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Question 1

Dear Hamka,
As far back as I can remember. I have always liked going
out to eat. Having two suggestions from my favourite
restaurants are The Chicken Rice Shop and Burger King.
Though both are places to dine, they have differences in their
ambiance, menu of dishes, and cost. When deciding where to
go to eat, I have three things to think about it. I must consider
Western or Asian of cuisine dishes. In the meantime, if I was
feeling very hungry I would go to The Chicken Rice Shop
because it has an interesting selection of food and the
ambiance of the restaurant is very comfortable like a family
concept. If I want to hurry and just to eat side dishes I will go
to Burger King because the dishes are very fast and most
interesting the price is very affordable. So that my suggestion.
“All the best”

Your friend,

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