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The Element is roof and the defect for this element is ceiling collapse at prayer hall.

Symptom of the
defect is sagging of ceiling and dropping of the plasterboard sheeting and also we can see stalagmite
at wall.

Possible cause of the defect is water leaking on flashing of the roff on top of the ceiling finish will
make the element damp because it is absorbed by water and eventually the ceiling finish is damaged
and detached from its frame Moisture and decay due to water seepage.

Prognosis for the element if this problem is not taken action this may occur mould growth spread on
the surface and cause more ceiling to fall and then hit the person who prays. This defect also can
cause the carpet to rot due the water seepage from leaking roof water

investigate and identify where the cause of the roof leak occurred. Next repair, damage of the roof
flashing and to the interior of the affaected roof structure. Third, clean the fungus and stalagmite
with scrapper at wall. Then measure area of collapse ceiling and replace ceiling with plafon fiber
model ceiling. Next, Apply a thin layer of joint compound around the hole. Apply the joint compound
with a trowel to the edges of the hole. Then, with the trowel, carefully spread it around so that it's
evenly distributed over the surface of your drywall replacement piece. Allow the drywall compound
to dry overnight. Paint over the new drywall paint using the same paint that was used for the ceiling
and make o prime the area before paint it.

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