Design of Pressure Vessel

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This project paper is made to publishing by the support of several individuals and
organizations. We the authors would like to thank the fellow engineers of the Mechanical
Engineering Department. We would also like to thank our instructor Teferi S. for providing us

with this chance to design the apparatus and review our learning status, wo would also like to
thank our institution the University of Gondar for providing us with the appropriate study
materials like books and free wireless internet.

Finally, we would like to thank all who contributed all they could either directly or
indirectly into the making of this project.


Instructor: Mr. Ayele (MSc)
Prepared By: - TEKETEL NURAMO ID.NO 00339/10

This project deals with the detailed study and design procedure of pressure vessel. It concerns
on the study of various parts of pressure vessels like shell, heads, support, nozzles etc.
The analysis models utilized realistic geometry, including supports, vessel heads and actual
boundary conditions.
Generally it deals with detailed study of pressure vessel i.e. the various materials used in
pressure and temperature construction. It also deals with the study of various parts like head,
support etc. Various methods of fabrication and testing are also included.
It also includes the design criteria .This is followed by procedure of design, which include design
shell and its components, nozzles, reinforcements etc.


Abbreviations and Nomenclatures

T D = design temperature

Pi = internal pressure

V = nominal volume

P D = design pressure

σ t = tensile strength

σ d= design stress

C = corrosion allowance

E = joint efficiency

Ri = internal radius of shell

t s = thickness of the shell

L = length of vessel

D i = internal diameter of shell

D o = outer diameter of shell

D m = mean diameter of shell

σ H = hoop stress

σ L = longitudinal stress

v s = volume of shell

H i = inner head

H o = outer head

Ls = length of shell

t h = thickness of head

K = stress intensity factor

v h = volume of head

R L = latitudinal radius of curvature

Rm = meridional radius of curvature

h= depth of head

d i = inner diameter of inlet nozzle

d o = outer diameter of inlet nozzle

t n = minimum thickness of nozzle

t rn = required minimum thickness of nozzle

t rs = required minimum thickness of shell

Ar = reinforcement area

Ln = length of nozzle

d cb = core diameter of the bolt

d cn = core diameter of nut

σ tb = permissible tensile stress the bolt

ρm = density of material

ρ f = density of fluid

w s = weight of shell

w n = weight of nozzle

w h = weight of head

w w = weight of wind

M max= maximum bending moment


Abbreviations and Nomenclatures.................................................................................................iii
Chapter One.....................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background...................................................................................................................2
1.2. Problem Statement........................................................................................................9
1.3. Objective...........................................................................................................................9
1.3.1. General Objective..................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Specific Objective.......................................................................................................9
1.4. Scope of the Project.....................................................................................................10
1.5. Significance of research..............................................................................................10
1.6. Limitation of study......................................................................................................10
1.7. Organization of the project (Methodology).................................................................10
Chapter Two..................................................................................................................................15
2. Literatures review...........................................................................................................15
2.1Previous work related to vertical pressure vessel.............................................................15
2.2 Conceptual design with previous model..........................................................................26
2.3 Reason for selecting your model.....................................................................................26
2.4 Rationality for this study.................................................................................................26
Chapter Three................................................................................................................................27
3.1. Material selection............................................................................................................27
3.1.1. Material selection criteria........................................................................................27
3.1.2. based on economic accept Mass..............................................................................28
3.2 Detail Design and Analysis.............................................................................................29
3.2.1. Mathematical models of each part...........................................................................29
3.3.2. Prototype of the model.............................................................................................74
3.3.3. General assembly design.........................................................................................77

3.3.4. Simulation analysis by solid work...........................................................................77

Chapter Four..................................................................................................................................78
Result and Discussion................................................................................................................78
4.1. Analytical and Simulation result....................................................................................78
4.1.1. Stress Vs Strain analysis for if any in your model...................................................78
4.1.2. Reinforcement if any...............................................................................................78
4.1.3 Comparison analysis to simulation result.................................................................78
4.1.4 Simulation results.....................................................................................................78
4.1.5 Failure analysis.........................................................................................................78
Chapter Five...................................................................................................................................81
Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................................................................81
5.1 . Conclusion.................................................................................................................81
5.3 Recommendation.............................................................................................................82
5.4 Future Scope....................................................................................................................82
APENDIX A..................................................................................................................................83
APENDIX B..................................................................................................................................83
APENDIX C..................................................................................................................................83
APENDIX D..................................................................................................................................83
APENDIX E..................................................................................................................................83

List of figures

Figure 1 pressure vessels.................................................................................................................1

Figure 2 Components of pressure vessels........................................................................................4
Figure 3 Skirt Support.....................................................................................................................6
Figure 4 Leg Support.......................................................................................................................7
Figure 5 Saddle support...................................................................................................................7
Figure 6 Lug Support.......................................................................................................................8
Figure 7 Design of pressure vessel................................................................................................19
Figure 8 Chart for determine the optimum LD ratio.....................................................................19
Figure 9 Cylindrical pressure vessel..............................................................................................20
Figure 10 Circumference view and cross section of shell.............................................................21
Figure 11 Longitudinal view and cross section of shell................................................................22
Figure 12 Radial stress analysis.....................................................................................................23
Figure 13 Types of pressure vessel’s heads...................................................................................24
Figure 14 Stresses in heads due to internal pressure.....................................................................27
Figure 15 Reinforcement limit.......................................................................................................30
Figure 16 Net weight on vertical pressure vessel..........................................................................37
Figure 17 Wind load on vertical pressure vessel...........................................................................42
Figure 18 Flange............................................................................................................................49
Figure 19 Shell...............................................................................................................................57
Figure 20 Head..............................................................................................................................57
Figure 21 Nozzle............................................................................................................................58
Figure 22 Handhold.......................................................................................................................58
Figure 23 Vessel Support...............................................................................................................59
Figure 24 Flange............................................................................................................................59
Figure 25 Assembled Pressure Vessel...........................................................................................59

List of tables

Table 1 Types of pressure vessels...................................................................................................3

Table 2 Given parameter...............................................................................................................16
Table 3 Material selection.............................................................................................................17
Table 4 Material selection.............................................................................................................19
Table 5 Stress for welded joint......................................................................................................46
Table 6 Design of bolt and nut with core diameter.......................................................................50
Table 7 Standard flange design......................................................................................................51
Table 8 Results..............................................................................................................................54

Chapter One
1. Introduction
Tanks, vessel and pipeline that carry stores or receive fluids are called pressure vessel. A
pressure vessel container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different
from the ambient pressure or pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential
between inside and outside.
Pressure vessel, often referred to as air pressure tanks are used for the storage and containment of
fluids vapors or gases at pressure levels greater than that of atmospheric pressure. The inside
pressure is usually higher than the outside. The fluid inside the vessel may undergo a change in
state as in the case of steam boiler or may combine with other reagent as in the case of chemical
Pressure vessel often has a combination of high pressure together with high temperature and in
some flammable fluids or highly radioactive material. Because of such hazards it is imperative
that the design be such that no leakage can occur. In addition vessel has to be pressure vessels
are usually spherical or cylindrical with dome end [1].
Pressure vessels may theoretically be almost any shapes made of section cylindrical, spheres
and cones are usually employed. A common design is a cylindrical with hemispherical ends caps
or heads.
The cylindrical vessels are generally preferred because of the present simple manufacturing
problem and make better use of the available space. Boiler, heat exchanger, chemical reactor and
so on, are generally cylindrical. Reactions, separations, and storage of raw materials always
occur in this class of equipment [2].
The material of pressure vessel may be brittle such as cast iron or ductile such as mild steel.
Failure in Pressure vessel occurs due to improper selection of material, defects in material,
incorrect design data, design method, shop testing, improper or insufficient fabrication process
including welding. To obtain safety of pressure vessel and to design Pressure vessel the selection
of code is important. Corrosion allowance is the main consideration in vessel design [3].

1.1. Background
1.1.1 Overview of pressure vessel
Vessels, tanks, and pipelines that carry, store, or receive fluids are called pressure vessels. A
pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential between inside and outside.
The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside, except for some isolated situations. The
fluid inside the vessel may undergo a change in state as in the case of steam boilers, or may
combine with other reagents as in the case of a chemical reactor. Pressure vessels often have a
combination of high pressures together with high temperatures, and in some cases flammable
fluids or highly radioactive materials. Because of such hazards it is imperative that the design be
such that no leakage can occur. In addition these vessels have to be designed carefully to cope
with the operating temperature and pressure. It should be borne in mind that the rupture of a
pressure vessel has a potential to cause extensive physical injury and property damage. Plant
safety and integrity are of fundamental concern in pressure vessel design and these of course
depend on the adequacy of design codes.

When discussing pressure vessels we must also consider tanks. Pressure vessels and tanks are
significantly different in both design and construction: tanks, unlike pressure vessels, are limited
to atmospheric pressure; and pressure vessels often have internals while most tanks do not (and
those that do are limited to heating coils or mixers).

Figure 1 pressure vessels

1.1.2. History of pressure vessel


The simplest reference to the design of pressure vessel was made in about 1495 by Leonardo da
Vinci in his codex madder quoting from a translation. Leonardo wrote “we shall describe how air
can be forced under water to lift a very heavy weight that is how to fin skins with air once they
are secured to weights at bottom of the water. And there will be description of how to lift
weights by tying them to submerged ships full of sand how to remove the sand from the ships.”

Large pressure vessels were invented during the industrial revolution particularly in Great Britain
to be used as boilers for making steam to drive steam engine. Designs of certification come about
as the result of total boiler explosions. In an early effort to design a tank capable of withstanding
pressure up to 10,000 psi (69mpa) and 6 inch (150mm) diameter tank was developed in 1919 that
was spirally wound with two layers of high tensile strength still wire to prevent sidewall by
rupture and the end caps longitudinally reinforced with lengthwise high tensile rods [4]

1.1.3. Application of pressure vessel

Pressure vessels are used in a number of industries; for example, the power generation industry
for fossil and nuclear power, the petrochemical industry for storing and processing crude
petroleum oil in tank farms as well as storing gasoline in service stations, and the chemical
industry (in chemical reactors) to name but a few. Their use has expanded throughout the world.
Pressure vessels and tanks are, in fact, essential to the chemical, petroleum, petrochemical and
nuclear industries. It is in this class of equipment that the reactions, separations, and storage of
raw materials occur. Generally speaking, pressurized equipment is required for a wide range of
industrial plant for storage and manufacturing purposes.

1.1.4. Classification of pressure vessels [4]

Pressure Vessels

Function Geometry Construction Service

Storage Tank Cylindrical Mono-wall Cryogenic

Process Vessel Spherical Multi-wall Steam

Heat Exchanger Conical Forged Lethal

Non-Circular Vacuum

Horizontal/Vertical Cast Fired/Unfired


Table 1 Types of pressure vessels

Pressure vessels can be classified in different categories as follows:-

1. According to the dimensions

The pressure vessel according their dimension may be classified as thin shell or thick shell the
ratio of equal thickness (t) of the shell to its diameter(D) deciding the factor.

a) Thin shell: - if the ratio of t/d is less than 1/10 is called thin shells.

b) Thick shell: - if the ratio of t/D is equal or greater than 1/10 is called thick shell used in high
pressure cylinder, guns, barrels and other equipment where as thin shells are used in boiler,
tanks, and pipelines

2. According to the end construction

This can be classified in two groups:-

a) Open end construction pressure vessels

b) Closed end construction pressure vessels

3. According to the geometrical shapes

a) Cylindrical geometrical shapes

b) Conical and;

c) Spherical vessel with one or two cones.

4. According to the position arrangement

a) Horizontal pressure vessel

b) Vertical pressure vessel

c) Spherical pressure vessel

5. According to the materials


The pressure vessels are according the material classified as:-

a) Brittle material pressure vessels

b) Ductile material pressure vessels

6. According to the direction of force acting on the wall of vessels

a) Subjected to internal pressure

Vessel where the median pressure inside the vessel is larger than that of outside
1) low pressure vessel 0.1≤p≤ 1.6 Mpa
2) medium pressure vessel 1.6≤p≤ 10 Mpa
3) high pressure vessel 10<p≤ 100 Mpa
4) ultra- high pressure vessel P¿ 100 Mpa
b) Subjected to external pressure

This types of pressure vessel is a Vessel where the median pressure inside the vessel is lower
than the outside (gauge pressure). When the internal pressure is less than 0.1Mpa (absolute
pressure) such vessel are called vacuum vessel

7. According to the temperature

1) Low-Temperature Vessels (less than or equal to – 20° C)

2) Normal Temperature Vessels (Between – 20° C to 150° C)
3) Medium Temperature Vessels (Between 150° C to 450° C)
4) High-Temperature Vessels (more than or equal to 450° C)
1.1.5 Components of pressure vessel

Figure 2 Components of pressure vessels

There are four components of pressure vessels:-

A. Head

B. Shell

C. Nozzle and

D. Support

A. Head

All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell section). Heads
are typically curved rather than flat heads. Curved configurations are stronger and allow the
heads to be thinner, lighter, and less expensive than flat heads. Heads can also be used inside a
vessel. Heads are usually categorized by their shapes. Ellipsoidal, hemispherical, conical, and
flat are the common types of heads.

B. Shell

The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are
welded together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel
shells are cylindrical or conical in shape. Horizontal drums have cylindrical shells and fabricated
in a wide range of diameters and lengths.

C. Nozzle

A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or heads of a pressure vessel. The
nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications:-

 Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.

 Attach instrument connections, (e.g. level gauges, thermos wells, or pressure gauges).

 Provide access to the vessel interior at many ways.

Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g. a heat exchanger or mixer)

D. Support

The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure
vessel. In all cases the pressure vessel support must be adequate for the applied weights, wind,

and earthquake loads. Calculated base loads are used to design of anchorage and foundation for
the pressure vessels. Typical kinds of supports are as follows:-

I. Skirt support

Tall, vertical, cylindrical, pressure vessels are typically supported by skirt. A support skirt is a
cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel or to the bottom
head (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to the vessel near the mid-
plane of the shell. The skirt is normally long enough to provide enough flexibility so that radial
thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high thermal stresses at its junction with the skirt.

Figure 3 Skirt Support

II. Leg support

Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower portion of the
shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1. The number of
legs needed depends on the drum size and the loads to be carried. Support legs are also typically
used for spherical pressurized storage vessels. The support legs for small vertical drums and
spherical pressurized storage vessels may be made from structural steel columns or pipe sections,
whichever provides a more efficient design.

Figure 4 Leg Support

III. Saddle support

Horizontal drums are typically supported at two locations by saddle support spreads the
weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive local stress in the shell at the
support points. The width of the saddle among other design details is determined by the specific
size and design conditions of the pressure vessel. One saddle support is normally fixed or
anchored to its foundation.

Figure 5 Saddle support

IV. Lug support

Lugs that are welded to the pressure vessel shell may also be used to support vertical pressure
vessel. The use of lugs is typically limited to vessels of small to medium diameter (1 to 10 ft.)
and moderate height-to-diameter ratios in the range of 2:1 to 5:1. Lug supports are often used for
vessels of this size that are located above grade within structural steel. The lugs are typically
bolted to horizontal structural members to provide stability against overturning loads; however,
the bolt holes are often slotted to permit free radial thermal expansion of the drum.

Figure 6 Lug Support

1.2. Problem Statement

In our country, especially rural areas they are used traditional mechanisms to store then this
traditional way of storing water contaminated easily in many ways for that reason our
societies’ are suffering in to a lot of water pollution diseases.
For this reason, we are initiated to design a vertical pressure vessel to storing water.
1.3. Objective
1.3.1. General Objective
The main objective of this project is to design vertical pressure vessel that has the capacity to
store steam of total inside volume 10.25m3, design pressure 3.0 Mp a, design temperature 140° C
and corrosion allowance 1.0mm.
Help us to general knowledge to what to do and what procedure to follow and

 To knows special standards of thickness and diameter.

 To understand the position of opening in head or shell.

 To read different standardized tables graphs.

 To estimate the type of head, shell, support, opening and nozzles

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific purpose is to do analysis to design pressure vessel and its component such as
 design of head
 design of shell
 design of nozzle and
 design of support

1.4. Scope of the Project

This project is about the designing of pressure vessel. The type of pressure vessel that we are
asked in this project was vertical pressure vessel. The scope of this design project was on the
detail design and analysis of each component of vertical pressure vessel and to draw out the
detail drawing of each component using solid work software with the help of optimization
concept and design procedure.

1.5. Significance of research

The significance of our project is designing a vertical pressure vessel that can withstand
corrosion, internally induced stresses, wind loadings, and of course the dead weight of the
pressure vessel and contents.

1.6. Limitation of study

Since our project is to design a vertical pressure vessel based on the given specification that is
design pressure, design temperature, total inside volume, corrosion allowance, working fluid and
vessel orientation but we are limited to apply the schedule time for the design purpose since we
have taken other courses parallel.
 The developed pressure vessel can only withstand below 3Mpa, and 140 0C of
pressure, and temperature respectively.
 In our design case the designing fluid is steam. So if it is other fluid, it may not serve
as it is.
 Additionally from that we can’t get any previous properly arranged document
(reference) in library.

1.7. Organization of the project


Chapter Two
2. Literatures review
2.1Previous work related to vertical pressure vessel

In this section research papers are discussed related to the present work. Published papers
are highlight in this section.

Model 1
E. 0. Bergman [5]
States that the external loads applied to vertical pressure vessels produce axial loading and
bending moments on the vessel. These result in axial tensions and compressions in the shell,
which must be combined with the effects of the pressure loading to give the total longitudinal
stress acting in the shell. The design method to be used depends on whether the longitudinal
stress in the shell is tension or compression, and on whether the vessel is subjected to internal or
external pressure.
This paper discusses some problems of design of cylindrical pressure vessels that have their axes
vertical and are subjected to applied forces in addition to internal or external pressure. The
vertical forces considered are the weight of the vessel and its contents and the weight of any
attachments to the vessel. The horizontal forces include wind pressures, seismic forces, and
piping thrusts.

For the design of a vessel under external pressure and subjected to applied loads. Using Sturm's
Equation the ratio of the collapsing pressure We and We is equal to

And F is given as an approximately equal to n 2 - 1, where n is the number of lobes into which the
shell may buckle. By Sturm's Equation, the ratio of collapsing pressures We and We is equal to

Fig 7 Number of lobes n into which a shell will collapse subjected to uniform collapsing pressure
on side and ends

A) Advantage of the this model

 The design rules in the codes are limited to vessels of cylindrical or spherical shape under
internal or external pressure, and to heads and nozzle attachments for such vessels. This
paper discusses some design principles that are not covered in the codes.

 It deals with vessels that are subjected to various applied forces acting in combination
with internal or external pressure.
 The vertical loads on the vessel set up compressive stresses in the shell, and also bending
stresses when the resultant force does not coincide with the axis of the vessel.

 It deals with vessels that subjected to vertical forces like the weight of the vessel and its
contents and the weight of any attachments to the vessel and the horizontal forces include
wind pressures, seismic forces, and piping thrusts.

B) Disadvantage (gap of the model)

 The type of vessels considered is limited to cylindrical shells with the longitudinal axis
 The design method to be used depends on whether the longitudinal stress in the shell is
tension or compression, and on whether the vessel is subjected to internal or external

 The model didn’t consider farther on the material properties like, hardness, strength, cost

C) operating system

Model 2
Khan, Shafique M.A. [6]
This paper presents analysis results of stress distributions in a horizontal pressure vessel and the
saddle supports. The results are obtained from a 3D finite element analysis. A quarter of the
pressure vessel is modeled with realistic details of saddle supports. In addition to presenting the
stress distribution in the pressure vessel, the results provide details of stress distribution in
different parts of the saddle separately, i.e. wear, web, flange and base plates.
The effect of changing the load and various geometric parameters is investigated and
recommendations are made for the optimal values of ratio of the distance of support from the end
of the vessel to the length of the vessel and ratio of the length of the vessel to the radius of the
vessel for minimum stresses both in the pressure vessel and the saddle structure. Physical reasons
for favoring of a particular value of ratio of the distance of support from the end of the vessel to
the length of the vessel are also outlined.

A value of 0.25 for the ratio A/L is favored for minimum stresses in the pressure vessel and the
saddle. The physical reason for favoring an A/L close to 0.25 may lie in the fact that at this ratio,
each saddle is located roughly at the center of the half of the pressure vessel thus supporting the
pressure vessel or alternatively loading the saddle uniformly.
The slenderness ratio (L/R) of less than 16 is found to generate minimum stresses in the pressure
vessel and the saddle.
Concludes that the highly stressed area, beside the pressure vessel at the saddle horn, is the
flange plate of the saddle. The maximum load on a saddle may be conservative or liberal,

depending upon the value of the ratio A/L used. (Fig. 1) Furthermore, the design of the saddle
structure may be optimized by redesigning selectively.

A. Advantage of this model

 It provides details of stress distribution in different parts of the saddle separately, i.e.
wear, web, flange and base plates.
 It clearly discussed stress of pressure vessel and the saddle supports.

B. Disadvantage of the model

 The paper presents only analysis results of stress distributions in a horizontal pressure
 The design had not considered parameters that have to be included to design pv such as
temperature, material strength, hardness, resistance.

C. Operating system

Model 3
atts G.W & Lang H.A, [7]
This paper deals with the Finite element modelling of Pressure vessels. Considering the fact
that required thickness of hemispherical head for internal pressure loading is only half of
that necessary for the cylindrical shell, authors have tried to develop a finite element model
taking due consideration on welding involved at the end connections of cylinder to shell end in
modelling using shell elements to model cylinder. Theoretical investigation and engineering
applications shows some junctions are rational in structure, convenient in fabrication and less in
cost. Thus some end connections are tested under FEA for the cause of resulting weight
reduction of 30-35 %. The larger the shell in diameter the more the economic benefits it
The different types of stresses and modeling of pressure vessel joints are also depicted in ASME
code in section “Design by analysis”
The use of hemispherical end in pressure vessels is the most economical and common use which
can be seen in India and other developing countries. Although with the recent trends in
Mechanical engineering with the use of Finite element software’s the sheet thicknesses are
validated for different end connections and for cylinder shell itself

Fig.15: Total Displacement for Hemispherical End Fig.16: Meshed Model for Elliptical End
A, Advantage of the model

 In this paper authors, describes its basic structure and the engineering finite element
modelling for
 Analyzing
 Testing
 And validation of pressure vessels under high stress zones.
 Some economic benefits are considered by using large shell in diameter

B, Disadvantage of the model

 Some material properties failurity, ductility, resistance of corrosion are not researched .

C, Operating system

Model 4
J. Fang,Q.H.Tang [8] etc
presented work on a comparative study of strength behavior for cylindrical shell interaction with
and without pad reinforcement under out-of-plane moment loading on nozzle, three pairs of full-
scale test vessel with different mean diameter of nozzle to mean diameter of cylindrical vessel
ratio were designed and fabricated for testing and analysis, the material of the cylinder,
reinforcement pad and the nozzle are low carbon steel. Generally rate of increase is about 40-
70% from test and its larger than 40% from finite element analysis, so the conclusion given from
the result that the reinforcement structure are useful under static external load on nozzle.
Not: - Normally Reinforcing pads are used at stub-on and stub-in branch connections if
required per the line list or if required per the branch chart in the piping material specification.
By using reinforcing pads it is not required to strengthen the complete header pipe. [x]
This paper reviews some of the developments in the determination of stress concentration factor
in pressure vessels at openings, stress analysis of different types of end connections and
minimization stress with the help of optimize location and angle of nozzle on shell and head. The
literature has indicated a growing interest in the field of stress concentration analysis in the
pressure vessels. The motivation for this research is to analyze the stress concentration occurring
at the openings of the pressure vessels and the means to reduce the effect of the same. Design of
pressure vessels is governed by the ASME pressure vessel code. The code gives for thickness
and stress of basic components, it is up to the designer to select appropriate analytical as
procedure for determining stress due to other loadings. In this paper the recent and past
developments, theories for estimation of stress Concentrations are presented and the scope for
future studies is also presented.


A) Advantage of the model

 This research indicate that the maximum elastic stress and stress ratio are reduced by pad
 they found that in test reduction rate is 20-60% and in finite element analysis reduction
rate is 28-59%
 Result also indicate that the plastic limit of nozzle in cylinder vessel is increased by pad

B) Disadvantage
 Its rate of reduction depend upon structure and dimension of the vessel for
example D/d ratio.
 The paper didn’t consider properties farther than mean diameter of nozzle
to mean diameter of cylindrical vessel ratio, like length, thickness of the

Model 5
M. Shaik Abdul Lathuef and K.Chandra Sekhar [9]
Discusses some of the potential unintended consequences related to Governing Thickness of
shell as per ASME. Here have a scope to change the code values by take the minimum
governing thickness of pressure vessel shell to the desired requirements and also relocate of
nozzle location to minimize the stresses in the shell. In this paper nozzle located at five places
and analysis with ANSYS here nozzle locates at shell left end, at the shell middle, at the shell
right end, at dished end of both side and calculate stress. And they found from result that the
stress would be Minimum at the dished end with hillside orientation... Here we evaluated the
stress in the vessel by Zick analysis approach.
Note:- [y] Zick analysis is based on the use of design factors based on minimum research on a
narrow range of geometry, and seldom matches the results found from Finite Element Analysis.
Real stresses in vessels with large diameters and thin walls can be high enough to reduce the
long-term cycle life of a vessel. A simple check is to assume that Zick underestimates the true
saddle horn stress. For many small or thick walled vessels this is not a problem. This 8ft vessel
has a S3 less than 1/3 the allowed limit so additional analysis is not required. In addition, this
flexible saddle design further reduces the horn stress beyond the geometries studied by Zick.
A numerical design study was performed to examine the structural failure of pressure vessels
exposed to internal pressure by varying the shell thickness and nozzle location.
By inspecting these plots it apparent that the minimum thickness 8mm will taken safe for
design conditions. For this given operating temperature and pressure conditions and
observed that the location of the nozzles on the dished end with hillside orientation for
minimum stress concentration.

By inspecting these plots it is apparent that the 8mm thickness shell will suitable for designed
condition with safe condition and economically benefit.

Whenever we take high factor of safety it may lead to safe operating condition but as a
design engineer have to know the low value for the factor of safety results in economy of
material. And also investigate new techniques to reduce the stresses and use of higher
strength materials and lower safety factors resulted in thinner vessels.

Fig:3 Total deformation of 8mm shell thickness Fig.4 Stress intensity of pressure vessel

Fig.5 Directional deformation of vessel Fig.6 Equivalent (von-mises)stress of vessel

A) Advantage of the model

 A low value of the factor of safety results in economy of material this will lead to thinner
and more flexible and economical vessels.
 The pepper deal with simply by varying the nozzle location to minimize the stresses in
the shell.

B) Disadvantage of the model

 The bad news about the Zick analysis is that it usually underestimates the peak stress in the saddle
horn, often by a factor of 2 or more.
C) Operating system

Model 6
V.N. Skopinsky, A.B. SMETANKIN[10]
This paper presents the structural modeling and stress analysis of nozzle connections in
ellipsoidal heads subjected to external loadings. Timoshenko shell theory and the finite
element method are used. The features of the structural modeling of ellipsoid-cylinder shell
intersections, numerical procedure and SAIS special-purpose computer program are discussed. A
parametric study of the effects of geometric parameters on the maximum effective stresses in the
ellipsoid-cylinder intersections under loading was performed. The results of the stress analysis
and parametric study of the nozzle connections are presented.
Note [11] :- Finite element method is a mathematical technique used to design a fuel carrying
vessel and performing the stress analysis. In this the geometrical model is created and the model
is sub divided into smaller elements. It is subjected to internal pressure and these Boundary
conditions are applied at specified points
presented work on modeling and stress analysis of nozzle connection in Ellipsoidal head of
pressure vessel under external loading, the effect of stress concentration in external loading
has more effect than in the internal pressure, there is an appreciable increase of the maximum
stress for shell in the interaction region even at the small level of nominal stress, non-radial and
offset connection have non-uniform distribution of stress on the interaction curve between the
nozzle and the head, the influence of angular parameter for non-radial nozzle connection is
shown in this paper, a decrease of maximum effective stress as an angle increase is more
significant for non-central connection, and in case of torsional moment loading, the angle affects
the stress in opposite manner, the stress in the shell increase as alpha angle increase.
The numerical results of the stress analysis and parametric study performed are presented.
Results show that it is necessary to pay more attention to the effective stresses in the shells in
these loading cases. Although the stresses due to the external loadings are secondary stresses
with respect to primary stresses from the internal pressure, these stresses should be taken into
consideration in a complete stress analysis for nozzle connections of a pressure vessel.

With the purpose of a systematic parametric analysis the following typical nozzle connections in
ellipsoidal head are considered: central (x0 =0), non-central (x0≠0); radial (α = 0) and non-radial
(α≠0) (figx)
The finite element model of the shell intersection involves shell-curved quadrilateral elements
for the approximation of the individual nozzle and ellipsoidal head. Irregular meshes of the finite
elements on the shell surfaces, essentially for the region in the vicinity of the intersection curve,
are used. An automatic mesh generation is carried out using the relationships for nodal
coordinates. For example, the finite element model of half of the ellipsoidal head with a non-
radial and non-central nozzle. (figY)

Fig.x Typical nozzle connections in ellipsoidal head. Fig.y Finite element model of ellipsoidal head with nozzle.

A) Advantage
 Many works including analytical, experimental and numerical investigations have been
devoted to the stress analysis of nozzle connections in pressure vessels subjected to
different external loadings. However, most of these works were related to the nozzle
connections in cylindrical or spherical shells. But this paper further investigate the
ellipsoidal-cylinder shell intersections subjected to external loading.

B) Disadvantage
 The paper didn’t study on ellipsoidal head with non-radial and non-central nozzles under
internal pressure loading

2.2 Conceptual design with previous model

2.2.1 Concept screening

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model


2.2.2 Concept scoring

2.3 Reason for selecting your model

2.4 Rationality for this study

Chapter Three
3.1 Metrology for each part
3.1.1 Methodology to design a shell
We follow the following procedures to design the shell:
 We calculate the internal pressure and select a suitable design materialamong 200 grades
of steel at the design temperature.
 From data books we determine the design stress at the design temperature. Again we
determine welded joint efficiency.
 We determine the required thickness of the shell by three approaches
Approach by considering internal pressure only by using the Following formula:
Pi × D
t= i

2 E σ d −P i
By driving an equation by considering all pressure induced stress.
Approach: by considering wind load, internal pressure and dead weight of the vessel and its
 Checking elastic stability(buckling) of a column to ensure that the calculated thickness of
the shell resist the maximum value of the resultant axial stress does not exceed the critical
value at which buckling will occur.
 Checking the greatest difference between the principal stresses well below the maximum
allowable design stress.
3.1.2 Methodology to design an ellipsoidal head
Since all needed parameter are calculated when the shell is designed, we recall those data here in
designing of ellipsoidal head.
For no difference in dilation between the two parts (equal diametrical strain). Its radius varies
between the major and minor axis; usually the ratio is 2:1 . The stress in the head would then be
greater than that in the cylindrical section; and the optimum thickness ratio is normally taken as
t head =0.6 t cylinder ………………… (5.2)

Sizing of vessel heads if they are very small and in appropriate methodology to design
reinforcement for openings

We follow the following guide lines to design reinforcement for openings.

i. Determine the reinforcement limits for both parallel and perpendicular to shell surface
ii. Determine the reinforcement area
Area required- Ar =¿d×t r ………………….. (1)
Available area-area of six openings
Available area = A1 + A2+ A3 + A 4+ A5 + A6 …… (2)
iii. Check whether the available area is greater or equal to the required are

3.1.3 Methodology to select a standard flanges

Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes, and materials; and are uses extensively
for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels. Many standard codes give a wide
range of specific data and dimensions of standard flanges for different applications.
Some of the standards of ASME B16.5-2003 which are taken from Perry’s Chemical Engineers’
Handbook, 8th Edition, Don W. Green &Robert H. Perry are attached on Appendix of this
report. So, we select a standard flange which has an equal inside nominal diameter of the nozzle.

3.1.4 Methodology to design a skirt support

We follow the following procedure to design the skirt support.
First we select the type of skirt geometry
 Straight skirt support
 Conical skirt support(selected)
Select the type of weld provided to attach the skirt with the shell
Decided the angle (θ s) in which the base ring geometry to be deflected
Calculate the bending moment due to wind load
M s=
Calculate bending stress on the skirt
4 Ms
σ bs=
π (D s +t s) t s D s
Calculate dead weight of the vessel and its component

 Weight of the shell

w s=π Dm∗¿ t s∗ρ L g
 Weight of shell fluid
Ws f = 𝑚𝑓×g
Volume of shell Vs=Ls( )

Mass of fluid in the shell mf = 𝜌 × 𝑣f

 Weight of ellipsoidal head

π Di
Volume of headV hf =
W h = W hm = 1.084 Dm2*th* ρ *g
 Weight of the fluid
W f = ρf × g × V f
V. Calculate dead weight stress in the skirt
σ WS=
π ( Ds +t s )t s
VI. Check whether the skirt withstand the combined effect of wind and deadweight induced

3.1.5 Methodology to design base ring and anchor bolt

We follow the following procedure to design base ring and anchor bolt:
i. Determine pitch circle diameter( D p)
ii. Calculate circumference of the bolt circle
C = πD p
iii. Determine number of bolt required.
iv. Take constant values from table such as bolt design stress.
v. Calculate area of the bolt at the root of the thread

1 4 Ms
Ab = [ −W ]
N b f b Db
vi. Choose the corresponding metric size of bolt from table
vii. Calculate compressive load on the base ring
viii. Calculate the minimum width of the base ring
ix. Calculate the actual bearing pressure
x. Calculate the minimum thickness of the base ring
xi. Determine other dimensions of the base ring chair from standard table

3.1.6 Methodology to Design bolts

Use the following formula important to find the size and number of bolt.

Let D = internal diameter of cylinder

P = pressure in the cylinder

Dc = core diameter of the bolt

σ tb =
Permissible tensile stress of the bolt

n = number of bolt

Here we know that the upward face acting on the cylinder cover is:

∏ ¿ D×ρ ......................................... ( 1 ) ¿
10. Design of support.

11. Design of weight.

12. The discussion result and conclusion.

13. Reference book

3.2. Material selection

This step has a great contribution for our work that used to select a proper material for each
component as the required property based on the general criteria of selection.

Selection of a suitable material must take into account the suitability of the material for
fabrication (particularly welding) as well as the compatibility of the material with the process
environment. The pressure vessel design codes and standards include lists of acceptable
materials in accordance with the appropriate material standard.
The pressure vessel design codes and standards include lists of acceptable materials;
in accordance with the appropriate material standards.

3.2.1. Material selection criteria

The selection of a proper material, for engineering purposes, is one of the most difficult
problems for the designer. The best material is one which serves the desired objective at the
given conditions with the minimum cost.
We will select the materials based on the following criteria:-
1. Performance characteristics (properties)
2. Processing (manufacturing) properties
3. Environmental profile
4. Availability of the material
5. Economical consideration
In detail the following are the most important characteristics to be considered when selecting a
material of constructions. These are:-
a) Mechanical properties: This includes the following properties.
 Strength: - Tensile strength is required.
 Stiffness: - The material should have high Elastic modulus (Young’s
 Toughness: - Fracture resistance needed.
 Hardness: - high wear resistance required.
b) The effect of high and low temperature on the mechanical properties.
c) Corrosion resistance
d) Any special properties required such as thermal conductivity.
e) Case of fabrication: forming, welding, casting etc.
f) Availability in standard sizes.
g) Cost of the material.

3.2.2. Based on economic accept Mass

The main thing we should to consider is the strength of the material So at a given temperature
140℃ we have select the material low alloy steel (contain, Ni, Cr, Mo, V) because it has good
strength, low in cost and relatively good at corrosion resistant.
All components of vessel are composed of this material because it makes easy to weld together
and all will have similar strength.
By using design temperature and material type read design stress and tensile strength. (from
Coulson & Richardson’s chemical engineering volume .6)
Design stress: - δ D = 240 N/mm

Tensile strength: -
δ t = 550 N/mm

Table 2 Material selection


3.3 Detail Design and Analysis

3.3.1. Mathematical models of each part
Given Data
Detail design of vertical pressure vessel refers design of each and every component of the vessel
using mathematical analysis and graphical representation if it needs. Our design of vertical
pressure vessel we have general specifications given below in table that we should consider to
design. To design this vertical pressure vessel we have consider several design considerations.

Design of Vertical layout pressure vessel

Parameters Value Unit

Design pressure 3 Mpa

Design temperature 140 ℃

Volume 10.25 m3

Corrosion allowance 1.0 -

Working fluid Steam

Vessel orientation Vertical

Support Skirt support

Table 3 Given parameter

Design pressure
A vessel must be designed to withstand the maximum pressure to which it is likely to be
subjected in operation. For vessels under internal pressure, the design pressure is normally taken
as the pressure at which the relief device is set. This will normally be 5 to 10 cent above the
normal Working pressure, to avoid spurious operation during minor process upsets. The design
pressure to be

10 10
PD =P0 +P0× =3N/mm2 + 3N/mm2 ×
100 100

PD =3.3 N/mm2 Where PD =Maximum allowable design pressure

P0 = given design pressure

Design temperature
The strength of metals decreases with increasing temperature so the maximum allowable design
stress will depend on the material temperature. The design temperature at which the design stress
is evaluated should be taken as the maximum working temperature of the material, with due
allowance for any uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall temperatures.

So maximum temperature, T0= 140C0

Tensile stress &design stress for low alloy steel at T =140 C0 can be read as follow,

- Tensile stress, σt =550 N/mm2

- Design stress, σD =240 N/mm2

Corrosion allowance
The “corrosion allowance” is the additional thickness of metal added to allow for material lost by
corrosion and erosion, or scaling. The allowance to be used should be agreed between the
customer and manufacturer. Corrosion is a complex phenomenon, and it is not possible to give
specific rules for the estimation of the corrosion allowance required for all circumstances. The
allowance should be based on experience with the material of construction under similar service
conditions to those for the proposed design. For carbon and low-alloy steels, where severe
corrosion is not expected, a minimum allowance of 1.0 mm should be used; where more severe
conditions are anticipated this should be increased to 3.0 mm. Most design codes and standards
specify a minimum allowance of 1.0 mm.

Now for low alloy steel we use corrosion allowance of C a=1.0 mm. where Ca=corrosion

Design of Shell

For cylindrical shell design the minimum thickness required to resist internal pressure, the length
of shell, internal & external diameter of shell, volume of shell, and general stresses applied on
the shell can be determined using mathematical analysis as follow.

If PD >0.385S* E ……………………… uset s = Ri ¿ -1 ) …equation 1

PD <0.385S* E …………………………. uset s = ……equation 2
S∗E−0.6 PD
Where, S= design stress
E = joint factor
t s = thickness of shell

Ri = internal reading of shell

PD = design pressure
For this reason 0.385*240N/mm2*1= 92.4N/mm2
Therefore, 3.3N/mm2 <92.4N/mm2
Then our pressure vessel is categorized in thin cylindrical shell then we are using equation 2
Now calculating vessel ratio using the formula:
F2= C¿ ¿ – 0.6) where, C= corrosion allowance
S= Design stress
E= joint factor
F2=1.0∗¿ - 0.6)
Then change the unit in to inch by using the conversion factor;
F2 = 79.4mm
F2 = 3.126inch
To determine ratio we use both vessel ratio and total inside volume reading from chart:
First let us change the unit of volume in to ft3 by using conversion factor


Figure 7 Design of pressure vessel

σD =Design stress =240 N/mm2

PD=Design pressure =3.3 N/mm2

J=weld joint factor =1

We can determine ( ) ratio from table given below on procedure using the following relation.

Using unit conversion, 1 MPa =145.04 Psi

PD = 3.3MPa= 478.63 Psi

Table 4 Material selection

PRESSURE (Psi) L/D ratio Implies, PD =478.63 Psi is < 500, so we take L/D i
0-250 3 ratio to be 5 =4 Where L =Shell
250-500 4 length Di =internal diameter

>500 5 Now to find internal diameter use given volume,

Figure 8 Chart for determine the optimum ratio

Total volume of vessel =Volume of shell +Volume of two half ellipse (make one full ellipse)

V t=V s+ V elp
2 2
V ellipse = 2* ( π∗Di ∗Sf π∗Di 2∗Hi Di hi Di
+ * ) but, Hi= and Sf= =
4 4 3 4 3 12
2 2
V elli = 2* ( π Di ∗Di π∗Di 2∗Di
+ * )
4∗12 4 3∗4
V ellip = 2* ( π Di π∗Di3
+ )
48 24

( )
3 3
V ellip = 2* π Di +2∗π Di

= 2*(
48 )
V ellip 3 π Di

V ellip = π Di
πDi 2 × L π Di
10.25 m3 = + but, L = 4Di
4 8
Where V = Volume of vessel in m3
Di = Internal diameter of shell
L = Length in m

By substituting it

4 × π Di 3 π Di3
10 .25m3 = +
4 8

10.25m3 = 3.5325 Di3 implies, Di =3

√ 10.25
m =1.4263m

For design case use Di ≈ 1426.3 mm because enlarging diameter leads to greater volume than
the expected to be, so it has no problem.

Now length of the cylinder can be found from equation L= 4 D i

L =4 ×1.4263 m =5.705 m is length of cylinder.

From this length of the shell is given by:

Ls = L-( )
But Hi= where, Hi is inner head for ellipsoidal head
Hi= = 356.575mm
Ls = L-( )
2∗356.575 mm
Ls = 5705.2mm - ( )
Ls =5467.48mm = 5.46748 m

We can also calculate the volume of the shall from formula

V s = Ls ( π∗Di )
V s = 5.46748 ( π∗1.4263 )
V s = 8.7313m3

Now let’s find the find the value of thickness of shell or cylinder without corrosion allowance:

PD  Di 3.3 ×1426.3
t0 
2 J D  PD = 2× 1× 240−3.3 = 9.87mm

The minimum wall thickness required for design is given as:

t = to + Ca = 9.87mm +1.0 mm =10.87 mm≈ 11mm

Using the ratio of t/Di we can estimate the type of cylinder based on their thickness.

L 11mm
= ≈ 0.00771, which leads to the following relation,
Di 1426.3mm

0.00771¿ =0.1

Hence, the cylinder is thin cylinder.


The outer diameter of the shell would be:

Do=Di +2t=1426.3mm+2×11 mm=1448.3 mm

2.1.1. Stress analysis of shell

Figure 9 Cylindrical pressure vessel

I. Circumferential or hoop stress (δ ) analysis

Circumferential or hoop stress refers to the stress occurred along the direction of circumference
of shell of vessel. It can be calculated as follow:

Figure 10 Circumference view and cross section of shell

δ=¿, but, Dm =Di +t =1426.3mm +11mm = 1437.3mm

Where Dm=mean diameter

3.3 MPa × 1437.3mm

δ= = 215.595MPa
2× 11mm

From this, δ =215.595MPa¿ δ =240MPa

This indicate that our design hoop stress is safe.


II. Longitudinal stress (δ ) analysis

It the stress applied along the direction of its axis. It can be calculated using the following

Figure 11 Longitudinal view and cross section of shell

3.3 MPa × 1437.3 mm

δ=¿ = 107.7MPa
4 ×11 mm

This result shows that the design stress for longitudinal stress is also safe. Because it has lesser
value than the design stress.

i.e. 107.7 MPa<¿ 240 MPa shows safe

III. Radial stress (δ ) analysis

Radial stress refers the stress experienced along the radius of the cylinder’s shell. But this value
of stress is neglected in stress analysis for thin cylinder.

i.e. δ ≈ 0 ,For thin cylinder only.

Maximum stress applied on the shell will be expressed as;

δ Max=

Figure 12 Radial stress analysis

δ −δ
δ max=

215.98 MPa−107.797 MPa


=54.005Mpa < = 120Mpa where τ = 240MPa

Therefore our design of shell is safe.

Design of Head

The ends of a cylindrical vessel are closed by heads of various shapes. The principal

Types used are:

Figure 13 Types of pressure vessel’s heads

 Flat plates and formed flat heads

 Hemispherical heads

 Ellipsoidal heads

 Tori spherical heads

The ends of pressure vessel that confine the shell from below, above, and the sides. The
ends of the vessels are closed by means of head before putting them in to operation. In our
design the head is normally made from the same material as the shell and welded to the shell it
self .the head geometry design is dependent up on the geometry of the shell as well as other
designs parameter such as operating temperature and the pressure. The geometry of the head is
selected based on the function as well as an economic consideration and methods of forming and
space requirements.

The elliptical and tori spherical heads are most common used. They are thinner than cylindrical
shell to which they are attached and require a smooth transition between the two to avoid stress
concentration effect but for our design we select an elliptical cylindrical head.

NB: - Theoretically, a sphere would be the best shape of a pressure vessel. Unhappily, a spherical
shape is tough to manufacture, therefore more expensive, so most pressure vessels are cylindrical
with 2:1 semi-elliptical heads or end caps on each end.

Design of elliptical head:

For an internal pressure P the thicknesst h of elliptical head is given by

(PD∗Di∗K )
th = where, P D internal pressure
(2∗σ d∗E−0.2∗P D )

Di= diameter of the shell

E= joint efficiency

σ d = allowable/ design stress

K= stress intensity factor

K is given by the following expression:

K= (2 +
Where a and b are semi-major and semi-minor axis of the elliptical which is a 2:1 ratio

So that K=
(2 +()
2) = 1

Now let us calculate head thickness (t h) as follows:

(PD∗D i∗K ) (3.3∗1426.3∗1)

t h= =
(2∗σ d∗E−0.2∗P D ) (2∗240∗1−0.2∗3.3)

t h = 9.819 10mm

But for safe design t total= t h + C where C= corrosion allowance

t total= 10mm+1.0mm

t total= 11mm

Let us find the outer head as follows:

H i= where Hi is inner head for ellipsoidal head

Hi = = 356.57mm and

Ho= but D o = D i+ 2*t total = 1426.3mm + 2*11mm

D o = 1448.3mm

515 mm
∴ Ho= = 362.075mm

Total volume of the ellipsoidal head can be calculated as follows:

V h= 2* ( π∗Di ∗Sf π∗Di2 2∗hi Di hi Di
+ * ) but Hi= and Sf= =
4 4 3 4 3 12
V h= 2* ( π Di ∗Di π∗Di2 2∗Di
+ * )
4∗12 4 3∗4
3 3
V h= 2* ( π Di +
48 24

( )
3 3
V h = 2* π Di +2∗π Di

( )
V h = 2* 3 π Di
V h = π Di but Di= 1.426m
V h= π∗1.426

V h= 1.138m3

Then let us check the total volume of the vessel or cylinder:


V t= V s+ V h

V t = 8.7313m3+ 1.138m3

V t = =V t = 9.87m3 10mm3

Since Vt (9.87 m3) < design volume (10.25m3)

∴ our designis safe .

Stress analysis on head

The stress are considered in to three parts as shown below:

At any point x At center At tangent

( P∗Rl ) ( P∗R ) ( P∗R)
-σ x = σ x= σ x=
( 2∗t) (2∗th) (2∗t)

( ) ( )
P∗Rl Rl σ ∅= σ x P∗R R2
- σ ∅= 1− σ ∅= 1−
t 2∗Rm t 2∗h2

Notations: RL = latitudinal radius of curvature, in mm.

Rm= meridional radius of curvature, in mm.

P = internal pressure, M pa

h = depth of head, mm.

R = inside radius of head.

In heads due to internal pressure two type of stress

Longitudinal stress (σ ∅)

Meridional stress (σ x )

Figure 14 Stresses in heads due to internal pressure

Case 1) the stress analysis of any point x:

σx =
σ ∅=
t (1−
2 Rm )
Before we use the above formula first we calculate the variables RL, Rm, h.

Do 1448.3mm
h= = = 362.07mm
4 4

R= = 724.15mm

Since h≤X≤ R let X= 400 mm

√ ( ) √ ( )
4 2 4 2
R 2 R 724.15 2 724.15
RL= 2
+ X 1− 2 = 2
+ 400 1− 2
h h 362.07 362.07

RL= 1232.5mm
P d∗R L 3.3∗1232.5
σx = =
2t 2∗11

∴ᵟx = 184.5Mpa

R L 3∗h 2 1232.5 ∗362.07

3 2
Rm= = 4
R4 724.15

Rm= 944.1mm

∴ᵟ∅ =
2 Rm ( )
ᵟ∅ =
2∗944.1 ( )

ᵟ∅ = -110.7Mpa
R/ℎ= 713.43 /361.15 = 1.975 which is > 1.42
Latitudinal (hoop) stresses in the knuckle become compressive when the R/h ratio exceeds 1.42.

Since in our design R/h ratio exceeds 1.42 therefore as we observe from the above table the
negative sign shows the presence of compressive stress.

Case 2) stress analysis at center:

ᵟx = = ᵟ∅
ᵟx =
∴ ᵟx = ᵟ∅ = 210.93N/mm2
Case 3) stress analysis at tangent:

ᵟx =
ᵟx =
ᵟx =106.77 N/mm2 and

ᵟ∅ =
t (
2∗h 2 )
( )
2.73∗713.43 713.43
ᵟ∅ = 1− 2
9.12 2∗361.15

ᵟ∅ = -213.6N/mm2
∴As we observe from the result the negative sign shows the presence of compressive stress.

When we observe from the above three cases stress is maximum at the center of head. Now for
the design to be safe let us compare the maximum stress to the allowable or design stress.

210.93N/mm2 < 240N/mm2

∴ Our design of head is safe.

Design of nozzle
A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or heads of a pressure vessel. The
nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access.

Nozzles are used for the following applications:

 Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.

 Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level gauges or pressure gauges).

 Provide access to the vessel interior at many ways.

Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or mixer).

2.1.2. Design 0f bottom (inlet) discharge pipe

Inside diameter of vessle Inspection of nozzle

12 in – 18 in Two – 1 and ½ in pipe size threades opening.
over 18 in - <36 Minimum 16 in I.D manhole or two 2 inch pipe size
threaded opening.
Over 36 Minimum 16 in I.D manholes and two 6 inch pipe size


Since 1mm = 0.0393701in

1426.3 m = 56.15 in internal diameter

Therefore, since our diameter (56.15in) which is in the range of over 36 in (914.4mm) internal
diameter. so the inlet pipe diameter will be 6 in.

Now let us change the inlet size into millimeter

Since 1mm= 0.0393701 in
D i= mm
di 152.4 mm
Then the radius will be ri = = =76.2mm
2 2

Assume: - our outlet opening pipe is placed at the bottom of the head

The minimum thickness of the nozzle for discharge pipe is given by:-

PD ×r 3.3 Mpa ×76.2 mm

e= i
= =1.05 mm
SE−0.4 × P D 1× 240 Mpa−(0.4 × 3.3 Mpa )

t n = e + Ca= 1.05mm+1mm =≈ 2 mm

Where e = minimum thickness of the nozzle without corrosion allowance

Ca=corrosion allowance

t n = thickness of the nozzle

The outer diameter of the nozzle is given by:-

d o = d + 2t n = 154.4 + 2×2 = 158.4mm but d = d i +2C


The required minimum thickness of the nozzle is given by:-

t 3.3 Mpa ×77.2 mm

P D ×r
¿ = = 1.07mm where, r =d/2 =154.4/2 = 77.2mm
SE−0.6 × P D 1× 240 Mpa−0.6 × 3.3 Mpa

The required minimum thickness of the head (t rs) is given by:-

PD× R 3.3× 713.5

t rs = = = 9.89mm
SE−0.6 P D ( 240× 1 )−0.6 × 3.3 Mpa

Diameter = 0.04meter (40mm).

Calculation of reinforcement required

The required minimum thickness of shell is given by:-

P D∗¿ R Di 1426.3mm
t rs= ¿ ………..but R = = =713.15mm
E∗δd−0.6 PD 2 2

3.3 MPa∗713.15 mm
t rs=
1∗240 MPa−0.6∗3.3 MPa

t rs= 9.89mm

Area of reinforcement required

Ar =d t rs Where t rs =9.89 mm

Ar =154.4 mm ×9.89mm¿ 1527.06 mm2

Area available in the cylindrical shell

A1= ( t −t rs ) d Where, t = total thickness or A1=2(t +t n) (t -t rs)

A1= (11−9.89 ) 154.4 A1 =2(11+2) (11-9.89)

A1=171.384 mm A 1 =28.86 mm2

For safe design we take the largest value A1=172.384 mm2

Area available in outward nozzle wall

A2=5t (t n−t rn ) Or A2=5t n (t n−t rn )

A2=5∗11∗(2−1.07) A2=5∗2(2−1.07)

A2=¿ 51.15mm2 A2=¿ 9.3mm2


∴ We take the smaller value that is A2=¿ 9.3 mm2

Area available in inward nozzle

A3 =5t n (t n−c )
A3 =5∗2(2−1)=10 mm

Area of outward weld

A 4=2 t
2 2
A 4=2∗11 =242 mm

∴ At = A1 + A2 + A3 + A 4

At = 172.38 mm2+9.3 mm2 +10 mm2+242 mm2

At = 433.68mm2

Since our total available area is less than area reinforcement required (433.68
2 2
mm ≪1527.06 mm ). So, we need of additional reinforcement to make our design is safe.

It is known that required reinforcement area is1527.06 mm2 and available reinforcement is
A s= A−A s

= 1527.06 mm2 - 433.68mm2

=1093.38 mm2 is required area of the pad.

Ap = (Dp-Do) tpad , where; Dp = n*Do, n….. Is between (1.5-2)

We take n=2, DP = 2*158.4 = 316.8 mm

Ap 1093.38 mm2
tpad = =
( D p−D o) (322.2−161.1)

=6.9 mm

Therefore the opening should reinforced by reinforcing pad that have diameter (D p=316.8mm)
and thickness ( tp= 6.9 mm ), then we achieve safe design.

Calculation of reinforcement limits

Figure 15 Reinforcement limit

Horizontal limit /Parallel to shell surface/:-

First take the value of tn (nozzle thickness) take tn = 2mm

x = d where d= 154.4mm and

x = 0.5d + t + 𝑡n = 0.5×154.4+11+2 =90.2mm
Compare and take the greater value, Therefore the horizontal limit is =154.4 mm.

Vertical limit /Perpendicular to shell surface/:- Compare and take the smaller value.

Know find “h” and “h1 ”

h = 2.5t = 2.5 ×11=27.5 mm

h1 = 2.5tn = 2.5×2=5 mm

For safe design take;h1 = 5mm

Where, h=¿ the distance nozzle project beyond the outer surface of shell thickness

h1 =¿ The distance of nozzle project beyond the inner surface of the shell thickness

Therefore the vertical limit is = 5mm

Design of manhole
It is another component pressure vessel which is available for cleaning purpose when human
wants to clean the vessel.

In our design we take the inlet and outlet pipe diameter


Dm =16in = 406.4mm… ….from the above standard table

Rm = Di/2 = 406.4mm/2 = 203.2mm

t m=
E∗δd−0.4 Pd

3.3 MPa∗203.2 mm
tm = , t m=2.12mm
1∗240 Mpa−0.4∗3.3 MPa

But for safe design t rm= 3.2mm +C where C= corrosion allowance

t rm= 2.12mm + 1mm

t rm=3.12 mm

The outer diameter of manhole is given by:-

do = d+2tn but, d =di +2CA =406.4mm+2*1.4mm=409.2mm

= (409.2mm+2*3.12mm)
= 415.44 mm

The required minimum thickness of nozzle for inlet pipe is given by: -
P D × Rn
t mn = but, Rn =d/2 = 409.2mm/2 =204.5mm
Sall E−0.6 PD
3.3× 204.5 mm
= 2.8 mm
The required minimum thickness of shell is given by: -
P D × Ri
t rs = but, Ri =di/2 = 1426.3mm/2 =713.5 mm
Sall E−0.6 PD
3.3× 713.5 mm
= 9.89mm

Area of reinforcement available

Ar =d t rs Where t rs =9.89 mm

Ar =406.4 mm∗9.89 mm

Ar =4019.29 mm2

Area of reinforcement required

A1= ( t r m−t m ) d=( 3.12 mm−2.12 mm ) 406.4mm


Area available in nozzle wall

Outward Inward

A2=5t ( t rm −t m ) A2=5t rm ( t rm−t m )

A2=5∗11 mm ( 3.12mm−2.12 mm ) A2=5∗3.12 ( 3.12mm−2.12 mm )

2 2
A2=55mm A2=15.6 mm

∴ We take the smaller value that is A2=15.6 mm2

Inward A3 =5t ( t rm) =5∗11mm( 3.12mm)

A3 =171.6 mm

Area of weld

2 2
A 4=2 t =2(11 )

A 4=242 mm

∴ At = A1 + A2 + A3 + A 4

At = 406.4mm2+ 15.6 mm2 + 171.6 mm2 + 242 mm2

At = 835.6mm2

Total area reinforcement available must greater than area reinforcement required to achieve
safe design but in our design (At < Ar) or (835.6mm2 < 4019.29 mm2 ), so we need additional
reinforcement pad for safe design.

Area of reinforcing pad (Ap) =Area reinforcement required –Area reinforcement available

= (4019.29 - 835.6) mm2


Reinforcing pad diameter (Dp) = n*Dm = 2*406.4 =812.8mm

A p = (D p – D m)*t pad

Ap 3183.69 mm 2
t pad = =
( D p−D m) (812.8 mm−406.4 mm)


Therefore, the man hole should have reinforced by reinforcing pad have diameter = 812.8mm
and thickness = 7.83mm.

Ln = C + t + n where, C = length of the nozzle entering to the shell

t = thickness of the shell

n = length of the nozzle out of the shell, assume (n = 50mm)

Ln = length of the nozzle

C = R- √ R2−r o2 = 713.15- √ 713.152−77.4 2 = 242 – 241.8

C = 4.21mm

Ln = 4.21 + 11 + 50 = 65.21mm

Design of circular handhold

Since in our design we get smaller shell diameter the hand hole should be used in order to do
some operations on the pressure vessel. We take the diameter of hand hole as 0.12m. The
material selected for hand hold is stillness steel for its resistivity to corrosion.

Then the wall thickness of the handhold can be calculated as follows:

t handhole = (PD × Rhandhole )/ (ᵟ d E-0.6PD)

Where, PD =deign pressure (3.3Mpa)


Rhandhole = radius of hand hole(R=D/2=0.06m)

σ d= Design stress for the materials of hand hole (low alloy steel =240N/mm2)

E =Joint efficiency factor (E =1)

t handhole = (PD × Rhandhole )/ (SE-0.6PD) = (3.3× 60)/ (240×1 - 0.6×3.3)

t handhole= 0.832mm

Total thickness of the hand hole including the corrosion allowance calculated as follows:

t handhole= t handhole + CA where CA=corrosion allowance

t handhole= 0.832mm + 1mm

t handhole= 1.832mm

Area for the hand hole will be:

π Dhandhole2 π ¿ 1202
Ahandhole = =
4 4

Ahandhole =11309.7mm2

Stress analysis for hand hole

Longitudinal stress (σ L ):

σ L = (PD × D handhole )/ (4×t handhole ) = (3.3Mpa×120mm)/ (4×1.832mm)

σ L= 54.04N/mm2

The hoop (circumferential stress) or (σ H )

σ H = (PD × D handhole )/ (2×t handhole)

σ H = (3.3Mpa×120mm)/ (2×1.832mm)

σ H =108.074N/mm2

Since both longitudinal and circumferential stress less than the allowable or design stress
therefore our design is safe.σ L,σ H <240 Mpa .

Design of vessel support

The vessel support is intended to support the pressure vessel on the support base. The support
has to be designed with stand the dead weight from the pressure vessel and to limit the heat flow
from the vessel walls to the base. The pressure vessel support should be able to with stand the
dead weight of the vessel and internals and the contained fluid without experiencing permanent

In our case the support of the pressure vessel is skirt and we choose a carbon steel material to
design because of it has excellent fatigue resistance, good temperature resistance, it is tougher
and has high strength. It carries all the loads at the pressure vessel. In order to design this skirt
support we consider the dead weight.

The major sources of dead weight loads are:

 The vessel shell

 The vessel head

 The vessel fitting, hand hole and nozzle

 Wind load

 Weight of fluid

Figure 16 Net weight on vertical pressure vessel

 Weight of shell

Is the sum of the weight of shell material and the fluid stored on it.

Weight of shell material

The material is low alloy steel we take ρ=7850 kg/m3

w s=π Dm∗¿ t s∗ρ L g where D m = mean diameter of shell

g= acceleration due to gravity taken as 9.81m/s2

t s=thickness of shell

L= vessel length, tangent to tangent

But L= Ls + 2 Ho

L=5.705 from priveous calculation

D m= Di + t

Where Dm= mean diameter of shell

D m= 1426.3mm +11mm = 1437.3mm

W s= π Dm ¿ t s∗ρ L g = π*1.4373 *0.011*7850∗5.705∗9.81


 Weight of shell steam

W s steam=ms steam *g but ms steam = ρ *V steam where V steam =volume of the steam on the shell

ρ = density of the steam@ 140 c0 (it is = 0.5974kg/m3) is

2.01 kg/m3 the value is from steam characteristics table

ms steam = mass of steam

( )
msf = ρ * V f but V steam = Ls∗ π∗Di
V f = 5.467 ( π∗1.4263 ) = 8.73m3

ms steam = 2.01∗¿8.73*10−9 =1.754*10−8kg


W s steam = ms steam *g = 5.23*10−9*9.81 = 1.7214*10−6 N

 Weight of head

Is the sum of the weight of head material and the fluid stored on it.

Weight of head material

The material is low alloy steel we take ρ=7850 kg/m3

W hm = 1.084 Dm2*th* ρ *g where Dm = mean diameter of ellipsoidal head

g= acceleration due to gravity taken as 9.81m/s2

W hm = weight of material

th = thickness of head

W hm = 1.084 D m2*th* ρ *g = 1.084*1.435472∗0.00917∗7850 *9.81

W hm =1577.34N

Weight of head steam

V h steam = π Di where V h steam = volume of the steam on the head but Di = 1.4263m

msteam = mass of head fluid

V hsteam = π∗1.4263 = 1.13m3

msteam= ρ *V hsteam = 2.01 *1.13∗10−9=2.27∗10−9 kg

W hsteam =msteam *g=0.68∗10−9 kg*9.81 = 6.7¿ 10−9N

 Weight of Nozzle

Is the sum of the weight of nozzle material and the steam stored on it.

Weight of inlet nozzle material

The material is low alloy steel we take ρ=7850 kg/m3


W n = mn*g where, mn = mass of nozzle

But m n = ρ *V n where, V n= volume of inlet nozzle material

mn = mass of inlet nozzle material

V n= π ( do −di ) L
2 2
where, d o = inlet outer nozzle diameter

di = inlet inner nozzle diameter

L= length of nozzle

di 152.4 mm Di 1426.3mm
ri= = = 76.2mm and Ri = = =713.15mm
2 2 2 2

C= Ri -√ Ri2−r i2 where C=length of part of the nozzle entering to shell

C=713.15-√ 713.152−76.22 =4.0826mm

L= C+ t s+ length of part of the nozzle leaving the shell

Let′s take the value of length of the nozzle leaving the shell 300mm then

L= 4.0826mm + 10mm + 300mm =314.08mm

V n= π ( do −di ) L = π ( 154.8 −152.4 )∗314.08

2 2 2 2

4 4

V n= 57891.2256 mm3

mn= ρ *V n = 7850 *5.7789 ¿ 10−5 = 0.45kg

W n =mn*g = 0.45*9.81 = 4.412N

Weight of inlet nozzle fluid

Wn steam = mf ×g but m steam = 𝜌×V steam where: - V steam = volume of the steam on the nozzle

π di
V steam = L

π × 152.42
V steam = × 314.08

Vsteam = 5726376.16mm3

We take 𝜌 of steam =2.01 kg/m3

M steam = 𝜌×𝑣steam

M steam= 2.01 kg/m3 ×0.05726m3 × 10-10

M steam = 0.115kg × 10-10

W n steam =mf ×g

W n steam = 0.115kg × 10-7 × 9.81

W n steam = 1.129 × 10-7 N

Since the inlet and outlet nozzle have the same pipe size we take the same outlet value as inlet

Weight of Wind

Figure 17 Wind load on vertical pressure vessel

W wn= Pa * A f where, Pa = atmospheric pressure our surrounding (assume average

atmospheric pressure of Azezo for some date = 1028Mpa)

A f = projected area

But A f = D 0*H = where 𝐻ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 = 𝐷𝑂/4 = 1444.63/4 =361.16mm

But H total = Lshell + 2 H head + Lskirt we take length of the skirt (L skirt) = 500mm

H total = 5467.48mm + 722.32mm + 500mm

H total = 6689.48mm = ~7 m

A f = D 0*H = 1.4446*7

A f = 10.11 m2

W wn=1028*10.112m2

W wn=10,395.3 N

The wind effect has its own role in pressure vessel design. When we design pressure vessel with
greater height, we have to consider this effect on the vessel. The moment on the vessel due to
wind is calculated as:
Mx = w x ;

Where M x = moment due to wind X is the distance measured from the free end (approximately
equal to Total height of the vessel = 7 m) and ’w’ the load per unit length (Newton Per meter)
and calculated as follows:
Dm= Di + t where Dm= mean diameter of vessel

D m = 1426.3mm + 11 mm
D m = 1437.3mm = 1.437m And
w = Dm* Patm = 1.437m * 1022N/m2
w = 1468.6N/m
Mx = w x
M x = 1468.6* 7
M x = 35,980.7Nm

Now we can find the total weight as follows:

Wt material=Ws+W h +W n W h =1577.34 N

W n = 3∗W no + W ¿ =3*1.86N + 4.412N = 9.992N

Wt material = 6945.9 N +1577.34 + 9.992N Wt material= 8533.2N

Wt fluid =W sf + W hf + W nf

W nf = 3∗W nfi + W nfo = 3*1.129*10-7 N + 2.879*10-3 = 0.003N

Wt fluid = 1.7214*10−6 N + 6.7¿ 10−9N +3¿ 10−3 N Wt fluid =0.003N

∴ W net =Wt material+Wt fluid + W wn

W net = 8533.2N + 0.003N +10,395.3 N

W net = 18,928.5N

Then we find the design weight as follows:

W d = W net + *W net 10%


W d = 18,928.5N + 18,928.5N *10%

W d =20821.35N

Now let us find the loading on each skirt is:

Q= where n = number of skirt = 3

Q= load

W d = design weight

20821.35 N


The area of skirt is calculated as follows:

σ d= where, σ d= design or allowable stress=240N/mm2


6940.45 N

A=28.91 mm2

2.1.3. Skirt Thickness

The skirt thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead-weight loads and bending

Moments imposed on it by the vessel; it will not be under the vessel pressure. . Mostly it sets
from the horizontal 80°.

We can give the thickness and diameter of skirt by its standard:

Internal diameter of skirt at lower part (𝐷𝑠) = = D0+2th+2L/tan80


=1444.63mm+2*11+2*500/tan80 =1642.9 mm

Thickness of skirt (𝑡𝑠) = 50mm = 0.05m

Stress analysis of skirt support

σ s(Tensile) = σ bs – σ ws And σ s(compressive) = σ bs + σ ws

σ bs= Bending stress on the skirt

4 Mx
σ bs = (𝑀𝑥 = 35,980.7Nm)
π (D s +t s) D s t s

4 ×35,980.7 Nm
σ bs =
π (1.6429+ 0.05) 1.6429 ×0.05

σ bs= 329.6 KN/m2

The Dead weight stress

In the skirt (σ ws) is calculated as:

σ ws= W T / (π (Ds +t s)t s)

M max= Maximum bending moment evaluated at the base of the skirt (Due to wind loading)

Ds =Inside diameter of the skirt at the base

t s = Skirt thickness

W T = Total weight of the vessel and contents (W T =18,925.45N)

18,923.07 N
σ ws=
π (1.642+0.05) 0.05

σ𝑤𝑠 = 71,243.697 N/m

σ ws= 71.234KN/m2

To calculate the resultant tensile stress on the skirt:

σ s(Tensile) = σ bs – σ ws = 329.6 KN/m2 – 71.234KN/m2

σ s(Tensile) = 258.36 KN/m2 = 258.36 N/mm2


To calculate the resultant compressive stress on the skirt:

σ s(Compressive) = σ bs + σ ws = 329.6 KN/m2 – 71.234KN/m2

σ s(Compressive) = 400.83KN/m2 = 400.83N/mm2

Since both σ s(Tensile) and σ s(Compressive) are less than the allowable or design stress therefore
our design is safe

Design of welded joint

A welded joint is a permanent joint, which is obtained by the fusion of edge of two parts to be
joined together with or without the application of pressure and filler material. Electric arc
welding is extensively used because of greater speed of welding.

The main considerations involved in the selection of weld type are:

 The shape of welded component required

 The thickness of the plates to be welded

 The direction of force to be applied

We Select butt joint especially square butt joint for the connection of both head and shell but
for the connection of nozzle to the shell part select corner joint.

Stresses for Welded Joints

The stresses in welded joints are difficult to determine because of the variable and unpredictable
Parameters like homogeneity of the weld metal, thermal stresses in the welds, changes of
physical Properties due to high rate of cooling etc. The stresses are obtained, on the following

 The load is distributed uniformly along the entire length of the weld, and

 The stress is spread uniformly over its effective section.

The following table shows the stresses for welded joints for joining ferrous metals with mild
steel electrode under steady and fatigue or reversed load.

Table 5 Stress for welded joint

Since the stress in the weld material is to be 81 Mpa our electrode is mild steel electrode. The
recommended minimum size of weld is 14mm size of weld between 25mm- 55mm.

For inlet nozzle

π ( d o2−d i2 )∗σ m
F= where, d o = outside diameter of the nozzle
d i = inside diameter of the nozzle

π ( d o2−d i2 )∗σ m π ( ( 154.82−152.42 ) )∗σ m

F= =
4 4

F= 578.76 σ m …………………… (1)


P D∗π∗d i2 3.3∗π∗152.42
F R= =
4 4

F R =60166.3 N …………………… (2)

By equating equation 1 and 2 we calculate σ m as follows:

Since F R = F

∴ σ m= = 103.95 N/mm2

For outlet nozzle


π ( d o2−d i2 )∗σ m
F= where, d o = outside diameter of the nozzle
d i = inside diameter of the nozzle

π ( d o −d i )∗σ m π ( 62 −60 )∗σ m

2 2 2 2
F= =
4 4

F=191.4σ m …………………… (I)


P D∗π∗d i2 3.3∗π∗602
F R= =
4 4

F R =9325.8N …………………… (ii)

By equating equation I and ii we calculate σ m as follows:

Since F R = F

∴ σ m= = 48.7 N/mm2

Design of bolted and nut flange joints

Bolt joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design. They
consist of fasteners that a capture and join other part and are secure with the mating of bolt joints
designs or screw threads.

There are two main type of bolted joint design:

1) Tension joint

2) Shear joint

In the tension joint the bolt and clamped component at the joint are designed to transfer the
external tension load through the joint by away of clamped component through the design of
proper balance of joint and bolt stiffness. The second type of bolted joint transfer the applied
load in a shear on the bolt shank and relies on shear strength of the bolt, tension loads on such
joints are only identically.

Use the following formula important to find the size and number of bolt.

Let D i = internal diameter of cylinder

P D = design pressure in the cylinder

d cb = core diameter of the bolt

d cn = core diameter of the nut

σ tb= permissible tensile stress of the bolt

n1 = number of bolt

n2 = number of nut

Here we know that the upward force acting on the cylinder cover is:
π Di ∗P D
F= ……………………………….. (1)

This force is resisted by n number of bolt and the resisting force offered by n number of bolts is

π dc 2∗σ tb∗n
F p= …………………………………………. (2)

From equation (1) the upward force acting on cylinder cover is

π Di2∗P D π∗1426.32∗3.3
F= =
4 4

F = 5269.936 KN

From equation (2) the resisting force by the bolt

π dc 2∗σ tb∗n
F R=

In our design we select the material for the bolt is mild steel. So, σtb= 497N/mm 2 the core
diameter is from the table by taking standard M16 size.

From the table we take dc =13.546mm

π × 497× n ×13.546

F𝑅 =71625.6n since F = FR

5269.936 KN
∴ n1 = = 73.57≈ 74 bolts

And also from the table we take d cn =¿ ¿13.835mm

π d cn 2∗σ tb∗n π 13.8352∗497∗n2

F R= 2
4 4

F R = 74676.57n2 where, F = F R

n2 = = 27.1 27 nuts

Nominal or major diameter of nut and bolt (d = D) = 16mm

Table : Standard bolt dimension

The total length of bolt and thread length of bolt can be calculated as follows:

Let us take L < 125mm, d < 152.4mm

Lt = 2 × 16 + 6mm

L threaded =38mm

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 𝐿 − 𝐿𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 100 − 38mm

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 62 mm

Stress analysis of bolt F = 5269.936 KN is the total force acted in the whole 74 bolts. Then in
single bolts can be calculated as follow

𝐹𝑖 = 𝐹/𝑛 = 5269.936 KN /74𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑠 = 71215.5N

Then we will calculate the stress on the bolt. Let us take standard bolt size of M16

Stress on a bolt = 𝐹𝑖 𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡/𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 but 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 = 𝜋𝐷𝑖2/4 = (16)2/4 = 200.96mm2

= 71215.5N /200.96mm2 = 354.37𝑀𝑃𝑎

The tensile strength of M16 bolts is σtb = 497N/mm2 since 352Mpa

Since 354.37 Mpa < 497Mpa our design is safe!

Selection of Nut
We select mild steel material to design nut the same as bolt flange joint because of easily
workable, very hard, yet malleable, good for construction, easy to shape and machine and
very flexible and can be harden.

Steel grade Measured direction Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa)

HT50 A 542 591

HT80 A 693 830

Mild steel A 452 497
HT50 B 501 562

HT80 B 657 779

Mild steel B 439 471
HT50 C 531 587
HT80 C 665 811
Mild steel C 447 478

Table : Material selection for the nut design

By reading from the above standard table we get:

 minor or core diameter of nut (dc) = 13.835mm

 effective or pitch diameter of nut (dp) = 14.701mm
 nominal or major diameter of nut and bolt (d=D) = 16.000mm

Table : Nut standard dimension

Flange design
Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole covers, and
for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be used on the
vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or maintenance.

Flanged joints are also used to connect pipes to other equipment, such as pumps and valves.
Standard flanges will be specified for most applications. Special designs would be used only if
no suitable standard flange were available; or for large flanges, such as the body flanges of
vessels, where it may be cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required rather than to
accept the nearest standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized.

Figure 18 Flange

Standard flanges
Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are used extensively
for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels. The proportions of standard flanges
are set out in the various codes and standards. A typical example of a standard flange design is
shown below. The relevant British Standards are BS 1560, Part 3 and BS 4504, Part 3, which
cover flanges for pipes, valves and fittings; in carbon and alloy steels.

Table 6 Standard flange design


Now as we design the bolt before our bolt is Bolt M 16 standard size

For this reason our flange design parameters are in the first row of the table above that means

d1= 200 mm

d2= 18mm

d3= 240mm



b= 20mm

D= 32mm

f= 3mm

K= 280mm

Bolt M 16

Design of Gaskets

Gaskets are used to make a leak-tight joint between two surfaces. It is impractical to
machine flanges to the degree of surface finish that would be required to make a
satisfactory seal under pressure without a gasket. Gaskets are made from “semi-plastic”
materials; which will deform and flow under load to fill the surface irregularities between the
flange faces, yet retain sufficient elasticity to take up the changes in the flange alignment that
occur under load.

The following factors must be considered when selecting a gasket material:

 The process conditions: pressure, temperature, corrosive nature of the process fluid.

 Whether repeated assembly and disassembly of the joint is required.

 The type of flange and flange face

The gasket factor m is the ratio of the gasket stress (pressure) under the operating conditions to
the internal pressure in the vessel or pipe. The internal pressure will force the flanges' faces apart,
so the pressure on the gasket under operating conditions will be lower than the initial tightening-
up pressure. The gasket factor gives the minimum pressure that must be maintained on the
gasket to ensure a satisfactory seal. For this particular pressure vessel we select ring joint type
gasket material which is made from iron or soft steel.

3.3.2. Prototype of the model

3D Part and Assembly of Vertical Pressure Vessel

3D Part and Assembly of Vertical Pressure Vessel

Design of Shell

Figure 19 Shell

Design of Head

Figure 20 Head

Design of nozzle

Figure 21 Nozzle

Design of circular handhold

Figure 22 Handhold

Design of vessel support


Figure 23 Vessel Support

Design of bolted and nut flange joints

Figure 24 Flange

Design of Assembled Pressure Vessel

Figure 25 Assembled Pressure Vessel


3.3.3. General assembly design

3.3.4. Simulation analysis by solid work


Chapter Four
Result and Discussion
4.1. Analytical and Simulation result
4.1.1. Stress Vs Strain analysis for if any in your model
4.1.2. Reinforcement if any
4.1.3 Comparison analysis to simulation result
4.1.4 Simulation results
4.1.5 Failure analysis

The following table shows the overall geometry of vertical pressure vessel.

Components Dimensions

1) shell Do = 1444.63mm
D i = 1426.3mm
t s= 11 mm
Ls = 5467.8mm
V s = 8.7313m3
Do = 1444.63mm
2) head D i = 1426.3mm
H i= 364.1mm
H o = 361.15mm
t h= 11mm
V h= 1.138m3
d i = 152.4mm
3) Inlet nozzle t n= 2mm
d o = 158.4mm
t rs= 9.89mm
Ln = 65.21mm

d i = 60mm
4) outlet (discharge) nozzle t n= 1.4145mm
d o = 64.82mm
t rs= 9.887mm
Ln = 36.63mm
d c =13.546mm
5) Bolt flanged joint M16
N= 74 bolts
6) nut flanged joint d c =13.835mm
N= 27 nuts
5) Flange d2= 18mm
d3= 240mm
d4= 258mm
h= 44mm
b= 20mm
D= 32mm
f= 3mm
K= 280mm
t handhole= 1.832mm
6) hand hole Ahandhole = 11309.7mm2

7) vessel support Ds = 1642.9mm

t s = 50mm
Table 7 Results

In this pressure vessel design report we have designed a total inside volume (V= 0.5m3)
Pressure vessel for alcohol storing application. In this process we have designed shell, head, inlet
and outlet nozzle, bolt flanged joint, flange, hand hole and vessel support .All of these
components are designed by using appropriate formulas for each and their factor of safety are
checked for strength to avoid failures.

Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1. Conclusion
The design of pressure vessel in initialized with the specification requirements in terms of
standard technical specifications along with numerous requirements that lay hidden from the

The design of a pressure vessel in more of a selection procedure selection of its components
to be more precise rather designing each and every component regarding storage of fluid for a
pressure vessel system should be preferred due to its simplicity, better sensitivity, higher
reliability , low maintenance, compactness for the same capacity.

The storage of fluid at higher pressure in the pressure vessel is at the heart of its
performance and it is the first step towards the design. The pressure vessel components are
merely selected, but the selection is very critical. A slight change in selection will lead to a
different pressure vessel altogether from what is aimed to be designed.

It is observed that all the pressure vessel components are selected on basis of available
ASME standards and the manufactures also follow the ASME standards while manufacturing the

Selection of pressure vessels components should be according to standards rather than

customizing the design:-

 As abiding by the standards lead to;

 A universal approach

 Less time consumption

 Easy replacement

5.3 Recommendation
When we design some part we have to collect information from different source. This means the
design is performed by using many references and web sites. So the materials needed for design
case must be fulfilled in order to perform applicable design for all users.

We recommended that the pressure vessel design should include the earthquake loading,
vibration, loading from piping and external equipment and wobble effect in which the pressure
vessel delivered with. More try to study the load analysis by recent software and it is our
suggestion to test the pressure vessel in laboratory before use.

5.4 Future Scope


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Table 8 Design of bolt and nut with core diameter






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