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Mid Exam Politic Communication


Major: Marketing communication
Nim: 2602155164
Class: LF51
Read the questions below, answer them in full

1. The Indonesian political system recognizes the terms parliamentary threshold and
presidential threshold. Explain the meaning and differences between the two? (LO1,
LO2, Weight 20%)

parliamentary threshold : The minimum requirement to win votes is the inclusion of a
political party in determining seats on the people’s representative Council(DPR) and
Regional Representative Council (DPRD)

presidential threshold: A condition under which anyone can run for president or vice
president in a general election (pemilu)


16/05/2022Artikeljudul"PengertiandanAlasanPenerapanParliamentary: https://
FitriaChusnaFarisa 20/04/2022  dengan judul "Presidential Threshold: Pengertian dan Sejarahnya

2. Explain the benefits of public opinion in a political contestation?


The usefulness of public opinion is to reinforce the existence of a candidate’s opinion

that comes from public opinion. Because without public opinion, there are no rights for
the people and no power for politicians. Lack of public opinion can throw politics into

3. Explain the role and function of mass media in a democracy?

The mass media have a role of information, interpretation, instructive, bonding and
deviation functions. And the advantage of mass media is to reach the masses with
information. It also analyses and observes our environment and plays a role in providing
appropriate information as messages.

4. Make a campaign strategy that the NASDEM Party must carry out, after declaring Anies
Baswedan as their presidential candidate? (See the news below) Explain the steps and the
reasons for carrying out each step (LO2, LO3, Weight 40%)
JAKARTA, - Partai Nasdem resmi mendeklarasikan Gubernur DKI
Jakarta Anies Baswedan sebagai calon presiden (CAPRES) yang akan diusung pada
Pilpres 2024. Pengumuman tersebut disampaikan langsung oleh Ketua Umum Partai
Nasdem Surya Paloh. "Pilihan capres Nasdem adalah yang terbaik daripada yang
terbaik. Inilah akhir Nasdem memberikan seorang sosok Anies Baswedan," ujar Paloh
di Nasdem Tower, Gondangdia, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (3/10/2022).
Paloh turut mengungkapkan alasannya memilih Anies sebagai capres 2024. "Kenapa
Anies Baswedan? Jawabannya: Why not the best?" kata dia.
Dalam deklarasi ini, sejumlah elite Partai Nasdem tampak hadir langsung. Mereka di
antaranya Prananda Surya Paloh, Rachmat Gobel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, dan Ahmad

Anies hadir langsung.

Berdasarkan pantauan, Anies Baswedan menghadiri langsung
pengumuman deklarasi CAPRES 2024 tersebut. Anies tampak mengenakan setelan jas
berwarna hitam. Dia tersenyum dan melambaikan tangannya saat menyapa awak media.
Kemudian, Anies masuk bersama Paloh ke dalam aula tempat deklarasi capres 2024.
Anies dan Paloh pun duduk bersebelahan. Anies ikut dalam rangkaian pengumuman
deklarasi capres untuk Pilpres 2024. Mereka menyanyikan lagu "Indonesia Raya"
hingga "Himne Nasdem". Sebelumnya, Nasdem menyatakan mendukung tiga nama
bakal capres berdasarkan hasil Rakernas Nasdem pada Juni lalu. Mereka adalah
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo, dan
Panglima TNI Jenderal Andika Perkasa.


Identify the goals and objectives:

Anies Baswedan Will Continue Jokowi's Program If Elected As President and

Memberikan kesetaraan untuk semua warga Jakarta

Policy analysis: Re-function of Jatibaru road for street vendors

Let's step back a little, when President Joko Widodo was still stepping down as
Governor of DKI Jakarta. At that time Jokowi made a policy for street vendors (PKL)
who used to sell 'recklessly' on the side of the road around Tanah Abang, Central
Jakarta. Lifting the ban on motorbikes in the Sudirman-Thamrin area

The DKI Provincial Government under Ahok's leadership made a policy banning
motorbikes from crossing the MH Thamrin area, Central Jakarta. 3. Closing Sentiong
River with Waring

A month before the 2018 Asian Games, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
(Pemprov) is still confused about the bad smell and black color of the Sentiong River.

Analyse strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths: anies baswedan eligibility levels are left more and more in the name of
Prabowo and ganjar. In the 2024 presidential election, these three name have dominated
the presidential candidates for mounth, with Prabowo and ganjar in fifth place (8.4%)
his third place (11.6%) respectively. Second, Prabowo is well behind with another of
his Gerindras politicians, Sandiaga Unos, who is jumping his second-place chances
with an eligible rate of 13.8%. gerindra voters and supporters’ preferences seem to have
shifted from Prabowo to young personality sandiaga uno.
Weaknesses: anies does not have enough political resources and insufficient financial

___GOOD LUCK!! ____

Verified by,

[Arleen Ariestyani S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom] (D6100) and sent to Department/Program on

November, 1st 2022
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