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Business School

[Replace items below with your own project title, full name and student ID]


John Johns

Student ID: 123456

BBA Aviation Management

June 2020

[Replace with your supervisor’s name]
Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

Declaration of Originality

This project is all my own work and has not been copied in part or in whole from any other
source except where duly acknowledged. As such, all use of previously published work (from
books, journals, magazines, internet, etc) has been acknowledged within the main report to an
item in the References or Bibliography lists.

I also agree that an electronic copy of this project may be stored and used for the purposes of
plagiarism prevention and detection.

Copyright Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that the copyright of this project and report belongs to Emirates Aviation
University/Coventry University.

Signed: Date:

Office Stamp

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

Abstract / Executive Summary

[Write here a summary of the project and its product or findings. Don’t forget to remove this
note and all similar guidance notes throughout this template

An abstract is a succinct review of the work stating what it was about, what was done and what
was achieved.

An executive summary is similarly a short review of the work it is intended to be read by senior
management and should detail what was done together with recommendations for action.]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

Table of Contents
Abstract / Executive Summary........................................................................................................3
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................6
1.1. Background to the Project.................................................................................................6
1.2. Research Objectives..........................................................................................................6
1.3. Overview of This Report...................................................................................................6
2. Research Approach/Methodology............................................................................................7
3. Literature Review.....................................................................................................................8
4. Primary Data Findings..............................................................................................................9
5. Analysis and Discussion.........................................................................................................10
6. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................11
7. Future Work...........................................................................................................................12

[The above table is constructed automatically by Word, by collecting items set in Heading 1, 2 or
3 style. To update the table, select “Update entire table”.]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

[This is an optional section, used to acknowledge the support or contribution of your family,
friends, colleagues, university staff (usually including the supervisor), your client and any other
external sources of help.]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

1. Introduction
[You may give here a brief overview of this section, or simply remove this note.]

1.1. Background to the Project

[Give here some information about the issues which gave rise to this project and explain the
problem area addressed and the potential users who may benefit from the proposed solution.]

1.2. Research Objectives

[List the main objectives of your project. Refer to the Research Specification Form]

1.3. Overview of This Report

[Optional section briefly outlining the structure and content of this report.]

[Note: this template assumes a “business” type project, but even these vary considerably and you
should feel free to use whatever report structure you consider most appropriate for your own
project. However, we expect all reports to have the same “outer” structure with only the
“middle” sections differing substantially. Thus all reports should start with an Introduction and
finish with a Conclusions section. We also expect all reports to have a Research
Approach/Methodology as well as Analysis and Discussion sections.

What follows is a sample of report sections, not to be taken too literally or too seriously.]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

2. Research Approach/Methodology
[Indicate why this approach is selected and any limitations]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

3. Literature Review
[The tile should be specified as per your topic and research field. Present relative secondary data]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

4. Primary Data Findings

[The tile should be specified as per your topic and research field. Present your primary data]

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

5. Analysis and Discussion

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

6. Conclusion

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)

7. Future Work

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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)


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Author’s name Report Title (shorten if necessary)


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