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Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Mina’s letter to Jonathan

My dearest Jonathan,
Lately I have never felt more worried and alone. A very strange and
horrifying death just occurred yesterday, and a storm came on the very
same day. Me being unable to contact you just makes matters worse.
I have not heard from you in weeks, and it is making me anxious. You
always do your best to keep in contact and so I do not understand why
you have not tried to write a letter to me. I keep having strange dreams
of bad things happening and now that various problems have arisen, I
cannot help but be more worried than ever.
As you know I am in Whitby with Lucy so aside from everything else we
tried to have some fun. Lucy had some big news to tell me, and I could
feel it since I first saw her. Of course, only Lucy could manage to get
three different proposals! She loves and appreciates all three men but
had to choose one. The other two are still happy to be their friends and
are not angry about it.
We also met an old man called Mr. Swales and he is the one who died
recently. The day he died the storm was coming and what he told me,
and Lucy was out of the ordinary. He told us that he felt he might die
today and though not religious said that the storm was bringing a
terrible evil and he was right. The next day we found him dead. Not of
age but with his neck snapped and heart burst!
I could not stand to see him like that, and I have felt worried sad and
sick these past few days. The last time I saw him I did not even give him
a proper farewell and I will always regret it until my own death. Now I
feel guilt as well to add to this horrible list.

By Adam Kamal 8L
Wednesday, 19 January 2022

I cannot cope any longer. I need you Jonathan and I need to know you
are okay. I understand that you would write to me if you could, but if
you see this letter all I ask as my final request to you is that you come
home safely.

All my love Mina.

By Adam Kamal 8L

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