Consumer Behavior

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1. How can marketeers use technology to target customers to exercise more.

Taking Yoga
as an example of holistic exercise how will you use technology to target different
categories of customers to improve their health by doing yoga regularly.

Answer: The Web has brought the world close and impacted the way in how individuals
convey, trade data, do monetary exchanges, engage and shop. Subsequently, an ever increasing
number of associations are progressively involving the Web as a reasonable medium to sell
their items and administrations and increment income. They are laying out sites for this reason.
Likewise, they have started to make their presence Online by enrolling themselves at
interpersonal organization locales, like Facebook and Twitter. This has helped them in
publicizing their items proficiently to countless likely clients.

Business methodology for computerized: Firms need to foster the different components as a
piece of their general business system for the computerized stage, for example, firms figuring
out the effect of computerized presence drivers — partner, market, client, and contender to
characterize the general business procedure aim for going computerized, vital purpose of the
firm which incorporates examination of the business design of the firm, sort of ventures they
will put to their advanced tasks, and the sort of profits and development they are anticipating
from advanced channels and arrangement of center capability which incorporates firms
breaking down and deciphering shifts in the Notes esteem capability of their industry
comparative with their client and adjusting center skills.

Stages to increment online familiarity with Yoga and urge more individuals to make it happen
Site improvement: (Web optimization), or paid web crawler posting, is a procedure used to
plan Sites such that they show up on top outcomes in the web search tool rankings. Here the
Site that gets streamlined for web search tools could acquire a few advantages to the
organization's Site and furthermore to the business. A large portion of the web crawlers like
Google and Yippee! acknowledge paid postings. This sort of web search tool publicizing
guarantees that a promoter's website will show up in the top outcomes for the watchword terms
that have been designated inside a predetermined timeframe like a day or 60 minutes. Paid web
crawler postings are an incredibly decent choice that is utilized by webpage proprietors who
need to acquire perceivability quick. They are likewise called supported postings. Google sells
supported postings that are shown above and to the right-hand side of its ordinary indexed lists.
Utilizing Website design enhancement, yoga can be advanced as individuals who wish to do
the equivalent can without much of a stretch track down classes, strategies and related

Email promoting: Email showcasing can be supposed to be the dispersal of a business

message through electronic mail (email). Messages can be utilized to send promotions, request
deals or gifts, demand business for building unwaveringness, trust, as well as to produce brand
mindfulness. Nowadays, email showcasing is very normal to increment brand mindfulness and
interface with your expected clients. Advertisers may likewise send messages to the designated
individuals with respect to the significance of yoga.

Web-based entertainment advertising: Utilizing virtual entertainment, you can track down
your possible clients. One of the vital benefits of virtual entertainment for organizations is that
it empowers you to communicate with your clients. Going through the tweets and Facebook
refreshes that are posted by your client base gives your understanding into what they need. This
is valuable for assisting your organization with planning advertising techniques that address
their necessities. Virtual entertainment smoothes out the most common way of giving and
getting criticism from your planned purchasers. In the event that your clients have concerns or
issues with what your business offers, they can tell you sooner rather than later. Measurements
demonstrate that the manner in which individuals use web-based entertainment and cooperate
online impacts their buying choices.

Portable promoting: Versatile advertising alludes to the sort of showcasing where the
correspondence is shipped off the client thanks to a portable or cell gadget. A few organizations
likewise draw in clients with a basic showcasing message shipped off the cell phone, which
prompts the crowd to take part in the promoting effort. Portable promoting can be done utilizing
a few devices, for example, sight and sound informing administration, Bluetooth, remote,
versatile web, virtual entertainment organizations and other portable applications.

Job of innovation in Yoga

Tech has simplified our lives and Yoga is tied in with accomplishing that ideal involvement in
the right equilibrium and stance. One can't overlook the truth that innovation mixed yoga things
have a tremendous effect on the training as the entire is convenient. Tech Yoga is a persuasive
word that makes numerous people seek after yoga since help is continually accessible.
Numerous people quickly endeavor to lay out a harmony between a cutting edge innovation
world and the quietness of a day to day existence fixated on mindfulness and cognizance.
Luckily, it is the time of the hole in antiquated, great practices and current advances in yoga.

The wellness business mushrooms by means of mechanical patterns with new organizations
and wellbeing drives. With a requesting working life, various mechanically determined
arrangements assist people with keeping sound and fit. One such famous specialized hack is a
wearable application or a wearable contraption. It empowers clients to screen wellness, sports,
pulse, circulatory strain, and the calories that have been scorched in an activity.

The most astonishing innovation for yogis in the future might be keen yoga mats. Once more,
these things may essentially further develop your yoga practice assuming that you use sensors
synchronized to your cell phone or tablet. Many forward-looking organizations are attempting
to deliver a yoga mat that won't just help you in your yoga stream yet will likewise fix your
equilibrium and stance disparities. Albeit a large number of them are still "working," you could
find them sooner than you expect in your neighborhood yoga class. This Yoga innovation will
empower people to screen their Yoga practice, upgrade it, and further develop it. SmartMat is
a touchy, movement detecting yoga mat giving criticism on your congruity and equilibrium

Down Canine, Everyday Yoga, and Gaiam's Yoga Studio are among the successful yoga-
fixated applications accessible available for your cell phone or tablet as of now. Innovation has
assisted yoga and the quantity of endeavors one can do in asanas with canning genuinely be
perceived with their guide. With various applications entering the market, it's the very best ones
to ensure you have the stances and equilibrium you want.

2. What is the Trio of Needs from consumer behaviour perspective? Take Smart Watch
as a product. If you have to use this same product, how can you talk to three different
customers and make the 3 different customers think of buying the same Smart Watch
from a Trio of Needs perspective. Please use one Trio of Need per customer to illustrate
the same.

Answer: Buyer conduct is a quickly developing discipline of study. It implies something

beyond how an individual purchases items. It is a complicated and multi-faceted cycle and
mirrors the entirety of buyers' choices regarding procurement, utilization and removal
exercises. You, as a shopper, display exceptionally massive contrasts in your purchasing
conduct and assume a significant part in neighbourhood, public or worldwide monetary
circumstances. A rare example of perspectives normal to us all is that we are shoppers and the
justification behind a business firm to appear is the presence of customers who have unfulfilled,
or to some degree satisfied needs and needs. Our utilization related conduct impacts the
advancement of innovation and presentation of better than ever items and administrations.

Inspiration is an internal drive that reflects objective coordinated excitement. In a purchaser

conduct setting, the outcome is a longing for an item, administration, or experience. It is the
drive to fulfil needs and needs, both physiological and mental, through the buy and utilization
of items and administrations Inclusion alludes to an increased condition of mindfulness that
rouses shoppers to search out, take care of, and contemplate item data preceding buy. With
high association, consideration is expanded and more significance is appended to the
improvement object. Memory is upgraded. Exceptionally elaborate customers will quite often
put more noteworthy significance on data sources. They are weighty clients of papers and

Triplet of requirements hypothesis in customer conduct

Need for Accomplishment (NAch): People with high NAch get spurred assuming they are
given testing errands since they are innovative, diligent and receptive. They like to set
troublesome targets and tackle complex issues. Such people lean toward occupations that
require moral obligation, criticism, and moderate or calculative dangers. Accomplishment is
the requirement for individual achievement. It is firmly connected with prideful and self-
realization needs. Individuals with a significant requirement for accomplishment will generally
be more self-assured, appreciate proceeding with reasonable courses of action, and effectively
research their surroundings and worth input.

Need for Power (NPow): People with high NPow like to control and influence the way of
behaving of others as they are manipulative in nature. In the event that these people utilize their
characteristics emphatically, they can become effective chiefs and great pioneers who have
confidence in a majority rule style of administration. Then again, assuming they utilize their
attributes adversely, they become imperious style pioneers. The power need connects with a
singular's craving to control their current circumstance. It incorporated the need to control
different people and different articles. This need has all the earmarks of being firmly connected
with the inner self or regard needs, in that numerous people experience expanded confidence
when they practice control over items or individuals.

Need for Connection (NAff): People with high NAff have a desire to foster relational
connections. Such people perform better in circumstances where they get individual help. They
stay away from clashes with others and foster amicable associations with others. They might
keep working in an association since they have an old buddy circle despite the fact that they
are not content with the association's strategies. The effectiveness or execution level of such
people increments when they work in a group with their companions. Individuals with high
association needs will generally be socially reliant upon others. The connection need is
basically the same as Maslow's social need.

Savvy Triplet of necessities

Accomplishment: People with areas of strength for a need frequently see individual
achievement as an end in itself. They are self-assured, appreciate going ahead with well
balanced plans of action, effectively research their surroundings, and worth criticism,
frequently as financial prizes. Individuals with high accomplishment lean toward
circumstances in which they can get a sense of ownership with tracking down arrangements.
For this situation, one client can be designated who is adequately aggressive and striving to
accomplish significant things. For these sorts of people, difficult work is all that to accomplish
all they need and would be truly blissful once they get it. In this present circumstance, if the
person needs to purchase savvy, they would try sincerely lastly get something very similar.

Power: The power need is a singular's craving to control their current circumstance. It
incorporates the need to control different people and different articles. This need seems, by all
accounts, to be firmly connected with the self image need, in that numerous people experience
expanded confidence when they practice control over items or individuals. For instance, in the
event that we approach a client who wishes to purchase a savvy and the principal reason is that,
nobody in his school class has something similar and when he gets it, he would feel strong
among numerous others.

Connection: Association is a well-informed social rationale that essentially impacts purchaser

conduct. The association need is basically the same as Maslow's social need and proposes that
conduct is emphatically impacted by the longing for companionship, acknowledgment, and
having a place. Individuals with high association needs will quite often be socially subject to
other people and frequently purchase products that they feel will meet with the endorsement of
companions. In this situation, one client can be moved toward who is impacted by his
companions, family and others and as needs be needs to purchase savvy. Presumably, a large
portion of them should utilize savvy and thus, even that client needs to purchase something
similar. Subsequent to having the item, he would be glad that he has a similar item as others.

3. Answer the following

a. What is Just Noticeable Difference [JND] and Weber’s Law?
b. Take a product like a low-cost pressure cooker [priced at Rs. 1800.00 for a 3 Litre, Rs.
2400.00 for a 5 Litre, Rs. 3200.00 for a 6.5 Litre pressure cooker] which is targeted to the
lower income group whose annual income is in the range of Rs. 1.2 to 1.8 lakhs per annum
[Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 15,000 per month]. Using the principle of JND suggest a discount for
families earning 10,000 per month and families earning Rs. 15000.00, that would make
them get up and notice the discount & propel them to buy the pressure cooker. Please
justify the discount for the same.

Answer: a) Sensation is the prompt and direct reaction of receptors to straightforward

improvements, for example, a notice, a brand name or a bundle, and so on. Openness just
requires the presence of an improvement inside a person's important climate. For instance, an
individual would be presented to a business (improvement) if she/he were in the room when
the business was shown, in any event, when the individual gave no consideration to it or saw
it. Tactile receptors are human receptors (eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin) associated with
getting tangible sources of info.
However there are various boosts present in our current circumstance, we are presented to just
a tiny part of them. We are presented to countless upgrades on a pretty much irregular premise
consistently, however a large portion of us purposely look for openness to chose improvements
in a "self-chose" way and overlook or stay away from others (destroying and quieting of
television plugs, or speeding of pre-recorded tapes are genuine instances of boosts evasion).
Clearly, we search for data that we consider will help us here and there to achieve our ideal
objectives. Aversion to upgrades changes among people and relies upon the nature of tangible
receptors. For instance, certain individuals have more intense hearing or more keen visual
perception than others.

Differential limit is the littlest recognizable distinction between two upsides of a similar boost.
This is likewise alluded to as Recognizable Distinction (JND). A German researcher of the
nineteenth 100 years, Ernst Weber, found that the simply observable contrast between two
upgrades was not an outright sum, but rather a sum comparative with the force of the underlying
improvement. Weber's regulation, as it has come to be known, states that the more grounded
the underlying boost, the more noteworthy the extra power required for the second
improvement to be seen as various.

For example, if a producer raises the price of its car by Rs.400, probably it would not be noticed
because the increase would fall below the JND. The difference in price may become noticeable
if the increase were to be Rs.1,000 or more. To be noticed, an additional level of stimulus
equivalent to JND must be added to make the difference perceptible. Likewise, if the reduction
in price of the same car is Rs.400, it again is unlikely to be noticed falling below the level of

According to Weber’s law, an extra level of stimulus equivalent to the JND must be added to
the majority of people to perceive a difference between the resulting stimulus and the initial
stimulus. Manufacturers and marketers attempt to ascertain the relevant JND for the products
for two reasons:
 Negative changes such as reduction in product size, price rises, diminished quality, etc.,
are not easily noticeable by consumers.
 Product enhancements such as improved packaging, increased product size, price
reduction etc., are easily noticeable by consumers.

b) Just noticeable difference is a key concept in marketing and does impact the brands and
products. For example, you are in a Shopping mall and visit one clothing store which is offering
10% discount on the merchandise, you feel it’s a good discount but still you do not feel like
buying. You proceed to the next shop and find it is offering 40% discount, now there is more
chances that you will change your mind and you will purchase something from the store.
Marketers need to be careful when taking this approach, as reaching too far above the threshold
can damage a brand in the long run due to the notion of Webers law.

Example: Brand A has decided to increase its price by Rs. 2, the j.n.d for this product category
has been found to be Re 1. Brand B has made changes to its product formula to make it last for
4 days more, the j.n.d for this product category has been found to be 3 days. Explain the
implication of j.n.d for Brand A and Brand B.
There are two brands i.e. Brand A and brand B and both have made certain changes in their
products. Brand A has decided to increase its price by Rs. 2, the j.n.d for this product category
has been found to be Re 1, it means this price increase will definitely be noticed by the
consumers as they could have noticed if the company has increased only one rupee but price
has been increased by two rupees so it will be noticed for sure. For instance, if a company plans
to make any changes in its product, then the change should be gradual and below the JND, so
that the consumer is not sensitive to it and accepts the change. Brand A has increased the price
by Rs.2 whereas J.N.D is found to be Re.1, customers will definitely notice this change and
this price increase decision may backfire. On the other hand, Brand B has made changes to its
product formula to make it last for 4 days more, the j.n.d for this product category has been
found to be 3 days. It is clear that this major change will benefit the customers in a big way and
they can use the same product for a greater number of days.

Discount in the given case

In our case, we need to target people who are earning between 10000 to 15000 per month and
it is all related to selling of low cost pressure cooker so how much discount we should offer so
that they notice the same and plan to buy the product. As per the principle of JND, difference
should be noticeable by the customers. As the targeted customers do not earn well, discount
should be good enough to attract them towards the buying decision. As per my view, company
should offer around 10% discount on all the products so suppose 5 litre cooker is available for
Rs. 2160 after discount and this difference would definitely be noticed by people earning
Rs.10000 per month. On the other hand, around 7.5% discount may be offered to the people
who earn Rs.15000 per month. As they earn comparatively more, their buying power would be
little high and even 7.5% discount would be good enough to encourage them to buy the product.

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