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Instructor: Dr.

Sharjeel Hasnie

Management Accounting

Topics Sessions Lectures

1 Overview of the syllabus- Introduction to Management Accounting its Users, difference from Financial
accounting and decision making process
2 Introduction to Cost terms and concepts- Cost objects, terms and Cost behaviors
3 Cost assignment: Direct and Indirect costs, Overhead rates and two stage allocation process
Introductory 4 Extracting relevant costing for decision making, Budgeted Under/over recovery of overheads, Indirect cost
Topics assignment process
5 Recording purchase and issuance of material
Job order 6 Accounting procedures for Labour, Manufacturing and non-manufacturing overheads
Costing 7 JOC in service organizations and Accounting entries for Just in time (JIT) manufacturing system
8 Production and Costs, relevant to process Costing when all output is fully completed
9 Process costing with Beginning and ending work in process
10 Partially completed output and losses in process
11 Illustrative questions
12 First term exam paper discussion
Process costing 13 Process costing in service organizations and Batch/ Operating costing
Joint & by- 14 Method of allocating Joint costs
product 15 Joint costing in decision making and accounting for by-products
Variable & 16 Income effect of alternative cost accumulation systems
Absorption 17 Comparison of absorption and variable costing
18 Linear CVP relationships, Break-even point and margin of safety
Cost-volume- 19 Multi-product CVP analysis, Operating leverage and CVP assumptions
profit analysis 20 Illustrative questions
21 Functions, roles and stages in budgeting process
22 Sales and production budgets
23 Illustrative questions
24 Departmental budgets, Master and Cash budgets
Budgets 25 Computerized budgeting, budgeting in non-profit organizations and zero based budgeting
26 Establishing standards, Variance analysis, Material and labour variances
Standard 27 FOH and Sales variances
Costing 28 Illustrative questions

Recommended Books:

1) Cost & Management Accounting - ICAP

2) Management Accounting- Paper F2- ACCA
3) Managerial Accounting by Garrison – 15th edition
Instructor: Dr. Sharjeel Hasnie

Teaching and Leaning methodologies

LMS will be used to share reading material with the students. The pedagogy used for the course will be
a combination of:
 Slides
 Youtube videos
 Assignments
 Quizzes
 Readings (online and Embedded in Slides)
 Presentations/Debates – both formal and informal
 Exams

Grading Plan:

Term Exam = 25
Final Exam = 35
Online weekly quizzes = 20 website= & Room name= hasnie
Assignments = 10
CP / Project = 10
Total 100

Please note that grading will be ABSOLUTE

Technology requirements

You are welcome to bring your laptop to class, however, pen and paper are also required for taking notes
and online quizzes can also be done on smartphones.

Academic Conduct

At IBA academic honesty is mandatory. Absolutely no plagiarism/ cheating in any examination, quiz
assignment, report, and/or presentation by any student is tolerated. Each case is decided on its own merit in
accordance with notified plagiarism policies. Permission to attend to emergencies is to be obtained from
the respective faculty. Sports/music playing and /or other activities on campus during class timings,
especially near classrooms are not allowed.

Attendance Policy

A distinguishing feature of the IBA is its adherence to the academic calendar. A detailed program is
provided on the first day of every semester. Students are required to attend lectures consistently for all
courses each semester. IBA’s existing attendance policy applies to this course as well.
Instructor: Dr. Sharjeel Hasnie

Teaching Assistant & Counseling hours

There is no TA for this course and the counselling hours are:

Monday & Wednesday 2:30 to 3:30

Students are requested to create a WhatsApp group for this course and online counselling will also be
provided based on the availability of students.

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