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Alexis Phillip Joel F.

Section 1C
Sep 13, 2022
Seatwork (HIS)

1. Differentiate Information System vs. Information Technology, expound and

justify your answers.

The technology, people, and procedures involved with information and management of
an entire set of information are all included in an information system. And it covers not
just the technical elements but also the associated personnel and operational
procedures. The design and implementation of information, or data, within an
information system is known as information technology. Information system and
Information technology require different education and training. The field of information
systems serves as a connection between technology and people, whereas information
technology focuses on assisting people in using and comprehending that system.

2. Compare Information System before and Information System now.

Before it’s hard to collect, process, store and disseminate information. People only use
manuals, papers, etc. Technology is not that powerful before. Information System
before is a hassle. However, as time goes by the information system changed.
Technology is now running in a world like computers and other gadgets. It is more
advanced so it is easy in collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information.

3. Is information System will be that effective and commits no more error

specially if the drive of the institution is to become paperless

Yes information System will be effective, still I won’t say there is no more error since
there are lots of technical errors and minor problems even in our advance world.
However, we can avoid errors if we are good and aware in using technologies. The
information should be accurate, reliable, complete, detailed, and relevant. If an
institution would want to become paperless they need to have these characteristics.

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