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St John’s Cathedral,

“Take the stone away”

When I reflect on today’s Gospel reading, there are
many things that strike me. Jesus is not only a divine
person but also a human being. He wept over the death
of Lazarus. He is concerned about his death and pities
the family. Scripture tells us that Lazarus was a friend of
Jesus. Jesus calls His disciples also friends. We, too, are
Jesus' friends, sisters, and brothers. I am sure that He
listens to our prayers. He fulfils our desires. He knows
the needs of His children. He says that the death of
Lazarus is for a purpose. Whatever happens in our life, it is for a reason when we
have faith in God. For Martha and Mary, they had lost their brother, Lazarus. But
their trust and faith in Jesus are extraordinary. Mary said to Jesus, “If you had been
here, my brother would not have died, but I know that, even now, whatever you ask
of God, He will grant you.”
Sometimes, our expectations are very high because of our pride, ego, grudges
and unforgiveness. We expect others to respect us because we have helped them a
lot in different ways. Why do I need to go to them? They should come to me. The
mother of Jesus went down to see her cousin, Elisabeth. She said, “Who am I that the
mother of my Lord should come unto me?” Yes, she humbled herself. We must
humble ourselves. Jesus said to treat others as you want to be treated. “Are we ready
to say, “My door is open for you” As Jesus asked people to take the stone away and
unbind Lazarus, Jesus asks us to take the stone away and unbind others who want to
be loved and be forgiven. Are we ready to make others happy - our friends,
neighbours, work colleagues, brothers, sisters, children?
Therefore, we can have peace in our hearts and be a faithful friend of Jesus, like
Lazarus, so that Jesus will come to us and take pity on us. Am I still waiting to repent?
Fr Nishan


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To date almost 150 peo- cathedral parish.
ple have done so.

This parish livestreams Masses and other events.

Please see notices in the cathedral for further details.
Sunday 26 March: Parish Mass Books, readings begin on page 170.
In his recent pastoral letter, Bishop Philip noted that structural
change will fail without deep, personal change in ourselves and our
communities. How might we as a parish community and as individuals
change in order to respond more fully to the call to evangelise the
world in which we live? The bishop asks each member of the diocese to adopt six
holy habits:
1. To keep Sunday special, as a family day, by attending Mass, the ‘source and
summit’ of the Christian life, supporting your parish community.
2. To spend at least five minutes a day in prayer, at whatever time you find best,
using the Scriptures, maybe the Gospel of the day.
3. To keep Friday as a day of penance in honour of the Lord’s Passion, intentionally
serving the poor and needy.
4. At least once a fortnight, to pay a private visit to church for a short period of
prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
5. To go to Confession once a month or so, like a spiritual check-up when you can
personally experience God’s love and mercy.
6. To join a small group for formation, prayer and fellowship, where you can share
with others your own faith-experience and in turn hear what God is doing in the lives
of others.


who was ordained a priest for the diocese The next induction meeting will be on
yesterday here at the cathedral. He will Sat 1 April at 13:30 in the conference
continue to serve in the parish of Jersey. room. Individuals from parishes in the
LIVE MASS: The camera has been pastoral area are also invited to join
moved and so we have video again this meeting. All are welcome.
on the livestream of liturgies. ROOF REPAIRS: The final cost,
COLLECTIONS: net of VAT, was £14,040.
• Thank you for last Sunday’s offertory Donations of £9,378 have
£2,078.30 (cash £1,235.30 and been received to date.
planned giving of £843). HEATING SYSTEM: Donations
• Clergy Assistance Collection: £385.90 of £5,310 have been received
• Please consider using the contactless to date. Thank you!
machine near the west door of the Ca-
thedral to donate or do consider WEST WINDOW: Donations of
switching to a monthly standing order. £3,204 have been received to
The Parish benefits from continuity of date. Thank you!
• Our Bank details are: Sort Code: TEES: Fr James is considering setting up
30-93-04 Account No: 0088 3884 two new parish committees. The remit
Name: CDP Portsmouth St John’s Cathedral of the Fabric Committee would be to
PALM SUNDAY MASSES: 2 April at 08:00 (Latin Mass), 10:00, 12:00, 18:00.
There will also be a Vigil Mass for Palm Sunday at 18:00 on 1 April. There will
only be a procession from the carpark at the 10:00 Mass for the blessing of
palms before processing back to the church for the start of Mass.
MONDAY 3 April and WEDNESDAY 5 April: 12:15 Mass.
CHRISM MASS: Tue 4 April at 11:00. Bishop Philip will bless and consecrate
the oils which will be used during the celebration of the sacraments through-
out the Diocese for the next year: the Oil of Sick, the Oil of Catechumens and
the Oil of Chrism.
MAUNDY THURSDAY: Mass of the Lord’s Supper on 6 April at 20:00, with
the ceremony of the washing of the feet. The Altar of Repose will be set up
in the hall. Watching with Our Lord will continue there until just before
midnight concluding with Night Prayer.
GOOD FRIDAY, Day of Fasting and Abstinence on 7 April. The Solemn
Liturgy of the Passion at 15:00.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: on Good Friday at 10:00 with St John’s School
children and at 19:00 to be led by Bishop Philip.
HOLY PLACES COLLECTION: on Good Friday for the upkeep of the Holy Places of the
Holy Land entrusted by the Pope to the custody of the Franciscans.
SWIECONKA (BLESSING OF FOOD): on Holy Saturday 8 April at 16:00. Blessing
of Easter Food to be used for Easter. The liturgy will be in Polish and English.
HOLY SATURDAY: Solemn Easter Vigil at 20:30. All gather in the Cathedral.
The Easter fire will be lit from the back of the Cathedral.
EASTER SUNDAY: 9 April. Masses at 08:00 (Latin Mass), 10:00, 12:00, 18:00.
Renewal of baptismal promises at all Masses.
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 20:00
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross 10:00
Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 15:00
Stations of the Cross led by Bishop Philip 19:00
Holy Saturday: Confessions 11:00-13:00
The Easter Vigil 20:30
advise the Dean on all The Fundraising Committee’s remit would
aspects of the management be to advise and assist the Dean in the
of the buildings on the raising of funds for current and future
cathedral site, including projects, including identifying potential
conservation, planned maintenance and sources of grant funding and assistance
renovations. This Committee would with the preparation of grant
benefit from the membership of people applications. If you think you might be
with experience of the design, construc- able to assist in either Committee, contact
tion, and maintenance of buildings. Fr James via the parish office.
CATHEDRAL MASS TIMETABLE Please continue to pray for Peace in
Russia and Ukraine
18:00 (Sat) Elson and Eddy Carvalho RIP
08:00 Priest’s Intention (Latin Mass) Loving God, we pray for
10:00 Esther Spiteri RIP the people of Ukraine and
12:00 In Thanksgiving Int Russia, for all those suffering or
18:00 People of the Parish afraid, that you will be close to
Mon: 27 March of the 5th Week of Lent them and protect them. We pray
07:00 Sean Lydon RIP for world leaders, for compas-
12:15 John Gerard Int sion, strength and wisdom to
Tue: 28 March of the 5th Week of Lent guide their choices. We pray for
12:15 Lesley Shimmel Int the world, that in this moment
Wed: 29 March of the 5th Week of Lent of crisis, we may reach out in
12:15 Saliba Family RIP solidarity to our brothers and
Thu: 30 March of the 5th Week of Lent sisters in need. May we walk in
07:00 McLoughlin Family Int FM your ways so that peace and
12:15 Fr John Chandler Int justice become a reality for the
Fri: 31 March of the 5th Week of Lent people of Ukraine, Russia and
12:15 Jean Audrey Bradley RIP FM for all the world. Amen.
Sat: 1 April of the 5th Week of Lent CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from
12:15 Bischof Family RIP 11:00-12:00 and 17:00-17:45;
Pope Francis asks us to join him in also on Sundays for 30mins
praying for victims of abuse. We pray for before Mass when a priest is
those who have suffered harm from available.
members of the Church; may they find ADORATION OF BLESSED
within the Church herself a concrete response to SACRAMENT: Monday-Friday
their pain and suffering. from 10:00—16:00. ROSARY:
 For those who have died recently especially recited every Monday-Friday
Barbara North and Danny Collins. May they after 12:15 Mass. All welcome.
rest in peace.
• For the children and young people preparing SANCTUARY LAMPS
for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. This week the lamps
have been donated for:
CONTACT DETAILS Blessed Sacrament
Fr James McAuley, Cathedral Dean & Parish Priest Chapel:
Fr Nishan Edward, Assistant Priest Maria Haig Int
Deacon Larry Murawski Austin Okoronkwo RIP
Diego Hoyos, Seminarian St Patrick’s Chapel
Lily Peach, Parish Secretary Tel: 023 9200 8810 Marie and Sylvia Int
Sue Smy, Safeguarding Rep Tel: 0788 7731 299 Our Lady Chapel:
Email: Sean Seamus Hogan RIP Terry Butler RIP

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