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Diameter Avr diameter u_t Re_p Stokes u_t (m/h) Fraction of settled particles

0-4 0.000002 0.000005886 0.0000129492 YES 0.02119 0.0246390697674419

4-6 0.000005 0.0000367875 0.0002023313 YES 0.132435 0.153994186046512
6-11 0.0000085 0.0001063159 0.0009940534 YES 0.382737 0.445043197674419
11-17 0.000014 0.000288414 0.0044415756 YES 1.03829 1
17-24 0.0000205 0.0006183979 0.0139448721 YES 2.226232 1

ro_water 1100
mu_water 0.001 Removal efficiency
ro_particles 3800
g 9.81

calc1 1471500
calc2 1100000

V_c 0.86
Number of particles Number of settled particles
10 0.246390697674419
30 4.61982558139535
50 22.2521598837209
80 80
85 85
255 192.118376162791


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