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Outliers, a book by Malcolm Gladwell is a book that mostly talks about underdogs in life and how we can
overcome obstacles in our lives. Of course there have to be these factors that highly contribute to these
people's success. Malcolm gives us an in depth analysis of these factors. Moreover, by using relatable
instances of people who have made it in life, he has proven his point.

The first part of the book focuses mostly on how opportunity plays a big role in the path to success. He
gives an example of hockey players in the Canadian Hockey League. Players born in the first half of the
year have proven to be better and have better playing skills than their counterparts born in the second
half. This is due to the fact that they have more time to practice and perfect their skills, so they become
more coordinated.

Many at times,we sit and question whether people become successful just out of mere luck. That is not
the case actually. Even for prodigies like Bill Gates, it took them what the writer terms as"10000 hours of
practice" to master a certain skill. Success is not about pure luck; one has to nurture that skill to be
successful. Bill Gates had to spend most of his time learning how to programme and look at where he is
now; probably the world's richest man.

It is

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