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Marketing is all around us. From the moment we are born to the moment we die; marketing
is a part of our life. Marketing has an ongoing impact on our lives, lifestyles, and very
existence. If we look at our daily lives, we can see that from the moment we get out of bed in
the morning to the time we leave for work. In the middle of the night, we see that we use a
variety of products and services. Marketing provide us with these products and services.

The term “marketing” is derived from “market”. The Latin word “Marcatus” is the source of
the term “market”. It can refer to goods, trade, or a location where a company is done.
Marketing is focused with meeting the demand of customers. It refers to anything a company
does in order to satisfy customers.

Branding is a crucial concept in market. The name “brand” comes from the word “Brands”. It
means “to burn”. Each company wishes to identify sand differentiate its products from those
of its competitions in the market. A company accomplishes this through branding. Branding
is the process of naming a thing in order to identify and distinguish it. A product’s image and
consumer loyalty are shaped by its brand.

A brand is a name, phrase, symbol, mark, or design, or a combination of these, that is

designed to identify and differentitate the goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers
from those of competitions. A brand is more than a name. It incorporates the logo, symbol,
and design, as the name. A brand is a representation of trust, worth, and loyalty. It is a
perceptual entity that exists in the consumer’s head.

A brand is composed of two components: the brand name the brand mark. The brand name is
the part of the brand that can be spoken, such as HMT, 501 SOAPS, and so on. The part of
the brand that appears in the form of a symbol or design is known as the brand mark. It can
only be recognized visually and cannot be spoken.

Some of the most well-known consumer product brands have been in existence for decades,
demonstrating the power of brand loyalty. Simply put, brand loyalty refers to a buyer’s
constant preference for one brand over all others. As an example, if a customer has a brand
loyalty to ‘Pears’, he will only buy and use that soap.

Marketing and business strategy revolves around brands. A brand is a living thing in the
sense that it either develops or dies in response to the changing environment. A product may
evolve, with new feature added or existing features updated. However, a brand remains the
most valuable asset of a company.

The Epson Hx-20 was the first “laptop-sized notebook computer”. Today different brands are
available to users like Lenovo, HP, Dell, Apple, Asus, etc. A laptop is a computer that is
lightweight and portable. A Modern laptop includes speakers, a microphone, and a camera, as
well as a screen, keyboard, and pointing device (such as a touchpad). All of this is powered
by a built-in rechargeable battery, but the user may also plug the laptop in to use it while also
charging the battery. Most additional external devices can also be connected if necessary. For
portability, the laptop screen folds own over the keyboard on a hinge.
In today’s technologically advanced world, a laptop, which was formerly considered a
luxury, has evolved into an essential device. Laptop are not only convenient but are also
paced with features geared for portability and ease. Laptop are smaller, weigh less, contain
fewer components, and require less power than desktop tower PCs. Despite this, laptop are an
excellent choice for college students and business travellers. In 2005, a group called One
Laptop Per Child set out to enhance education by employing inexpensive laptop. This study
seeks to seeks to research the brand preferences among youth.


Due to the increasing globalization and homogenization of consumer’s preferences in the

world, global branding has become wider. That’s why the cultural obstacles in marketing of
the brand. Now a days, the consumer are more dynamic their taste, requirements and
preferences can the changing as per current scenario. Hence the development of laptop
industry substantially depends on the consumers buying behavior and by day within the city
area also as other places of the countries alongside that, the force force of varied brands is
increasing as well. Various low- cost Laptops from China, India and even other parts of the
planet are presently available in request. But price is not only the factor that folks consider
while buying a laptop. There are some buyers who are influenced by the worthwhile some are
influenced by quality, technology or the brand itself, Different consumers have different
attitudes and comprehensions regarding different brand similarly, a consumer’s age and
income influence his or her purchasing habit for a certain brand. This study is desirable to
identify the brand preferences among youth.


The scope of research is based on laptop brands and it throws light on brand preference on
laptops. This study is highly significant and useful to know the youyh preference while
purchasing laptops.


 To analyze brand preference on laptops among youth.

 To analyze the factors influencing the purchase of laptops among youth.


 To analyze brand preference on laptop among youth.

 To analyze the factore influencing the purchase of laptop among youth.


 H1=There is significant difference between gender and laptop brand preferred among
 H2=There is a significant difference between family income and laptop brand
preferred among youth.

Research design

The study is descriptive in nature. It includes survey and fact-finding enquires of

different kinds. The major purpose of this research is on brand preference of laptops
among youth.

Sample design

Population: The study is conducted on brand preferences of laptops among youth.

Sampling frame: To study the whole population and in order to arrive at conclusion
would be impractical, since it is not practical to include all youngsters in the area of
data collection. It was considered to draw the sample. The sampling method is used in
this study is purposive sampling under the non-probability method of sampling.

Sample size

Here 100 respondents filled the Google form within the duration of one week, hence
the researcher constitute the sample size to be 100.

Data collection

Source of data: Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The
primary data were collected through structured questionnaire based on objectives. The
secondary data were collected from books and websites.


Appropriate statistical tools are used for analysis like Descriptive and Inferential
Analysis. Inferential analysis is done through independents tow sample test is levene’s
“t” test and ANOVA for testing of testing of variance. Descriptive analysis is done
and graphs, pie charts are used to depict the data.


 The study is confined to 100 samples.

 The study only confined among youth.

 Only 40 male and 60 females are selected

 Time period was short.


The report is presented in to ;

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Review of literature

Chapter 3 . Theoretical frame work

Chapter 4. Data analysis and interpretation

Chapter 5. Findings, suggestions, and conclusions.


1.Toni L. Doolen and Rungchat Chompu-inwail (2006), In the winters of 2004 and 2005, this
research looked into the influence of utilizing laptop in a compulsory undergraduate
engineering course at Oregon state University (OSU). In Winter 2005, it was discovered that
individual use of laptops with wifi capabilities both inside and outside classrooms had a
favourable influence on student learning outcomes and aided in the attainment of class
learning objectives. There were no significant variations in views between the two years. The
introduction of laptops in both years had no effect on student views regarding computers or
their use of laptops.

2. Grimes, D., and Warshauer, M. (2008), conducted a research on students from three
different California schools using a one-to-one laptop programme and discovered that one the
programme was implemented, children performed better than non-laptop users.

3 H.Vuojarvi (2010), The grounded theory technique was used to evaluate qualitative
interview data with twenty students (identified and selected via quantitative survey) in this
study, resulting in the identification of a multi- aspect domestication process. The finding
emphasise the significe of a systematic approach to arranging laptop programmes in colleges.
In a study of 200 students performed in the winter of 2005, a modest shift in st

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