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Final Report.

The task for the assignment is to conduct a strategic analysis of Greek Tourism
Industry: Improving the Tourist Product Case using the Exploring Strategy - Strategy Checklist.
The case puts students into the position of a strategy consultant hired by the Greek government to
evaluate the internal and external environment of the Greek tourism industry and to propose a
strategic plan to guide Greek policymakers in improving the Greek tourist product and achieve stable
and healthy growth rates of the Greek tourism industry.

The total wordcount for the report is 2,500 words +/- 10% and there is penalty of a deduction of 5
points from your final mark if you go outside the wordcount limits.

Task guidelines and tips: Please arrange your final report according to the following sections and
suggested wording for each section:
1. Introduction – 150 words

2. Strategic Position – What does the case tell you about the strategic position of the Greek
Tourism Industry? (1,000 words)

Consider these Strategic Position questions we covered in the tutorials (What are the
environmental opportunities and threats? • What are the organisation’s strengths and
weaknesses? • What is the basic purpose of the organisation? • How does culture fit the
strategy? Who are the stakeholders?) when answering the question. (Make use of any of the
strategic position’s models or tools to evidence your discussion PESTEL, Porter’s Five
Forces, VRIO or SWOT)

3. Strategic Choices – From the case details, what might be some strategic choices that you
as a consultant may suggest that are available to Greek Tourism Industry to develop a
strategic plan to improve the Greek tourist product and achieve stable and healthy
growth rates of the Greek tourism industry? Choose no more than 4 choices (800

Consider any of these Strategic Choices questions we covered in the tutorial (How should
business units compete? • Which businesses to include in a portfolio? • Where should the
organisation compete internationally? • Is the organisation innovating appropriately? • Should
the organisation buy other companies, ally or go it alone?) when answering your question.
(Make use of any of the strategic choices’ models or tools to evidence discussion -
Porter’s Generic & Hybrid Strategies, The Strategy Clock, or Ansoff’s product/market
growth matrix).

4. Strategy in Action – From the case details, what might be some considerations you as a
consultant may have in terms of evaluating and implementing the strategies outlined in
Question 3 strategic choices that are available to the Greek Tourism Industry to develop a
strategic plan to improve the Greek tourist product and achieve stable and healthy
growth rates of the Greek tourism industry and choosing one strategic option to pursue?
(400 words)

Consider any of these Strategy in Action questions we covered in the tutorial that are
appropriate to the case (Are strategies suitable, acceptable and feasible? • What kind of
strategy making process is needed? • What are the required organisation structures and
systems? • How should the organisation manage necessary changes? • Who should do what
in the strategy process?) when answering your question. (Make use of any of the Strategy
in Action’s models or tools to evidence discussion – SAFe)

5. Conclusions – 150 words

References (at least 10 references including books and academic peer reviewed articles)

Appendices (optional) Please refer to the module Moodle site for more information.

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