Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain-2006-Fines-37-40

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Anaesthesia and cognitive

disturbance in the elderly

Daniel P Fines
Andrew M Severn

Decline in cognitive functioning after surgery, pathology; delirium is frequently mistaken

particularly in the elderly, has been anecdotally for dementia. Many of the causes of dementia
Key points
appreciated by the profession and public for are associated with a failure of cholinergic
Perioperative delirium and longer
many years. It is a well established phenom- transmission; therefore, patients are very
term cognitive disturbance are
enon after cardiopulmonary bypass and recent sensitive to anticholinergic drugs. Anticho- common and disabling
research reveals it to be a surprisingly common linesterases are used in some patients to consequences of anaesthesia and
outcome after other types of major surgery. improve cognitive function. In its most easily surgery in the elderly.
Much remains unknown about its aetiology, recognized form, dementia presents as a global Evidence is emerging that the risk
but the implications for anaesthesia and sur- deterioration of cognitive ability in the of postoperative delirium can be

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gery in an increasingly long-lived population absence of clouding of consciousness, that is, predicted by preoperative
screening of otherwise
are considerable. the patient who responds appropriately when
asymptomatic patients.
Three clinical conditions are worthy of dis- introduced but who clearly is mistaken as to
The risk of prolonged
cussion and need to be distinguished from each where he or she is when asked a few simple
postoperative cognitive
other, that is, delirium, dementia, and post- questions during the preoperative visit. dysfunction (POCD) is 10%
operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD).1 The very nature of hospital admission, following major surgery in
particularly for emergency or trauma surgery, patients of more than 60 yr of age.
means that delirium may occur in the patient Increasing age is a risk factor and
Delirium with dementia. Indeed, the latter is considered the incidence in patients of more
than 80 yr of age may be as high as
Delirium is the acute onset of disturbed mental a risk factor for the former. However, it is one in three.
function; it is surprisingly common in elderly important that due consideration is given to
Regional anaesthesia reduces the
hospitalized patients and the time course is the potentially reversible part (delirium) of risk of cognitive impairment in the
often short. Alteration of consciousness may the symptom complex before assuming that immediate postoperative period
be a feature. Visual hallucinations may occur the patient’s problems are an inevitable con- but appears to have no effect on
with fleeting delusional thoughts. Anxiety and sequence of dementia. In practice, it is import- the incidence of prolonged
distress are common. There is a diurnal varia- ant that a confident diagnosis of dementia is
tion of symptoms with a variety of behaviours, made by the community services (e.g. general The risks of cognitive decline
should always be considered and
from aggression to withdrawal (leading to a practitioner, nursing home), rather than in an
discussed when major surgery is
mistaken diagnosis of depression). acute postoperative situation. contemplated in elderly patients.
There may be a predisposing cause, such The diagnosis and clinical features of the
as urinary tract or chest infection, or it may dementias are beyond the scope of this
be related to drugs including alcohol or caffeine article. Suffice to say that there are a number
withdrawal. In particular, drugs with anti- of diseases in which dementia is a feature.
cholinergic actions are implicated in delirium. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most import-
Many drugs, including digoxin, thiazide ant examples of a progressive chronic condi- Daniel P Fines
diuretics, and corticosteroids have mild anti- tion associated with cognitive decline. Chronic Consultant
cholinergic actions that may, when used in decline also occurs in Parkinson’s disease and Department of Anaesthesia
combination with other drugs with similar widespread cerebrovascular disease. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Hospital Road
effects, contribute to delirium. Opioids, sedat- Pendlebury
ives and disturbances of calcium, sodium, and Manchester M27 4HA
Anaesthetic assessment
glucose homeostasis are also associated fac- Andrew M Severn
tors. Failure of communication may be a con- It is important to assess the severity of cognitive Consultant
sequence of loss of dentures, glasses or hearing disturbance. The Mini-Mental State Examina- Department of Anaesthesia
aids; this may lead to a mistaken diagnosis. tion (MMSE) is a test of global cognitive Royal Lancaster Infirmary
Ashton Road
function2 that can be performed at the bedside. Lancaster LA1 4RP
It consists of a series of questions on orienta- Tel: 01524 583528
Dementia tion and simple commands to assess compre- Fax: 01524 583519
Dementia refers to a series of chronic organic hension (Table 1). Variations in MMSE allow
brain syndromes associated with irreversible comparison to be made with time and measure (for correspondence)

doi 10.1093/ceaccp/mki066
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 1 2006 37
ª The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2006].
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Cognitive disturbance in the elderly

Table 1 Aspects of cognitive function tested by the MiniMental State Examination the lay person’s view of POCD. It is difficult to get a reliable
estimate of how prevalent and disabling such conditions are.
Orientation in time
Orientation in place Hence the approach used by the investigators in the International
Repetition of named objects Study of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction to define the
Repetition of simple phrase
condition in terms of a statistical abnormality, rather than any
Ability to undertake simple arthmetic
Recall of objects named earlier in the interview particular clinical features.
Naming of objects shown by examiner Research into POCD is fraught with problems. Observed over
Execution of simple tasks by written and spoken command
time, a proportion of the elderly population will suffer cognitive
Writing a simple sentence
Copying a simple design decline in any event, and some studies are hampered by the lack
of an appropriate control group. Also, the development of other
pathologies within the study period may affect the results. The
progress following illness or surgery. The MMSE is scored out of a tests used to detect POCD vary among studies, making compar-
total of 30, with points being awarded for correct answers in the ison difficult. The level of difficulty of the tests themselves is
various aspects of function tested. An MMSE score of <23 is not important—too easy and they fail to detect more subtle degrees
diagnostic of dementia but does offer supporting evidence. Lesser of impairment, too difficult and they discourage the subject, thus

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degrees of impairment of MMSE scores (e.g. 26–29) imply a degree influencing performance in the tests. Furthermore, performance
of cognitive deficit which, while not indicative of dementia, may in cognitive testing is sensitive to the environment in which it is
have implications for postoperative management. It is becoming carried out, the manner in which it is administered, the mood of
apparent that, even in the absence of dementia, MMSE scores of the subject at the time, and the number of times it is adminis-
28 or less are associated with more than a 2-fold increased risk tered. Allowance must be made for all of these factors when
of developing postoperative delirium compared with scores of interpreting the data. Recruiting patients to take part in studies
29 or 30. Specific deficits of attention appear to be associated of POCD is not easy. Patients who feel they may be vulnerable
with an even higher level of increased risk.3 to cognitive decline may elect not to take part, or withdraw
Performance of a complete MMSE may be difficult to justify in subsequently if they feel that their cognitive performance has
an asymptomatic preoperative patient. However, it is reasonable worsened. Postoperative depression and coping mechanisms
to assume that a patient who is unable to recall simple informa- may also play a part; subjective reporting of cognitive decline is
tion pertaining to time and place (e.g. date or hospital) will score more common than that detected by testing.5
significantly less than the maximum 30 points. Such infor- Despite these difficulties, some research has been carried out in
mation may be of serious clinical significance when it comes to this area. The largest study of POCD carried out to date, in a
predicting the possibility of postoperative confusion. cohort of more than 1200 patients of more than 60 yr of age,
The time course of acute cognitive dysfunction, as assessed found an incidence of POCD of 25% at 1 week and 10% at
with serial MMSE measurements following major surgery, has 3 months postoperatively.6 Further follow up of the affected
been described. Duggleby and Lander4 assessed 66 patients patients showed that the incidence of cognitive problems eventu-
after hip arthroplasty for several days, undertaking serial ally fell towards that in matched controls but that 1% had unre-
MMSE examinations. Four patients failed to complete the solved POCD up to 2 yr after operation. The older patients
study, for reasons that might arguably be attributable to within the study showed a higher incidence, approaching one in
confusion, and no details of anaesthetic technique are recorded. three in the relatively small group of more than 80 yr of age,
However, the data are striking. More than a quarter of these and further studies have shown a correspondingly smaller risk
patients had MMSE scores <26 on the third postoperative day in younger patients.7 It is clear that increasing age is in itself a
and, even by day 5, MMSE scores in a few patients failed to return risk factor for developing POCD.
to preoperative levels. These patients were relatively young (mean
age 64.8, range 50–80).
Possible causes of POCD
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction Emboli
There is much evidence to suggest that multiple cerebral emboli
POCD has been defined for research purposes as deterioration in
are the cause of cognitive deterioration following cardiopulmon-
performance in a battery of neuropsychological tests that would
ary bypass. Whilst many other types of surgery do not carry such
be expected in <3.5% of controls. This dry statistical statement
a direct risk of cerebral embolization it seems nevertheless
equates to a catastrophic loss of cognitive ability; it is the differ-
plausible as a causative factor.
ence between a person who is capable of living independently and
one who is not. POCD can be usefully defined as a long term,
possibly permanent, disabling deterioration in cognitive function Perioperative physiological disturbances
following surgery. The statement that ‘Granddad was never the Biochemical disturbances, notably hyponatraemia, are a well
same after his operation’ is occasionally heard and may reflect recognized cause of postoperative delirium. There is no evidence,

38 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 1 2006
Cognitive disturbance in the elderly

however, that biochemical disturbances cause prolonged POCD. longed POCD (from 9.9 to 5%). This is thought to be the result of
Perhaps more surprisingly, there is no evidence that perioperative a deterioration in patients who have such medication withdrawn
hypoxaemia or hypotension, even quite profound or prolonged, is acutely, rather than a direct protective effect of the drug. Certainly
associated with POCD.6 patients who are taking drugs to support their cognitive function,
including the anticholinesterase drugs such as donezepil, should
Pre-existing cognitive impairment not have them stopped perioperatively. There are grounds to
Studies of POCD exclude patients who are already cognitively believe that sudden stopping of anticholinesterases may precipit-
impaired, but it is possible to demonstrate a lower risk of ate cognitive failure that may be difficult to reverse.
POCD in patients with a higher level of intellectual performance
preoperatively. It is likely that the converse is true and a pre- Conduct of anaesthesia
existing dysfunction increases the risk of POCD.
There is no strong evidence to support the use of any particular
drugs. However, there are significant associations between early
Other factors POCD, and both increasing duration of anaesthesia and respir-
Serum concentrations of known markers of brain damage such as atory complications; therefore attention can be directed to the

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neurone specific enolase and S-100 beta protein do not appear to avoidance of these factors where possible.
correlate with the development of POCD. Many other factors Recent research has focussed more particularly on the possible
have been considered as possibly contributing to the risk. They benefits of regional over general anaesthesia. Many anaesthetists
include variations in the handling of anaesthetic and other drugs, actively promote the use of regional anaesthetic techniques in
changes in the normal adrenal response to surgery in old age, and the elderly. Lower limb joint replacement, for instance, is com-
the possibility of a ‘risk gene’ for POCD in a manner analogous to monly performed under regional anaesthesia alone. There may be
Alzheimer’s disease. There is currently no good evidence to sup- a number of good medical reasons in a given individual for
port any of these theories. recommending regional above general anaesthesia but, even in
The known predisposing factors for early and late POCD are the absence of these, it is often felt that elderly patients recover
summarized in Table 2. more quickly and with less cognitive disturbance following
regional anaesthesia. Available evidence from patients random-
Anaesthetic technique and postoperative ized to receive either regional or general anaesthesia shows that,
cognitive impairment in the first week after surgery, the incidence of cognitive impair-
ment is indeed reduced where regional techniques were used
Good perioperative anaesthetic care is regarded as one of the key (12.7% vs 21.2%); however, this difference does not persist at
means of reducing postoperative complications in any group of 3 months. Regional anaesthesia does not appear to be superior
patients, and it seems reasonable to assume that this also applies to general anaesthesia in preventing prolonged POCD.8 The
to POCD in elderly patients. Therefore, it is surprising and reduced risk of ‘early’ POCD may have important implications
disappointing that fundamental parameters such as oxygena- for physical recovery, cooperation with postoperative therapy,
tion and blood pressure do not seem to influence the incidence. and length of hospital stay.
Nevertheless, there are important considerations for the Recent evidence suggesting that patients are at risk from
anaesthetist which can affect postoperative cognitive function. POCD as a consequence of admission to hospital supports the
concept of day case surgery. Obviously, this can only be under-
Premedication taken where support services (e.g. competent relatives, practice
Benzodiazepines may cause disorientation and confusion in the nurses, social services) are involved and investigations completed
elderly. Surprisingly, however, the use of preoperative benzo- before admission.
diazepines is associated with an apparent 2-fold reduction in pro-
Future developments
The precise aetiology of POCD remains obscure and the subject
Table 2 Predisposing factors for POCD
of further research. What is known can nevertheless be applied to
Early POCD clinical practice in an effort to reduce the incidence. It is clear that
Increasing age
General rather than regional anaesthesia cognitive dysfunction in the immediate postoperative period
Increasing duration of anaesthesia and that persisting for months or years are two distinct entities.
Respiratory complication Although early postoperative delirium does not have the implica-
Lower level of education
Re-operation tions for long term care attached to prolonged POCD, its presence
Postoperative infection can impair recovery and prolong hospitalization in a vulnerable
Prolonged POCD (months postoperatively) group of patients. Recognition of the special challenges of
Increasing age only
perioperative care in elderly patients have made this an emerging

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Cognitive disturbance in the elderly

subspecialty of anaesthesia, within which an awareness of the References

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7. Johnson T, Monk T, Rasmussen LS, et al. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction
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Acknowledgement 47: 260–6
The authors would like to thank Professor Clive Ballard of King’s
College, London for his assistance with this paper. Please see multiple choice questions 30–30.

40 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 1 2006

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