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Bogotá, D.C., June 16, 2006


Re: Schedule of fees proposal. Bidding process XIS

Dear Mr. Pérez,

Reference is made to the above captioned issue.

In accordance to the meeting held in our offices last June 14 th, we propose a schedule of
fees of up US$250.00 per hour on the basis that we have planned to work approximately
thirty (30) hours on the legal study of the offer you are about to submit before the
Ministry of Communications re the XIS bidding process.

We look forward to receiving your response.



Bogotá, D.C., June 16, 2006

c/o: Mr. Juan Gómez
Legal Office Director

Re: Mr. John Smith visa procedures. No. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Mr. Gómez,

We proceed to inform hereby the following difficulties that have arisen in the
referenced visa procedure application:

1.-Unlike what is informed in your web page, and when filing the application at the
Ministry headquarters, we were informed that we had to do so but in the sectional

2.-Once the application was filed, the official in charge informed us that the issuance of
a decision on the part of the entity would take fifteen (15) working days. So far, twenty
five (25) working days have passed without having received any official decision

3.-Yesterday we went to the Ministry’s HQ and the corresponding official informed us

that all documentation was lost.

I kindly request you to take all pertinent measures and that considering that it was in
your offices that documentation was lost, no request to file it again be made as we filed
original versions.

Any notification can be sent to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yours faithfully,

Memorandum of Understanding

Between ________________, hereinafter “XXXXX”, and ________________

hereinafter “YYYYY”, jointly the “Parties” the following agreement has been
subscribed, hereinafter the “Agreement” taking into account that:

1.- XXXXX is interested in purchasing thirty (30) aircrafts from YYYYY.

2.- YYYYY has the capacity and availability to sell those thirty (30) aircrafts.

3.- XXXXX and YYYYY have all authorizations and permissions in place to enter into
this Agreement, as well as subsequent ones.

FIRST.- XXXXX will inform YYYYY before July 7, 2006, hereinafter the “Date,”
regarding the suppliers searching process its firm intention to go on with the purchasing

SECOND.- YYYYY will hand over to XXXXX all technical and commercial
information regarding aircrafts W, hereinafter, the “Aircrafts” for XXXXX to have a
sound opinion on the offered products.

THIRD.- XXXXX and YYYYY will hold follow-up meetings to evaluate and assess
other offers XXXXX may have received and which YYYYY might improve.

FOURTH.-Parties recognize that this Agreement is just a preliminary contact between

them and as such it will be interpreted and construed.

FIFTH.-Parties will deem all and every items of this Agreement as well as minutes of
all and every meetings held by them as confidential information.

Given in Bogotá, D.C., on xxxxxxxxxxxx




Attn.: Superintendent of Industry and Trade


File No.:::::::

The undersigned, of legal age, domiciled in Bogotá, D.C., identified as appearing next
to my signature, acting as counsel for XXXXX, a Colombian company domiciled in
Bogotá, incorporated by means of Public Deed No::::::::: granted before Notary Public
No.::::::::: of Bogotá, registered before the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá as
evidenced in the Certificate of Incorporation and Legal Existence, according to power
of attorney granted by YYYYY, enclosed herewith, file hereby a
RECONSIDERATION APPEAL (“Recurso de Reposición y en Subsidio de
Apelación”) against Resolution No.::::::::: of ::::::: based on the following facts.


1. On :::::::::::: my client applied for the registration of the mark ZZZZZ.

2. On :::::::::: such mark application was published in the Industrial Property


3. No opposition was filed against the mentioned mark application.

4. On ::::: that Office issued Resolution No:::: dated :::::: by means of which it
rejected the registration of the mark ZZZZZ.


1. The mark ZZZZZ meets all registration requisites set forth in the law

2. Mark ZZZZZ is not a generic one as it covers the products

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx not leading the consumer into error or into
his/her choosing the identified product by mistake.

3. National and international authors on industrial property have stated


On the basis of the foregoing I request your Office to revoke Resolution

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and to issue a new one granting the referenced registration


(1) Power of Attorney

(2) Certificate of Incorporation and Legal Representation


Bogotá, D.C., xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Dear Architect xxxxxxxxx,

I respectfully greet you acting as counsel for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

(1) The present document has the purpose of summing up today’s xxxxx legal status
and the work made regarding xxxxxxxxx

(2) Explication of this legal situation might be summed up in the following items:

(i) submission of your offer (in documents);

(ii) subscription and execution of a fixed-rate construction services agreement
by means of the acceptance of the offer on the part of xxxxxxxxx;
(iii) your starting-up the works once the services agreement had been signed with
the disbursement of more than ninety per cent (90%) of its price;
(iv) deadline expiring to deliver works and your not meeting the deadline (in

(3) Nonetheless, it is worth indicating that a fait accompli (or a damaging event)
took place, that is, your not complying with the main and accessory obligations
of the contract and the indemnification has not been requested to you directly
but to the insurance company you subscribed the corresponding insurance
policies with.

(4) Such insurance company has told us on many occasions that it will not
indemnify for any non-compliance with the groundless argument that you
obligated yourself to carrying out what is described in Annex No. 1 of the

(5) It is not technically possible for xxxx to issue an insurance policy under the
conditions it did with you; that a non-compliance took place as in fact it did on
your part and on the part of xxxxx, and that now you are explaining the situation
in a non-legal fashion as in fact you are doing now.

(6) Therefore, in force laws set out clear fields of legal actions which might be
summed up as follows:

i) Criminal Action against xxxxxx

(a) It is worth noting that a criminal action can be filed against you as fraud might
have taken place, being the victim xxxxxx (facts: fraudulent use of the
construction license and taking advantage fraudulently to carry out the services

(b) The criminal action might be initiated upon petition of xxxxxxx or as a result of
a third party notice and with the possible intervention of the corresponding
urban works sectional office.

(c) The competent entity is the Prosecutor’s (Attorney General) National Office
which would initiate criminal proceedings, and should the prosecutor found
there are grounds, he could go on with a trial and the imposition of a criminal

ii) Civil Action against xxxxxx

(a) Given the evident non-compliance of the contractual obligations on your part
derived from the contract signed by you, a civil action might be initiated against
you in two possible forms:

(b) Firstly, by initiating a civil ordinary proceeding by means of which a termination

action would be initiated and the corresponding indemnification of up
$300,000,000.00 Colombian pesos would be requested.

(c) Secondly, by starting a judicial collection process aimed at making the insurance
policy effective. In this case, a collection process would be initiated against
xxxxx, and in case of an order to pay being issued, given your negligence, such
company might initiate legal actions against you.

(d) We prefer the first course of action, which would entail requesting a Judge to
issue interim measures (estate attachment included). Its duration would take
between five (5) and eight (8) years.

(e) We understand the length of this process but (e1) the cost-benefit ratio favors us
and (e2) we have abundant evidence being the chances of success of the
proceeding high.

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