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1. Infancy stage can also be known as _______________________ state
2. When a child starts to develop sexual organs in a child is said to be in his/her ________________ stage
3. The stage between thirteen and eighteen is ______________________________ stage of child's development
4. Which of these is correct about a circumference of a circle? (a) C = πr2 (b) C = d/r (c) C = 2πr (d) C = θ/360 x 2πr
5. The diameter of a given circle is 14cm, calculate the diameter (a) 154cm2 (b) 44cm2 (c) 154cm (d) 44cm
Use the angle below to answer questions 6 to 8

6. The angle above is a ________________ angle (a) parallel (b) complementary (c) perpendicular (d) supplementary
7. The value of x is _________ (a) 15o (b) 105o (c) 50o (d) 25o
8. The angle sums up to ______________ (a) 180o (b) 360o (c) 45o (d) 90o
9. An angle measuring between 90o and 180o is a/an _________________ angle
10. Reflex angle is an angle measuring between _________________ and ______________ (a) 90 o and 180o (b) 0o
and 180o (c) 180o and 360o (d) 0o and 360o
11. Define full angle ______________________________________
12. One of these is not a characteristics of the adulthood (a) stage above adolescence (b) full maturity is attained
(c) restlessness of a child (d) diminishing body
13. A feeding pathways for the transfer of energy from organism to another organism is called
14. On tabular format, identify the following animals' excretory structure and waste products released from their
Organisms Excretory structures Waste products
1. Flat worm Flame cells CO2, NH3 and H2O
2. Protozoans
3. Mammals
4. Insects
5. Flowering plants
15. Which of these organs secretes carbon dioxide and excess sugar in the body? (a) Bladder (b) Kidney (c) Liver (d)
16. The following are examples of biodegradable materials EXCEPT (a) banana (b) nylon bag (c) orange peels (d)
waste plants
17. Habitat is a place where ____________ lives (a) man and plants (b) plants and animals (c) hawks and stones live
(d) only man
18. Which of the following is not an arboreal animal (a) monkey (b) squirrel (c) bees (d) sheep
19. Sum of the interior angles of a circle is ____________ (a) 540 o (b) 180o (c) 360o (d) 270o
20. One of these is true of a sector in a circle (a) an area made from a chord and arc (b) a four-sided shape who's
four points touch the circumference (c) a portion of a circle defined by two lines from the centre to the
circumference (d) all of the above
21. _______is a line drawn such that it joins the two opposite corners of a quadrilateral (a) quadrant (b) diagonal
(c) circumference (d) plane
22. A plane figure bounded by three straight lines is called ________ (a) rhombus (b) triangle (c) hexagon (d)
23. One quarter of a circle is a _________ (a) quadrant (b) diameter (c) sector (d) radius
24. The Nigeria satellite is a type of __________satellite (a) communication (b) military (c) scientific (d) agricultural
25. Materials are usually identified through their ________ (a) strength (b) heaviness (c) odour (d) properties.
26. Articles made from clay are called ______ (a) blocks (b) glass (c) rubber (d) ceramics.
27. Which of these is an essential tool for freehand sketching? (a) divider (b) compass (c) protractor (d) pencil
28. Aquatic animals are animals that _____________________________, ____________
29. Feature that allows organisms do survive in a particular habitat is called ___________ (a) nutrition (b) adaptation
(c) permanence (d) education
30. Terrestrial animals are _____________ animals
31. Substances taken medically for physiological set up of the body is called (a) drugs (b) food (c) juice (d) mineral
32. Which of the following is a vertebrate animal? (a) cockroach (b) crab (c) fish (d) millipede
33. The following are sources of domestic accident EXCEPT (a) broken plates (b) drugs (c) knives (d) slippery floor
34. _____________ refers to when the organs in the body are fully developed (a) growth (b) maturity (c)
measurement (d) childhood
35. A stage in life when individuals grow into adults is termed as (a) adulthood (b) development hood (c) ovulation
stage (d) puberty
36. All these factors influence growth and development EXCEPT (a) environment (b) genetics (c) hormonal disorder
(d) enzymes
37. _________ is a permanent increase in size? (a) development (b) maturity (c) growth (d) adolescent
38. Pollutants includes all of the following EXCEPT __________ (a) fumes from cars (b) dust in the (c) from a clean
toilet (d) smell from burning mosquito coils
39. If fishes in a river near a factory are dying, what could possibly be the cause? (a) Someone threw paper in the
river. (b) Fishermen are catching too many fish. (c) The factory may have been dumping pollutants into the river.
(d) The factory has fishermen who get up at night to kill the fishes.
40. The ability to do work is known as (a) power (b) force (c) work pull (d) energy
41. Which people should study technology? (a) men only (b) women only (c) bots only (d) everyone
Use the figure below to answer questions 42 to 45 respectively

42. The length /AB/ is known as ______________ (a) diameter (b) tangent (c) radius (d) chord
43. The perpendicular /OP/ of /AB/ is a ____________ (a) diameter (b) tangent (c) radius (d) chord
44. If /OP/ = 12.2fts; the area of the circle apart from /AB/ is __________ [take π = 22/7] (a) 476.78cm2 (b) 674.78cm2
(c) 746.66cm2 (d) 467.78cm2
45. The perimeter of the circle is ____________ [take π=22/7] (a) 76.69cm (b) 67.96cm (c) 96.67cm (d) 79.66cm
46. Drawing of an object starts with a ___________ (a) colour (b) line (c) shape (d) texture
47. What is pollution? (a) It is the state of being sick. (b) It is the act of cleaning the surrounding. (c) It is the process
of baking. (d) It is the state of being contaminated
48. Sewage is treated before returning it to the water in order to _________. (a) kill all harmful bacteria (b) remove
entirely all the organic matter (c) reduce the amount of water in it (d) remove the colour
49. Solid wastes are called ___________________ whilst liquid wastes are call ___________________
50. What is drug abuse? (a) adding neutralizers to drugs. (b) Giving drugs to patients who are about to die. (c)
Showing abuses on drugs. (d) Taking drugs without the doctor’s advice and directions
51. Any disease that CANNOT be passed from one person to another is called a _____ disease. (a) communicable
(b) curable (c) seasonal (d) non-communicable
52. Poor hygiene of skin can result to the following EXCEPT (a) body odour (b) ringworm (c) cholera (d) skin rashes
53. The kind of food we eat regularly is called (a) diet (b) balance diet (c) nutrient (d) meal
54. The type of diet eaten in the right proportion is called ______ (a) balanced diet (b) production diet (c) nutrient
diet (d) none of the above
55. Chemical formula for helium is _____ (a) H (b) He (c) Hel (d) Heli
56. When sugar dissolves in water, it is said to be ____________ (a) non polar (b) insoluble (c) solute (d) soluble
57. Universal polar reagent that can dissolve all other polar reagents is called _________ (a) water (b) sugar (c)
vinegar (d) salt
58. Chemical equation of water is ________________________
59._______________ is the contamination of our environment with dirty, poisonous and dangerous or hazardous
substances (a) pollution (b) contamination (c) pollutants (d) home disturbance
60. The following are examples of air pollutants EXCEPT (a) smoke (b) sulphur dioxide (c) dust (d) waste water
61.One of these is NOT prevention or control of water pollution (a) creating good drinkable system (b) proper
sewage disposal (c) oil spillage should be prevented properly (d) sewage should be converted into fertilized
62.Sores on sexual organs of human private part is a symptom of _________ (a) gonorrhoea (b) syphilis (c) proper
diet (d) HIV/Aids
63. Identify three properties each of the following quadrilaterals

i. ___________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________
a. iii. __________________________________________________________

i. ___________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________
iii. __________________________________________________________

i. ___________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________
iii. __________________________________________________________
64. The full meaning of STIs is simply ________________________________________________________
65. A deficiency symptoms characterized by enlarged stomach and miserable look is _______ (a) anaemia (b) beri
beri (c) goiter (d) kwashiorkor
66. Which of the following nutrient keeps the body warm (a) carbohydrate (b) proteins (c) fat and oil (d) vitamins
67. The end product of proteins is called __________ (a) lipids (b) liquids (c) peptide (d) amino acid
68Which of the following is not a cleaning agent (a) detergent (b) fanta (c) dettol (d) water
69. When a solute is mixed with solvent, it is called a __________ (a) debris (b) solution (c) filtration (d) filtrate
70.The first basic element on the period table is _______ (a) helium (b) argon (c) calcium (d) hydrogen
71. Oxygen has how many atomic number? (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 12
72. The chemical formula for oxygen is ________ (a) O2 (b) O6 (c) O (d) O12
73. Two atoms of hydrogen plus one atom of oxygen produce ______________ (a) water (b) salt (c) fanta (d) acid

74. Find the smallest angle in the figure above.

75. Which of the following is the best way of preventing STIs (a) public enlightenment (b) abstinence (c) early
treatment of identified cases (d) immunization
76. The following statement is true of HIV/Aids (a) it can be cured (b) it can be contacted by hugging (c) it is a non-
transmittable disease (d) a pregnant woman can easily transmit the virus to her baby
77. Explain the four stages of a child's development with 1 characteristic each.
78. Examples of mammals are the following except (a) dog (b) fish (c) goat (d) man
79. (a) Fill in the following child's development stages below:


80. Gonorrhoea is caused by _____________________ (a) Neisseria gonorrhoea (b) Chlamydia trachomas (c)
Treponema palladium (d) Human immunodeficiency virus
81. The type of virus that can cause Aids is called ___________________________
82. The ability to work is referred to as _________________________
83. The natural source of energy is the ___________________________
84. development stage includes the following EXCEPT (a) infancy (b) puberty (c) humanoid (d) adulthood
85. __________ is the transfer of genes from parents to offspring (a) genesis (b) puberty (c) genetics (d) heredity
86. Define the following terms: (a) Ingestion (b) Absorption (c) Digestive system
87. Unfavourable environmental factors does NOT include _______________ (a) ability to play (b) lack of emotional
support (c) hormonal disorder (d) malnutrition
88. Feeding habit of an individual that influences growth and development is _____(a) growth (b) maturation (c)
nutrition (d) hormone
89. Identify the following angles below and state only 1 proper of each angle

90. __________ are chemical substances in the body that aids digestion of food (a) growth (b) maturation (c)
nutrition (d) hormone
91. __________ secrets pancreatic juice needed to digest fats in the body (a) pancreas (b) pituitrin (c) lipase (d)
92. Explain briefly the reactions of food ingested into the stomach region of the digestive system.
93. The first section of the small intestine is the __________(a) chyme (b) duodenum (c) gullet (d) chlorine
94. identify 5 growth measurement in the development of a child.
95. Another name for gullet is ________________________________
96. Find the value of x from the angle
97. identify 5 examples of lengths you know
98. identify 5 types of angles you know
99. ______________ is the enzymes that converts starch into maltose in the mouth? (a) renin (b) ptyalin (c)
hydrochloric acid (d) pepsin
100. All but one is a biotic factors (a) animal (b) soil (c) water (d) rock
101. ___________________ is the interrelationship between the living and non-living environment (a) ecological
system (b) community (c) biomes (d) habitat
102. Briefly explain the stages of child's development stated above.
103. The transfer of energy from organisms to organisms in a feeding pathways is __________ (a) food web (b)
trophic level (c) food chain (d) food pyramid
104. The network service of food chain is _________ (a) food web (b) trophic level (c) food nutrients (d) trophic
Use the structure below to answer questions 105 to 108

105. The organism that requires sunlight for photosynthesis is ________ (a) grasshopper (b) mouse (c) grass (d)
106. Which of the organism can be called primary consumer (a) grass (b) grasshopper (c) mouse (d) hawk
107. The diagram above shows pathway of food transfer called _________________ (a) food web (b) food chain (c)
trophic level (d) food pyramid
108. One of the following is not a consumer (a) grass (b) grasshopper (c) mouse (d) hawk
109. Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only; draw a line /AB/ = 9cm. At point A, draw another /AC/ = 7cm.
Construct a direction of line /AB/.
110. An angle measuring between 180o and 360o is called ________________________
111. An able with the range 0o < x < 90o is _________________. angle
112. Two or more angles together to produce an angle 90o is ________________________
113. An angle with equal distance round a point which measure exactly 360 o is called
114. The sum of the internal surface of a triangle is ___________________degree whilst each angle of an equilateral
triangle is _____________________ degree
115. Identify the name of this angle and state two properties of the angle below

116. Identify 4 technical drawing instruments you know

117. Decomposers are also called ________________ (a) parasites (b) detrivores (c) saprophytes (d) producers
118. One of these is not an example of a saprophytic organism (a) bacteria (b) virus (c) earthworm (d) plants
119. All but are examples of primates (a) gorilla (b) monkey (c) owl (d) man
120. What made man a more special and distinct animal among the primates? (a) man possess nails and claws (b)
man possess 5-curve shaped backbones to balance in an upright position (c) man is a cold blooded primate (d) man
has low level of intelligence compare to other primates.
121. Explain 4 needs for excretion in living organisms
122. Explain briefly "man as a primate" and state 3 characteristics to buttress your points
123. Explain the term abnormal growth in a child.
124. Identify 5 unfavourable environmental factors that determine growth and development in a child.
125. _______________ is the unit of measurement of an angle (a) Celsius (b) degree (c) radian (d) Fahrenheit
126. _____________ is formed from two or more straight lines together at each point (a) circle (b) star (c) angle (d)
127. Sum of the interior angles of a regular quadrilateral is ______________ (a) 180 o (b) 270o (c) 312o (d) 360o
128. An angle inclined on 65o can be said to be _________ (a) acute (b) reflex (c) obtuse (d) complementary
129. A curved surface cut from the circumference of a circle is a/an ____________________
130. A supplementary angle is ____________________________________________________________

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