B Speaking Quý 1

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1. Do you like chocolates?
-Well, I am not really a big fan of chocolate. Perhaps, because I don’t particularly have a sweet
tooth. Having said however, when I feel blue, I enjoy a bar of chocolate because it enhances my mood
2. How often do you eat chocolate? = Do you often eat chocolate?
-Once in blue moon. I know some people find it hard to resist bying chocolate every time they go to
convenience stores or supermarkets, but I only buy it on special occasions like Valentine’s Day or my
beloved’s birthday. It costs a small fortune to buy fancy confectionary like a great box of dark Belgium
chocolate, therefore it’s not a temptation I surrender to very often.
3. What type of chocolate do you prefer? Why?
I prefer dark chocolate to mik chocolate, because I enjoy the distinctive bitter taste of it. Chocolate
lava cake is also one of my favourites. Even the mere mention of it makes my mouth water. Oh, drinking
hot chocolate is also a perfect option for me, especially on freezing winder days.
4. When do you usually eat chocolate?
Not very often. I only eat chocolate when I am too busy to have a proper meal. Eating a bar of
chocolate not only could save you a copious amounts of time but also keeps my blood sugar at a moderate
5. Is chocolate a good gift?
Yes, it’s very common to give a lovely box of chocolates as a gift.You can give chocolates on any
special occasion really: birthdays, Valentine’s day, Easter, Christmas, and so on.
6. Why do you think people like chocolate?
Like I said before, chocolate can boost our energy and calm our soul. It’s also an optimal ideal
choice of gift to show your affection to your nearest and dearest as a meaningful gift. A bar of chocolate
can brighten (make) someone’s day.
7. Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone? Why?
Yes, I have. Every time I have to give a gift to someone who don’t know personally, chocolate is
always my go-to present. I think chocolates are one of the easiest gifts you can give because most people
tend to like them. They also often look fancy, so it’s a great way to express your love and gratitude.
8. Do people give chocolate as a present in your country? Why?
Yes definitely, people usually buy or even make chocolate themselves to give to their signigficant
others, especially on Valentines day. It’s one of the top choices as a romantic present. Also, when people
come back from travelling abroad, they often buy high-quality Swiss or Irish chocolates for their family
and friends.
9. Is chocolate popular in your country?
Definitely, like other places. For example, when people want to express their love, many people
choose to do so with chocolates. That’s why there is such a variety of chocolate brands with different price
ranges and quality availabe in the market these days. The sweetness of chocolate also maes it a preferred
present for men to give their beloved women on special days, especially Valentine’s day or International
Women’s day.
10. Is chocolate good for our health?
Scientifically, chocolate provides a nuber of health benefits. Firstly, eating chocolate helps improve
our mood and lift our spirits. Secondly, consuming a reasonable amount of chocolate is good for the
cardiovascular system. Interestingly, chocolate has been proved to contain antioxidants, which benefits
women as well. However, if people over-consume chocolate, it can pose a dire threat to their bone density,
so it’s important to remember the old adage “nothing in excess”.
11. Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?
Well, actually I have never ever thought about it. However, I suppose modern men and women eat
a lot more chocolate than their ancestors ever would have done. In my country, chocolate consumption is
on the rise, especially in younger generations.

1. Do you often (like to) listen to music? Or do you like listening to music?
So far I haven’t met anyone who dislikes music. However, when the workload is too heavy that
requires me to stay highly focused, music is a huge distraction. Unlike many people who listen to
instrumental music because it helps them focus,  music makes me feel sleepy.
2. When do you listen to music?
Well, the whole world likes it, so I’m no exception. I usually listen to cheerful music when I need
motivation and prefer sad ones, when I’m in a bad mood.
3. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
As I’ve mentioned I prefer working in silence. To put it simply, I don’t listen to music during my
working hours. After a long day at school, I probably want to chill out for like half an hour and music helps
me to stay energetic.
4. What kinds of music do you like to listen to? Or What’s your favourite kind of music?
I prefer a range of music from Western to Eastern, and from the 90s to modern EDM. But if Korean
pop is considered as a kind of music, then yeah, that’s my favourite. More than half of my playlists are
Korean songs and I always keep myself updated with news related to Korean showbiz.
5. Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?
I attend concerts, once in a blue moon, since the ticket price for foreign artists’ concerts is out of my
reach.  So I can only stay home and watch online. It was in 2014 that I finally did go to a concert on my
own and it was an international music concert. It was absolutely mind-blowing and an unforgettable
6. Do you like to listen to live music?
Unless it’s live at a coffee shop, where literally there is only music and me, then yeah I would love to.
But I would change my mind if it’s a concert. The crowd is too crazy. It’s completely a mess most of the
time and I end up with a severe headache.
7. When did you start listening to this type of music?
From the day a friend of mine introduced her favourite group to me. She couldn’t help herself
talking on and on about them that I thought I somehow needed to catch up with her. And the more I got to
know about Korean pop, the more passionate I became.
8. Where do you listen to it?
Almost everywhere, except for the classroom. It’s the golden era of mobile devices. Everyone carries
earphone and phones with them all the time, music, therefore, is on their fingertips.
9. How do you feel when you listen to this music?
Well, I’m the type of person whose mood is easily affected by what I’m listening to. Thus as the music
changes, my mood also fluctuates. But most of the time, listening to some music helps me pick up my
energy and chill a bit.
10. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
I learned to play the organ when I was in kindergarten. It was quite funny because I started out as
one of the performers. Then my teacher told my mom that I had better play the organ instead of
performing. So I became her trainee and it continued for around 4 to 5 years until I was 10.
11. Is music an important subject at school in your country?
Music is one of the compulsory subjects for primary and secondary students in my country.
However, the main focus was on singing. We could also add some movements to make the songs more
lively. Only those who were selected for the large performances were allowed to use musical instruments.
12. Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes give details.)
Since my parents are music-lovers and also have very good tastes, I was exposed to music at a very
young age. Sometimes my mom sang me to sleep with her lullabies. Although I could not get the message
at that time, my mom said that I buoyed up when listening to them.
13. What kinds of music are (most) popular in your country?
Besides pop music, the younger generation nowadays is exposed to different types of music. It is
indeed difficult to tell which is in-demand since I feel each type has roughly the same popularity. But I
guess pop music is the most sought-after now. I’ve never met someone who doesn’t know pop songs.
14. Do you like traditional songs?
Well, it’s easy for me to name some traditional songs, some of which I’m very familiar with. But to be
honest, I think I’m not that into this kind of music.

1. Do you stay up late?
1. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting 
Today I want to tell you about a foreign friend I just met, she is from AUSTRALIA, she is a very
interesting girl to me, she loves trees and plants, after 6 months of getting to know each other
through the app. Using tinder, she gave me inspiration from the natural life around her that was
worth changing for me.
At first she showed me how to grow plants so that they can survive in harsh environments, I
wasn't interested at first but when she showed me a picture of her garden with lots of plants and
flowers, I started passionate, She laughs a lot, laughs a lot, that amuses me. And I decided to buy
more plants to grow at home, and since then my back garden is full of trees
Thank you foreign friend for giving me experiences and inspirations about life, hope that one
day we will meet and share more interesting things with each other.

2. Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably 

Today I’m happy to share with you about a lady who I follow on social media.
Her name is Trac Thuy Mieu, a famous MC and journalist who is well-known for
her intelligence and outstanding sharing skills on her own Facebook and Youtube page. She is
kind of a gentle and charming 50-year-old woman who usually appears in her charming ao dai
outfit. Each appearance of the outfit is modernized and traditional combined, making her more
attractive than ever.
I first saw her when she attended the Bar Talk Show hosted by Dustin Nguyen. Needless to say,
I was convinced pretty quickly by her aura during the show and decided to become her fan.
Thanks to following her videos, I have learnt many meaningful things in life. Everytime she
appears, she would dress herself in either ao dai or rather seductive sleeping outfit with a
cigarette in hand, sipping wine and sharing her thoughts about certain life issues like loving
relationships, public health, and emotional crisis.
I really like her because she has an aura that attracts people to listen to her. Besides, she is also
pretty knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with some dramas that not many of us know
how to control or solve. From her, I have obtained a perfect shield to cope with a number of life
That is all I would like. Thank you for your listening.
3. Describe a Friend from Your Childhood 
4. Describe a Person You Know Who is From a Different Culture
Since my passion for foreign languages was ignited, I have tried my best to befriend as many
people around the world as possible. So, today I’m going to talk about one of my best pen pals,
whose name is Linda.
Linda was born in Spain but she started his career as a journalist in the US after graduating from
a well-known university with flying colors. Although his office is in Boston, she rarely stays put
in one city for a fortnight.
Regarding our first rendezvous, it was during an online gathering which was organized by my
English center 3 years ago where he was a guest speaker. To my surprise, I was really impressed
by the way Linda broke the ice with all the strangers in the meeting. To be honest, I must admit
that she is the kind of person who never struggles in starting small talk with someone she meets
for the first time. After the online session was over, I got in touch with her and luckily she agreed
to drop me a line whenever possible.
Since then, I have always considered her not only my best friend but also my mentor because I
can rely on her for suggestions, aid and guidance. What I mean is she supports me a lot when I
feel under the weather or stressed due to an intense school schedule. She is also very enthusiastic
when sharing with me many fascinating stories or exotic experiences of every destination she has
visited. This frequent correspondence allows me to not only reduce my study-related stress but
also broaden my horizons about places I might never set foot in.
5. Describe a Disagreement You Had With Someone
-Life would be tedious if everyone shared the same views on all topics. I think there is
nothing wrong with voicing disagreements, but we should try to resolve them peacefully.

-17 Many years ago, I had a quite heated exchange with Guy, one of my friends about our

-Huy is rather conservative and he insists that the reason why our country does not prosper
is brain drain. I, on the other hand, believe that there is a lack of opportunities in Vietnam for
youngsters and thus they can rightfully opt for foreign countries to study and start a career.

-The disagreement took place when we discussed our future plans after graduating from high
school. Guy told me he was planning to join the armed forces while my plan was to settle abroad
as soon as I completed my higher education. This was the moment the debate grew intense. To
my surprise, normally Huy is a placid person, but on this issue, he lost his cool. I think we had an
argument for about 1 hour. At last, we both reached a consensus on the idea that we had the right
to choose what was best for our own future.

-That minor disagreement of course could not spoil our friendship and we often recall it
when having the chance to catch up with each other. Obviously, differences in viewpoints are
inevitable, but the way we handle them can be decisive to the quality of relationships.
1. Talk about a historical period you want to know more about. 
2. Describe a time when you received some positive feedback. 
3. Describe a Time when You Needed to Search for Information
It's always exciting when we get to do amazing and unexpected things for someone. I want to
share with you about a special day out in my life that was in Ha Long Bay.

That day alone I was quite busy to prepare for my mother's birthday, 2 years ago, I wanted to
surprise her and do everything by myself, it was a moment that my whole family will never
forget. I planned 2 weeks ago, booked an appointment, chose a beautiful location so that I
could use my phone to take a lot of beautiful pictures for my mother.

Find out detailed information about the schedule to see if everything around is convenient to
travel, especially I have to see what the weather forecast is like that day, so that everything can
go smoothly and the phone The phone helped me a lot in finding out more about the services
for that evening. Everything was quite fine, all the decorations for that party were made by my
own hands such as confetti, colored curtains, pretty vases.

That evening my whole family was very happy gathered around the lights, enjoying the cool
outdoor breeze of the sea. My mother is very cheerful and happy. Although I'm a bit tired, I'm
happy to have memorable moments, save beautiful photos from my phone. The special thing is
that almost everything is handmade by me, so they don't cost too much, the dishes I cook by
myself only buy ingredients for processing.

So it can be said that next time my father's birthday, I will also make him like my mother.
Thank you for those wonderful moments.

4. Describe a Time You Made a Decision to Wait for Something

The story I want to tell you right now is that time when my best friend and I had to wait for our
exam results and we had to make a decision to apply to the High school accordingly.
My friend always played with each other for a long time, we understand each other everything
even when choosing high school, she also asked me for advice, at first we chose a private school,
then she was afraid of test score low so ask me to decide.
We thought a lot and finally we applied together to Gia Loc high school, and it actually took us 2
weeks to prepare the documents required by their school to submit early. 2 months ago,
sometimes I feel frustrated, but sometimes if you want to be successful at something, you have to
change it with time and perseverance.
Finally, 2 weeks later, GL high school sent a letter announcing that we were eligible for
admission with thousands of applications across the country, a blessing and gratitude. My friend
thanked me very much for my advice.
I hope that my success is also the success of my friends after the long journey.
5. Describe a Time When You Forgot/Missed an Appointment 
It was just last month. I was supposed to meet my best friend at her apartment on Sunday and
take her to her hometown so that we could enjoy a meal with her family. It was a super busy time
because I have just got a new job. A lot of things to learn about and I buried myself in a
mountain of workload.
I even burned the midnight oil because I wanted to perform well at work. I was exhausted and
there was nothing in my mind except work at that time. I even accepted my boss’s request for a
business trip to Hanoi on that Sunday and totally forgot about the appointment with my friend.
On Saturday, I was on the flight to Hanoi and I posted a picture on my Facebook before my
flight. After arriving at my hotel, I opened my phone and saw her messages asking me about the
dinner with her family the next day. I felt extremely disappointed with myself for forgetting such
a special appointment with my best friend. She has always been a thoughtful and supportive
friend who gave me good advice and encouragement. She was not mad at me but I knew she was
very sad.
After this occasion, I promised myself that I will never ever forget an appointment again and no
matter what happens, I need to maintain a work-life balance. Coming back from my business
trip, I came to her house with some Hanoi specialties and apologized to her.
Thankfully she was happy again and still my bosom buddy.

6. Describe a Time When You Received Money as a Gift 

A gift always brings a smile on our face, whenever we receive it. Moreover, it shows our
importance in other’s life. Different types of gifts are given on different occasions, as a token of
blessings and love. I have also received many gifts so far on various occasions. On my last
birthday, I received money as a gift from my elder brother.
Since he was confused about my preference for a gift, he decided to give me some money as
a gift so that I could buy anything as per my choice. He made my birthday special when he had
given me an envelope containing some cash. There was an exact amount of cash inside which I
required to purchase an Apple Watch. I felt so overwhelmed that tears started rolling down my
eyes. Next day, I and my brother went to the market and bought a white Apple Watch for me.
Out of the excitement, I clicked a picture of that watch and posted on my social site to share my
happiness with my friends and relatives.
I was really grateful to my brother for the gesture of love and care he had shown me. I really love
him for his unconditional love and support. He understands my needs even if I do not tell him.
That gift was indeed special for me but the person who gave me that gift is the most special one.
7. Describe a Time When You Saw a lot of Plastic Waste (e.g. in a park, on the
beach, etc.) 
The experience I will tell you about happened three years ago when I was paying a visit to Vinh
Hy, a small bay in the south of Vietnam. To get a good view of the sea, I chose a hotel on the
coast, where I could enjoy the wonderful sunset from my balcony. But when I actually sat on the
terrace and watched the sun sinking into the sea, it caught my eye when a strip of white plastic
waste constantly rose and fell with the waves at the rim of the shore, which completely ruined
the ambience.

It seemed that the ocean returned what human beings had dumped into it. And because this
wasnotafamoustouristspot,thegovernmenthadnotemployedanyonetocleanthe waste. As time
passed, the plastic bags, bottles, jars, and packages piled up, forming an ugly scene.

Although I felt sad about it, I did nothing. It was far beyond my capability to change the
situation, and I did not know which government department I should complain to.

I had heard thousands of times about how plastic was polluting the ocean and endangering
marine species, but I thought it was just a strategy adopted by scientists and environmentalists to
draw people’s attention. This experience changed my perception and prompted me to believe
that we are reaping what we have sown and that if we do not take immediate action, we might
reach the tipping point soon.

8. Describe a time when you helped a child

Helping is the most beautiful quality of a human being one should help others whenever it is
needed or required. Especially children, they are so curious to learn everything. We should
always help them in their academics and extracurricular activities. Here I am going to talk about
a time when I helped a kid. It was my vacation time and I was chilling on a beach with my
family and I was having a wonderful time with my family.
On the beach I saw one small kid trying to make a sand house. He was struggling to make it. I
observed him failing many times. The mud was not shaping according to him. And I decided to
help him make a sand house. I like helping kids and I especially help them when I find them
struggling. And when I saw him failing in making a sand house I immediately went and sit with I
also started making a new one just beside him. When he joined me we together made a
wonderful sand house. That kid kept continuously talking about different shapes he wanted in the
house and I tried to make them. At the end we finally did it. We made a wonderful sand house
together and saw a victory smile on his face and I lived my childhood once again. It was such a
satisfying movement. His parents were watching us doing this when we completed the house.
They also came with us and we clicked some photographs
9. Describe a Time When You Were Stuck in a Traffic Jam
1. Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you have been to
2. Describe a place in your country or part of your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/
3. Describe an Outdoor Activity You Did in a New Place Recently
4. Describe The Home of Someone You know Well And That You Often Visit
5. Describe a quiet place you like to go 

1. Describe a movie or film you watched and you want to watch it for the second time.

2. Describe a program you like to watch 

3. Describe a photo that you are proud of 
4. Describe an Object That You Think is Beautiful
5. Describe a traditional product in your country 

6. Describe Something You Had to Share with Others 

1. Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting
2. Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed.
3. Describe a Difficult Thing You Did and Succeeded


1. Describe a Problem You Had While Shopping Online


3. Describe a Problem You Had While Shopping Online

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