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Phrases, patterns and collocations database about party/nainy/all about, do sth abou, about time, ‘about todo access tave/gtin/provde) access to, internet access, ‘wheelchair access account account for, (give) an account of, take into ‘account, take account of, on account of, by all accounts, on sb’ account ‘act actin good/bad faith, act out of desperaton/ necessity, act the par/roe of, act on sb'sadvice/ ‘orders/behal, put on an act, get your act together, in the act (of doing) ‘age act your age, (at/by/trom) the age of, under age, ‘school working/etc age, with age, age limit, age brackel/group, (nthe) Stone/Bronze/ton Age ‘ages take/spend ages (ding), ages ago, seems eels tke ‘ages (since) answer answer to sb gve sb an answer, answer charges/eritcsms, answer a need, answer sb’s prayers, answer the description of, have alot to) answer for, in answer to argument have / get nto an argument (wth sb), win/lose ‘an argument, argument about/over, argument fox/agains, without (en) argument arm arm sb wit, arm yourself against, take up arms (against, lay down (your) arms, up in arms (about, ‘ams contol ams race art have/get sth dowm toa fine art, art of doing, art to doing, art deco, art frm, art galley, arthouse ‘ask ask yourself th, ask sb a favour, ask alt /too much {of sb), ask sb over/round, ask sbi, for the asking, asking fr troube/ivetc, if you ask me ascociate associate sth wth authority have the authority to do, grant sb the authority to do, have authority over, have ston good authority, n authority, with authority, the authorities, local authority bback back into th, back onto sth, back sb (to do} ‘bad go bad, go from bad to worse, feel bad (about, bad for, bad at (dain), ina bad way, (n) bad faith bad appl, bad blood balance (hang) inthe balance, strike a balance, upset/ alter/edress the balance, balance betweer/of, on balance, of balance basis basis for, on a dalytemporary/et basis, onthe basis of hat behaviour behaviour towards, pattem of behaviour, on your best behaviour, aggressve/anlsocia/ilent/bad/ ‘b00d/exemplary behaviour boliet express bees, belief inAhat, contrary to popular bee, beyond bel, inthe bele that, poplar/midely beld/widespread irm/strong/growing bebel bbend bend sth nto (shape/a circle/ete, (go) ound the bend, sharp/ight bend best make the best of, do your best, (all forthe best, at best, at your best, tothe best of my knowledge, to the best of sb's ably, te best of both worlds, best fiend bot bet (sth) on, make a bet (wth sb), safe bet | tr gett et etl ate he ete, beer han noting, eerie et ee, Deter of beter y for ber fon rs, Pete a bie mate tig ting ot ot, make iti ig on, igo sb eo) See tg omess,ipteled, pba, Be bane. ene, bone, DE Bone | bck ok wy ick fat, sours ck Tats boc, tvorers bck book eds e's bak (4 sh ye ook, book bain» cesed tek an pen os my nk, 2 gonad oaks born btn oo, an nn, barn of, ano barn nd tre oragannewore bottom cone boon, eo he bait of the boton rosa to a btm om eto type, btm re brain ck ra) rack soe a), rans teh, rar, rancho, brant rane, rane brea rests ait, rea wth radon, ate he es | Pun, tiehmeneed ates we Bea ton, incest bricks and mortar, rik wo bee certain ino/s) fr certan, cern do, make cen, eran o/b cera ane sb) chance tte a hance leet chr, by cece by ry tance, hess toners of ange hn Go, second che atone, preset anes, there eves/no chore that hang cange rom so, change sho, change th 1 lage rte eter, change your nd Change te sje aie unlgo a ange charge cages ih, cage 3 or take charge, ow 9 ‘hae hover age | ents i onc, ai fei te, cider, hid yd spr choice make coce, exec che, have no choce, ‘hoe teveen, hie prsen/beteensier Chace lool choc, nie choc, wou rae choose cose ta, case betwen, chose 0/8, ‘choose ss ital chose td, ok nachos rating to chase betwen clas cls 4/2 soc Gass, wotine/ nie pe arg ca se ystems lence, cls ar clean ge ha aed lean, make a Co en, make Sian east sean and 2 Clean Ret, 2 dln St/shet cea vet clear mates th ear, make yousel er, ave 8 Sin concede yor mind aot, Cas a bell, clear as mud, clear case (of), clear evidence/ notion | clock se ck wah he clok, against he ck | “tf te sock ccs, clckvon come cone oa coches, cone power, oreo ww come at shouts, come o 8, conebe 251 rae pters and cole dbase 252 ‘common have sth in common (wth sb), common for st/sthto do, common to, common language, the ‘common people, common practice Conclusion bring sth toa conclusion, come to / arrive at/ reach a conclusion, jump leap to conclusions, in Conclusion, conclusion of, logical conclusion, foregone conclusion consequence accept/lace the consequences, consequence of, serious/disastous/die ‘consequences, as a consequence, in consequence, of ofits conseauence consideration take into consideration, give consideration to, show consideration for, under consideration, for s's Consideration out of consideration for course run ts course, in/during the course of in due Course, on @ course, course of action/events crime commi/repor'/winess/solve a crime, fight/combat ‘time, the scene ofa crime, organised crime, cnme prevention, crime ate, crime wave ‘ry cry with painfhappiness/relit, cry over/about, cry for heb, cry yourself to step, cry your eyes/heart out, cry on sb's shoulder, have a good) ery, cry of, afar cry from date date from, date back to, Keep (sth) up to date, seta. a date, goon / make a date (with sb), ata later ture date to date ‘day make sb's day, day by day, from day today, any day now, inthis day and age, day of, day out, day tip dead 20 dead. don dead. dead (st) against (dine. in ‘dead trouble, dead and bured, dead slence, dead centre, ead and gone, dead tired, dead ahead deal dealin, deal wth, deal a biow to, make a bg deal (ut) of, cu/make/reacly'stke a deal (wth), get/have 2 ‘800d deal (on), big dea, a good/great deal of decide decie to do, decide against / in favour of, decide that, decide between, decide for yourself, decide on Aolight delight in doing, take (great) delight in dong, to BS delight, witvin delight demand demand sth from sb, meet/satisty a demand, ‘make a demand, the demand for, i demand, (on demand ony deny sb sth, deny a request, deny that, deny doin,