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It all started when I was watching TV and out of nowhere the TV changed channels, it was

quite strange but not annoying. The second event wasWhen a few days later, before going
to sleep I started dreaming about her and the devil for a week. The third happened here in
Baeza, since I had to move places for study reasons, the fact is that sometimes some things
fell off the shelf and all fell on their feet. I took this as a joke since it was not so much either.
The fourth was the first time I felt scared since it was 3 AM and when I was about to sleep, I
heard very loud footsteps, as if my father was climbing the stairs but when you opened your
eyes you could not hear anything. Finally, it was when I was picking up my chargers and
sitting in the chair in my room I feel like out of nowhere it had ended up on my knee.

She does not seem bad to me, nor do I know why sometimes such strange things happen,
for now I know that she has not tried to hurt me and I think they could only be a joke,
however sometimes I feel that someone passes behind me while I listen to music and clean.

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