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What is Artificial Intelligence?

According to the father of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy, it is “The science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”. Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a
computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent
humans think. AI is accomplished by studying how the human brain thinks, and how humans learn, decide, and
work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis for developing
intelligent software and systems.

Philosophy of AI

While exploiting the power of the computer systems, the curiosity of human, lead him to wonder, “Can a
machine think and behave like humans do?” Thus, the development of AI started with the intention of creating
similar intelligence in machines that we find and regard high in humans.

Goals of AI

To Create Expert Systems: The systems which exhibit intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, explain, and
advice its users.

To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines: Creating systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like

What Contributes to AI?

Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology,
Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. A major thrust of AI is in the development of
computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving. Out
of the following areas, one or multiple areas can contribute to build an intelligent system.
Applications of AI

You can say a machine or a system is artificially intelligent when it is equipped with at least one and at most
all intelligences in it.
Use of AI in day to day life:

● Navigation Apps:
Believe it or not, even your daily commute to and from work requires the use of artificial intelligence.
Navigation apps such as Google Maps use A.I. to analyze the speed of movement of traffic. It also takes
in user-reported incidents, such as traffic accidents or road construction, to predict how long it will take
you to reach your destination and uses that information to suggest the fastest route.

● Rideshare Apps. Ola , Uber,

Now suppose instead of driving yourself to work, you choose to take an Uber to your office. How do
rideshare apps determine the price of your ride or the wait time once you call an Uber? The answer is
machine learning, another example of artificial intelligence. According to Uber’s Head of Machine
Learning Danny Lange, a rider’s wait time is “based on data from millions of trips, which lets [Uber] take
into consideration normal patterns that occur day after day.”

● Short Videos & Video Summaries. ...

Popularized by Netflix, short summary videos are quickly replacing static video thumbnails in streaming
apps and on websites. Instead of requiring someone to watch and summarize the thousands of hours of
content on a streaming serve, they make us of AI to automatically understand the content of the video
and create a short video summary. This technology is also being used to automatically create highlight
reels and other compilations.

● 3D Photography
3D photography has become an impressive way to capture and display photos. The LucidPix app, for
example, allows you to capture 3D Photos or convert 2D photos to 3D without the need for multiple
cameras. The advanced artificial intelligence behind LucidPix is able to infer which parts of your photo
have higher levels of depth compared to other parts of your photo. Then, with a click of a button, LucidPix
adds depth to your photos and turns them into lifelike 3D images.

● Facial Recognition:
Apps such as LucidPix, Snapchat, and Facebook have all utilized A.I. in its facial recognition technology.
LucidPix uses facial recognition to detect a user’s face for the “3D Face” feature, which allows users to
capture and convert their selfies to 3D photos. Similarly, Snapchat uses A.I. to recognize users’ faces
and apply face filters to users’ photos. In Facebook, facial recognition is used to identify faces in photos
and invite users to tag themselves or their Facebook friends.

● Smart Assistants:
Perhaps the most popular use of A.I. comes in the form of digital smart assistants, such as Siri, Alexa
and Google Assistant. These A.I.-powered personal assistants are able to take in your voice commands
and translate them into actions, such as adding items to your shopping list or calling a friend. There’s no
question that voice assistants will continue to grow and become even more capable of assisting us in our
daily lives.
● Spam Filters: How does your E-mail identifies mails as SPAM?

You may be hesitant to believe that your email inbox employs A.I., but it’s true! One of the most
important features of your inbox, the spam filter is regulated by a set of rules that help keep your inbox
risk free. Over time, spam filters continuously learn from various signals, ranging from an email’s
metadata to specific words or phrases in an email. Gmail itself is able to successfully filter out 99.9% of
spam through the use of its machine learning algorithms.

● Media Recommendations: Facebook, Youtube, etc

If you’ve ever finished binging a TV show on Netflix, you’ve probably noticed how Netflix immediately
displays other shows you may enjoy watching next. YouTube is another platform that recommends a
series of videos you might like next after you’ve finished watching one video. Both these digital media
services analyze hundreds of records to suggest films, TV shows, and videos that you might like based
on your previous reactions and choices of media.

● Online Banking: Managing finances and categorizing expenses

Many banks now offer mobile check deposit services to their customers, which also utilizes machine
learning. Banking apps are able to recognize and read your hand-writing to translate that to a digital
check. Additionally, A.I. is also used to determine which transactions are fraudulent. FICO, the credit
scoring service, uses machine learning to develop your FICO credit score and assess the risk level of
each new customer. This information is relayed to banks so banks can determine which applicants are
safe borrowers.

● Chat Bot on banking websites and apps:

Chatbots are the biggest development trend today. From emerging startups to large enterprises,
chatbots play essential roles in businesses where automation is the need of the hour. Whether it’s
customer service or digital banking, chatbots are simplifying human-to-machine interactions.Service
today is slow and sometimes unpleasant because people are prone to mistakes and
misunderstandings. A conversational AI chatbot can be your employee 24/7 – always on hand, never
gets sick or forgets anything, never gets bored or unproductive

● Autonomous Vehicles : Tesla Motors

Self-driving and parking cars, also known as autonomous vehicles, use machine learning to recognize
the space around a vehicle in order to drive a passenger without them ever having to take control of the
vehicle. Tech company Nvidia uses A.I. to “[empower] autonomous vehicles to process large volumes of
sensor data and make real-time driving decisions.” and partners with car manufacturing companies such
as Tesla, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Volvo.
● Household Items: Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa
Even though the past nine examples of artificial intelligence are all some sort of service or software,
that doesn’t mean that A.I. doesn’t come in the shape of physical machines as well. And you may
have some of these high tech gadgets in your own home! iRobot’s Roomba vacuum cleaner uses
A.I. to scan the size of the room it is in, identify obstacles, and determine the most efficient route to
sweep the space.

Some more applications of AI in daily life:

● Search Engines: Google, Bing, etc Giving results very specific to what you are exactly looking for.
● Online Advertisements: advertisements on the basis of your search or watch history
● E-mart: Flipkart, Amazon, etc Suggesting you products and offers on the basis of your purchases
● Video Games
● Security and surveillance
● Healthcare

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

1. Reduction in Human Error

One of the biggest advantages of Artificial Intelligence is that it can significantly reduce
errors and increase accuracy and precision. The decisions taken by AI in every step is
decided by information previously gathered and a certain set of algorithms. When
programmed properly, these errors can be reduced to null.

2. Zero Risks
Another big advantage of AI is that humans can overcome many risks by letting AI robots do
them for us. Whether it be defusing a bomb, going to space, exploring the deepest parts of
oceans, machines with metal bodies are resistant in nature and can survive unfriendly
atmospheres. Moreover, they can provide accurate work with greater responsibility and not
wear out easily.

3. 24x7 Availability
There are many studies that show humans are productive only about 3 to 4 hours in a day.
Humans also need breaks and time offs to balance their work life and personal life. But AI can
work endlessly without breaks. They think much faster than humans and perform multiple
tasks at a time with accurate results. They can even handle tedious repetitive jobs easily with
the help of AI algorithms.

4. Digital Assistance
Almost all the big organizations these days use digital assistants to interact with their
customers which significantly minimizes the need for human resources. You can chat with a
chatbot and ask them exactly what you need. Some chatbots have become so intelligent
these days that you wouldn’t be able to determine whether you are chatting with a chatbot or
a human being.
5. New Inventions
AI has helped in coming up with new inventions in almost every domain to solve complex
problems. A recent invention has helped doctors to predict early stages of breast cancer in
women using advanced AI-based technologies.

6. Unbiased Decisions
Human beings are driven by emotions, whether we like it or not. AI on the other hand, is
devoid of emotions and highly practical and rational in its approach. A huge advantage of
Artificial Intelligence is that it doesn't have any biased views, which ensures more accurate

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

1. High Costs
The ability to create a machine that can simulate human intelligence is no small feat. It
requires plenty of time and resources and can cost a huge deal of money. AI also needs to
operate on the latest hardware and software to stay updated and meet the latest
requirements, thus making it quite costly.

2. No creativity
A big disadvantage of AI is that it cannot learn to think outside the box. AI is capable of
learning over time with pre-fed data and past experiences, but cannot be creative in its
approach. A classic example is the bot Quill who can write Forbes earning reports. These
reports only contain data and facts already provided to the bot. Although it is impressive that
a bot can write an article on its own, it lacks the human touch present in other Forbes

3. Increase in Unemployment
Perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages of artificial intelligence is that AI is slowly
replacing a number of repetitive tasks with bots. The reduction in the need for human
interference has resulted in the death of many job opportunities. A simple example is the
chatbot which is a big advantage to organizations, but a nightmare for employees. A study by
McKinsey predicts that AI will replace at least 30 percent of human labour by 2030.

4. Make Humans Lazy

AI applications automate the majority of tedious and repetitive tasks. Since we do not have to
memorize things or solve puzzles to get the job done, we tend to use our brains less and less.
This addiction to AI can cause problems to future generations.

5. No Ethics
Ethics and morality are important human features that can be difficult to incorporate into an
AI. The rapid progress of AI has raised a number of concerns that one day, AI will grow
uncontrollably, and eventually wipe out humanity. This moment is referred to as the AI
Smart Home:

Smart homes are homes that have all the electronic devices and security systems which are controlled by the
owner with the click of a button.
In Smart home:
--From ventilation to heating, from security to air conditioning, everything will be in your control, at a
distance of a button.
--With a click of a button; you can have the entire control of which device would be working and which would
stop working, right away.

Example of Smart Home technology

1. Smart TV: Connected to the Internet to access on demand video and music.
2. Smart lighting: System can detect when a person is in a room and adjust lightning as needed.
3. Smart thermostats: Connected with Wi-Fi, allowing users to schedule,monitor and remotely control the
home temperature.
4. Smart locks and garage door openers: Can grant or deny access to visitor
5. Smart security cameras: You can monitor your home when you are away or on vacation.
6. Automated pet food: It can be automated with connected feeders.
7. Smart coffee makers:Can brew a fresh cup automatically at a programmed time.
8. Smart refrigerator: Can keep track on expiration dates

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