Notice To State Department Treaty Main

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Maipuri Arauan Nation

Protectorate Treaty Beneficiary

Official Request for Meeting


Tushkahumoc Xelup
Maipuri Arauan Nation Congress
Government House, 1006 Estate Ross
St Thomas, Virgin Island


Antony J. Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State

Office of Foreign Missions, Room 2236
2201 C St NW, Washington, DC 20520

Greetings Secretary Blinken

On behalf of the Maipuri Arauan Nation Congress I am following up on our previous

conversation with Secretary Mayorkas on elements needed for our two nations to begin having

The Maipuri Arauan government has established a full congress and has not entered into any
compact agreement with the United States of America government, nor any of its subdivisions
as of yet that will address issues of moving forward in our nation-to-nation relationship.

Please allow me to share a brief history of the Maipuri Arauan nation, its development, peoples,
lands and international relationships. The Maipuri Arauan nation is a nation consisting of nearly
5,756 tribes. Those tribes consist of primarily Arawak descendant people, whose territories range
from north America, the Caribbeans, Mexico and South America.

In 2015, as Director General for the “National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous
Peoples” (NAAIP), I attended the United Nations Indigenous Forum and submitted claims of
genocide, apartheid and constructive fraud against the United States Commerce Department and
Census Bureau. After verbally presenting these claims on the U.N. Forum floor, I was instructed
by the U.N. Secretary to submit formal request for meeting with the United States Department
of State.
In July of 2020 His Majesty Arikinui Manukau III, Sovereign King of Maori Hapu, Wha-Atua
Nation (NZ) extended an international Protectorate Friendship Treaty with NAAIP and through
this relationship the Maipuri Arauan nation was reignited as a sovereign nation of tribes from
within the Maipuri Arauan diaspora of north and south America (Abya Yala). The Maipuri
Arauan Nations Treaty provides additional jurisdictional citizenship and land protections for
tribes coexisting within United States declared territories.

Maipuri Arauan Nation citizens are not subject to any colorable legal contract or concept without
full understanding and acceptance of such agreements, actual or imagined. The Treaty also
provides an economic development component involving 2.5-billion-dollar relations with
Malaysia. The Maipuri Arauan Nation has met the necessary requirements as expressed for
nation to nation dialogue and is now requesting an audience with your office.

This is an official request from the Maipuri Arauan Nation for discussion on matters pertaining
to international treaty structure, recognition, and archival procedures. In conclusion, we are
seeking instruction for entering our unique and historic Maori Hapu, Wha-Atua Nation (NZ),
Maipuri Arauan Nation Treaty to be filed within your Foreign Missions Office of Treaties.

Thank you in advance for your timely response and actions.

Prime Minister Tushkahumoc Xelup

Maipuri Arauan Nation Congress

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