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LEARNING UNIT 1 VECTORS AND MATRICES TAY-OUT OF LEARNING UNIT 1.1 VECTORS ~ BASIC DEFINITIONS AND OPERATIONS 1.2__SCALAR AND VECTOR PRODUCTS T3_ MATRICES - BASIC CONCEPTS, DEFINITIONS AND PROPERTIES ‘4 THE SOLUTION OF SYSTEMS OF LINE) 1.3 Matrices — basic concepts, definitions and properties Learning outcome: After completion of this section, you should be able to: understand matrix notation add, subtract and multiply 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 matrices recognise different types of special matrices calculate the determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix determine the inverse (or reciprocal) of a 2 by 2 matrix calculate the determinant of a 3 by 3 matrix determine the inverse (or reciprocal) of a 3 by 3 matrix 2455 5% Resource: v JAMES, pp299-347 1. Define each of the following: a) matrix, order and elements of matrix b) square, column and row matrix c) leading diagonal and trace of a matrix d) diagonal, identity and zero matrix e) transposed, symmetric and anti-symmetric matrix a) matrix tetowS and columS of vumbers ethese tows and columns is qroup together with square brackets @ etch of the numbers in the fows and colums are called elemeats of the matrix, © the oRbeR of the matnx is (number of rows) by (nanber sf olawns) « Examples : A= [ 3 | is. of ofder 3xa 4 Ot B= in =| is of order 2X2 4 2 b) Se matrix ‘ 1 Same nawber of rows as columns 8 above ma Sq uale watt ety : coluwn / row matrix (onsist of oaly ove columu / row (= | column matrix a= | 0, bees a baead Cow matnx NN 2) Leading diag onal : : 3 4) Diagonal mahix + |" r :\ yabiceR ooc matrix with 1s alon the leadin Aiagons| a Nee |e (60d i a 1,-[5 53] ° Zero wmatnx ie ae [3 33 | J Lada AL deatiby watrin ; e) “Treaspose of watrix : CF) Symmetric wettrx + write (ows 4S columns Lac A= ie 2 | 13 ATs [2 2 SEO s 3 waettical arsoud t adiag d iagonal 3 2. Define each of the following (A, B and Care Let Qi denote matrices and A is a scalar): 4 b) addition/subtraction BE of samt matfix hom 3 aze= Lay tdi fow {i and Coluan | c) scalar multiplication: ra= [ray] Simlerly for 8, properties of transpose: Tl (A+B)! = ; A = [aii] 7 eye a x (at) = A Ih. commutative law of addition: 6 = i ij A+B=$8+A a) equality: : the element of A=Be Gij =bij ea mM d e f) associative law of addition: A+(B+C)= (A+6)+C g) distributive law of addition: A(A+B)= hA FAB te 3x3 3x2 3x3 222 21 a Az=|il 1 2], Bz=/1 O|, C=|0 0 1 Zi i a 100 Find, where possible, (a) A + B, (b) A + C, (c) C — A, (d) 3A, (e) 4B, (f) C + B, (g) 3A + 2C, (h) AT +A and (i) A+ C™+ BY. fferent order (a) A+B not boss ible (4i {to ath itt] \__3 (b) AtC = fits 140 | s [. : 2 feat 14d Uo Let 3x3 3x2 3a3 i 2 2 ek 0 & 2 A=|1 1 2], B=|1 0], C=|0 0 1 ia 4 ao 4 100 Find, where possible, (a) A + B, (b) A + C, (c) C - A, (d) 3A, (e) 4B, (f) C + B, (g) 3A + 2C, (h) A’ + A and (i) A+ C™ + BY. ii —1 7 o-l (-2 tol -l < Cc- = Fel eel al A o-) 90-1 ee q svc ~t o-! o-t 1 [3 7a =—|-33-6 O|= la Ba Cd) 3A=< af -- \ Let 3x3 3x2 3x3 sa 2d 0) te A=|1 1 2], B=|1 0], C=|0 0 1 ta wl i ii (0) (0) Find, where possible, (a) A + B, (b) A + C, (c) C — A, (d) 3A, (e) 4B, (f) C + B, (g) 3A + 2C, (h) A+ A and (i) A+ C™+ BY. cf) C+ wot bas eine det) z (4) sasac = 3] ta {els ot oUt 100 3 | T Orde¢ Let 3x3 3x2 343 Cc a i 2 a 21 011 B: A=|1 1 2], B=|1 0], C=/0 0 1 ia 4 a 8 10 0 Find, where possible, (a) A + B, (b) A + C, (c) C — A, (d) 3A, (e) 4B, (f) C+ B, (g) 3A + 2C, (h) A™+ A and (i) A+ C+ BY. =e 1 2ii 2327 ch) AT +A = : vif ada. afa]a 2 | Weare! rut Sede Gy) AtCT 4 BT tot pussible (dif ferert ordes) 3. JAMES, p311,no.1, 3,5 Hl Given the matrices 1 a=/2], b=(0 1 11 0 5 6 32 1 C= » D=|7 8 a2) 9 10 evaluate, where possible, (a) a + b, (b) b™ +a, (c) b+C", (d) C+D, (e:) D™+C. e| Misa ca) ob) evaluate, where possible, (a) a + b, (b) b™ +a, (c) b+ C", d) C+D, (0) D"+C. ce) b+ C! aot possible (4) Cth aot possille ordet a: 3xl 8 URS G-i-a-n*3 h 5 3x2 CT . 3x8 OT + ax3 4c = ink (ir con (I 3 Solve forthe matrix X F 2 a [: 3 i x-2 = ie) 462 =i Le 2 ed ver o i seer ie k & F “7 iE to Wk =< t i} 5 Find the values of x, y, zand ¢ from the equation xX y-x+f) fl 2 f< sail (0 & a vat s2ayite3 a, aha Yoett 24 x b +4-2=05 bse Gay = Pay 33.2 . 2-1 = 1 > Baz Sea {* Maa = boa 4 ae & n 4. For two matrices A and B: AxB= a-[* =| cm e-[* | ay he by by then the composite transformation is written AB = ee + aby andy + a An Dy + Ay Byy — Anybyy + Ay byr Example 5.4 — Given z (Q) 2 1 -2 -1 [7 c=| 1] and C=|-1 2 -1 2 4 find (a) AB, (b) BA, (c) Bb, (d) A*b, (e) c'(A"b) and (f) AC. Ne: For a product AB toa@id we must have A zpos mx(h) and 8B of order a} @) Ab al Given Order Aba 2 0 A: ax3 saef} | Eh 3x 1 : = b: ari [3] c=| 1] and C=|-1 2 ; | -1 2 ame find (a) AB, (b) BA, (c) Bb, (d) Ab, (e) c'(A"b) and (f) AC. chy BA Bet prod (4,2) (1,9) (,) 2 2 ° a o ' 7 ane Given Order 110 ee A: ax3 AY. 3x2 [po af 2-[° +f 6! 3x2 1 3 x et gx2 i 1 2 [7 [| and C=|-1 | b: axl “A 24 ec: 3a] find (a) AB, (b) BA, (c) Bb, (d) A‘b, (e) c'(A"b) and (f) AC. he eB Given 1 x 1 2 o-[7} [3 and e/ | 2 -1 2 #4 find (a) AB, (b) BA, (c) Bb, (d) A‘b, (e) c'(A"b) and (f) AC. @) c™(ATb) - 3 = [i ime (3 a = [3-1-2] =[0] Order A352 Ah 30 62 3x2 ct 1x3 < c 13x? ath: 3x) b: £32] ax) Given and C= 1 2 = 2 2.4 find (a) AB, (b) BA, (c) Bb, (d) A*b, () c(A"b) and (f) AC. CF) AC eee 5. JAMES, p317, no.13, 15, 17 The matrices a8 ax: (a) AB impossible 3 2x*3 AC! peopl oaa_GNd acl aya Ga \4bta 24243 Ai 12 (3,0) 340th btotb C=/3 1 2 is AC = (3 i are given. 4 12 (a) Which of the following make sense: AB, AC, BC, AB", AC" and BC"? (b) Evaluate those products that do exist. (c) Evaluate (A"B)C and A"(BC) and show that they are equal. 12 2 413 A= ) B= wal [> 2 al and f 0 agt= (' 2 if 12 are given. 30 a 3 t (a) Which of the following make sense: AB, AC, eps i BC, AB", AC" and BC"? (b) Evaluate those products that do exist. (c) Evaluate (A"B)C and A"(BC) and show that they are equal. The matrices act = {' ? 4 \ ell ima) a ice 3 og f[ 718 les aby va pate and a we Tt 23 sahasile are given. (a) Which of the following make sense: AB, AC, BC, AB", AC" and BC"? (b) Evaluate those products that do exist. (c) Evaluate (A"B)C and A"(BC) and show that they are equal. a ft 0 2y A 1.5 B= eal and w are given. (a) Which of the following make sense: AB, AC, BC, AB", AC" and BC"? (b) Evaluate those products that do exist. (©) Evaluate (A"B)C and A"(BC) and show that they are equal. G@) (A7B) ¢ — fe Spee S ATB = [ al{2 all n pew & cw w ear The matrices x (Bc) Lo tiem (a) Tet @bid (; aI: ef and pe 3% «33 C=(3 1 = 2b 36 2 13) aq ae are given. (a) Which of the following make sense: AB, AC, BC, AB", AC" and BC"? (b) Evaluate those products that do exist. (c) Evaluate (A"B)C and A"(BC) and show that they are equal. 15 Given 3 2 42 A= and B= bal al evaluate AB and BA and hence show that these two matrices commute, Solve the equation a for the vector X by multplying both sides by B. AB = BA va) [i210 8-8 oe -isti3 oH - : i eee a u a ae =f Lex X=Le (2 2108) -E3] b= es See a=2) X = ae “Lael show that the product AB has exactly the same form Ag = ac +bd —ad ¢cb |: be tad bd tac eee 6. Complete the following (A, B and C are matrices and A isa scalar): a) b) c) d) e) commutative law of multiplication: AB associative law of multiplication: A(BC)= distributive laws: (A+B)C= — and A(B+C)= 2(AB)= multiplication by identity matrix: A= transpose of a product: (ab)! = (a) ati ” wl 2 i 4 (@) Given the matrix A = ki 1 verify that 2 z 1 a Al |=|_|and A) || = (-2) 1 4 2 2 and show that 2A” = A +I. (b) By repeated application of this result show also that for any integer n A’=cA+ Bl forsome a, B. eo (*] We wast show 2A 2=A+L 9 [4-1 fh - st) G5) Eom if Sie x] (% ;-") 255 ‘ a (4-1) \ea-t 141 es JAMES, p327, no.19, 21, 23 19 Given the matrices 101 A= , B= 2 i 2 21 C= Ls 4 evaluate where possible AB, BA, BC, CB, CA, AC oreo roe Given the matrices 10 2 A= Ns 212 2 i C= -1 2 evaluate where possible AB, BA, BC, CB, CA, AC oro ror Given the matrices 101 A= (ek 212 Zz il C= -1 2 evaluate where possible AB, BA, BC, CB, CA, AC oro ne oe Given the matrices 10 £ A= |, B= : 1 | L C= -1 2 evaluate where possible AB, BA, BC, CB, CA, AC oro roe 21 showthat fora square matrix (A’)' = (A"). 23 Find all the 2 x2 matrices that commute (that is 1-1 AB = BA) with 5 0 2 8. Explain how to calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix ret 9. Explain how to calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix. Example 5.14 —_ Evaluate the third-order determinant t+ + 12 4 -+ -| a0 3 + - + 31 -2 Choose any tow o¢ column: L Chose column 3! 1 1 a os eth 3 el; ‘\. >, 4 Bl -2 , 2 & -1 0 3 Ea = +(4) é il el; ae eof, = [eas] - @ (00) -6)] + cal Ci) (0) - Q\ci)| aa Ct-2] -@li-q + Calera] ee FF 10. Define each of the following: a) minor of an element of a matrix b) cofactor of an element of a matrix c) cofactor matrix d) adjoint of a matrix Wee 1223 | ooh 3B | -2 Cofactor of Bampiosas) € Valuate C, the cofactor matrix of i and adj , the adjoint 3 4 5 A = 6 -4 2 2 1 1 To calculate C2 © write down Con 2) but start with Write down wWext elements antil you a ° == eed eer ian th: @ Go bo tow 3 and repeat step eal Jeon -\ } =f ® Go te» row aud reeat steb =k \ 2 —l me Be @) Write down ths ag ain ee eT a ee a ee ari ‘ -& : cap | oy ae TigeSs seer -—«& 2 6 — _ [3 2 8 + cofactol of 3: Et) -Ghe)= “a A [ s = =| cofactor of ys (20) - Coll)= =4 cofactor of 5: (ki)- CHE 2 eTCc =r) -2 a C = (=; 3 ‘] ag ay 36 Gu = [F = a ( 2 ii Sh a adi A ES) ad joint of A 39 Determine adj A when 2 A=|3 2 2 a oe Check that A(adj A) = (adj A)A =|Al/. memes em Es | 3 “| vn--—- & wo pn WYX-w SS | l95 11. Complete the following (A and and 4 isa scalar): a) If two rows (or colui then |A|= ay [A] = ]an, an c) If any two rows (or columns) of a a a ay (Bl =| a, |A|=-|B) d) If B is obtained fropA by adding (say)fow 1 2+ Aa as + Aas aa 4 ae a1 a2 a =]a1 a2 as |+A) Cd =|A|_ Gince, by (a), the second deter |ABIAIP| Example 5.20 _ Derive the adjoint of 4+ —- + ae ae Ga, aa Cofactor of a, : +4aa Cofactor of a % — 4a Cofactor of 4, 3 408 (ofa ctor of 4, 249 _ [42a — 4a adi hk e Cc ~ (=U Peal 2 4s = aa Ay ~ (Ra 4, (seanlulens elements of A Calculate Example 5:20 Rue the adjoint ofthe 2 x 2 matrices 13 1 2 A= and B= ee 3 Qa Aig baa ~bia adj A = ee ay ] a4j8 = Bs bu ita [2S] 35 Evaluate the adjoint of 7 A= |e lee me aa ag ay 4 = ed 14. Define what is meant by a~, the inverse of matrix A For matix A, we defiue A7' ( the inverse of A) by the Following = Me eee (GE = tdenhty matnx) 15. Complete the following: a) IfA isa 2x2 matrix, then a-t= b) If Ais a 3x3 matrix, then a-? From exetcise 34 A(adj A) = (adj A)A = |All. Lets use A(adjA) =|L KAS AACA) = ALL Tcadja) = ATALL adjA = Av! A\ A“ = Tal aun Example 5.22 Find A“ and B™ for the matrices 12 5 2 4 (a) A= and (b)B=|3 1 2 2, 3 : Cae 3 tal = 0G)-@@=-1 oars ie al (b) B= 1 ows iB 2 3-1 i @ | cofactor matrix T will first calcalete C, thew it will be zasy Lo calcalate [6] . _ fs a 8B -l c= a2 -I9 -!? he 3) elect! een “12 ig] = GCS) +@)QHl) +(1,) (8) 4a nt ge pala -S5 22 @ a4BoC = ju -a 2 13 -1@ -3 +O Ac} = aay al 5 ie val mae 3 acco Ws —h Cb) (al = ali zl — (a) a veifrelernet —T ieee reall eels 01-3 oer, a | ; | Beal -a lt H -2) “4 Tonal —— in| = @)di)+ (fa) +98) 1 oa re = wife er ee = 1 =2 Fe alae dik = C pcb er and hence solve the equation a ao ee ees ACA=|0 2 3 A =i fas | 210 = es mT -1 To selve for © in ACA, 40 A ACAA 53) Verify that 0 1-3 A=|2 1 0 1201 has an inverse and hence solve the equation 21 7 ACA=|0 2 3 eS Ach= [oa | 210 We feed b5 solve for C : First multiply on the = left is us AACA = TA =CA © Then mal Liply on the right by AM? CAA‘ =CT=C Pubting steps ® ond @ together * (ae fea] AT! alo ot ail ae = Es |[8 3 ee as 1 -—2jbL2 1 o. -6 \ 2 ( —l00 42 —4 = oy ir cnn 44 (asta, ] rt dew Fe urs pas sei[-* (ye. an Fala) Se \ yee 57 For the matrix Av AA a2@ = 1 aa Tes = § A=|2 12 2.2 ed orien 22, \l221 show that A? — 44 — 5/=0 and hence that A= £(A~ 40), Calculate A™ from this result, maha Further show ht he inverse of i given by "te (211 — 4A) and evaluate. 38 4 10 0 ie 128 1a 2 A -uA-ST=1 eg 2 |-He 1 2 [-S1O 1° e224 me °° 48 : | (s i ale _ ee] bea ° - ¢ 24 ee & 2 00° Ss 208 Oo 3| 57 For the matrix Ae - kA - 5T =0 Ald AK-UA-ST=O 272 4 4 Av: AAA- UA SATO show that A? - 4 - 5/=0 and hence that A-4&I -SA'=0 A= L(A 4, Calculate A~ from this result Further show that the inverse of A? is given by AT = * (a- LT + (211 - 4A) and evaluate. ty zn 122 4 © Ae [2.3 —-{Oo4 zat oo aie 5 -3 a2 ame 343] ane. ) 2a uh =6h =e Av ouh esl # : at a 4 (A-4k) ats 4 (Aur e (Ae = (at —#AL 417% 4 shed -eA +I) 2s Gls uh) ny sn Tice ot - 4[2 3 Peels rot o-? o-8 ai—& ]

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