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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of Decides on the purpose Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful
and characteristics of different types of pre- for assessment and skills range of appropriate use of a wide range of
formative and summative assessment, formative to be assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support
assessments. and summative appropriately matches questions about students’ differentiated student
assessments. pre-, formative and learning needs and learning needs and reflect
5.1 Applying
summative assessments. progress. 4/8/23 progress.
knowledge of the
Begins to identify specific
characteristics of Selects assessments Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a
characteristics, and
assessments that yield based on clear characteristics into repertoire of appropriate
uses of different
different types of understanding of the assessments to allow assessment options and
types of assessments
information about purposes and students with a ranges of characteristics to
student preparedness, characteristics of learning needs to maximize student
progress, and proficiency. assessments to support demonstrate what they demonstration of
9/25/21 student learning. know. 4/8/23 knowledge.
I use a wide variety of As the year has I use a digital program for
formative and summative progressed, I have math assessments that
assessments in my assessed students in allows me to modify
classroom. Some many ways, both formal content based on need.
examples of formative and informal. At the end For example, if my class is
assessments include of every quarter, we struggling on dividing
observations, mini-white assess foundational skills, within 10, I am able to
boards, 30 second share, using the ESGI add more problems of
and 3-2-1. Summative assessment platform. this kind. I am also able to
assessments are built in Throughout the year, I delete problems related
to our curriculum work assess students through to a specific skill that
books. 9/25/21 observation, running students have already
records, think-pair-share, mastered. I always allow
whiteboard check ins, students the choice of
Kahoot! games, exit slips, taking a written or
four corners, and iPads computer-based exam.
apps. Etc. 4/29/22 11/22

Because many of our

assessments are
computer based, I can
add modifications, such
as eliminating a timed
response, and having text
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

read aloud. 4/8/23
Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental assessment data on provides formal and systematically
assessments. student learning. informal assessment data throughout instruction to
Follows required on student learning. collect ongoing
5.2 Collecting and
processes for data Make adjustments in Uses analysis of a variety 4/8/23 assessment data
analysis and draws planning for single of data to inform appropriate for the range
assessment data
conclusions about lessons or sequence of planning and Uses data analysis of a of learner needs.
from a variety of
student learning lessons based on analysis differentiation of broad range of
sources to inform
of assessment data. instruction. 4/29/22 assessments to provide Uses results of ongoing
comprehensive data analysis to plan and
information to guide differentiate instruction
planning and for maximum academic
differentiation of success.
instruction. 4/8/23
I definitely analyze When planning math
assessment data when units, I am always sure to
planning lessons and include 2 short quizzes,
grouping students. This an end of the unit test,
allows me to meet and various kinds of
students exactly where informal assessments
they are and offer throughout. For example,
appropriate support and we are currently working
challenge. 9/25/21 on solving equations
using the order of
In the beginning of the operations. Each day, we
year, I created flexible begin our math lesson
groups using mainly the with a short warm up.
data from the ESGI Students solve 4
foundational skills equations using
assessments. However, as whiteboards and share
the year progressed, I answers with me as I
analyzed data from circulate the room. This
various forms of informal gives me a good idea of
assessments. When who understands, who is
working on whole group making progress, and
lessons, I am able to who is still having
gauge who is difficulty. 11/22
understanding the
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

material and who needs My grade level team meets
more support. 4/29/22 often to discuss student
data that can be used to
guide instruction. Data
helps us create small,
flexible groups and focus
on targeted skills. Please
click the link below to see
our staff meeting agenda
for data review. 4/8/23
Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
5.3 Reviewing data, available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters
both individually and as required by site and data individually and learning individually and individually and with colleagues’ ability to
with colleagues, to district processes. with colleagues and with colleagues to colleagues to analyze identify and address
monitor student identifies learning needs identify trends and student thinking and causes for achievement
learning of individual students. patterns among groups of identify underlying patterns and trends.
9/25/21 students. 4/29/22 causes for trends. 4/8/23
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

This is my first year with My colleagues and I meet My colleagues and I
my district and I am regularly to analyze attend district wide
meeting with colleagues assessment data. Finding professional development
on a regular basis to trends among students workshops to review and
review data that can be allows me to predict analyze student data.
used to meet the needs of where students might These workshops allow
individual students. I need support or need to us to collaborate to
would definitely like to be challenged. 4/29/22 identify tends and target
learn more about interventions. We discuss
identifying and and plan ways to
comparing trends among differentiate lessons
groups of students. based on student need.
9/25/21 11/22

I have created small,

flexible groups for ELA
and math time blocks. Each
student is assigned a
particular role that they are
responsible for and can be
successful. For example,
roles include recorders,
speakers, time keepers etc.
Content is based on
academic need and
learning style. Please click
the link below to see our
daily ELA Rotation
schedule. 4/8/23

Uses data from Uses data from available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Reflects on data
assessments provided by assessments to establish assessment data to set data to set learning goals continuously to make
5.4 Using assessment
site and district to set content-based learning student learning goals for for content and academic ongoing refinements to
data to establish
learning goals for the goals for class and content and academic language that are learning goals for content
learning goals and to
class. individual students in language. integrated across content and academic language
plan, differentiate,
single lessons or standards for individuals for the full range of
and modify
sequences of lessons. and groups. students. 11/22
Plans instruction using Plans differentiated
available curriculum Plans adjustments in lessons and modifications Plans differentiated Uses data systematically
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

guidelines. instruction to address to instruction to meet instruction targeted to to refine planning,
learning needs of students’ diverse learning meet individual and differentiate instruction,
individual students. needs. 9/25/21 group learning needs. and make ongoing
adjustments to match the
Modifies lessons during evolving learning needs
instruction based on of individuals and groups.
informal assessments. 11/22
We are actually just I use both formative and I continuously review
getting ready to have summative assessments assessment data to refine
student goal setting to create flexible learning lesson plans, learning
conferences this week. groups based on stations, and small group
We will us beginning academic need and activities based on
skills assessments to learning style. I also use current academic need.
review strengths and this information to create 11/22
challenges. We will then lessons that might be
set one math goal and one needed to adapt content I allow students to
ELA goal for the first part if students have difficulty demonstrate competency
of the school year. with a particular concept. using different
9/25/21 4/29/22 technology-based
modalities, such
as interactive games to
reinforce math, spelling,
phonetic, and reading
skills, Power Point
presentations, and
homework assignments.

Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures Provides systematic
learning objectives, students to establish student self-assessment for students to self-assess opportunities for student
5.5 Involving all outcomes, and learning goals through and goal setting and set learning goals self-assessment, goal
students in self- summative assessment single lessons or processes for learning related to content, setting, and progress
assessment, goal- results. Recognizes the sequence of lessons that content and academic academic language, and monitoring.
setting, and progress need for individual include goal setting language development. individual skills.
monitoring learning goals. 9/25/21 exercises. 4/8/23 Develops students’ meta-
Integrates student self- cognitive skills for
Monitors progress using Provides students with Guides students to assessment, goal setting, analyzing progress and
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

available tools for opportunities in single monitor and reflect on and progress monitoring refining goals towards
recording. 9/25/21 lessons or sequence of progress on a regular across the curriculum. high levels of academic
lessons to monitor their basis. 4/8/23 achievement.
own progress toward
class or individual goals.
I am currently receiving My students and I set Students have learned
training from colleagues mini-goals when working how to monitor their
on how to explain together in small groups. progress in our
learning goals to Each day we discuss our Accelerated Reader
kindergarten students in learning target and program and Math Fact
a way that they will strategies for helping us Fluency program. We also
understand. 9/25/21 meet our goal. We discuss have frequent reflections
our progress and set new when working on specific
goals when initial goals projects. 11/22
are met. 4/29/22
Students are continuing
to monitor progress in
various areas and meet
with me regularly to
discuss next steps and
future goals. 4/8/23
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses available Explores use of additional Uses technology to design Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies to record technologies to and implement technologies into the technologies to design,
assessments, determine implement individual assessments, record and development, implement, and analyze
proficiency levels, and assessments, record analyze results, and implementation, analysis assessments and
5.6 Using available
make required results, and communicate communicate about of assessments, and provides for an in depth
technologies to assist
communications about with administration, student learning with communication of and ongoing
in assessment,
student learning. colleagues, and families administration, student learning to all communication regarding
analysis, and
9/25/21 about student learning. colleagues, families, and audiences. student learning to all
communication of
4/8/23 students. Ensure that audiences.
student learning
communications are
received by those who
lack access to technology.

I’m in the process of I am definitely

reviewing beginning implementing more
skills assessments to technology today than I
determine current levels. was at the beginning of
At the moment, the only the year. We use our
technology being utilized smart board every day in
is iPads. Student data is multiple ways. We use it
entered into ELA and for shared readings,
math game apps to target modeling math problems,
specific skills. 9/25/21 movement activities,
sight word practice etc. I
use my laptop to
communicate with staff
and parents via Parent
Square, email, shared
documents, or via Zoom

Parents can login to our

Accelerated Reader
program to view progress
toward reading goals.

Technology has become

an integral part of our
day. Our smart board is
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

used for morning
announcements, warm
ups, reading lessons,
math lessons, science
activities, videos, music,
and much more. 4/8/23
Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
feedback through additional feedback clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking and
assessed work and based on formative information about comprehensible feedback using ongoing
required summative assessments from single strengths, needs, and to students from formal comprehensible
assessments. lessons or sequence of strategies for improving and informal assessments communications about
5.7 Using assessment lessons. Seeks to provide academic achievement. in ways that support individual student
information to share Notifies families of feedback in ways that increased learning. progress and ways to
timely and student proficiencies, students understand. Provides opportunities 4/8/23 provide and monitor
comprehensible challenges, and behavior for comprehensible and support.
feedback with issues through school Communicates with timely two-way Communicates regularly
students and their mandated procedures. families about student communications with with families to share a
families progress, strengths, and families to share student range of assessment
needs at reporting assessments, progress, information that is
periods. Contacts families raise issues and/or comprehensible and
as needs arise regarding concerns, and guide responsive to individual
struggling students or family support. 4/29/22 student and family needs.
behavior issues. 9/25/21 4/8/23
Our school uses an app I meet with students and I use several technology-
called Parent Square. parents via Zoom a few based programs that
Through this app, I times a year to set goals, provide myself, students,
communicate behavior discuss academic and their families with
issues, academic progress, behavior issues, immediate feedback.
concerns, conference sign and/or parental These programs include
ups, weekly updates, and concerns. We Accelerated Reader,
general questions. This communicate regularly Think Central, Imagine
app is great because it is via email or parent Learning, and Prodigy.
similar to texting and Square for weekly Students complete
allows me to receive and updates, reminders, assignments, take short
send correspondence in volunteer information, or quizzes, and play learning
real time. general questions. games. Student scores are
9/25/21 4/29/22 then available for
immediate review by
simply logging in to a
website. 11/22
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Student accounts are

accessible from any
device. Therefore,
families can login at any
time to see what we are
working on in class via
Google Classroom.

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