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Session: 2022-23

Synopsis of Minor Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of Masters in Computer

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Jyoti Mam Sourabh Pareek

Arpit Sen

Regn. No. 22MCAN008


Batch- C1 2nd Sem




1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Features
4. Feasibility
5. Requirement Analysis
6. Modules
7. Working Plan
8. Bibliography

This PDF to Text Converter and Translator developed using Python can instantly
and accurately convert any PDF text into audio.

Along with reading any PDF document out loud, this application can also translate
and vocalize any text into up to five languages. Moreover, this system can also
benefit visually impaired individuals and people with learning disabilities such as

This project has a user page that first lets you sign up and thereafter one can log
in and one has to send in a pdf file containing text.
The text is read by the function “PyPDF2.PdfFileReader” and it is converted to
byte form. The text is then extracted using the function “text.extractText()”. The
library google trans is used to convert the text written in a particular language
into the audio form of a particular language.

We have several options in languages, such as English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati,

etc. Using the function “gTTS” we can hear the audio.

Some recent music players are

1. Online doc translator

2. Zamzar pdf
3. Ave pdf

1. Best accessible platform.

2. Easy translation of any pdf file.
3. Any language translation.
4. Support very high space file.
5. User Friendly.


1. Easily downloadable and shareable.

2. No premium will required to download.
3. Online shareable will be there.
4. Different download methods will be available.
5. Very efficient
6. People from different regions can use this
7. Saves time

1. Technical Feasibility

This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization.

It helps organizations determine whether the technical resources meet capacity
and whether the technical team is capable of converting the ideas into working
systems. Technical feasibility also involves the evaluation of the hardware,
software, and other technical requirements of the proposed system. As an
exaggerated example, an organization wouldn’t want to try to put Star Trek’s
transporters in their building—currently, this project is not technically feasible.

2. Economic Feasibility

This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis of the project, helping
organizations determine the viability, cost, and benefits associated with a project
before financial resources are allocated. It also serves as an independent project
assessment and enhances project credibility—helping decision-makers determine
the positive economic benefits to the organization that the proposed project will

3. Operational feasibility

It assesses the extent to which the required software performs a series of steps to
solve business problems and user requirements. This feasibility is dependent on
human resources (software development team) and involves visualizing whether
the software will operate after it is developed and be operative once it is installed.
Requirement Analysis
 At developer side

Software requirement:

Operating system: windows 10

Language used : Python
Tool Used : Visual Studio 2022

Hardware requirement

Processor : Pentinum IV or above

RAM : 8GB or greater
Hard disk : 40GB

 At user side

Internet Connection and pdf file

1. User:
 New User/Register: New User can create their account by adding information such as
name, gender, email id, address, etc.
 Login: User can login to their account using their credentials.
 Read PDF: User can upload PDF that they wish to be converted to audio.
 Choose Language: User can select the language in which they want their document to
be translated.
 Listen PDF: User will be able to listen to the PDFs uploaded by them
2. Admin module: In this module, admin can add more features like subscription and can
also remove some features.

Working Plan
This project has a user page that first lets you sign up and thereafter one can log
in and one has to send in a pdf file containing text.

The text is read by the function "PyPDF2.PdfFileReader" and it is converted to

byte form.

The text is then extracted using the function "text.extractText()".

The library google trans is used to convert the text written in a particular language
into the audio form of a particular language.

We have several options in languages, such as English, Hindi, Marathi ,Gujarati,

etc. Using the function "gTTS" we can hear the audio



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