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Theme: Wildlife

Goal: To bring fact and importance about endangered species to society especially younger

Main Topic:

 Endangered Animals that Live in Malaysia.

 Our national animal, Malayan Tiger.

Thesis Statements:

 Some animals are ironic symbols to some countries as their national animals but these
animals have been critically endangered due to deforestation and illegal poaching.
 Almost all the countries have their own national animal as their ironic symbol for the

Point 1-3

Animals That Been endangered in Malaysia;

Point 1: What are the endangered animals in Malaysia?

Point 2: Why we need to protect the endangered animals especially in Malaysia?

Point 3: What are the threats for these endangered animals?

Point 4: How to protect them from extinction?

Malayan Tiger:

Continental Tiger | Species | WWF (

Asian Elephant

Asian Elephant | Species | WWF (


Orangutan | Species | WWF (

Square 1: In Malaysia, there are many endemic species that live in our ecosystem which have unique
characteristic. But, Due to deforestation and illegal poaching, many species are endangered and
some of them will extinct
2. Malayan Tiger Bio

Point 1: What is Malayan Tiger?

Point 2: Why does Malayan Tiger need to be protected from extinction?

Point 3: What is the threat for Malayan Tiger to survive in wildness?

Point 4: Are there has any solution to protect Malayan Tiger?

Square 1: Malayan Tiger is a majestic species that lives in the rainforest as an apex predator and
symbol to Malaysia.

Malayan Tiger - Malaysian Wildlife


References: Video

How endangered is Malaysian Wildlife? - Malaysian Wildlife

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