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published: 11 June 2021

doi: 10.3389/fmech.2021.702079

Thermoelectric Properties of Arsenic

Triphosphide (AsP3) Monolayer:
A First-Principles Study
Liangshuang Fan 1, Hengyu Yang 2,3 and Guofeng Xie 2,3*
School of Physics and Optoelectronics, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, China, 2School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China, 3Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials for New
Energy Storage and Conversion, Xiangtan, China

Recently, monolayer of triphosphides (e.g., InP3, SnP3, and GaP3) attracts much attention
due to their good thermoelectric performance. Herein, we predict a novel triphosphide
monolayer AsP3 and comprehensively investigate its thermoelectric properties by
combining first-principles calculations and semiclassical Boltzmann transport theory.
The results show that AsP3 monolayer has an ultralow thermal conductivity of 0.36
and 0.55 Wm K−1 at room temperature along the armchair and zigzag direction.
Surprisingly, its maximum Seebeck coefficient in the p-type doping reaches
2,860 µVK−1. Because of the ultralow thermal conductivity and ultrahigh Seebeck
coefficient, the thermoelectric performance of AsP3 monolayer is excellent, and the
Edited by: maximum ZT of p-type can reach 3.36 at 500 K along the armchair direction, which is
Shiqian Hu, much higher than that of corresponding bulk AsP3 at the same temperature. Our work
Yunnan University, China
indicates that the AsP3 monolayer is the promising candidate in TE applications and will
Reviewed by:
Dengke Ma,
also stimulate experimental scientists’ interest in the preparation, characterization, and
Nanjing Normal University, China thermoelectric performance tuning.
Zhibin Gao,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China Keywords: Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric, first-principle calculations, transport
Jie Chen,
Tongji University, China
*Correspondence: INTRODUCTION
Guofeng Xie Thermoelectric (TE) materials are regarded as potential candidates to alleviate the energy and
environment crisis by recycling waste heat (Elsheikh et al., 2014; Champier, 2017; Gao et al., 2016).
Specialty section: However, TE technology is currently facing two crucial issues: high production cost and low
This article was submitted to conversion efficiency (El Chaar et al., 2011). For the conversion efficiency of a TE material, it is
Thermal and Mass Transport, characterized by the dimensionless figure of merit ZT  S2σT/κ (Ding et al., 2016; Gandi and
a section of the journal Schwingenschlögl, 2014), where S is the Seebeck coefficient, σ is the electronic conductivity, T is the
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
absolute temperature, and κ is the thermal conductivity, respectively. Over the past few decades, great
Received: 29 April 2021 progress has been achieved in enhancing the ZT values through certain strategies (Ouyang et al.,
Accepted: 21 May 2021
2019; Gayner and Kar, 2016), such as nanostructuring, quantum confinement, and the “phonon-
Published: 11 June 2021
glass electron-crystal” (Zhang et al., 2020; Hicks and Dresselhaus, 1993a; Hicks and Dresselhaus,
Citation: 1993b). Therefore, searching “electronic crystal-phonon glass” thermoelectric materials has great
Fan L, Yang H and Xie G (2021)
significance (Jiang et al., 2019). Due to the development of nanotechnology, new thermoelectric
Thermoelectric Properties of Arsenic
Triphosphide (AsP3) Monolayer:
materials are constantly being discovered in recent years. Phosphorene sheds light on two-
A First-Principles Study. dimensional (2D) layered materials in TE applications (Fei et al., 2014). However, the chemical
Front. Mech. Eng 7:702079. degradation upon exposure to ambient conditions seriously limits its practical application (Wood
doi: 10.3389/fmech.2021.702079 et al., 2014). Scientists make great effort to find novel materials with puckered layered structure

Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 1 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer

similar to phosphorene, which can not only retain the excellent properties, which are carried out in the BoltzTrap software
electronic properties of phosphorene, but also overcome the with a dense k-mesh 40 × 40 × 1 (Madsen and Singh, 2006).
chemical instability. Very recently, 2D triphosphides which This method has achieved good agreement between theoretical
include a combination of phosphorus and selective elements calculations and experiments for many TE materials (Bilc et al.,
from Group III, IV, and V attract much attention because of 2006; Xu et al., 2010; Parker and Singh, 2010). For the phonon
their outstanding thermoelectric performance. For example, transport properties, it can be obtained by solving the Boltzmann
Ouyang et al. (2018) predicted the ZT value up to 2.06 along transport equation in the ShengBTE packages with 50 × 50 ×
the armchair direction of InP3 monolayer at room temperature. 1 k-points (Li et al., 2014). The phonon dispersions and the
Zhu et al. (2019) indicated that the ZT value of monolayer SnP3 harmonic second-order interaction force constants (2nd IFCs)
was 3.46 along the armchair direction at 500 K. Single-layer SbP3 are calculated by using VASP and PHONOPY software (Togo
(Sun et al., 2020) and GeP3 (Jing et al., 2017) are also predicted as and Tanaka, 2015), in which the 3 × 3 × 1 k-mesh within 4 × 4 × 1
good TE materials. supercell is adopted. The third-order IFCs (3rd IFCs) is obtained
In this work, utilizing first-principles calculations and the by using the 3 × 3 × 1 supercell with the finite-difference method
Boltzmann transport equation, we explore stability, phonon/ (Li et al., 2012), which considers the interaction including the
electron, and TE properties of the AsP3 monolayer. Our seventh nearest neighbor atoms.
calculated results show that the AsP3 monolayer exhibits
ultrahigh Seebeck coefficient and ultralow thermal
conductivity, and the maximum ZT of p-type AsP3 monolayer RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
can reach 3.36 at 500 K along the armchair direction. This work
reveals that AsP3 is a promising candidate for TE applications. Atomic and Electronic Structures
Based on calculations of the first-principles, the AsP3 monolayer
exhibits a hexagonal honeycomb configuration with space group
METHODS P3m1 (No. 164), as shown in Figures 1A–C. A unit cell for AsP3
monolayer is constituted by two As and six P atoms, and the
The TE properties of single-layer AsP3 are calculated using the optimized lattice constants a  6.62 Å. More calculated
first-principles and density functional theory (DFT) as performed parameters are summarized in Table 1. Interestingly, the AsP3
in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) (Blöchl, monolayer has an obvious anisotropic structure, thus we will
1994). We set up a vacuum layer with a thickness of 20 Å explore its TE performance in the armchair and zigzag direction.
along the z-direction and use the vdW-DF2 method to correct We study the electrical band structures as well as the
interaction force between the layers (Klimeš et al., 2009). The corresponding density of states (DOS) of AsP3 monolayer, as
generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the presented in Figure 2A. We find that the AsP3 monolayer is an
Perdew−Burke−Ernzerhof (PBE) are adopted for processing indirect bandgap semiconductor, its valence band maximum
the exchange-correlation functional (Perdew et al., 1996; (VBM) is locating at the Γ point, whereas the conduction
Kresse and Furthmüller, 1996). A plane wave basis with a band minimum (CBM) is located between the Γ and M
cutoff energy of 500 eV and a 6 × 6 × 1-k-mesh are used for points. The accurate bandgap of 2.28 eV is obtained by using
the structural relaxation of the Brillouin zone (BZ). The the Herd–Scuseria–Emzerhof hybrid functional (HSE06) (Heyd
convergence criterion for complete relaxation of all geometric et al., 2003). In the vicinity of Fermi level, the two highest valence
structures is that the total energy change is <10−7 eVÅ−1 and the bands (VBs) exhibit overlap at the Γ point, which benefits their
residual force is <0.01 eVÅ−1. electrical transport characteristics (Ding et al., 2018). The DOS
The Boltzmann transport theory and rigid band further demonstrates that the edges of the VB and CB are mainly
approximation are used to evaluate the electronic transport coming from the P atoms, which can also be observed in

FIGURE 1 | (A) Top view of atomic structure, (B) corresponding first Brillouin zone path, and (C) electronic local function for monolayer AsP3.

Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 2 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer

TABLE 1 | Calculated lattice constants (la), bond lengths of P–P (lP–P) and X–P TABLE 2 | Calculated elastic modulus C2D (J m−2), DP constant El (eV), effective
(lX–P), and bandgap based on PBE and HSE06. mass m* (me), carrier mobility μ (cm−2 V−1 s−1), and relaxation time τ (ps) for
electron and hole in AsP3 monolayer at 300 K.
Type la (Å) lP-P (Å) lX-P (Å) PBE (eV) HSE06 (eV)
Direction Type C2D El m* μ τ
AsP3 6.62 2.24 2.38 1.57 2.28
Armchair Hole 57.93 2.38 0.11 366.37 0.13
Electron 57.93 2.89 1.11 75.09 0.05
Zigzag Hole 57.91 1.78 0.85 337.33 0.16
Figure 2B, where the partial charge density provides that the Electron 57.91 3.83 0.56 167.96 0.05
charge is mainly concentrated near P atoms. Meantime, a peak
shape of DOS is acquired in monolayer AsP3, which is regarded as
the electronic transmission characteristic of high TE performance
(Peng et al., 2014). down (Singh, 2007; Parker and Singh, 2011). Positive and
negative μ correspond to the n-type and p-type doping. Here,
Electrical Transport Properties the S, σ, and PF concerning chemical potential μ can be computed
Based on the deformation potential (DP) theory (Bardeen and by employing the Fermi–Dirac distribution function fμ (Parker
Shockley, 1950), the carrier mobility of AsP3 monolayer can be and Singh, 2011) as:
calculated by the formula:
1 zfμ (T, ε)
2eZ3 C2D σ αβ T, μ   (ε) − dε, (2)
μ2D  , (1) V αβ dε
3κB T|mp |2 El2
1 zfμ (T, ε)
Sαβ T, μ   (ε)ε − μ − dε, (3)
where m*, κB, El, and C2D are the effective mass, the Boltzmann eTVσ αβ T, μ αβ dε
constant, the DP constant, and the 2D elastic constants,
respectively. These parameters and the relaxation time where V is the volume of the primitive cell, and the transport
(τ  μmp/e) are given in Table 2. One can see clearly that the distribution function (ε) is written as follows:
hole mobility is significantly higher than the electron mobility. αβ

Besides, the flatter conduction bands provide a greater effective e2 δ ε − εi,q

(ε)  τvα i, qvβ i, q , (4)

mass m* of electron doping, which demonstrates a larger Seebeck αβ
N0 i,q dε
coefficient S because it is proportional to m* (Gao et al., 2018).
We obtain the electrical transport properties of AsP3 where N0 is the number of q points sampling, τ is the electronic
monolayer via calculating the semiclassical Boltzmann relaxation time, and ] is electronic velocity.
transport equation (May et al., 2009), involving Seebeck Figures 3A,B are the Seebeck coefficient S of AsP3 monolayer
coefficient S, electrical conductivity σ, electrical thermal as a function of µ. The downward trend of the S with the
conductivity κe, and power factor (PF), which are important temperature gradually slows down as the temperature
parameters for evaluating the TE properties. The rigid band increases. Surprisingly, the AsP3 monolayer shows ultrahigh S
approximation theory is adopted to simulate the influence of compared to other triphosphates with high TE performance (InP3
doping on electron transport. It is assumed that the band (Ouyang et al., 2018), SnP3 (Zhu et al., 2019), and CaP3 (Zhu
structure of the n-type and p-type systems does not change in et al., 2020a)). At room temperature, the S of AsP3 monolayer
shape under light doping, whereas the Fermi level moves up and reaches 2,860 µVK−1 along the zigzag direction and 2,800 µVK−1

FIGURE 2 | (A) Calculated orbital-resolved band structures and corresponding DOS of AsP3 monolayer. The contribution from As (red) and p (purple) atoms weight
the colors of band structures. (B) The partial charge densities of DOS.

Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 3 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer

time of hole. Since electrons submit the Fermi–Dirac distribution,

the gradient of σ around VBM and CBM tends to be flat with
increasing temperature. According to the Wiedemann–Franz law,
the κe is proportional to the σ: κe  LσT, where L is the Lorenz
number (L  π 2 κ2B /3e2 ) (Jonson and Mahan, 1980). As shown in
Figures 3E,F, the κe of the AsP3 monolayer increases with rising
temperature. The influence of p-type doping on the κe is greater
than that of n-type doping, which is related to its larger p-type σ.
Based on the obtained S and σ, we calculate the PF as shown in
Figures 3G,H. Similar to σ, the PF of p-type AsP3 monolayer is
significantly higher than that of n-type, which means that it is a
potential p-type TE material.

Phonon Transport Properties

The phonon spectrum and projected density of state (PhDOS)
of the AsP3 monolayer are illustrated in Figure 4A. No virtual
phonon modes are observed in phonon dispersion, which
indicates that the AsP3 monolayer is dynamically stable.
The phonon spectrum of AsP3 contains three phonon
branches (ZA, TA, and LA) and twenty-one optical
branches. The low-frequency optical branch and the
acoustic branch of the AsP3 monolayer are softened and
overlapped, leading to the strong acoustic–optic interaction
(Gao et al., 2018). Besides, the flat-frequency band over the
entire frequency range can lead to smaller phonon group
velocity (Ma et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2018). It can be seen
from the corresponding PhDOS that the phonon mode mainly
contains As atoms in the low-frequency region (below 3 THz),
FIGURE 3 | (A)–(H) Seebeck coefficients, electrical conductivity,
while the high-frequency region (over 12 THz) is contributed
electrical thermal conductivity, and power factor vs. chemical potential µ at by the P atom.
different temperatures (300, 400, and 500 K). Figure 4B depicts the corresponding vibration modes near the
Γ point of the acoustic branch (ZA, TA, and LA) and the lowest
optical branch (Opt1) to display the characteristics of the phonon
along the armchair direction. The double degeneracy of the mode more intuitively. It can be seen that the vibration of the
valence band at the Γ point and the steep electronic density of three-phonon branch occurs along the in-plane (TA and LA) or
states near the Fermi level effectively increase the S. outside the plane (ZA), which is a property of natural vibration.
The electrical conductivity σ vs. μ is shown in Figures 3C,D. It Interestingly, it is observed that As atoms of the Opt1 branch have
is found that the p-type σ is visibly larger than that of the n-type in-plane opposite motions relative to their adjacent As atoms,
for AsP3 monolayer, due to the higher mobility and relaxation while P atoms have in-plane antiphase motions. This

FIGURE 4 | (A) Phonon spectra and phonon density of states (PhDOS) for AsP3, (B) the corresponding vibrational modes of the acoustic phonon branches (ZA,
TA, and LA), and the lowest optical branch (Opt1) near and at the Γ point.

Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 4 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer

FIGURE 5 | Lattice thermal conductivity of AsP3 as a function of temperature (A) and frequency (B). The insets of (A) is lattice thermal conductivity as a function
of T−1.

FIGURE 6 | (A) Phonon group velocity, (B) Grüneisen parameters, (C) phonon relaxation time, and (D) three-phonon scattering phase space as a function of
frequency for AsP3, respectively.

phenomenon can significantly block heat transport, thereby temperature. The inherent κl is obviously proportional to 1/
reducing the thermal conductivity of the lattice (Ding et al., 2015). T, which is attributed to the inherent enhancement of
Based on the 2nd and 3rd IFCs, the κl is calculated by the self- phonon–phonon scattering (Liu et al., 2018). Excitingly, the
consistent iterative method. The calculation formula of κl is as AsP3 monolayer shows ultralow thermal conductivity. At
follows: room temperature, κl along the armchair direction
(0.36 Wm−1 K−1) is lower than that along the zigzag
κl,αβ  CV q, λvα q, λvβ q, λτ q,λ , (5)
direction (0.55 Wm−1 K−1). We explore the relationship
between κl and frequency to describe the contribution of
where CV, ], and τ qλ are phonon model specific heat, group different phonons. Figure 5B shows that acoustic branches
velocity, and relaxation time, respectively. As shown in (below 2 THz) along armchair (zigzag) direction contribute
Figure 5A, we plot the κl of AsP3 monolayer vs. about 75% (86%) to κl.

Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 5 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer

FIGURE 7 | ZT as a function of the chemical potential (A) and carrier concentration (B) of the AsP3 monolayer.

The phonon group velocity is an important coefficient to for the low κl of AsP3 monolayer. The three-phonon scattering
evaluate the heat transferability, which can be obtained by the phase space (P3) is the available space for the three-phonon
following equation: scattering process (Li and Mingo, 2015), which can further
analyze the source of lower κl. As shown in Figure 6D, the
v . (6) AsP3 monolayer possesses a larger P3 over the entire frequency
dq region, which allows stronger phonon–phonon scattering and
The corresponding group velocity of AsP3 monolayer is weaker heat transport.
plotted in Figure 6A. We can see that the group velocity in
the low-frequency area is distinctly larger than that of the high- Thermoelectric Figure of Merit
frequency area. It exhibits a smaller average group velocity about Combining the electrical transport coefficients and thermal
1.91 km s−1, which is related to the flat phonon dispersions and conductivity, we can estimate the ZT values of AsP3, as
low cutoff frequency. displayed in Figure 7. The p-type doped AsP3 monolayer
To determine the other origin of ultralow κl of AsP3 exhibits a higher ZT than the n-type one, which is caused by
monolayer, we calculate the Grüneisen parameter γ, which can larger PF of p-type. The maximum ZT values of p-type doped
be used to describe the anharmonic interaction of crystals. It can AsP3 monolayer at 500 K can reach 3.36 and 2.92 along the
be described by the following equation: armchair and zigzag direction, while corresponding ZT values at
300 K is 2.22 and 1.84, much higher than that of bulk AsP3
V zωλ q (∼0.5 at 300 K) (Duan et al., 2019), which is mainly caused by the
cλ q  − . (7) larger S and lower κl of AsP3 single-layered structure by
ωλ q zV
dimensionality reduction. The maximum ZT value of AsP3
Generally, the larger |c| represents the stronger anharmonicity monolayer at 500 K is comparable with other 2D
and the lower κl. As presented in Figure 6B, one can see a larger triphosphides, such as n-type doped InP3 (ZT  3.23)
|c| in the low-frequency region, and the average of |c| is about (Ouyang et al., 2018), p-type doped SnP3 (ZT  3.46) (Zhu
16.17, indicating the existence of strong phonon–phonon et al., 2019), and p-type doped SbP3 (ZT  3.5) (Sun et al.,
scattering. 2020). Besides, the maximum ZT values can be achieved when the
Figure 6C is the phonon relaxation time vs. frequency of AP3 carrier concentration is between 1 × 1010 and 1011 cm−2.
monolayer. At 300 K, our calculated phonon relaxation time of Generally speaking, if the ZT value is close to 3, it is deemed a
AsP3 monolayer (4.3 ps) can be compared with the single-layer good TE material (Harman et al., 2002), therefore AsP3
KAgS (4.05 ps) (Zhu et al., 2020b), which is an important factor monolayer can be a potential candidate for TE applications.

Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 6 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer


In conclusion, we investigate the TE performance of AsP3 The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
monolayer by a highly precise first-principles method. The made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
calculated results show that AsP3 monolayer is an indirect
bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap of 2.28 eV. It also
possesses excellent Seebeck coefficients and electrical AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
conductivity. Due to its lower values of phonon velocities
(1.91 km s−1), larger Grüneisen parameters |c| (16.17), as well GX established the theoretical models and supervised the project,
as shorter phonon relaxation time (4.30 ps), AsP3 monolayer and LF and HY performed the calculations and data analysis.
exhibits ultralow κl 0.36 Wm−1 K−1 (0.55 Wm−1 K−1) at room
temperature in the armchair (zigzag) direction. At 500 K, the
maximum ZT of the AsP3 monolayer can reach up to 3.36 FUNDING
(armchair direction) and 3.08 (zigzag direction) by the optimal
p-type doping. These results prove the huge advantages of AsP3 This work was financially supported by National Natural Science
single-layer film in high-efficiency conversion of heat energy. Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No. 11874145 and 11474243).

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Fan et al. Thermoelectric Properties of AsP3 Monolayer

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Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | 8 June 2021 | Volume 7 | Article 702079

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