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Word Definitions Anto&Syno Families Examples

1 Cynical (adj) believing that people are only Cynically She has a pretty cynical view
interested in themselves and (adv) of men
are not sincere
2 Innovative introducing or using new ideas, Innovate (v) There will be a prize for the
(adj) ways of doing something most innovative design
3 Potential (adj) that can develop into something Potential Potential We have compiled a list of
or be developed in the future (n) (n) 10 potential candidates

4 Credibility (n) the quality that Credible (adj) After the recent scandal, the
somebody/something has that government has lost all
makes people believe or trust credibility
5 Endorse (v) to say publicly that you support Endorsement Members of all parties
a person, statement or course (n) endorsed a ban on land
of action mines

6 Savvy (n) practical knowledge or Savvy (adj) Savvy (adj) Skill isn’t enough—you need
understanding of something savvy too

7 Representative a person who has been chosen Representative Representative Our elected representatives
(n) to speak or vote for somebody (adj) (adj) in government should be
else or for a group of people, or doing something about this.
to take the place of somebody

8 Dictate (v) to tell somebody what to Dictate (n) Dictate (n) They are in no position to
do, especially in an annoying dictate terms

9 Relatable (adj) making you feel that you can Relate (v) She is the most relatable
understand and have sympathy character in the film
with somebody/something
10 Dramatically very suddenly and to a very Dramatic (adj) Prices have fallen
(adv) great and often surprising dramatically

11 Sway (v) to move slowly from side to Sway (n) Sway (n) The branches were swaying
side; to move something in this in the wind

12 Approachable friendly and easy to talk to; easy Approach (v) Despite being a big star,
(adj) to understand she's very approachable

13 Criterion (n) a standard or principle by which The main criterion is value

something is judged, or with the for money.
of which a decision is

14 Buzz (v) to make a continuous low sound Buzz (n) Buzz (n) Bees buzzed lazily among
the flowers

15 Retailer a person or business that sells Retail (v) one of the country’s largest
goods to the public food retailers

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