Good Advice From Bashar

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Good advice from Bashar

Quote from transcript “Bashar - Choice and Co-Creation”

Bashar: All That Is did not create the universe; All That Is created you. YOU created the universe. If you
wish to say All That Is created the universe, then All That Is created the universe through you. Everything
- EVERYTHING in the universe is your creation, and yours, and yours, and yours, and yours, collectively
and individually, because you are each your own universe.

Whatever you believe is true and valid and accurate for you - for you, and you alone - IS. And in your
universe, that is what will work. That is what you will experience. It does not matter that no one else
might experience what you experience. Your universe, and your experience in it, is still really real.
Because what you have been living in is the product of your imagination anyway. What you have for so
long considered to be the only /real reality/ is like any idea - only what /you choose/ to believe it has


Bashar - Surrendering

Surrender, in your language, in the sense that most people on your planet usually use it, means that in
some senses the kind of giving up that you do goes hand in hand with losing something of yourself,
giving away something, giving your power over; this is not what we mean by surrender in this context.
What we mean here is the stopping, the cessation of trying to be who you think you need to be and the
beginning of simply allowing yourself to be who you are, to surrender the personality game, to give up
the personality game that you have been taught for many years to think that you were supposed to play.
And in letting that go, in giving it up, in surrendering it, then actually allowing yourself to be what you
were created to be, which is in the image of the Infinite. Which means you are created to be unlimited
possibilities and, thus, then when you surrender the limiting personality mask that prevents you from
seeing that you are Infinite being, that you are unlimited possibilities. When you give that up, you are
then allowing the universe, which is a mirror, to reflect, not just the limited personality that you think
you are supposed to be, but instead to reflect the unlimited possibilities that you actually are and to
allow your life, as we said before, to become an infinite series of miraculous circumstances because that
is what you are, miracles of Creation.

And as we said, remember, you are Creation itself, you are the act of creation, you are the event of
creation itself. So to surrender to life, to surrender to Creation, to surrender to the Infinite, no matter by
what name you wish to call it, it doesn't matter, by so doing, you are surrendering to your true nature
and allowing your reality automatically to show you the miracle of creation that you are. And, thus,
then, your reality in physical linear terms can represent the miracle that you are by a continuous series
of synchronicities that always support you, that benefit you, allow you to experience expanded creativity
and abundance.

Remember, please, that this is physics not just a nice idea, not just pretty words. When we talk about
the idea of surrendering, we are talking about one of the most profound acts of love, self-love, creation
that you can do. And in so, finally, just letting go, just stopping all the trying, all the struggling, all the
striving of what you think you are supposed to do, in order to quote/unquote, "Have what you think you
are supposed to have." When you give all that up, when you finally just get so tired of trying to be who
you think you are supposed to be and give up because you just get so tired of trying to push this that
way, pull this this way, and make things fit, and make thing things fall into place, and make things work,
when you finally get so tired of doing all that pushing and pulling, when you finally give it all up and let
go, then, then the miracles happen, then you can experience life for what it is, unlimited possibilities.

So, remember when you surrender your personality, when you let go and you give it up, you are
surrendering to life, you are surrendering to the Infinite, you are surrendering to your true self. You are
not losing anything, nor are you giving your power away. You are once and for all, finally, allowing
yourself to actually be who you are, your natural self, your true self.

We will continue to work with each and every one of you in this manner and on this principle because
this really is, in a sense, the most important, the most fundamental principle of all the things that we
have ever discussed. And every other thing, every other tool, every other technique, every other idea
we have ever discussed with each and every one of you will all fall under this notion of surrender. For if
you do not allow yourself to be who you are then, really, anything else that we have discussed will not
really be fully allowed to function for you, to work for you, in the biggest most expansive way that it
possibly could. You might see little successes here and there, little glimpses here and there, but without
the surrender you're really, again, working in pieces through the personality which is limiting and this is
not what each and every one of you have said you want life to be.

So let us begin, day by day, step by step, to just let go, to trust, to not care so much, worry so much and,
again, we do not mean 'care' in the sense of no longer do you care for people; we do not mean it that
way. But to stop caring and worrying so much about the things you think you are supposed to do and
the way you think you are supposed to do them. But just let life show you who you are, and let life show
you how you can unfold in miraculous ways.
We thank you, once again, for allowing us, in this transmission, to remind you of the importance and the
power of surrender and letting go.


Great advice Based on Bashar’s teachings, taken from

Misconception: "Seeing is Believing"

(What we perceive determines what we believe.)

The Actuality: "Believing is Seeing"

(What we believe determines what we perceive!)

So, don't wait to perceive it before you start believing it! Believe it first, and then you will perceive it
accordingly. Beliefs ==> Perception ==> Interpretation ==> Emotional reaction ==> Thoughts ==> Action

1. Your beliefs determine the reality that you perceive. Your beliefs determine your perception of

2. You then immediately, automatically, (and usually unconsciously) interpret your perception of reality.
That is, you (arbitrarily) assign, project, and "superimpose" an interpretation onto your perception of

3. You then emotionally react to your interpretation of that reality.

4. You then have thoughts about this reality.

5. Then, based on your emotions and thoughts, you take action.

Beliefs ==> Perception ==> Interpretation ==> Emotional reaction ==> Thoughts ==> Action

When you are watching television and the current program displeases you, you do not try to change or
transform that program. Instead, you simply choose another program that you do prefer.

Likewise, if the reality you are experiencing displeases you, you do not need to "change" or "transform"
that reality. You only need to choose another version of reality to "receive", by synchronizing your
vibrations with the "version" of reality you do prefer to experience. It already exists. All you have to do is
"receive" it. You select the "channel" you're watching in life. TO CHANGE THE OUTSIDE, CHANGE THE


To be technically accurate,

People do not "create" their reality. They "select" it and "allow it in".

As an analogy, A TV set does not "create" the program it's displaying. It just "selects" it and "allows it in".
A radio does not "create" the radio program it's playing. It just "selects" it and "allows it in".

Realizing this, it should make it feel even EASIER to create/select/allow the version of reality you wish to
experience, because


All possible version of reality already all exist! (When they say God is Infinite, they're not kidding.)
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CREATE the version of reality you wish to experience. IT ALREADY EXISTS! It's
happening RIGHT NOW - on some other parallel reality-track. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS "SELECT" IT AND

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