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Spider-web discussion

Instructions: First, quickly answer the questions for yourself in note format. The, taking turns, each person will ask another member of the
group a question. Members will respond thoughtfully while other members are taking key point notes on the response and using fixup strategies
to check (e.g., asking for clarification);
1. You may NOT ask the same question or ask the same person as the person before you, unless it’s the last question.

Discussion Question Responses (Notes)

If friends make self-deprecating comments, how do you respond? Is it Me:
a good thing to frequently make these kinds of comments?
Member 1 Name: Quang
Laugh along since it was their motive
-Long period => stop, ask if need support
-Yes, make lots of these to get a laugh from friends with exception
Member 2 Name: Vinh
I do not think making a self-deprecating comment is something you
should, it might make people very sad. That why if I ever see
someone doing this I will track their IP address and go to their home
just to beat them up
Member 3 Name: Bao
I usually laugh with them a lot. I actually like these jokes, but I will
based on their emotions when saying it. Since if you say it a lot, it
usually is not a good thing and if your emotions convey that you need
help, you need help
What forms of self-expression can you think of? How do you express Me:
Member 1 Name: Quang
-Drawing / images -> can convey clearer
-Face + emotions
Member 2 Name: Vinh
There think there are many ways to express yourself, maybe via
music, art or maybe other activity. For me, arguing on twitter is the
best way to express myself.

Member 3 Name: Bao

Conveying with arts and words are two forms of self-expression. But
I like convey with pixel art more than words
To what extent do you think people are self-serving? Why? Me:

Member 1 Name: Quang

Competitive moment or in a test => to make them better instead of
Member 2 Name: Vinh
Nowadays I do not think people are that self-serving, cause if you do
people going to hate you a lot
Member 3 Name:
Quite a lot. If you want to have society grow, you will need some

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