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Luka Vulin

Per. 2

BuzzFeed Project Reflection

1. This project was significantly more complex in terms of components and required
features. How well do you think that you handled these new challenges? What do you
think would have made you more successful?

For me, the project seemed a fair bit more difficult in terms of all the components. The
main issue was our time management which led to us rushing towards the end of our
project. This was especially crucial as it not only led to more mistakes it also resulted in
a non-aesthetically pleasing app.

2. What are you particularly proud of in your app?

For our group I feel like I was especially proud of the fact that we had 7 possible
outcomes rather than the usual 4 that was common among other groups. I also felt like
we made it clear what each of the 7 possible outcomes that could be resulted in truly
explains who the player was and what set them apart from other options.

3. What process do you think you have mastered or made progress in learning?

Time management, utilization of space and UI. When it came to time management as
stated before we didn't make good use of our time resulting in multiple mistakes and a
lack of utilization of space. What we could have done better was made text bigger and
easier to read. It was clear that many times you had to squint to see the descriptions
and the background images weren't aesthetic. The UI was good but overall could have
been better for example instead of having to click a different option as a deselect we
could have added in a feature where if you click on the selected block again it would
automatically deselect.

4. If you had more time what would you have added or done differently in your app?

Honestly the theme and code worked great! However, the aesthetics just made the app
weird to use. I would definitely focus on that first because that would help keep users
engaged and more likely to use the app longer.
Luka Vulin
Per. 2

Data Analysis

Part 1: How do the patterns produced in your data show that your app accurately
categorizes your users or not? Why do you think these patterns occur? (Consider
commenting on high and low performing questions, universally liked or disliked
responses, number of users in each category as representative of our population etc..)

For us the data analysis was definitely much more difficult as we had 7 possible
outcomes opposed to the regular 4 that was assigned. However this didn't stop us from
finding which questions were accurate and which were faulty. The questions that were
most accurate were “what country are you from?” This was especially accurate as it
truly broke down and separated the players as almost all of the 7 different players had
separate nationalities. The questions that underperformed for sure were “What foot do
you kick with?” and “What's your favorite brand of cleats?” I can see why these
questions were faulty as for the dominant foot one we had to make four separate
options even though you only have two feet. This led to us adding in answers such as
Both Evenly and None which totally messed up the results as None and Both Evenly
were very rarely picked. As far as the preferred brand of cleats it was hard as everyone
has their own options that doesn't exactly resign with the player that they end up getting.
For example, a user could get Neymar but also pick Nike because they are a fan of the
material. However, Neymar is sponsored by Puma rather than Nike.
Luka Vulin
Per. 2

Part 2: Now that you have analyzed your process, what inferences can you make about
the characteristics of the population surveyed? Based on these inferences, what could
we market to this population? (Consider both the answers for your questions and the
overall category.

If I was a shop or a television provider that was somehow linked to the results of this
BuzzFeed quiz I would consider many factors when looking at how to market to the
user. For example, the first thing I would look at is the resulting player. From there it can
be seen who the most popular players are. This is especially helpful for advertisements.
If Messi was by far the most popular player I would start marketing ads with Messi on
the front cover. Another thing that can be utilized would be the different brands that the
user selects. If the average for the user population was that Adidas was the best soccer
company I would promote Adidas cleats on my Sports Store advertisement. In the end
results are useful not only to the creators of the quiz but also advertisers. It is extremely
clear now why accurate results are just as important as quality questions.

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