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Trial MHBS 4013 - ILKKM Ulu Kinta

1. Which are important functions of cerebrospinal fluid?

A. A physical barrier.
B. Act as a pH buffer.
C. Produce nerve and blood cells.
D. Regulate oxygen and blood levels.

2. It is not unusual for a …….. child who has suffered a degree of brain damage in MVA to
make a complete recovery several months later. This is because of the job of the damaged
structures that have not yet become....... can be taken on by other for other functions.
A. older, brain, available.
B. developed, area, advanced.
C. prepubescent, hippocampus, known
D. young, neural structures, specialised

3. After a car accident, Mr A had a lot of difficulty in understanding language and

remembering verbal information. This is most likely the result of damage to which lobe,

A. Frontal.
B. Parietal.
C. Occipital.
D. Temporal.

4. Difference between endocrine and exocrine glands is/are that endocrine glands
A. are interconnected, exocrine glands are totally independent.
B. release hormones, exocrine glands release sweat and sebum.
C. are ductless, exocrine glands release secretions into ducts or at the surface of the
D. release hormones, exocrine glands release secretory products such as sweat and

5. Which of the following best describes homeostasis?

A. Dynamic equilibrium.
B. Keeping the body in a fixed and unaltered state
C. Maintaining a near-constant internal environment.
D. Adjustment of physiological systems within the body.

6. A 67-year-old woman complains of insomnia, anorexia, irritability, feeling depressed, and

bone discomfort that prevents her from going outside. Based on the assessment, which
disorder would you think is correct?
A. Diabetes mellitus.
B. Diabetes insipidus.
C. Hypoparathyroidism.
D. Hyperparathyroidism.
7. DNA exists in a double-stranded form whereas RNA is mainly a single stranded molecule.
What is the likely reason for DNA being double stranded?
A. RNA strands cannot form base pairs.
B. Double stranded DNA is a more stable structure.
C. The double stranded structure of DNA suggested a mechanism for replication.
D. It is easier to replicate double stranded DNA than single stranded

8. The differences between mitosis and meiosis is/are that

A. mitosis occurs in all organisms.
B. meiosis involves one cell division.
C. mitosis's daughter cells are genetically different.
D. meiosis produces four haploid (n) daughter cells.

9. Psychology is defined as the scientific study of

A. people and things.
B. mind and behaviour
C. perception and religion
D. emotions and mental processes.

10. Because people spend their lives in accordance with the norms and principles of a broad
variety of cultures, the study of human development is a subject that is both rich and varied.
In the context of the study of human development, which of the following statements on the
lifespan is/are accurate?
A. It begins at birth.
B. Occurs throughout life.
C. It involves growth and change
D. Does not include biological factors.

11. B.F Skinner, an American psychologist, propounded the "Theory of Operant

Conditioning" which is also known as Theory Reinforcement". Which is/are the correct
statement pertaining to the above.Which is/are the correct statement pertaining to the above.
A. a person tends to 'repeat' behaviour, which has been 'rewarded' and 'stop', which has
been 'punished.
B. It includes how we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values,
appreciation, motivations and attitudes.
C. It is a process by which new objects and events are grasped or incorporated within
the scope of existing schemes or structures.
D. This theory refers to the learning process where learning takes place through
rewarding for certain behaviour and withholding reward for undesirable behaviour.
12. Acute stress has activation of the stress has activation of the system; and prolonged ..
A. endocrine; sympathetic nervous
B. sympathetic nervous; endocrine
C. exocrine; parasympathetic nervous
D. parasympathetic nervous; endocrine

13. Characteristics of intrinsic motivation is/are

A. a behaviour that is guided by earning rewards or avoiding punishment.
B. an inner drive that propels a person to pursue an activity, not for external rewards.
C. the urge to set challenges, interest, and purpose are some methods to increase
intrinsic motivation.
D. referring to the performance of an activity in order to attain and outcome and comes
from the outside of the individual.

14. The corrects factors determining your personality development is/are biological
factors-physical attributes, inherited disease,
A. temperament level as well as the role of the brain.
B. social factors-beliefs, values, norms, customs and techniques for dealing with the
environment shared with others.
C. environmental factors-the neighbourhood a person lives in, the school and
workplace; also the social circle the individual has.
D. cultural factors - individual's family and groups, status of the family, behavioural
patterns that determine the personality of an individual.

15. Which of the following is/are examples of the defence mechanism, 'identification'?
A. When a victim picks a suspect from a line up.
B. When a son adopts the mannerisms of his father.
C. When a person attempts to self-diagnose their symptoms.
D. When someone who commits an episode of infidelity in their marriage may then
accuse their partner of disloyalty.

16. Sociology can be considered a social science because

A. It focuses on the researchers' own experiences.
B. Sociologists collect data in a relatively subjective way.
C. ideas and research findings are scrutinised by other sociologists
D. its theories are logical, explicit, and supported by empirical evidence.

17. The following is/are most influential in determining health bellefs and practices in mental
health nursing.
A. Lifestyle factors.
B. Cultural factors.
C. Individual factors.
D. Interpersonal factors.
18. Which of the following is/are the example of culture as a shared system of meanings?
A. The form of buildings.
B. The act of creating artwork.
C. Teaching a youngster proper elder-respect.
D. The parents teach a child a proper way to address a stranger.

19. The phenomenon whereby an individual in a group will tend to end up agreeing with a
strong majority opinion despite their own judgment towards those with mental illnesses is/are
known as
A. normative influence.
B. informative influence.
C. critical mass influence.
D. effect on norms and standards.

20. Alcohol is a major contributor to health issues around the world including Malaysia.
Which of these statements is/are true regarding the differences in alcohol consumption and
abuse, between men and women? There are no gender differences in alcohol use.
A. Males tend to use more alcohol than females;
B. females tend to be more biologically vulnerable to alcohol addiction than males.
C. Females tend to use more alcohol than males; males tend to be more biologically
vulnerable to alcohol addiction than females.
D. Males and females are equally likely to consume more alcohol; but females are often
more suceptible to developing an addiction to alcohol due to their biological make-up.
Trial MHBS 4013 - Johor Bahru

1. The following statements are describing the cerebrum.

A. Cortex cerebrum can be divided into five lobes.
B. The gyri elevated ridges "winding" around the brain.
C. It contains nerve centres associated with motor function only.
D. It consists of two hemispheres divided by a fissure-corpus callosum.

2. Mr. M had a head injury. What is/are functional impairment for frontal head injury?
A. Unsteady gait.
B. Categorization of objects.
C. Disability to express language.
D. Difficult to make problem decision.

3. The following is/ are correct statements described about neurons. FFTT
A. The body have multipolar type of neurons
B. Interneuron also known as efferent neurons.
C. Nodes of Ranvier are gaps in the myelin sheath
D. Dendrites receive synaptic impulse from the nerve cell.

4. Miss R diagnosed with Bipolar, she shows extreme of mood swings. This is/ are due to
imbalance of hormone
A. Serotonin.
B. Dopamine.
C. Epinephrine.
D. Noradrenaline.

5. The following hormones are involved in the homeostatic mechanism process.

A. Thymine.
B. Guanine
C. Dopamine
D. Thyroid stimulating hormone

6. Dysfunction of thyroid gland results in the following condition. FTTF

A. Gigantism.
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Hyperthyroidism.
D. Diabetes Mellitus.

7. The type of nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA is/ are TTTT

A. Adenine.
B. Guanine.
C. Thymine.
D. Cytosine.
8. Meiosis is the process of
A. cell duplication or reproduction.
B. two chromosomes contain the same genes.
C. one cell divides twice to form four daughter cell.
D. total disappearance of chromatic material of cell.

9. The field of psychology is defined as the

A. observational record of behaviour.
B. study of all mental health activities.
C. methodological analysis of behaviour.
D. scientific study of behaviour and mental processes.

10. According to Jean Piaget each child goes through the sam cognitive development in life
but with a different rate. The Piaget's stages of intellectual development
A. social cognitive stage.
B. the sensorimotor stage.
C. the preoperational stage.
D. the concrete operational stage.

11. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is/ are

A. the human mind.
B. self-actualization.
C. positive mental health.
D. survival and physiological needs.

12. The consequences symptoms of stress is/ are TTFT

A. pacing.
B. shaking.
C. energetic.
D. essimistic.

13. An abuse children may be reluctant to abandon their abusive relationship with the
parents due to
A. learn to ignore the pain.
B. develop learned apathy.
C. learn to couldn't care less.
D. develop learned helplessness.

14. In Freud's theory, the ego operates according to the principles of

A. reality.
B. morality.
C. pleasure.
D. gratification.
15. Sublimation behaviour in defence mechanism is/ are
A. keeping pet after failure in love.
B. turning his/ her weakness to others.
C. venting extreme anger with kickboxing.
D. denying the thing that upset her/ himself.

16. Which of the following statement(s) is/ are related to sociology?

A. Focus on emotional and social reactions
B. Involvement in research such as motivation and perception
C. Increase our acceptance of the differences in cultures, religions and values
D. Structure of society and studies factors that contribute to the creation of social

17. The following are a correct match of sociology fields and its purpose.
A. Anthropology-focusing on modern and complex societies.
B. Political science-studying individual thoughts and behaviours.
C. Economy - how humans work and distribute economic materials affect human life.
D. Psychology - examines how family institutions and education

18. The key functions of family institution is/ are to

A. regulate sexual behaviour.
B. provide emotional support.
C. controlling the natural world.
D. provide socialisation of children.

19. Mr A works as a car mechanic quit his job and having irregular income. The best way to
promote horizontal mobility for him.
A. Open new workshop
B. Employ him as a bus driver
C. Move to a new town to start his new life
D. Get him to look for a job that he is skill of.

20. Lily, 15 years old always involves in school bullying. The roles of her family in preventing
social problem on her is has to
A. Monitor the use of social media
B. Enhance parent knowledge and skills
C. Monitor from any useless or harmful situation
D. Send to religious school for increase her dicipline

1. The characteristic of the cerebral spinal fluid are TFTT

A. Colourless
B. Acidic reaction
C. Formed in the choroids plexus
D. The total amount is about 120 mls

2. Parietal Lobe consists of sensory & motor areas in which it TFTT

A. preoccupied with body awareness
B. Involve with language development
C. receive and identify sensory information
D. forms conceptualization and abstraction of information

3. The function of the glial cells in the brain is/are TFTF

A. formation of myelin
B. forming of reflex circuits
C. phagocytosis of invading bacteria
D. monitoring of transmission of nervous impulses

4. Hypersecretion of growth hormone will result to FFTT

A. cretinism
B. dwarfism
C. gigantism
D. acromegaly

5. The following statement is/are concerning a gene.TTFF

A. is a segment of DNA molecule.
B. a unit of hereditary information
C. composed of many ribonucleic acid (RNA)
D. contain information necessary for the synthesis of carbohydrates.

6. The result of hypersecretion of thyroid hormones are TTFF

A. Exophthalmia
B. Grave's disease
C. Addison's disease
D. Sheehan’s syndrome

7. The reasons to study psychology are to FFTT

A. learn how to manipulate others
B. have the answers of life’s questions
C. understand and to predict human behaviour
D. understand the human mind and how it works

8. A stage theory of development proposes that TFTT

A. development is best characterised as smooth and continuous
B. all individuals go through the same stages, in the same order
C. all individuals go through the same stages, but can do so in differing orders
D. because the appearance of stages is due to maturation, the environment too, has
influence on the speed with which individuals move through them

9. Damia loves to sneak up behind and scare you. Based upon your knowledge of classical
conditioning, what would be the result of not knowing she was ready to scare you? TTFT
A. There will be no effect
B. Either (A) or (D) will occur
C. Your fright will be greater
D. You will be less frightened

10. A traumatic event would be defined as A TTTF

A. any event that threatens a person’s well-being
B. any natural disaster that causes human trauma
C. situation of extreme danger outside normal human experience
D. human disasters of extreme severity but not natural disasters of extreme severity

11. Abused wives may be reluctant to abandon their abusive relationship because they have
A. learned to ignore the pain
B. developed learned apathy
C. learned to couldn’t care less
D. developed learned helplessness

12. Psychologists confine the concept of motivation to those factors that FFTF
A. assume rational behaviour by individuals
B. relate either to life instincts or to death instincts
C. energise behaviour and determine its direction
D. are biologically based and predispose an organism to act

13. Which need is activated when a client’s identity is threatened, motivating the person to
protect his/her self-concept and utilise defensive behaviours and attitudes? FFTT
A. Need for cognition
B. Need for expression
C. Need for ego defence
D. Need for identity preservation

14. A behaviour is considered maladaptive it is TTTF

A. is statistically deviant from the norm
B. causes other people to socially disapprove
C. had adverse effects on the individual or society
D. occurs only when the individual engaging in it is under stress

15. In Freud’s theory, the ego operates according to the ____ principle. FTFF
A. morality
B. reality
C. pleasure
D. instant gratification
16. A rising suicide rate associated with normlessness and a lack of social regulation can be
described as TTFF
A. anomic suicide
B. egoistic suicide
C. altruistic suicide
D. fatalistic suicide

17. The feeling of aimlessness or despair often associated with unsettling conditions is TFFF
A. anomie
B. amorality
C. alienation
D. ascription

18. Which of the following is true of socialisation? FTTF

A. All cultures use the same techniques to socialise their children
B. Successful socialisation can result in uniformity within a society
C. Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialisation
D. Socialisation continues until we are adults and then usually stops because we have
learned out culture by that time

19. Which of the following things is normally learned during the socialisation process? TFFT
A. The culture’s norms
B. The personality formation
C. The roles we are to play in life
D. The language of the people around us

20. The system by which groups of people are ranked in a society on the basis of power and
economic wealth is known as TFTF
A. status
B. hypergamy
C. stratification
D. social mobility

The following statement are describing

the cerebrum and

True - A It consists of two hemispheres divided by a fissure corpus callosum .
True - B The gyri elevated ridges " winding " around the brain
False - C. It contains nerve centers associated with motor function only .
True - D. Cortex cerebrum can be divided into five lobes

2. The thalamus is one of the components that included in Diencephalon which is plays role
as a relay station .
The consequences of thalamus damage on function are :

True - A Sleep disorders , such as insonnia and fatal familial insomnia ( inability to sleep ) .
True - B. Loss of perception .
True - C . Altered level of consciousness .
False - D. Slurred speech ( scanning speech ) .

3. The limbic system is associated with the following function

False - A. Coordinating of muscles .

True - B. Generating memories .
False - C. Initiating movement .
True - D. Arousing emotion .

Normal Human Development

1. According to Jean Piaget each child goes through the same stages of cognitive
development in life but with a different rate. The following are Piaget's stages of
intellectual development except:
False - A. The sensorimotor stage
True - B. The Social Cognitive stage
False - C. The Preoperational Stage
False - D. The Concrete Operational Stage

2. In Freud's theory, the id operates according to the

False - A. reality
True - B. pleasure
False - C. morality
True - D. Instant gratification

Adolescence is the biggest challenge in a person's life. State the adolescent psychological
problems in human development (5 marks)
Many scientists and psychologists have studied various aspects of human development,
including psychologist Sigmund Freud. Explain the stages of psychosexual development
theory of human growth by Sigmund Freud (10 marks)


1. The function of the spinal cord. TTFT

A. To conduct nerve impulses.
B. Serve as a centre for spinal reflexes
C. Eliminate or reduce all outside stimulation.
D. Integrated spinal reflexes in normal voluntary motor activities.

2. The limbic system is/are associated with the following functions. TTFF
A. Learning.
B. Emotion
C. Visual associations.
D. Coordination of muscles.

3. The neuron FFTT

A. includes cell body and glia cells.
B. able to replace the damaged cells.
C. transmits impulse through the axon.
D. responds to stimulus by chemicals and electrical impulses.

4. The imbalance of serotonin may manifest the following symptoms. TTFF

A. Elation.
B. Low mood.
C. Confusion.
D. Loss of memory.

5. A nucleotide of DNA consists of the following. FTTT

A. Ribose.
B. Phosphate.
C. Nitrogenous base
D. Deoxyribose sugar.

6. Stress causes continual release of various hormones such TFFT

A. cortisol.
B. thyroxine.
C. dopamine.
D. norepinephrine.

7. Reasons to study psychology. TFTF

A. To understand the human mind and how its works.
B. To have the all answers to all of life's questions
C. To understand and predict human behaviour
D. To learn how to manipulate others.

8. A stage theory of human development proposes that TFTT

A. development is best characterised as smooth and continuous.
B. All individuals go through the same stages, in the same order.
C. All Individuals go through the same stages, but can do so in differing orders.
D. because the appearance of stages is due to maturation, the environment too, has
influenced the speed at which individuals move through them.

9. Damia loves to sneak up behind and scare you. Based upon your knowledge of classical
conditioning, what would be the result of not knowing she was ready to scare you? TTFT
A. There will be no effect
B. Either (A) or (D) will occur
C. Your fright will be greater
D. You will be less frightened

10. Stress and frustration probably encourage aggression because they TFTT
A. relieve tension.
B. trigger genetic mechanisms.
C. trigger biological cues for aggression
D. raise arousal levels and sensitivity to cue for aggression.

11. Abang Z feels trapped in a job in which he is very unhappy. This is an example of A
A. a hassle.
B. a conflict.
C. frustration
D. a chronic stressor.

12. "I have failed the relationship and I feel depressed" reflects which component of an
emotion? FFTT
A. External feedback
B. Cognitive appraisal
C. Reactions to the emotion
D. Internal bodily responses

13. Which need is activated when a client's identity is threatened, motivating the person to
protect his/her self-concept and utilise defensive behaviours and attitudes? FFTT
A. Need for cognition
B. Need for expression
C. Need for ego defence
D. Need for identity preservation
14. A false belief maintained despite contradictory evidence or experience is a/an TFFF
A. delusion.
B. obsession
C. compulsion.
D. hallucination.

15. In Freud's theory, the id operates according to the……. principle. FFTF

A. reality.
B. morality.
C. pleasure.
D. instant gratification.

16. Which is not a characteristic of ascribed status? FFTF

A. They require charismatic qualities.
B. They are filed through incidence of birth.
C. They can be predicted at the movement of birth
D. They are assigned to individuals by birth without preference to their Innate
differences or abilities.

17. Which of the following will you categories as achieved status? FFTT
A. Age.
B. Sex.
C. Marital.
D. Position at work.

18. Which of the following things is normally learned during the socialization process? TTTT
A. The language of the people around us.
B. The roles we are to play in life.
C. The culture's norms.
D. All of the above.

19. Which is true regarding choosing a mate? TTFT

A. People who marry are highly similar in age, education, race, religion and ethnic
B. The highest correlation between people who marry involves their temperament.
C. In Malaysia, kindness and understanding are ranked as being the least important
qualities in a mate.
D. Men rated physical attractiveness as an important quality in a mate than women do.

20. Which of the following things is normally learned during the socialisation process? TFTT
A. The culture's norms.
B. The personality formation.
C. The roles we are to play in life.
D. The language of the people around us.

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