Jewish Phenomenon

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Jewish phenomenon.

What does it take for one to be successful? It is a question that many people in the world, myself
included would sit down and ask. Steven Silbiger has answered this question in his book. What better
group to use as demonstrations of success than the jews. Jewish people tend to be more successful than
other ethnic groups in the USA. Based on statistics, Jews are the wealthiest ethnic group in the United
States. A question that many people may tend to ask is why despite the jews being only 5% of the total
population in the country. The author gives us an insight of the seven fundamental keys that the jews
have used over the years to become successful.

The author does not hesitate in emphasizing that these keys, or rather secrets can be used by people
from different backgrounds. One of these secrets is the fact that majority of the jews understand that
real wealth is portable; it is knowledge. Steven Silbiger not only states this in his book, but also gives
valid statistics of how jews consider education as one of the best possible investments one can make.
For Jews, it is not a matter of just getting an education but getting the best. Jews do not get an
education just to buy expensive toys; they do it to acquire more knowledge.

Jewish children are taught to celebrate education at a young age. By critically analysing religious books
such as Torah and Talmud, they develop an interest in gaining more education. Parents did not want
their children to end up doing these blue collar jobs, hence they ensured their children got the best
education. The author mentions in his book of how his father used to tell him that in order for him to
play around, he had to earn his free time, which would only come about from a good education and
good grades. Considering the level of zeal i have to become one of the successful lawyers in Kenya, I
have to say that I have to apply these words in my life as well.

Moreover, the author does emphasize on the fact that we should take care of our own and in return,
they will take care of us. Our own does not necessarily mean our family members; it can be our
community as in the case of the jews. In the early 20th century, Jews were excluded from the rest of the
community, which pushed them to find ways to help themselves. Jews use their wealth for charity and
social action. Based on the teaching of the Talmud, Jews believe that people only receive as much as
they can give. They consider charity as an obligation. This has governed some of the jews to form self
help organisations and free loan societies for the early immigrants which are funded by jews

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