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Welcome to your assignment!

Your task is to create a quiz application using React JS as the front-end. The
application should have the following features:
1. Users should be able to create a quiz by providing the quiz name, description,
points/grading system, and time limit.
2. Users should be able to edit the quiz by adding or deleting questions and
adding or deleting multiple choice answer options.
3. Users should be able to take the quiz and receive immediate feedback on their

To complete this assignment, you will need to:

1. Set up a new React project and install any necessary dependencies.
2. Create a form for users to create a new quiz. The form should include fields for
the quiz name, description, points/grading system, and time limit.
3. Create a database to store quiz data. You can use any database technology you
like, but we recommend using Firebase for ease of use.
4. Implement a feature for adding and deleting questions to the quiz. Each
question should include a prompt and several multiple choice answer options.
5. Implement a feature for taking the quiz. Users should be able to see each
question one at a time and select their answer. The application should keep track
of the user's score and display it at the end of the quiz.
6. Test your application thoroughly to make sure it is working as expected.
7. Once you have completed the assignment, host your React App on a free
platform and submit the app link and GitHub repo link to dip.patel@goreeva.com.
Include instructions for the app installation in a README file.

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