ENGL221-Assignment 8

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Introduction to Delivery
    Some individuals seem to have  natural aptitude for delivering effective speeches.
they have pleasant voice, good diction, presence of mind, and self-confidence. but
those who are less endowed with such qualities can actually achieve becoming an
effective speaker.
Principles/Characteristics of an Effective Speaker:
    1. Developing a Background of Knowledge
    2. Increasing self-confidence
         Simple Rules to Increase Poise and Self-control:
             a. Choose an interesting subject
              b. Know the subject well.
              c. Learn the sequence of the ideas of the speech thoroughly. 
              d. Speak aloud often.
               e. Focus attention on the audience.
               f. Be physically active while you are speaking.
               g. Remember that some nervous tension is both natural and good.
               h. Never give up and lose hope.
   3. Developing skill.
           the marks of a skillful speaker are fluency, poise, voice control, and coordinate
body movements. Combined with self-confidence and a background of pertinent
knowledge, such kill heightens the speaker's effectiveness.
 4. Principal Methods of Speaking
                a. the memory method
                b. impromptu method
                c. extemporaneous method
  B. Using the Body in Delivering  Speech
       1. Eye Contact with the Audience
       2. Posture
       3. Movement
        4. Gestures
            Classifications of gestures:
                 a. descriptive gesture - imitative
                 b. conventional 
                    6 basic conventional gestures:
                       1. pointing
                       2. giving or receiving
                       3. rejecting
                       4. challenging
                        5. cautioning
                        6. dividing
         5. Gestures of the Head and Shoulders
          6. Facial Expressions, Pantomime and Impersonation.
          7. Characteristics of Good Gestures.  (Qualities)
                Gestures, facial expressions, movements, and posture should be carefully
practiced before a mirror, preferably under the guidance of a coach to eliminate
awkwardness and achieve naturalness in execution.
               a. relaxation - best way is to move
                b. vigor - should show vigor and strength at the stroke
                c. definiteness - appropriate gesture for a particular idea; done with
                d. timing - the stroke of gesture should fall exactly on, or slightly precede,
the word or phrase it is meant to emphasize
          8. Adaptation of Gestures to the Audience
               * adapted to the size and the nature of his audience
               * use of a variety of gestures is advisable
C. Using the Voice in Delivering the Speech
              First duty of the speaker is to be heard and understood. He should
pronounce and enunciate his words clearly.
           1. The Speech Mechanism 
            2. Development of Good Voice-Production Habits
                 Three important things to remember:
                 a. breath control - control exhalation
                  b. relaxation of the throat and neck - a good voice id produced by a relaxed
throat and by a controlled breath
                  c. flexible and energetic use of the jaw, lips, and tongue - distinct and
precise utterances result from the flexible movements of the ja, lips and tongue.
            3. Vocal Quality - "timbre" or "tone color" 
                  Qualities of an effective speaking voice:
                   a. audibility - speaker's every word should be capable of being heard by
everyone in the audience
                   b. pleasantness - a pleasant voice s variable in rate or force and follows
the accepted patterns of voice, articulation, and pronunciation
                    c. variety - a well-trained voice fluctuates in pitch, rate, quality, and
volume with every shift in the speaker's ideas, attitude and purpose
                    d. fluency - a good speaking voice must produce a smooth flow of words
                    e. clarity - an audible voice must be clear enough to be understood by the
                     f. animation - an animated voice changes in pitch, rate, and force
            4. Unpleasant Voice Qualities
                   Vocal qualities to be eliminated:
                      a. thinness or weakness - lower pitch, increase volume
                      b. breathiness - practice producing the different vowel sounds softly
then gradually increase volume
                      c. huskiness or hoarseness - learn to expel the neck and throat muscles
                       d. nasality - train how to use nasal resonance
             5. Four Causes of Indistinctiveness in Speech
                  immovable jaw, the idle tongue, the lazy lips and too much speed
             6. The Variable Elements
                   Three elements:
                      a.  rate - speed
                       b. pitch - highness or lowness of voice
                       c. force - loudness or softness of voice
           1. Emphasis and phrasing
           2. Pronunciation
           3. Enunciation
           4. Memory
            5. Volume
            6. Gestures and Stage Behavior or Decorum

Watch a short video and discuss: 30pts.

 Is Anne Hathaway an effective speaker? 
What qualities does she have to be considered effective? 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkr57P0fwbILinks to an external site.

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