungarian UKids programme, therefore, this convenience sampling was associated with
high motivation for responding. Since the outcome of that research was the confirmation of parents’
“entrepreneurial positive” attitude, it was a plausible decision to target the parents for one more
sampling. The online version of the ENT-BP2 was available in the spring and summer of 2021, and our
teacher acquaintances recruited parents in Hungary. A peculiarity of the measuring was that families
could decide whether only one parent completed the survey or both. Two thousand completed
surveys had been expected; however, due to missing and false cases, only 1,854 copies were analysed.
This number means that the sample represented 1,854 families’ opinions: 1,088 mothers (58.7%),
344 fathers (18.6%), and, jointly, 422 mothers and fathers (22.8%) responded. Considering the gender,

XXI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia (2021) – Tanulmánykötet

the distribution was as follows: out of the 2,276 respondents, 1,510 were female (66.3%), 776 were male
(33.6%). Forty-four percent of the respondents lived in cities (capital city and cities with county rights),
34% in towns, and 22% in villages or smaller settlements. The distribution of the number of children in
respondents’ families was as follows: 30% of the families raised one child, 46.5% of them raised two
children, 20% of them raised three, and 4% of the families raised four children.
Since the issue of parents’ level of education may be rather sensitive, we asked the wished level of
education for their children first. The results were as follows: 1% wished for basic education, 28% for
intermediate, and 71% wished for advanced level of education for their children. We assumed that
parents’ level of education could determine the modernity of their parental views: an index variable
was merged from the two parents’ data with a preference for the higher-ranking one. The rounded
values of this index variable were as follows: 7% had basic or lower level of education, 9% had some
basic professional training, 39% had intermediate level of education, 25% had intermediate level of
education with secondary school diploma, and 20% had advanced level of education. The gender
distribution of parents’ educational level was as follows: 12% of the mothers had basic education, 59%
had intermediate level of education, and 29% had advanced level of education; 15% of the fathers had
basic level of education, 47% had intermediate level of education, and 38% had advanced level of

Data processing
Data collection was performed with the help of Google Forms, the raw data were transferred to
Microsoft Excel 2021 for data cleansing. The IBM SPSS Statistics 27 software was used for statistical
analysis. The KMO values for the ENT-BP1 had already confirmed reliability, and this did not change
with the introduction of some extra items in the case of the ENT-BP2. We were able to create new
variables. The tests run for different purposes are enlisted in the Results section of the paper.
It is important to highlight that the scale “Parental views in general” was analysed twice from
different aspects. First, to explore parental views and ways of parenting, we created six factors for the
ENT-BP-1 with the help of cluster and factor analysis (Varimax rotation). These were also used in the
case of the ENT-BP-2:
GEN1 – childcare and parental roles
GEN2 – supporting ideas and creativity
GEN3 – supporting social communication
GEN4 – supporting self-management
GEN5 – democracy in the family
GEN6 – supporting social entrepreneurship (not used, subscales introduced instead)
ENT1 – supporting attitude with challenges of children
ENT2 – supporting entrepreneurial behaviour
ENT3 – supporting non-traditional topics and behaviour
Second, in order to investigate the connection between family climate and establish the flow
personality, we filtered out those items which overlapped the peculiarities declared in the flow theory.


Parental views on establishing entrepreneurial education

As mentioned above, the 50 items of parental educational views were divided into thematic groups,
therefore, we were able to look at the characteristics of general views and statements closely related
to education, as well as those related to entrepreneurship education separately (see Table 3).


Table 3
Some statistical features of factors derived from parental views (N = 1,857)
Items Mean Std. Deviation
GEN1: Childcare and parental roles 4.3 0.57
GEN2: Supporting ideas and creativity 4.1 0.59
GEN3: Supporting communication 4 0.55
GEN4: Supporting self-management 4 0.36
ENT1: Attitudes with challenges of children 3.8 0.55
ENT2: Supporting entrepreneurial behaviour 3.8 0.71
GEN5: Democracy in the family 3.5 0.65
ENT3: Supporting non-traditional topics and behaviour 3.2 0.47
Note: ENT = Entrepreneurial education factors; GEN = General educational

Results suggest that parents supported independent decision-making, and encouraged expression,
perhaps because these are well-known expectations for them. However, respondents were divided
(cf. average mean and standard deviation) regarding philosophical and preoccupying topics. There
was a particularly low level of agreement with the statements that included certain elements of
entrepreneurial education and the discussion of economic and political issues at the level of children.

Parental views on the adult ideal of the 21st century

First, our intention was to investigate what the 21st century male ideal was like according to the
respondents. Factors were identified with the help of Nagy’s (2000) model of competences. Factors
were sorted in descending order (see Table 4). To reveal the trend of parental views, we created new
variables from individual, cognitive, and social factors. Although parents considered all the three
factors important with high mean values, the cognitive one was slightly higher (M = 4.6; SD = 0.41)
than the social one (M = 4.5; SD = 0.37). The individual factor showed the lowest mean value; however,
here we found the highest deviation (M = 4.4; SD = 0.50).

Table 4
Parental views on the characteristics of the ideal employee (N = 1,851)

Std. Factors
Mean Items
Dev. Individual Cognitive Social
4.81 0.42 Takes risks / starts new things boldly 0.73
4.32 0.83 Resilient / can change easily 0.73
4.24 0.86 Lives a healthy life 0.68
4.32 0.83 Well-posted in economic issues 0.60
4.82 0.44 Good communication (writing and speaking) 0.79
4.76 0.51 Has interesting ideas, creative 0.65
4.57 0.74 Well-informed / regards information critically 0.57
4.27 0.88 Likes learning 0.49
4.72 0.61 Good at making contact 0.80
4.71 0.62 Can have an effect on others 0.76
Makes a stand for something or somebody
4.65 0.70 0.54
4.66 0.64 Persistent 0.39
3.88 1.14 Active in social life 0.65

XXI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia (2021) – Tanulmánykötet

To test the significance of the background factors, variance analysis and Tukey’s B test were run. As
for level of education, significant differences were detected with all the three factors; however, these
tendencies could not be interpreted appropriately (e.g., parents having the lowest and highest
education considered cognitive properties the least important, F = 8.29, sig < 0.01). Nevertheless, in
the case of the individual factor, parents having advanced level of education showed significantly
lower value (F = 12.27; sig < 0.01) than those who had basic or intermediate qualifications (M = 4.2 for
advanced-level education, M = 4.6 for basic-level education; F = 18.37; sig < 0.01). Looking at the living
place of families, no significant difference was found in the assessment of individual or cognitive
factors but social ones showed significant difference between parents living in towns or cities and
rural areas (M = 4.2 for rural and M = 4.5 for town or city dwellers).

Parental views on adequate parental behaviour

Based on our research in educational settings, we assumed that there was no use in surveying parents
with direct questions, a kind of indirect way (e.g., asking them to give advice) would be more beneficial
instead. The counselling-imitator items of the ENT-BP2 were used to derive parental values: out of the
many, social entrepreneurship education and self-management were highlighted; however, some
basic principles of modern pedagogy (i.e., consistency and the role of feedback) were marginal.
Cluster analysis showed three groups (see Table 5). Group 1 lists the most popular items with great
unity; moreover, entrepreneurship-ready children and the dominance of cognitive properties are also
listed here. The results of Group 3 are quite surprising since consistency and feedback-giving are well-
known to be part of naive pedagogical views.

Table 5
Descriptive statistics of some adequate parental behaviour in groups (N = 1,854)
Items Mean
Encourage them to dare to undertake their opinion in public. 4.51 0.68
1 Teach them to use their common sense to be able to state their problem. 4.47 0.71
Let them experience the consequences of their bad decisions. 4.05 0.90
Let them get along on their own, give help when it is necessary. 3.81 1.21
2 Motivate your children to have own ideas. 3.77 1.04
Let them distract (talking about things related but off to the topic). 3.48 1.10
Assess them instantly, concretely and frequently. 3.18 1.18
Educate them consistently (even if you feel sorry for them). 2.56 1.09

Some statements about parents’ families made the respondents aware of their own parenting roles,
and additional statements covered children’s abilities which were beneficial for establishing
entrepreneurial competence and some family activities supporting that process. Here, we introduced
four statements directly helping the responding parents to realize their parental roles (see Table 6).
Not surprisingly, the value of the learning-supporting parental role was regarded outstandingly high.
However, the agreement with the parent-centred commanding role was contrary to our assumptions:
95% of the respondents believed that children shall follow their parents’ orders and respect the values
of the family, while 86% of the respondents argued that children’s daily schedule shall be determined
by their parents.


Table 6
Descriptive statistics of parental roles
Frequency (%)
Items N Mean St. Dev.
1 2 3 4 5
I (or sy from the family) help
– – 1.1 8.6 90 my children to learn if it is 1,403 4.89 0.36
My child’s program is
0.2 – 12.9 43.2 43.6 determined by the adult 1,854 4.62 0.63
members of my family.
My child must precisely follow
0.2 1.1 3.8 26.5 68.4 the behaviour and values of 1,854 4.3 0.70
the family.
I am the most important
1 10.4 33.3 37.5 17.7 1,854 3.61 0.93
teacher of my child.

Flow-ready families
Using the above mentioned ENT variables and the derived flow factors (see Table 7), correlations were
calculated. The highest significant correlation was detected between “ENT2 – supporting
entrepreneurial behaviour” and “FW5 – opportunities for challenges” flow factor (R=0.42; p = 0.01),
while “FW1 – consistency and clear rule” showed the lowest (R=0.05; p = 0.01). Overall, all flow factors
correlated significantly but FW5 was outstanding.

Table 7
Some statistical features of factors derived from flow-factors based on parental views (N = 1,854)
Factors Mean St. Dev.
FW 5 – Opportunities for challenges 4 0.52
FW 3 – Democracy 4 0.48
FW 2 – Being in focus 3.7 0.52
FW 4 – Sense of security 3.6 0.56
FW 1 – Consistency and clear rules 3.4 0.60

Looking at the results according to the group of respondents, an interesting finding was revealed after
variance analysis and Tukey’s B test: if both parents in a family completed the survey, they rated the
factors significantly higher, except for FW5. Fathers who responded alone rated factors FW1, FW3, and
FW4 significantly lower compared to parent couples. However, support for the opportunities to
experience the challenges was significantly less supported by couples than by single-responding
mothers or fathers (p <0.05). The comparison according to the place of residence of the families did
not show any difference between FW1 and FW2, but the creation of a democratic atmosphere of the
family and the child’s sense of security was considered less important by villagers (p <0.05; the
difference was 0.2 on a five-point scale). Creating opportunities for challenges and more complex
activities were supported to a slightly greater extent by residents of large cities.
Correlations also proved the assumption that parental views were inter-dependent. We analysed
the relationship of general parental views (GEN1 to GEN5) and the entrepreneurial subscales (ENT1 to
ENT3). As Table 8 illustrates, families having democratic climate typically supported children’s
creativity and ideas. There were significant correlations between the factors of general pedagogical
views and the entrepreneurial ones (p = 0.01): entrepreneurial education was typical in families in
which parents supported self-management (e.g., independence, bravery, initiation) and set an

XXI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia (2021) – Tanulmánykötet

environment for challenges. Similarly, families with democratic climates supported children’s social
communication, especially dealing with non-traditional topics (e.g., political issues, news in media) and
behaviour, which is an important component of entrepreneurial education.
A low but significant correlation was found between parental views on the ideal flow-promoting
family climate and the three dimensions (individual, cognitive, and social) of the 21st century male ideal
(R < 0.23 in all case; p < 0.01).

Table 8
Correlation matrix of general and entrepreneurship-related parental views (N = 1,854)
Childcare & parental roles
0.28 1
Supporting communication
0.26 0.23 1
Supporting ideas & creativity
0.35 0.37 0.16 1
Supporting self-management
0.24 0.33 0.40 0.11 1
Democracy in the family
Attitudes with 0.24 0.14 -0.02 0.15 0.10 1
challenges of children
Supporting 0.28 0.26 0.21 0.35 0.13 0.40 1
entrepreneurial behaviour
Supporting non-traditional 0.17 0.36 0.08 0.16 0.29 0.16 0.7 1
topics & behaviour
Note: p = 0.01

The general intention of our research was to map parental views on the 21st century ideal employee
and its relationship with the parental behaviour in the framework of entrepreneurial education and
positive family climate.
The assessment of the abilities and personal properties of the 21st century male ideal is rather Janus-
faced. Our respondents valued the properties of the ideal adult employee highly in direct questions;
however, inquiring about the same attributes indirectly (i.e., assessing statements) in the context of
educating their children brought less positive results. Therefore, hypothesis 1, a kind of pedagogical
evidence, must be rejected.
We could detect some items of Frederickson’s list of positive feelings (2009) which are essential
for positive parenting. Although we did not investigate parental efforts for emphasizing character-
strengths (Seligman, 2002), they were still embedded in the entrepreneurial education dimension, and
were not really emphasized by respondents. Some items of positive pedagogy, for example, social
communication and the core idea of constructive pedagogy, were highly supported, but consistency
and regular feedback, two components of positive parenting, were the least supported, and divided
the responding parents. Based on these findings, hypothesis 2 was partly confirmed.
Challenges and democracy as flow properties were supported by the parents; however, safe
environment and educational consistency, which are essential for their realization, were low-ranked
(M = 3.5 and M = 3.4, respectively). It was obvious that parents supported some parenting ideas which


were widely-known to be necessary, but they would have not liked to apply them in their families.
Thus, hypothesis 3 was not confirmed.
It is important to add that our sample was not representative; nevertheless, its size was high and
nation-wide enough to consider the tendencies discussed above as tentative, and initiate further
research to examine some of the detected issues in detail. With the present research, we had the
opportunity to unveil some contents and tendencies of Hungarian parental views and their correlation
with demographic background variables. We firmly believe that questionnaire ENT-BP2 is suitable for
action research by educators to map parental views in their classroom and compare the results with
ours, and to support a better, evidence-based cooperation between schools and parents.

The research was founded by European Commission’s Erasmus+ KA201: 2017-1-AT01-KA201-035062 “YouthStart”
Social Entrepreneurship Programme for Kids.

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