Djpitch 9A Reflection

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I was able to get sufficient information on the subject, organise it all into a documentary
that was just 14 minutes long, and then display the outcomes of my work, so I can say
that I was successful in both the collection and administration of my data. In spite of the
fact that I was in a position to condense and simplify the information as well as make the
documentary shorter, I chose not to do any of these things because I feel the complexity
of this issue calls for an explanation that is comprehensive in scope. My goal is to
become more proficient by developing a comprehensive plan that specifies the breadth of
my study, the sequence in which the documentary will be aired, and the amount of time
that will be assigned to each particular scene and subject. In addition to this, I will begin
the process of filming all of my video as soon as it is physically possible to do so in order
to give myself more time to edit the documentary and make it far more informative and
excellent. Because of this, we will have a greater chance of receiving higher marks and
creating an amazing documentary all the way around.

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