Law Assignment

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You are to accompany and assist a person who has been called as a witness in a criminal case in the

District Court. Generate a set of notes to help you explain the likely layout of the court, roles of the
people present and procedure or ‘running order’. You will find it helpful to access the ‘Visit and
Learn’ section on the Courts Service website - - and may include a drawing you create or
diagram you source. 

Discuss the sentencing of adults for criminal offences in this jurisdiction and include in your account
a description of:  a)  sentencing goals or objectives;  b)  sentencing options; c)  some of the factors to
be considered by the sentencing judge; d) the role of the new Judicial Council re sentencing; e)  spent
convictions.  Comment in conclusion on any reforms proposed and/or you consider worth further

3. ‘The Minister for Justice and Equality is examining options as a way forward for the
operation of the Drug Treatment Court. The matter will be progressed alongside wider
justice reforms that are also under consideration, such as the proposal to establish a
Community Court. An independent review of the Drug Treatment Court could inform
the Minister’s deliberations, and the initiative should continue to be supported in the

Access the Courts Service website ‘Taking Action’ and watch the short film on the Drug Treatment
court.  Explain what the Drug Treatment Court is and summarise the reported criticism of this
‘problem solving court’ pilot in the Irish Times on 24
June 2019.  ( news/drug-treatment-court-a-
failed-experiment-imported-from-the-us-1.3934948).  Comment on any benefits and/or drawbacks
you identify in such therapeutic or community court initiatives.        

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