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Alex Mosco Establish and Maintain Working Relationships with Others IntroductionWorking relationships are vital to effective communication,

maintaining health and safety in the workplace, and building respect among individuals. Communication reduces the likelihood of injury on site, and facilitates a mutual understanding of processes needed to complete any given task to a safe and functional end. 1. I always discuss the needs of our group when working, and ensure that a consensus is reached. I am aware of everyones abilities as well as my own, and endeavour to work within these and enhance them. I discuss any points of uncertainty, establishing an effective path forward in order that the task may be completed to specification and to a clients particular needs. 2. I always suggest options with my group and ask their opinion on given subjects, as well as make suggestions to Adrian- one specific instance being unloading tools and materials over the bank on Phase Three o Potteric Carr whilst post and wire fencing. If I feel there is a more suitable way of achieving a result, I will ask others opinions. 3. When working with others, eye contact and a personable demeanour is vital. When lifting heavy objects, I emphasise timing and manual handling techniques are adhered to correctly, and that the objective of the task is clear. If it is not, I always reiterate the point in a manner that aids comprehension, never starting a process until everyone involved is happy with its execution. When an activity is explained, I listen to instruction, clarifying any points I may be uncertain of afterwards. This promotes respect towards others, and is what I would expect to be reciprocated towards myself. 4. Disagreements do occur, and are minor. There is no real personality clash in our group meaning such things are dealt with by discussing the options in a civilised manner, often reaching agreement very quickly and effectively. If I had a serious problem with someones attitude or working method, I would discuss it with them first endeavouring to resolve the dispute. If this did not work, I am aware that Adrian is the next port of call in a more formal complaints procedure. 5. I am tolerant, perceptive, and evaluative, and talk to people respectfully in a manner I would expect from them. I do not aim to isolate people if a disagreement arises, rather including them in a constructive discussion about the best way to progress any task. I rarely shout or demean people in an aggressive manner as this merely highlights weakness in ones own character, although I do not suffer fools or persistent and blatant ignorance.

I like to reason with people, listen to others, and relay my own knowledge in a manner conducive to completing a task. Eye contact, patience, resolve, and a personable character are vital to this, and when dealing with the public, all the more important. As representatives of B.T.C.V. and its ethos, I feel everyone in our group has these qualities. I have conversed on several occasions with the public, either just through pleasantries as they pass by, or in a more formal context to gauge their opinions on the tasks at the time. One specific example was during the motorbike squeeze installation on Phase 3 where some bikers came past. I said Ayup! and politely requested they help me check the width of our squeeze gap. Surmising that modern day mountain bike handlebars needed to pass through this access point, but that motorbikes needed to be stopped at the same point, I asked them to check it fo size. They could not ride straight through having to slow down and manoeuvre accordingly, leading me to believe our boundary restriction was suitable for purpose. Result! They were sound lads, were not where they should not have been and continued their thrash grateful at having helped, and I was confident that the squeeze was of the correct proportions.

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