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The Avian Respiratory System: A Unique Model for Studies of Respiratory
Toxicosis and for Monitoring Air Quality
Richard E. Brown, Joseph D. Brain, and Ning Wang
Physiology Program, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115 USA

.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ..... ... the avian respiratory system is to add to our

There a distinct dandm understanding of respiratory toxicosis, if we
bird's lung-irsa resraorys d the mm bg In thi papr, are to maintain the health of birds in agri-
we review physiologf the avia spi e with tO oe inisms cultural and wild settings, and if birds are to
that may lad to signifitly diret ults, eate .totse in _mm, f i eosre become valuable monitors of air quality,
to toxic gaseai:_d airbore p . We s. n C dbe then we must study the pathophysiology of
loimdto ther our understanding of thebasii
part~cuIae) The larg niass-pd isa ah......
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olg a broad range of toxic gases and airborne
particulates in a wide variety of species.
cdafy dunngm;:reise could be epotdasaenv ontrcarmmiy id hav iu&u Functional Morphology of the
offer in our of respiratory cx realiedtby
investigating, in a wide variety of avian the oloc n ons e a b Avian Respiratory System
of wl ozants on the bird's unique rspa sym. Kiyw anatomy, birds, s Anatomy of the avian lung-ar-sac
uptake, kpat deposition, physiology, i ilog, vantilatiion En'Exi Hsalth
Pmp (OM88200(19)
Upper respiratory tract. The bird's respira-
tory tract cranial to the tracheal bifurcation
To what extent do the pathophysiologic sity demands that we also understand the is qualitatively similar to that of mammals;
effects of inhaled substances, gaseous and interactions between the bird's unique respi- it has a nasal cavity with communicating
particulate, depend on the particular struc- ratory system, gas uptake, and the patho- sinuses, a larynx supported by cartilaginous
tural and physiologic features of an animal's physiologic effects of contaminating toxic plates, and a tracheal lumen supported by
respiratory system? The anatomy, physiolo- gases and airborne particulates. Birds such cartilaginous or ossified rings. However, the
gy, and mechanics of the avian respiratory as chickens and turkeys represent an impor- length of the bird's trachea is, on average,
system are distinctly different from that of tant and expanding source of animal protein 2.7 times that of comparably sized mammals
mammals (1). We suggest that, due to their for human nutrition. The environment (6). A small increase in tracheal diameter
unique respiratory apparatus, birds may within modern poultry and egg production (1.29 times that of comparably sized mam-
represent valuable experimental models in facilities, in which birds are densely housed, mal) ameliorates any increases in resistance
the study of respiratory toxicosis. Such commonly exposes birds to high levels of to flow expected from the considerably
comparative knowledge concerning the aerosolized particulates and toxic gases such longer trachea. Although the bird's trachea
pathophysiology of inhaled substances may as ammonia and methane. Surprisingly, lit- is lined with a secretory (mucous), ciliated
offer insights otherwise not available. Here de research has been carried out in birds on epithelium, there is no information about
we describe the structure, ventilation, and gas uptake (other than 02 and CO2), parti- the performance of the mucociliary trans-
gas flow pattern of the bird's lung-air-sac cle deposition, and the toxicity and patho- port mechanism. Further, there are a few
system relative to the analogous features, if physiology of inhaled substances. avian taxa (e.g., swans, cranes, birds of par-
any, of the mammalian bronchoalveolar Toxic gases and/or airborne particulates adise) that have tracheal lengths up to four
lung. We point out those anatomical and contaminate the environment and can have times that of comparably sized birds, the
physiologic features of the bird's respiratory debilitating or destructive effects on birds redundant coils of which are considered
apparatus that may produce significantly (and other wildlife) via a variety of distribu- adaptations for phonation (7). Tracheal
different responses from the normal tion modes (e.g., air or water) and bio- lengths 10 times that of comparably sized
response to inhaled substances, gases, and chemical mechanisms (2-5). Here we are
particulates in mammals. concerned only with those gaseous and par- Address correspondence to N. Wang, Physiology
Concems about the hazardous effects of ticulate contaminants that enter the bird Program, Department of Environmental Health,
gas and particle emissions from expanding via its respiratory tract, of which little is Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington
industrial and agricultural (and natural) known or understood. If we understood the Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 USA.
sources supporting a burgeoning population pathophysiology of inhaled environmental RE. Brown is currently at Zoologiska Institutionen,
Zoomorfologiska Avdedningen, Goteborg Universitt,
have led to considerable efforts toward contaminants (gas and particulate) on birds S-413-90, G6teborg, Sweden.
understanding the effects of air quality on (adult and embryonic), they could serve as Received 20 August 1996; accepted 5 November
human health. Maintenance of natural diver- sensitive, direct monitors of air quality. If 1996.

188 Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Reviews * Avian respiratory toxicology

mammals suggest the need of possible novel

mechanisms to assist in dearance.
In sharp contrast to the C-shaped carti-
laginous rings supporting the tracheal
lumen of mammals, the bird's tracheal rings
are complete (i.e., 0-shaped and commonly
ossified). In the mammalian trachea, the
collapsible membrane spanning the gap
between the ends of the incomplete tracheal
rings is considered an important feature of
the dearance mechanism of the mammalian
cough (8). Although birds do perform a
coughlike action, we do not know if such
behavior represents an effective mechanism
for clearing debris from their longer tra-
cheas. And if such a dearance mechanism
exists, what are the mechanics involved?
The avian vocal apparatus, the syrinx, is
located at the point the main stem bronchi
diverge from the caudal trachea (Fig. 1). At
that site there are significant departures Fgure 1. Diagram of the components of the avian lung-air-sac respiratory system. From the bird's intrapul-
from the round geometry of the trachea and monary primary bronchus (Bronchus primarius, pars intrapulmonalis) arise two clusters of secondary
bronchi: from its cranial end arise four ventrobronchi (Bronchi medioventrales), and, prior to its termination at
main stem bronchi which may influence the orifice of the abdominal air sac, arise the 8-14 dorsobronchi (Bronchi mediodorsales) and the latero-
particle deposition. bronchus (LB) (Bronchi lateroventrales), which connects the caudal thoracic air sac to the intrapulmonary
Bronchial system. Whereas the mam- bronchus. The constant-volume gas-exchange area of the avian lung-air-sac system, i.e., the parabronchi
malian bronchial system ramifies (23 gen- (for simplicity only a few are shown), is connected between dorsobronchi and ventrobronchi and is ventilated
erations) like the roots of a tree throughout unidirectionally (arrows). The several air sacs are the sites of volume expansion and act as bellows to move
the pulmonary parenchyma (Fig. 2), the gas through the bird's lung (parabronchi). [Modified from Wang et al., (38); reprinted with permission from
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.]
bird's primary bronchus extending from
tracheal bifurcation to the ostium of the
abdominal air sac has only two dusters of
secondary bronchi (Fig. 1). From the cra-
nial end of the bird's intrapulmonary pri-
mary bronchus arise 4 approximately
equal-sized ventrobronchi, and from its
caudal segment arise 7-14 variably sized
dorsobronchi and a variable number (<6)
of laterobronchi. The epithelium lining the
primary bronchi and the initial segments of
the secondary bronchi is similar to that
seen in larger mammalian airways: pseu-
dostratified ciliated epithelium with
mucous-secreting goblet cells.
The mammalian bronchial system ter-
minates in myriad (300 million in Homo)
small, blind-end alveoli, which are the site
of gas exchange and volume (tidal) expan-
sion. In sharp contrast, birds have a nearly
constant volume, flow-through lung in
which the site of gas exchange is the parallel Figure 2. Bronchial tree of the human lung, latex cast, ventral view, left lung. The caudal trachea (large
tertiary bronchi, i.e., parabronchi (few hun- asterisk) gives rise to the primary bronchi (left main stem bronchi; small asterisk), from which the dichoto-
dred to <2,000 depending on taxa), con- mously branching (32 divisions) airway system leads to the blind-end alveolar ducts with their clustered
alveoli (removed from this preparation), which are the site of both gas exchange and volume expansion in
nected between the ventrobronchi and the the mammalian lung. (Photo courtesy of W. Webes, Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern.)
dorsobronchi or laterobronchi (Figs. 1 and
3). The parabronchi complete an airway
loop from the caudal primary bronchus to mammals, resulting from their anatomical into two categories based on their pattern of
the cranial primary bronchus (via secondary differences, have several important implica- connections to secondary bronchi and flow
bronchi), through which a unidirectional tions for gas-exchange physiology, toxic gas regime. The majority of the parabronchial
stream of fresh gas flows (Figs. 1 and 4). uptake, and particle deposition. lung is composed of paleopulmonic
That is, birds have a flow-through lung Gas exchange tissues. The parabronchi parabronchi, connected between ventro-
(parabronchi) in contrast to the tidal venti- are densely packed in a hexagonal array, and dorsobronchi, through which gas flows
lation that occurs in mammalian alveoli. similar to the wax-comb of honeybees (Fig. unidirectionally (Fig. 1). A highly variable
The differences in ventilation of the pul- 3). Although there are no morphometric number of neopulmonic parabronchi [0 to
monary parenchyma between birds and differences (9,10), parabronchi are separated <20% (usually <10%) of lung volume

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 189

Reviews * Brown et al.

depending on taxon] conduct air in an oscil- fied, nonciliated epithelium. In sharp con- present within the bird's lung tissue, which
latory pattern and are variously connected trast to the lungs of most mammals where may lead to significandy different responses
between any two of the following: primary resident macrophages are common, such to inhaled toxicants (11,1X.
bronchus, ventrobronchi, dorsobronchi, lat- janitorial cells are rarely present in the avian Parabronchial dimensions are variable
erobronchi, and air sacs. The parabronchial respiratory system. Additionally, important among avian taxa. The lumen (0.3-2.0 mm
lumen is lined by a nonsecretory, nonstrati- differences exist as to the enzymatic systems diameter) of each parabronchus (1-4 cm
long) is surrounded by a mantle of gas-
exchange tissue (0.2-0.5 mm thick) consist-
ing of coextensive networks of narrow
(3-10 pm diameter) air capillaries and
blood capillaries (Figs. 3 and 5). The air
capillaries communicate with the
parabronchial lumen. The bird's gas-
exchange barrier, formed by the air capillar-
ies' squamous epithelium, the blood capil-
laries' endothelium, and the interposed
basal lamina, is qualitatively similar to that
of the mammalian alveolus and its pul-
monary blood capillaries (13). Surfictant is

Figure 4. Air flow diagrams (arrows) of the avian

respiratory system during inspiration and expira-
tion. The air sacs act as bellows, contributing
equally to the movement of gas through the bird's
nearly constant-volume lung, filling simultaneous-
ly with inspiration and emptying simultaneously
with expiration (arrowheads about air sacs). The
unidirectional pattern of flow (large arrows)
through the major exchange area of the bird's
lung (paleopulmonic parabronchi) is maintained
throughout inspiration and expiration. During
inspiration there is no or little flow (*) in the ven-
trobronchi (VB) (i.e., inspiratory valving). Instead,
nearly all the gas passes caudally through the
Figure 3. Diagram of parabronchial anatomy, gas-exchange region of the bird's lung-air-sac respiratory intrapulmonary bronchus, half passing to the cau-
system. The few hundred to thousand parabronchi, one of which is fully shown here, are packed tightly dal air sacs and half entering the lung via the dor-
into a hexagonal array. The central parabronchial lumen, through which gas flows unidirectionally during sobronchi (DB). During expiration there is little or
both inspiration and expiration (large arrows), is surrounded by a mantle (m) of gas-exchange tissue com- no flow (*) in the intrapulmonary portion of the
posed of an intertwined network of blood and air capillaries. Several air capillaries coalesce into a small primary bronchus (IPB) (i.e., expiratory valving).
manifold, i.e., the infundibulum (arrowheads), several of which in turn open into an atria (*) found along the Instead, nearly all the gas exiting the caudal tho-
parabronchial lumen. Air moves convectively through the parabronchial lumen, while 02 diffuses radially racic (PTAS) and abdominal air sacs (AAS) pass-
(CO2 diffuses centrally) into the air capillary network. Blood flows centrally from the pulmonary arteries (a) es through the parabronchi. ICAS, intraclavicular
located along the periphery of the parabronchi to pulmonary veins located along the parabronchial lumen, air sac; CTAS, cranial thoracic air sac. [Modified
which then are drained back to the peripheral veins (v). [Modified from Duncker (107); reprinted with per- from Scheid (108); reprinted with permission from
mission from Springer-Verlag.] Springer-Verlag.]

190 Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Reviews * Avian respiratorv toxicologv

present in the bird's nearly constant-volume narrow air capillaries relative to the size pressure of the gas in the air capillary; and
lung (parabronchial lumen and air capillar- (>300 pm diameter) of mammalian alveoli. P- is the partial pressure in mixed venous
ies), although its functional significance is The mean harmonic thickness of the bird's blood. Since the Th of the bird's gas-
poorly understood. The mechanism that gas-exchange barrier is only about half that exchange barrier is about half that of mam-
prevents collapse or flooding of the air cap- of the mammalian lung. However, other malian lung, given identical effective venti-
illaries secondary to the high surface ten- parameters of lung morphometry (body lation of gas-exchange tissues, a bird can
sions across the air-tissue interface of these weight basis) are nearly identical between take up approximately twice the amount of
structure's small radius (1-5 pm) of curva- these two groups of homeotherms (15): a gas from its ventilatory stream compared
ture is unknown. Arranged as a series of lung volume, surface area of exchange tis- to a mammal. In addition, the unidirection-
parallel units along the length of the sue, surface area of exchange tissue per body al flow of fresh gas through the gas-
parabronchi, the pulmonary blood flows weight, and pulmonary blood volume. exchange region of the bird's lung permits
radially into the mande of exchange tissue The thinness of birds' gas-exchange bar- larger P,C-P differences, in contrast to the
from the arteries located along its periphery rier has important implications for gas situation in the mammalian lung where the
toward the parabronchial lumen, along uptake. Uptake of a gas across the tissue bar- gas-exchange region is filled with a func-
which are located the pulmonary veins that rier of the lung and into the blood (Mg-b) is: tionally stagnant reservoir of gas, the PO of
drain the oxygenated blood back toward the which is governed by diffusive mechanidns.
periphery (Figs. 3 and 6) (14). M = D J(P -
In following sections we describe several
Significant differences between birds g-b T AC V other morphologic and physiologic features
and mammals (excluding bats) exist in h)(1) of the bird's lung that enhance gas uptake.
comparisons (body weight basis) of the sur- where D is the diffusion constant of the gas, Air sac system of birds. The avian
face density and the mean harmonic thick- which depends on its solubility in blood bronchial system communicates with a sys-
ness of pulmonary gas-exchange tissues (nb) and molecular weight (MW), i.e., tem of air sacs filling >30% of the volume of
(9,15). Birds' lungs have about twice the DocPb/MW-l/2; A is the surface area; Th is the bird's thorax and abdomen (16) (Figs. 1
surface density of gas-exchange tissue, the thickness of the tissue barrier across and 7). The air sacs are the sites of tidal vol-
resulting from the dense packing of their which the gas moves; PAC is the partial ume expansion, functioning like bellows to
move air through the avian lung-air-sac res-
piratory system. Changes in coelomic vol-
ume mediated by body-wall deformations
are almost singularly reflected in volume
changes within the several air sacs (Fig. 4).
There is no analogous structure to the bird's
air sacs in the mammalian respiratory system,
in which the alveoli are both the site of gas
exchange and volume expansion. The air sac
walls are composed of a simple, nonstratified
epithelium with a sparse distribution of small
islands of ciliated cells and secretory cells
supported by a diffise connective tissue net-
work composed primarily of elastin (13). In
the absence of both a widespread mucociliary
surface and airway macrophages, we do not
know how air sac homeostasis is maintained.
It is usually considered that little to no gas
exchange occurs across the poorly vascular-
ized walls of the air sacs; this is true for CO
(17,18) yet there is toxicological evidence
that highly soluble compounds such as SO2
may indeed cross the air sac membrane (19).
The individual air sacs are anatomically
(by site of connection to bronchial system)
and functionally (see Gas Flow Patterns)
divided into two main groups (Figs. 1, 4, 7):
the cranial group, arising from the ventro-
bronchi, is composed of the paired cervical
sacs, an unpaired intraclavicular sac, and
paired cranial thoracic sacs; and the caudal
group, arising from the caudal end of the
intrapulmonary bronchus and connecting
laterobronchus, is composed of the paired
caudal thoracic sacs and paired abdominal
Figure 5. Confocal micrograph of gas-exchange region of parabronchus, goose. A) Three-dimensional sacs. The tiin, highly elastic walls of these air
reconstruction; (B) and (C) are two individual sections. Note the intimately intertwined network of blood sacs, in contact with adjacent sacs over a large
capillaries, labeled with the presence of erythrocytes (*), and air capillaries (AC) that make up the percentage of their area (Fig. 7), are incapable
parabronchi's mantle of gas-exchange tissue. Several air capillaries coalesce into an infundibulum (INF). of supporting pressure differences between

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 191

Reviews * Brown et al.

adjacent sacs. This fact is important in light Convective transport of a particle through- mixing of gas or particulates across stream-
of the inability of the air sacs to influence the out the respiratory system is mainly deter- lines. When Re is >2,000, flow becomes
unidirectional flow through the parabronchi mined by that particle's density and size, turbulent with extensive mixing. In the
(see Gas Flow Patterns). The several air sacs specifically its aerodynamic equivalent diam- short, branched, curved tubes containing
have communicating diverticula that invade eter, Dae (Dae oc geometric diameter xpl/2). numerous choke points (site of sudden
most bones, nearly filling the medullary cavi- With larger Dae, particle deposition is change in diameter or geometry) that make
ties of many, and extend between layers of strongly influenced by inertial and sedimen- up the avian respiratory system, turbulent
soft tissues [e.g., between the layers of the tation mechanisms. As Dae becomes smaller, flow should be expected at flow regimes
large pectoral (flight) musdes]. These com- inertia and sedimentation play smaller roles considerably less than Re = 2,000.
municating diverticula and the small cervical in particle deposition, while Brownian diffu- Inertial impaction. Inertia is the tenden-
air sacs lying along the neck are not consid- sion becomes more important. cy of a moving particle to resist changes in
ered to contribute to ventilation. In a long, straight tube, the operative direction and speed and is a function of the
Avian airway geometry and particle flow regime is mainly determined by the momentum (Da2 and the local flow rate) of
deposition. Several physical mechanisms magnitude of the Reynolds number (Re), a that partide. The highest linear flow veloci-
operate on inspired particles to increase the dimensionless ratio of local inertial forces ties are found in the upper respiratory tract
likelihood that a particle will contact (and to viscous forces: and central airways. At sites where there is
deposit on) a respiratory surface, the most puD an abrupt change in airflow direction (e.g.,
important being inertial forces, gravitational convoluted nasal passages or branching
sedimentation, and Brownian diffusion. The 9 (2) points of central airways), a partide, if it has
extent to which each mechanism contributes sufficient momentum, will continue in its
to the deposition of a specific particle where p is gas density; u is mean gas veloci- original direction crossing airflow stream-
depends on that partide's physical character- ty; D is tube diameter; and p is gas viscosi- lines and impacting on the airway wall
istics (size, shape, density, p), airway geome- ty. When Re is <1, flow is primarily deter- instead of following the curvature of the air-
try, flow pattern, and flow regime found mined by viscous mechanisms, and inertial way with the airflow. In avian lungs, inertial
within each component of the respiratory forces can be neglected. When Re is impaction operates in central airways (bends
tract. Anesthetized chickens inhaling 1251- 10-2,000, both viscous forces and inertial in the trachea, syrinx, and branching points
labeled latex particles of a wide range of forces are important, and at Re >2,000, of secondary bronchi) and convoluted areas
diameters (0.091, 0.176, 0.312, 1.1, 3.7, inertial forces predominate. At Re <2,000 of extrathoracic (oropharynx, nasopharynx,
and 7 jim) showed regional deposition in a long, straight tube, the flow is usually and larynx). Associated flow regimes (for
strongly linked to particle size (20). laminar, which means there is little to no geese) found in those anatomical locations
are the nose and bends in the trachea (u =
100 cm/sec, Re = 700); the narrowed syrinx
and bends in the primary bronchi (u = 130
cm/sec, Re = 600); and the narrowed caudal
end of the primary bronchus (u = 200
cm/sec, Re = 550). The expected sites of
inertial impaction in the bird are similar to
those in mammalian airways.
Gravitational sedimentation. Gravita-
tional forces accelerate the fall of partides,
and the terminal (constant) settling velocity
is reached when viscous resistive forces of
the air are equal and opposite in direction
to gravitational forces. Respirable particles,
under the influence of gravity alone, reach
this terminal sedimentation velocity in less
than 0.1 msec. The probability that a parti-
cle will deposit by gravitational settling is
proportional to the product of its D 2 and
the residence time within airspaces in which
velocities are low. In bird lungs, aerosol
deposition by sedimentation would be
important within the parabronchi and air
sacs, where air flow velocities are low
(parabronchi, u = 3 cm/sec, Re = 2) and res-
idence times may be exceptionally long
(e.g., possibly >1.0 min for complete
Figure 6. (Upper panel) Schematic of air flow (large arrows) and blood flow (small arrows) patterns constitut- change of air sac gas at rest). In the human
ing the cross-current gas-exchange mechanism operating in the avian lung. Note the serial arrangement of lung, sedimentation is an important mecha-
blood capillaries running from the periphery to the lumen of the parabronchus and the air capillaries radially nism for particle deposition (D >0.2 im)
departing from the parabronchial lumen. (Lower panel) Pressure profiles of 02 and CO2 from initial- within peripheral airways and alveoli (21).
parabronchial (P,) to end-parabronchial values (PE); and in blood capillaries from mixed venous (PR) to arteri- Brownian diffusionm Brownian motion
al blood (P.). The Po2of arterial blood is derived from a mixture of all serial air-blood capillary units and
exceeds that of PE. In mammals, the Pa02 cannot exceed that of end-expiratory gas, (i.e., P [From Scheid is a random process caused by collisions
(108); with permission from Springer-Verlag.] between particles and between partides and

192 Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Reviews * Avian respiratory toxicolo-,y

gas molecules, and it may be a contributing

factor in deposition of inhaled particulates.
Diffusion is significant for particles with
Dae<l jim. Unlike inertial or gravitational
displacement, diffusion is independent of
flow rate and partide density; however, it is
affected by particle size and shape (22).
The probability that a particle will be
deposited by diffusion is a function of
(dDte) /2, where t is the residence time and
Dt. is the diameter of a sphere that has the
same diffusional displacement as the parti-
de. Diffusion, like sedimentation, is most
important in the parabronchi and the air
sacs where residence time is long.
Gas Flow Patterns in the Avian
Lung-Air-Sac System
All the bird's air sacs, simultaneously filling
with inspiration and emptying with expira-
tion, contribute nearly equally to both inspi-
ration and expiration (23) (Fig. 4). From
flow probes inserted into the secondary
bronchi, it has been established that gas flows
unidirectionally (caudal to cranial) through
the bird's paleopulmonic parabronchi during
both inspiration and expiration (24-2). At
the flows and breathing frequencies associat-
ed with exercise, the unidirectional flow
through the dorsobronchi and parabronchi
becomes continuous, although flows in the
other parts of the bird's respiratory system
are tidal.
Inspiration. During inspiration air flows
caudally from the trachea through the intra-
pulmonary bronchus to the dorsobronchi,
where the flow divides: approximately half
goes to the parabronchi via the connecting
dorsobronchi and half goes to the caudal
group of air sacs (Fig. 4). Gas present in the
lung from the previous expiration flows to
the cranial group of air sacs via their ventro-
bronchial connections. As tidal volume is
increased, gas flowing through the trachea
traverses the entire length of the parabronchi
via the dorsobronchi (as well as to the caudal
air sacs) and enters the cranial sacs during a
single inspiration.
Evpiration. During expiration air flows
from the caudal group of air sacs to the Figure 7. The avian air-sac system. (A) Diagrammatic in situ lateral view of avian air sacs. Note that from
parabronchi via the dorsobronchi, and resi- the body surface, the air sacs appear to nearly fill the bird's coelom, neck (left) to tail. The hatched area
dent gas in the lung and cranial air sacs along the ventral body wall represents the change in coelomic volume with inspiration. IC, intraclavicular
moves to the trachea via the ventrobronchi air sac; T, cranial thoracic air sac; PT, caudal thoracic air sac; AS, abdominal air sac; L, lung; S, sternum.
(Fig. 4). As tidal volume is increased, resi- (Reprinted from Duncker (107); with permission from Springer-Verlag.] (B-E) Computerized axial tomo-
gram of an awake, spontaneously breathing goose; air is darkest A large percentage of the bird's body is
dent gas within the caudal air sacs from the filled with the several air sacs. (B) At the level of the shoulder joints (hh, humeral head) is the intraclavic-
previous inspiration flows completely ular air sac (ICAS), which extends from the heart cranially to the clavicles (i.e., furcula or wishbone). S,
through the parabronchi and out the trachea. sternum; FM, large flight muscles with enclosed air sac diverticula, arrowheads; t, trachea. (C) At the
Valving in the avian lung. From Figure level of the caudal heart (H) is the paired cranial thoracic air sacs (TAS). Arrowhead points to the medial
1 it can be seen that 1) inspired gas has two wall of the air sac (contrast enhanced with aerosolized tantalum powder). The dorsal body cavity is filled
possible pathways to follow when it reaches with the lungs, which are tightly attached to the dorsal and lateral body wall. V, thoracic vertebrae. (D) At
the level of the knees (K) is the paired caudal thoracic air sacs (PTAS) and paired abdominal air sacs,
the junction between primary bronchus and with the abdominal viscera (AV) filling the ventral body cavity. The membrane separating the abdominal
ventrobronchi and 2) during expiration the air sacs from one another (arrowhead) and from the caudal thoracic air sacs (arrows)-can be seen. (E) At
gas exiting the caudal air sacs has two possi- the level of the caudal pelvis, the abdominal air sacs, which extend to the bird's tail, can be seen. Arrow,
ble pathways when it reaches the junction of membrane separating abdominal air sacs.

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 193

Reviews * Brown et al.

do rsobronchi and caudal intrapulmonary nous mixture of different aerodynamic the air capillary network and then into pul-
bronchus. Yet we know from flow measure- environments (e.g., viscous flow in termi- monary capillary blood across the thin
ments that during inspiration there is little nal bronchi and turbulent flow in larger blood-gas barrier, with CO2 moving in the
to no flow from the primary bronchus to airways). In sharp contrast, the various opposite direction (Figs. 3 and 6). Blood in
ventrobronchi (i.e., inspiratory valving) and components within the bird's respiratory the pulmonary capillaries flows opposite to
during expiration there is little to no flow system, and their correspondingly different that of the diffusive movement of 02 in the
craniad through the intrapulmonary flow regimes, are found as discrete and iso- air capillaries, i.e., radially and centrally from
bronchus between dorso- and ventrobronchi lated components. The unidirectional flow pulmonary arteries located at the
(i.e. expiratory valving) (Fig. 4). Originally, through the bird's primary and secondary parabronchial periphery (Fig. 8). The
anatomic valves were postulated as the bronchi and parabronchi allow the patterns air-blood capillary units are arranged serially
mechanism controlling flow in the bird's of partide deposition to be examined with- along the luminal axis of a parabronchus.
respiratory system (29-31), but the presence out the confounding variable of bidirec- Because systemic arterial blood is a mix-
ofsuch valves was never established (16). tional flow. These differences suggest that ture of blood from all the serially arranged
Inspiratory valving. It is now known birds may represent a valuable tool in fur- air-blood capillary units, arterial P02 can
that an aerodynamic mechanism (i.e., con- thering our understanding of the deposi- actually be greater than end-expired P02 (see
vective inertia) is responsible for controlling tion and dearance of inhaled particulates. Fig. 6); this cannot occur in the mammalian
the direction of flow in the bird's respirato- Dotterweich (44) was among the first to lung. While parabronchial Po2 decreases
ry system during inspiration (32. The con- expose birds to soot particles under con- with distance traveled through the lumen
vective inertial momentum (pu2, where p = trolled laboratory conditions. He found that (and PCO increases), the actual profiles of 02
gas density and u = flow velocity) of the the particles deposited much more in the and CO22along the parabronchus are a func-
inspiratory gas stream flowing through the dorsobronchi than in the ventrobronchi. tion of ventilation; that is, with increases in
primary bronchus prevents the flow from Later, Vos (45) and Hazelhoff (46) exposed ventilation, the end-parabronchial P02 can
turning the corner, so to speak, and enter- the birds to air laden with powdered char- be increased with corresponding decreases
ing the ventrobronchial orifices (33,34). coal and deduced the unidirectional gas flow in end-parabronchial C 02. Thus the diffii-
Expiratory valving. Convective inertial pattern in the avian lung. Adult, fully con- sion gradients of the gases (parabronchial
forces do not contribute to the operational scious chickens exposed to an aerosol of lumen to blood capillaries) can be increased
mechanics of the expiratory valve (35). 99mTc-labeled particles (Dae = 0.45 pm) and along the distal portion of the parabronchi
Instead, it appears that during expiration examined immediately thereafter had a pre- with increased ventilation.
dynamic compliance of the membranous dominance of partides deposited in the cau- Counter-current gas exchange mecha-
intrapulmonary bronchus results in a reduc- dal areas of the respiratory system (47). All nism at level of air capillary. Oxygen dif-
tion of the caliber of the bronchus and an these investigations demonstrated the highly fusing peripherally from the parabronchial
increase in resistance to craniad flow nonrandom pattern of partide deposition in lumen and pulmonary blood flowing cen-
through the intrapulmonary bronchus. The the avian lung-air-sac system. trally toward the parabronchial lumen
increase in resistance is a direct function of along their common diffusion barrier pro-
the expiratory flow velocity and produces Avian Respiratory Physiology duces a counter-current gas-exchange
an expiratory valve with an efficacy (dorso- Gas-exchange physiology in the parabronchi. mechanism at the level of individual air
bronchial flow:total flow exiting caudal Gas flows convectively through the lumen of capillaries (48,49) (Fig. 8). In such an
sacs) of 95% at physiologic flows. the parabronchi, whereas movement of gases arrangement, as blood travels centrally
Valve failure. During panting in ther- from the parabronchial lumen out into the along the diffusion barrier separating it
mally stressed birds, the resulting non- air capillary network where gas exchange
steady flow regimes lead to conditions in takes place is considered to be an entirely dif-
which the valving mechanisms lose effec- fusive mechanism. As is true for avian as well
tiveness compared to the highly effective as mammalian lungs, 02 in inspired air dif-
valving of nonpanting birds (36,37). As gas fuses passively into the pulmonary capillary
composition can affect airway caliber [e.g., blood and CO2 diffuses in the opposite
CO2 (38)], and airway fibrosis secondary direction. However, the structure and physi-
to particle deposition (39-43) could affect ology of the avian parabronchial lung is dif-
airway caliber and compliance, the bird's ferent from the bronchoalveolar mammalian
respiratory valving mechanisms may be lung and thus gas transport patterns are also Figure 8. Schematic of the counter-current gas-
adversely affected by environmental conta- different. These differences may have impor- exchange mechanism operating at the level of the
mination. Airway caliber strongly influ- tant implications in respiratory toxicology. air capillary. Air flows convectively through the
ences both the relative resistances to flow in Cross-current gas exchange mechanism parabronchial lumen (large arrow), from which 02
the various parts of the bird's bronchial sys- at the level of parabronchi. Uptake of 02 diffuses radial from the opening of the air capillary
tem and the velocity of the gas stream, and CO2 loss via the bird's parabronchial (PIC) to its end (PEC). Blood flows opposite to the
diffusion direction of 02- Po2 in the air capillary
which is a direct determinant of its convec- lung is unaffected by direction of gas flow falls continuously from its opening to its end, while
tive inertia. Further, reduced airway com- through the parabronchi, craniocaudal versus P02 in pulmonary blood rises continuously from
pliance from tissue fibrosis secondary to caudocranial (48). Such evidence demon- that of mixed venous blood (PV) to a peak found in
particle deposition could greatly diminish strates that at the level of the parabronchi, the blood capillary at its termination at the
or eliminate effective expiratory valving. there is a cross-current gas exchange mecha- parabronchial lumen (PC); with Pco2 following the
Particle deposition: homogeneous divi- nism in the avian lung (Fig. 6), which is in opposite courses. This arrangement favors 02
sions of the avian system versus the hetero- strong contrast to the cocurrent gas exchang- uptake (and CO2 off-loading) by the blood as at all
points along the air-blood capillary diffusion barri-
geneous mammalian system. In human er operating in mammalian lungs. From air er (0): there is a higher Po in the air capillary ver-
lungs, below the level of the paired main flowing convectively through the para- sus that in the blood capilfary. [From Scheid (108);
stem bronchi, there is a highly heteroge- bronchial lumen, 02 diffiuses radially into with permission from Springer-Verlag].

194 Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Reviews * Avian respiratory toxicologqy

from the air capillary and takes up 02, the tions fit the following mass-specific rela- capacity but by wing aerodynamics sec-
concentration of 02 in the blood is always tionships (53): ondary to a low density atmosphere (80%
less than the increasing concentration of He, 20% 02), was approximately 70
02 in the air capillary as it nears its VT = 7.69(Mb'.04) (11) ml/g/hr (61). Maximum oxygen consump-
parabronchi's lumen (the opposite is true tion, VO2, MAX' is reached when V02 no
of the blood's PC02). As such, the concen- f= 53.5(M -026) (12) longer increases with increasing exercise
tration gradients along the radial length of intensity, and anaerobic glycolysis must
an air capillary continually favor more 02 V= 379.0(Mb0 80) (13) account for the additional energy consumed
uptake and CO2 release by the pulmonary by the muscles.
capillary blood. We can calculate effective ventilation
Ventilation. Tracheal volume in birds is (ml/min) of the gas-exchange regions of the Gas Uptake by the Avian
about 4.5-fold that of comparably sized lung (VP = parabronchial ventilation in Parabronchial Lung
mammals due mainly to the considerably birds and VA = alveolar ventilation in mam- The differences in respiratory anatomy and
longer tracheal length of birds (6). In birds, mals), from minute ventilation (V) and physiology in birds versus mammals results
tracheal volume approximates respiratory anatomic dead space ventilation (VD =VD X in several important differences in expected
dead space (VD) as all air passing the tra- 0: for resting birds, gas uptake, M.
cheal bifurcation also passes over the gas- Gas phase. In the gas phase NC depends
exchange tissues of the parabronchial lung on effective ventilation (VP or VA), the solu-
due to the effective valving of airflow in the VP = V-VD (14) bility of the gas in question (PG), and the
bird's respiratory system and the mainte- difference between the partial pressures of
nance of a unidirectional air flow through
the lung per se (50,51):
VP = 291.0Mb074 )]_[630(MbO.7)] (15) that gas in the inspired (Pi) and expired
(PE) air in the following relationship:
Avian tracheal = VD =
volume (ml)
3.724(Mbj109), (3) and for mammals, MG = VPPG(PI- PE).
where Mb = body mass in kilograms. Birds, VA=V-VD (16) The solubility of a gas depends only on
at least partially, compensate for their larger temperature (T), that is ,G =1/(RT), where
tracheal dead space by increasing tidal vol- R is the ideal gas constant (62). There
ume and decreasing respiratory frequency =[3 ( b
( bM ).( 17) would, of course, be a slight (<1%) decrease
relative to that of equally sized mammals in gas solubility due to the bird's higher
(52). That behavioral adaptation reduces The above values and calculations for avian body temperature (104-1070C) relative to
the percentage of the bird's tidal volume respiration are valid only in nonpasserine that of mammals (99-1020C). However,
wasted in dead space ventilation with each taxa. The order Passeriformes includes many from the above relationship, it can be seen
breath so that minute tracheal ventilation in of the common species such as song birds that the higher (up to 160+% that of com-
birds is only 1.5 to 1.9 times that of compa- and sparrows, flycatchers, jays, and warblers. parably sized mammals) effective ventilation
rable mammals. In contrast to that of birds, In passeriforms, under resting conditions, in birds has important consequences in
respiratory dead space in mammals includes mass-specific oxygen consumption is total gas uptake.
not only the volume of the trachea but also approximately 65% higher, hence V and/or Gas to bloodphase. As described earlier,
the volume of nearly all conducting airways VP are proportionally higher than those of the thinness of the bird's gas-exchange tis-
above the level of the alveolar duct (53): nonpasserine taxa (656,57). sue, approximately half the thickness of
Comparisons of ventilation between mammals, has important implications for
Mammalian = M 0.96) birds and mammals. How then does venti- the uptake of gas into the blood from the
dead space (ml) VD = 2.76 b) (4) lation in birds compare to that in mam- surrounding air spaces. Given identical
mals? Mass-specific ventilation, V, in rest- effective ventilation of exchange tissues, a
For resting birds, the following mass- ing birds (nonpasserines) is 20-80% higher bird will take up more (approximately
specific respiratory relationships (at BPTS) than mammalian values. Effective twice as much) of a given gas (63). In addi-
are found (54,55): (parabronchial) ventilation, VP, in birds tion, due to the cross-current arrangement
under resting conditions is 30-160% high- of the air flow relative to blood flow
Title volume (ml) = VT = 16.9(Mbl 05) (5) er than the alveolar ventilation, VA, of com- through the avian lung, the partial pressure
parably sized mammals. Those values are of a gas in arterial blood can exceed that of
Frequency (per min) = f = 17.2(Mb-031) (6) not surprising in light of mass-specific oxy- the end expiratory gas.
gen consumptions (V02), again under rest- Blood phase. Finally, the transport of a
Ventilation (ml/min) = V= 291.0(Mbo 74)(7) ing conditions, for birds that are 50% to gas in the blood, MB, depends on pul-
>160% higher than that for mammals. monary blood flow (0), gas solubility (nb),
and for flying birds: Flight is the most metabolically expensive and the difference in partial pressures of
(02 ml/min/Mb) form of locomotion on a the gas in arterial (PA) and mixed venous
VT = 27.8(Mb0-89) (8) unit time basis (58-60). Mass-specific oxy- (Pv) blood:
gen consumption in flying birds, which
f = independent of Mb (9) may or may not reach VO 2 MA is MB = Q3G(PA-PV)
10-170+% higher than the maximum oxy-
V= 5,000.0(M 0°74) (10) gen consumption in mammals. Peak 02 Mass-specific pulmonary capillary
consumption, measured in hovering hum- blood volume, heart size, and heart rates
In contrast, mammals under resting condi- mingbirds that were limited not by aerobic are quite similar between birds and mam-

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 105, Number2 February 1997 195

Reviews * Brown et al.

mals (15). Further, the binding properties coefficient (69). Environmental factors results in significantly decreased performance
of hemoglobin (e.g., to 02, CG2, and CO) affecting laying hens, such as nutritional (production) and observable pathologic
are nearly identical between avian and stress, heat stress on laying hens, and envi- changes (45-47,73,74). Such conditions also
mammalian blood. ronmental toxicants (e.g., organochlorine represent significant threats to the health of
Local concentration gradients in the pesticides) can result in changes in eggshell the humans (45). What are the mechanisms
avian parabronchi Because ofthe cross-cur- thickness (70,71). The effects of eggshell responsible for the dearance of particulates
rent gas-exchange mechanism in the avian thinning on gas-exchange physiology and from the bird's respiratory system following
lung, large concentration gradients can the possible existence of concomitant high and prolonged dust exposures?
develop along the length of the parabronchi. changes in pore architecture with changes in We are unaware of any studies examin-
That is, for a given VW if the equilibration shell thickness are not known. ing the pathophysiology of such particle
time constant [= 4 Vc x (T/(A x D)), where Mechanisms ofgas uptake by avian exposures. Airway macrophages, responsible
Vc = capillary blood volume] from gas phase embryos. The flux of a gas transferred for much of the particulate dearance from
to blood is much shorter than the gas transit across the shell per unit time, Ms, is (64): the lower airways of mammals, are rarely
time in the parabronchi, the local concentra- found in the bird's respiratory tract. Do
tion at the dorsobronchial (inflow) end of such phagocytic cells appear only when
the parabronchi will be significandy higher Ms [APS T
TS needed? Under experimental conditions
than that at the ventrobronchial (outflow) ~~~~(20) (e.g., stimulation with Freund's adjuvant or
end. Thus, within the avian lung, local tis- Sephadex instilled into air spaces) phagocyt-
sue exposures (doses) can be much higher where AP = effective pore area of shell; Ds = ic cells physiologically similar to mammalian
than the average exposure; this is not the diffusion coefficient of the gas across the alveolar macrophages can be induced to
case in the mammalian lung, where all alve- shell; Ts = shell thickness; and the relative enter the bird's pulmonary spaces (75,76).
oli are exposed to nearly the same concentra- partial pressures of the gas in question Birds, like mammals, have bronchus-associ-
tion of a gas. between the air cell within the shell (PCELL) ated lymphoid tissue within the epithelium
and ambient (PA). The flux of gas per unit lining their lungs and bronchi, which con-
Gas Uptake in Avian Embryos time from the air cell within the shell to tributes to dearance (dissolution and anti-
During avian development there are three the embryo's blood, MAC,B, is: body labeling) of paticulates from the respi-
sequential stages of respiration (64): prena- ratory tract ofmammals (72).
tal (embryonic), paranatal (hatching), and In chickens, after exposure to aerosols of
postnatal (posthatching). During the pre- MCELL, B [ACELL{DGBJ1G(PCELL-PC), relatively small respirable partides, no parti-
natal stage respiratory gas exchange occurs (21) des were found in the vascular system, kid-
via diffusion between the external environ- neys, ovaries, or the heart, indicating that the
ment and the initial gas exchanger (i.e., the where ACELL = gas-exchange area between air partides were not absorbed across the epithe-
area vasculosa) in early embryonic life and cell and blood capillaries of extraembryonic lial membranes of the respiratory tract (26).
later the vascular bed of the chorioallantois. membranes; DG,B = the diffusion coefficient Ofthe initial lung deposition, 54% remained
The paranatal stage starts when the beak from gas to blood; T = thickness of diffusion 1 hr after exposure and 35% remained 36 hr
penetrates into the air pocket (air cell) barrier from air cell to extraembryonic mem- after exposure, suggesting an early fast phase
between the inner and outer shell mem- branes; and Pc = partial pressures of the gas of lung dearance followed by a slower phase
branes (both internal to shell; i.e., internal in the blood capillaries. In the blood phase, as found in mammals. The fast component
pipping) this occurs during the last 2-3 the controlling equation is the same as pre- of dearance is assumed to result from parti-
days of incubation. During this stage, the sented above for blood in adult animals, cles deared from the respiratory tract via
lungs begin to replace the chorioallantois as except in the case of the embryo, Q is the mucociliary transport and then eliminated
the gas exchanger, yet diffusion remains the blood flow in the embryo's allantois. For a via the gastrointestinal tract. What are the
major mechanism moving gas across the given egg at a given ambient gas concentra- mechanisms involved in the slow phase of
shell per se. The postnatal stage begins tion, the higher the diffusion coefficient and partide dearance? Inspired partides (nontox-
when the beak penetrates the shell (i.e., the higher the solubility of the gas in blood, ic iron oxide) within the lung have been
external pipping). Here we are interested the more the gas uptake into the eggshell or found trapped in the trilaminar substance
only in the prenatal stage (65,66). into the embryonic circulation. In addition, (assumed to be a surfactantlike material), in
The eggshelL The eggshell protects the a lipid-soluble gas will deposit primarily in the respiratory epithelial cells, and in adjacent
embryo from variations in the environment, the yolk due to its high fat content. interstitial macrophages (43,78). It is possible
supplies necessary nutrients (most impor- that the partides were phagocytosed by the
tandy calcium) and regulates gas exchange Avian Respiratory Toxicology epithelial cells at the air side and exocytosed
and water loss between egg contents and the Inhaled Particulates into the interstitium and then phagocytosed
environment external to the egg. The regu- by interstitial macrophages.
lation of gas exchange and water loss (diffu- Birds living in environments contaminated
sion coefficient) is primarily a function of with aerosolized particulates show significant Toxic Gases
the density, diameter, and structure of the pathology after only a short duration of Observation of caged canaries served as the
pores traversing the eggshell (67,68). Shell exposure, for example, Kiwis foraging within standard for mine safety during the nine-
pore parameters vary between species and loose dust and sand (43), birds living in or teenth and early twentieth centuries in regard
within a single species inhabiting different near desertlike conditions (44), or birds to the highly toxic gases carbon monoxide
niches, e.g., humidity and altitudinal gradi- exposed to volcanic ash (72). Modem, popu- and methane (79). Despite the early recogni-
ents (67,68). Further, shell thickness and lation-intensive confinement methods of tion of the substantial differences in metabol-
pore architecture change during incubation poultry production often expose birds con- ic rate, toxic gas uptake, and pathophysiolo-
(calcium reabsorbed for embryonic develop- tinuously to extremely high levels of gy between birds and mammals, little addi-
ment), leading to changes in a gas's diffusion aerosolized particulates, which commonly tional investigation has followed.

196 Volume 105, Number2 February 1997 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Reviews * Avian respiratorv toxicologv

Su4fiur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is exposure to 1-4 ppm ozone (97). Exposure What are the unique features of the bird's
well known to be capable of producing of young chicks to 0.3-0.7 ppm ozone respiratory physiology and/or physiology in
pathologic changes in animals, including results in pulmonary hemorrhage within general (e.g., metabolic rate, exercise pat-
birds, as well as causing generalized degra- the bronchi and air capillaries (98). terns, enzymatic makeup) that lead to
dation to the environment (e.g., acid rain). Carbon dioxide. The effects of CO2 on intoxification by at least some inhaled sub-
However, there are only a few high-dose avian respiration and acid-base balance are stances sooner than other animals and prior
laboratory studies of the effects of SO2 on not reviewed here because CO2 is viewed as to the development of potentially lethal
sedentary, domesticated geese and chickens nontoxic, although this gas has been shown pathology in those other animals?
(19,80-83). to have pathophysiologic effects. Addition- Reviewing the dose-related pathophysi-
Carbon monoxide. The pathophysio- ally, CO2 may have important effects on ology of a spectrum of orally administered
logic effects of carbon monoxide on a range avian airway geometry (35,38). toxicants to a range of domestic animals
of animal taxa have been well documented Polytetrafluroethylene. Teflon and suggests that, in general, birds (most
and indicate the following relative sensitivi- Silverstone (EI Du Pont de Nemours and research has been completed using domestic
ties (84-89): canaries (most sensitive), Co., Inc., Wllmington, Delaware) are com- fowl) are not automatically and predictably
sparrows, pigeons, chickens, mice, guinea mon nonstick coatings on cooking utensils more sensitive to orally administered toxi-
pigs, rabbits, and dogs (least sensitive). In and appliances. When heated to tempera- cants than comparably sized mammals
the beginning of this century, Burrell et al. tures above 2600C, this otherwise stable (103). That is, birds may have a higher or
(84) cited Haldane as stating that "a mouse material emits several fluorinated pyrolysis lower, depending on the specific intoxicant,
weighing one-half an ounce consumes products (e.g., carbonyl fluoride, hydrogen sensitivity to an orally administered toxicant
about 15 times as much oxygen as one-half fluoride, and perfluoroisobutylene) that are or environmental contaminant relative to
ounce of the human body would consume known to be rapidly lethal to birds comparably sized mammals. Not only is the
in the same time" and strongly recom- (99-101). Severe necrotizing and hemor- direction (higher or lower) often not pre-
mended the use of small animals such as rhagic respiratory pathology is found after dictable a priori as to differences in sensitiv-
mice and canaries for the purpose of exposure, but the pathologic mechanism ity between mammals and birds in regard to
detecting CO in the aftermath of explo- underlying this condition is not understood, a specific toxicant, but there are differences
sions and fires in mines. Yet, despite all the as there are several breakdown products, among related (below ordinal level) avian
studies of the toxicity of CO in a variety of gases and particulates, emitted. Would caged taxa (104,105). In comparative investiga-
animals, we do not know the physiologic birds be a valuable adjunct to kitchen safety tions of susceptibilities to toxicants, it
basis for the different sensitivities among in regard to the presence of toxic gases? appears that often no attempt was made to
the different kinds of animals. A list of examine the effect of differences in meta-
physiologic possibilities would include ven- Discussion bolic rate (104,105). In regard to inhaled
tilatory demands, gas-exchange physiology, The morphology and physiology of the toxicants (gas and particulate), there is
the design of the respiratory system, and avian lung-air-sac respiratory system is strik- insufficient information to make any pre-
specific biochemical sensitivity. ingly different from that of the bronchoalve- dictions concerning relative sensitivities.
Ammonia Exposure of chickens to the olar lung of mammals. We suggest that the Some gases (e.g., CO) have a toxicity
levels of ammonia occurring in confinement bird's unique respiratory apparatus can be that appears to be a direct function of
poultry houses (about 20 ppm) produced productively exploited from two different metabolic rate and its associated ventilatory
gross and microscopic damage to the respi- viewpoints as a valuable resource in our demands, such as carbon monoxide (85).
ratory tract (e.g., loss of cilia) and made the understanding of respiratory (inhalant) toxi- But the available information regarding the
birds more susceptible to infection (73,90). cosis. First, the comparative study of animals pathophysiology of toxic gases in birds can-
Other investigators showed acute physiolog- with significant differences in their respira- not be explained simply as a result of their
ic changes on initial exposure (5-10 sec) to tory anatomy and physiology (e.g., birds higher metabolic demands. Although some
ammonia at low doses (1-100 ppm) versus mammals) may produce insights oth- gases have been shown to have an increased
(80,82), similar to the effects of ammonia erwise unobtainable (102). Second, the toxicity in birds [e.g., breakdown products
on the mammalian respiratory tract. ubiquitous distribution of birds makes these of Teflon, polytetrafluroethylene
Hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide animals potentially valuable in the study and (99,100)], others have been found to be
(H2S) is a toxic gas that inhibits enzyme monitoring of environmental contamination less toxic in birds [e.g., hydrogen sulfide
systems in animals (91), and a single (4,5). If birds are to be utilized to fulfill (92,96)] and still other gases show about
inhalation of 1,800 ppm can produce those broad scientific goals, we need to sys- the same toxicity in mammals and birds
death in mammals (dog and humans) (92). tematically study, on a wide variety of avian [e.g., ammonia (74,80)]. These limited
Inhaling 500-1,500 ppm for long periods taxa (adult and embryonic), the short- and results suggest that there is a complex rela-
can lead to respiratory failure and death long-term pathophysiologic effects of the tionship between a species' respiratory
(93-95). Chickens inhaling 500 ppm H2S inhaled toxic gases and particulates that are physiology, its pathophysiologic response
for 30 min did not exhibit changes in ven- present or released in the environment. to a potentially toxic gas, and other physio-
tilation; inhaling 2,000-3,000 ppm H2S logic factors.
for 30 min resulted in irregular and vari- Comparative Respiratory Physiology The respiratory apparatus of birds has
able tidal volume and respiratory frequen- and Toxic Gases evolved from the primitive, saclike, falveo-
cy; inhaling 4,000 ppm H2S for 15 min Observation of caged canaries, with experi- lar lungs of reptiles in response to the large
caused death (96). It is not clear why mental validation (79,84), served as the metabolic demands of flight. That evolu-
chickens are more resistant to H2S toxicity standard for mine safety during the nine- tionary process has produced a respiratory
than humans or dogs. teenth and early twentieth centuries. The system with substantial physiological differ-
Ozone. Newly hatched chicks are espe- popular press continues to occasionally ences relative to the comparable features of
cially susceptible to the toxic effects of report situations in which caged birds are other vertebrates. Among the most impor-
ozone and died after 5 days of continuous used to detect the presence of toxic gases. tant of these respiratory differences are that

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 105, Number 2, February 1997 197

Reviews * Brown et al.

birds have higher mass-specific minute ven- from the lower airways in mammals? Oddly, gy of an inhaled toxicant on a species,
tilation, V; higher mass specific effective it appears that in birds the phagocytic func- would it not then be possible to detect
ventilation of gas-exchange tissues, VP; tion of the mammalian airway macrophage environmental contamination prior to the
cross-current (parabronchi) and counter- has been taken over by epithelial cells lining appearance of clinical signs (e.g., analysis of
current (air capillaries) gas-exchange mech- parts of the birds respiratory tract. Much expired gas, body fluids such as blood or
anisms; and a gas diffusion barrier half the more work needs to be done using different examination of tissues)? Embryonic birds,
thickness of that of mammals. We suggest avian species on the fate and distribution of once the egg is laid in the nest, experience a
that such differences can be usefully inhaled particles, collection efficiency, avian much more local exposure to gases (partic-
exploited in our understanding of the responses (pathophysiology), and compari- ulates not considered here) than their for-
uptake and pathophysiology of toxic gases, son with mammals of similar body mass aging parents who may cover large dis-
but only if we study the interactions of res- under similar experimental conditions. tances in search of food. Examination of
piratory system structure and function and Early observations of the highly nonran- the embryo (and other egg constituents)
the species-specific pathophysiologic dom distribution of particle deposition in within the immobile egg could be utilized
responses to inhaled gases and particulates the avian respiratory tract provided the ini- as a monitor of local air quality. That is,
in a broad range of avian taxa. tial clues as to the strikingly unusual unidi- with the dilution of a contaminant with
rectional pattern of gas flow through the increasing distance from its source, eggs at
Comparative Respiratory Physiology bird's lung (23-25). We suggest that the different distances from the source would
and Aerosolized Particulates contrasting flow patterns found in the vari- be expected to take up (embryonic respira-
Birds often live in environments, especially ous components of the bird's lung-air-sac tion) different quantities of the gaseous
those found in population dense, poultry system can be advantageously exploited in contaminant. The differential uptake of a
production buildings, in which they are our understanding of the deposition and contaminant by eggs found in different
exposed to high levels of aerosolized partic- clearance of inhaled particulates, e.g., unidi- locations might provide information as to
ulates. Although it is well established that rectional flow in several well-defined areas; the dispersion pattern or point to the
birds suffer pathological consequences to discrete regions of the bird's respiratory source of a contaminant.
the deposition of inhaled particles, we are tract with distinct flow patterns and flow If we are to prevent loss of the natural
unaware of any investigation into the mech- regimes versus the heterogeneous mam- diversity, then it is essential that we under-
anisms responsible for such damage in malian lung; and comparatively stagnant stand, on a broad range of taxa, the patho-
birds. Further, we have little knowledge flow in the air sacs and their diverticulae. physiologic effects of the substances that
concerning the clearance mechanisms of the are released into the environment. The sur-
bird's lung-air-sac system. Comparative res- Birds as Monitors of Air Quality vival of birds depends on the condition of
piratory physiology, in regard to the Birds are ubiquitously distributed in essen- the environment that humans intimately
response to inhaled particulates, has much tially all of the environments inhabited by share with these flying dinosaurs. Yet
to teach us from two dichotomous stand- humans; thus, if we understood the effects whether we are interested in birds as moni-
points. First, we may find broad physiologi- of a broad range of inhaled environmental tors of air quality or as tools to understand
cal generalizations in the manner by which contaminants (gas and particulate) on a the pathophysiology of inhaled gases and
animals respond to certain environmental wide variety of avian species, they could articulates from a comparative viewpoint,
stresses that increases our understanding of serve as highly effective and sensitive moni- we need to study the relationships between
basic physiological mechanisms. Second, we tors of air quality (2-5). Several common the physiology of the bird's unique
may find animal-specific physiological avian species such as House sparrows (Passer lung-air-sac respiratory system and the
processes for maintenance of the homeosta- domestics, and closely related allies) and pathophysiology of inhaled substances,
sis of the respiratory system when contami- starlings (Sternus vulgarus) have colonized gases, and articulates (including those not
nated with aerosolized particles, which will almost every environmental niche (urban, now considered toxic to Homo sapiens) on a
provide insights into alternative responses suburban, and rural) across a wide expanse wide variety of avian taxa.
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200 Volume 105, Number2, February 1997 * Environmental Health Perspectives

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